Historical information

James Chester Kerr Trewin (916-1965) was born in Orbost, Victoria, Australia and died there.
Service Australian Army  Service Number VX5640. He enlisted on 23 Oct 1939  at Sale, VIC  He was discharged on 5 Aug 1943 with the rank o Lieutenant  He was in 2/7 AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY BATTALION. 


This personal document gives an insight into the human element of World War 11 ensuring that those who were part of the Orbost community and played a vital role during this time are remembered.

Physical description

A rectangular laminated certificate which was given to James C. K. Trewin for contributing to Australia's effort in WW11. It is signed by John Howard-prime minister ; Peter McGauran - federal member and Bruce Scott-minister for veteran affairs.

Inscriptions & markings

On rectangular picture of the Australian flag - Their Service Our Heritage