Historical information

This was the home of the Offszanka family from 1913; they came to Surrey Hills from Richmond. Carl Theodore Offszanka (1874-1944) was a furrier. Both he and his wife Ida, nee Schade, (1882-1963) were born in Germany. They married in Victoria in 1908. Their home was called 'Westfalia' (ref: 1919 electoral roll), presumably after the region in NW Germany.
They had at least 4 children:
Carl Bernard - b 1909
Marie Eliese - b 1910
Erna Helena - b 1913; d 1996 - listed at Guildford Road in electoral rolls.
Bernard George - b 1914; d 1987 (Surrey Hills) - listed at Guildford Road in electoral rolls.
The family were associated with Our Holy Redeemer and also donated class photos of the school to the collection.
Carl and Ida are buried in Box Hill Cemetery (RC 032-0034).
The semi-circular bay window is not original to the house. This home has had a 2nd storey added to it in late 1990s.
According to a family descendant (REF: Email 1/8/20 from grandson) Carl Theodor Offszanka purchased the home in 1913 for £616. He also purchased the adjoining vacant block of land at 42 Guildford Road and ran a large orchard on it before later selling it. This appears to have been between 1920-1930.
The family continued to occupy the house until after 1980 when Erna Helena and Bernard George are listed in the electoral rolls. Our property register lists Erna Helena Offszanka as the last member there. She died on 5 May 1996.


Members of the Offszanka family lived in this property from its beginnings for more than 70 years. Such longstanding tenancy is unusual.

Physical description

Black and white photo of a timber Edwardian home at 44 Guildford Road Surrey Hills. The home has 2 bricks chimneys, a corrugated iron roof, timber fretwork to the verandah and a semi-circular bay window. The facade of the house is partially obscured by mature garden, possibly including large camellias, with rock-edged garden beds and a central path. The front fence is not visible.