Historical information

Thomas Fairbridge came to Cockatoo about 1919 to manage the store for his brother-in-law Henry Knight and later bought it. The shop continued to operate as Fairbridges after Thomas died in 1941. On his death he was First Principal of the Belgrave Holy Royal Arch Chapter, this in memoriam book was given to the Fairbridge family on Feb 14th, 1942


The lodge stated in the book -- The desire to pay homage and respect to the memory of our Most Excellent First Principal who passed to the Great Beyond in November of last year has prompted the Companions to present this token of the love and esteem in which he was held. To his loved ones we extend sincere sympathy. We offer it without reserve and with the most profound understanding.

Physical description

Leather bound book maroon in colour, with gold embossing. Held together with a maroon cord. Contained in its original maroon cardboard storage box.

Inscriptions & markings

Includes a family photo, of Thomas, Mary and Dorothy Fairbridge. Newspaper obituary, tributes and memorial service cuttings with handwritten descriptions. Signatures of members from the Belgrave Holy Royal Arch Chapter.