Historical information

This book was published in 1952 by the Australian Poetry Lovers’ Society. This group was based in Melbourne and was founded in 1934 by George and Ethel Fielding. In 1973 a member, Harry Hastings Pearce, wrote a history of the society. This 1952 volume contains two poems by Thomas Terrington (born 1897) - ‘Henry Lawson’ and ‘Stella’. Tom Terrington was a well-known local poet and writer from Framlingham. He has been described as a ‘rhymster of flair and skill’. He was a self-taught person with little formal education and he worked at various jobs until he took over the general store at Framlingham in his middle age. He also recorded some of the history of Framlingham, a small settlement about 24 kilometres north east of Warrnambool. The identity of ‘Fred’ in the inscription is not known.


This book is of interest because it contains two poems written by Tom Terrington, a local 20th century writer and poet.

Physical description

This is a soft cover book of 50 pages. The cover is green with black printing and an image of two kookaburras on the front cover. The book has poems by 18 writers and a black and white photograph on page 10 of the late George Fielding. The cover is somewhat soiled. The book has been stapled but the staples have been removed. The inscription is handwritten in black ink.

Inscriptions & markings

‘To Fred with best wishes from Tom Terrington Framlingham 21.11.52’