Historical information

This pin was created by Miss Annie Emily Gardner to raise relief money to support industrial unrest in Newcastle. It was reported in the Newcastle Morning Herald that Miss Gardner was vice-president of the Women's Organising Committee of the Political Labour League.

A copy of an advertisement for the pin has been uploaded here. Price of the silver pin was 2/- and gold 15/6. Photograph of the pin - to come.

Donated to Ballarat Trades Hall by John Mildren.


Significant to industrial action, union organising and the labour movement in Australia.

Physical description

Pin. Round. Sterling silver.

Inscriptions & markings

Silver anchor superimposed over a white globe (with silver latitude and longitude lines). A safety pin is welded to the back. Blue outer circle with inscription: "Organized labor the hope of the world 1909". Inscription on the back: "USA ???" in very tiny font.