Historical information

Awarded to house captains at Norwood State School by the mothers club for house competitions between the years 1969-1973

Physical description

Brown wooden shield with 10 silver metal smaller shields, 5 with names on them, 5 blank. Banner type metal heading with 'Norwood State School' printed on it. Oval central dull metal with laurel wreath around it, and 'Mothers Club Shield' written on it. Wire for hanging is on the back, held by staples. 'House Competition' oval is on the bottom

Inscriptions & markings

'Norwood State School'; 'Mothers Club Shield'; 'House Competition'
Mitchell House, 1969, Captains - Christine Tee, Andrew McDonald,
Mitchell House, 1970, Captains - Michele Owen, Ian Hunt,
Burke House, 1971, Captains - Jenny Anderson, Darryl Whitaker,
Sturt House, 1972, Captains - Ian Jarman, Suzanne Holwerda,
Sturt House, 1973, Captains - Raymond Barro, Jenny Reddaway,