Historical information

This home was the second cottage built by the Old Colonists' Association, and was the gift of Sydney W.J. Clark. It was completed in 1925.

From the minute books:
"Mr and Mrs F.J. Williams, both natives of Ballarat, offered to build a cottage on the Association's ground at PErry Park [now Charles Anderson Grove] something after a style of the Hassell Homes. That Offer was immediately followed by another from Mr S.W.J. Clark, a member of the Council. Both offers were promOne of the first objectives of the Association was "to provide the shelter of a hose for those Pioneers of the Goldfields whom the reverses of fortune have deprived of the means of procuring the comforts of life in their declining years." The first home at Charles Anderson Grove was built in 1925. Before that time the Association provided relief for needy pioneers. relief included monthly monetary payments, loads of firewood, medical assistance and distribution of Christmas bosed of groceries to deserving pensioners, and in some cases payment of burial costs.

::a) The dominant purpose of the Association is to give public benevolent relief as a charity, but providing independent living accommodation in our Retirement Village for person in need who are over 65.
::b) To raise funds by membership subscription, commercial and residential rents, donations, gifts and voluntary work, for the purpose of providing direct relief of poverty, distress, misfortune or helplessness.
::c) To maintain the important heritage and ongoing viability of the Old Colonists' Association. (Revised Rules of the Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc., 2016)

Physical description

Colour photograph of The Old Colonists' Association Cottage at The Old Colonists' Assiation of Ballarat Inc retirement village at Charles Anderson Grove, Ballarat.