Historical information

Tobacco farming began circa 1960 in the Kiewa Valley and consequently became one of its major industries. Many of the Italian families were involved in tobacco farming.


Historical: This equipment was used on one of the first tobacco farms in the Kiewa Valley at Mongans Bridge. The picking bag was home-made showing the resourcefulness of farmers living in the Kiewa Valley.
Provenance: This tobacco farmer came from Italy and was sponsored to visit a tobacco farmer in Myrtleford to learn how to grow tobacco so that he could transfer those skills to his own farm in the Kiewa Valley.

Physical description

Picking bag known as 'Sacco'. The bag was used as a liner to the collecting bin in front of each of the 4 pickers on the picking machine. The bag was then hooked closed and held the leaf together for transport to the shed.
Brown hessian woven length with 2 thick wires at 1 end hooked through 'bag' 100 mm from each side and hook on other end.
Shaped in 1 rectangle rather than like a bag.

Inscriptions & markings

Edges rough with wear and tear.
A couple of holes where weave in 1 direction has torn.