Historical information

A postcard from Kristiania, which is the former name of Oslo, Norway. The title says 'Kristiania. Stortinget og Grand Hotel'. The Stortinget is the name of the parliament building, which is the building on the right of the picture. The Grand Hotel is on the left.
The postmark is 1924 which is before Kristiania was renamed Oslo in 1925.
The link to Legacy is not known. There are many postcards in the collection from different times and people.


This postcard has an aesthetic and historical significance, the perfect handwriting shown on the back of the postcard certainly represents a significant way of traditional handwriting used at that time. Postcards were a common form of correspondence in the early 20th century.

Physical description

Matte finished paper postcard with a printed photo of the Stortinget and Grand Hotel in Oslo, Norway. At the back of the photo has a beatifully made handwriting specifying the message and address.

Inscriptions & markings

Front side: Printed on photo, Kristiania. Stortinget og Grand Hotel. / 1220
Back side: Handwritten, Kristiania Norway 4 June 1924 / Dear Dode, I am back on the Lygneum and feeling OK. We are leaving here tomorrow. (Thursday for Fremantle, Adelaide, Melb and Sydney via Newcastle (Eng) and Durban. Kind Regards to all. Love to see mum. Charl. / Mrs. C. H. Carpenter, 235 Malvern Road, South Yarra, Victoria, Australia.
Stamped seal, Norge 25 ore post / stamp post, Kristiania 10 VI 6 M E 1924 P . N
