Physical description

A hard cover printed handbook authorised for use by the Australian Military Forces. The cover is coloured blue and is inscribed with black lettering.
This is a publication providing the Order for a Combined Parade Service for general use at Chuch Parades of the AMF. The Order has been approved by the Chaplains-General of the Church of England and the Methodist, Presbyterian, and United Churches of the Commonwealth of Australia and is authorised to be used at Combined Parade Services.

Inscriptions & markings

The cover inscription is "AA Book 33 Revised May '67". The full title is "SERVICE BOOK with ORDERS OF SERVICE, HYMNS, PSALMS, Etc., for use by members of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND IN AUSTRALIA and the members of the Churches comprising the PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS". The cover also has the footnote "AUTHORISED FOR USE BY THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES".