Historical information

The Box brownie camera was invented by Frank A Brownell in 1900 and further improved from 1901. Because it was easy to use, cheap and portable it became very popular. It was used by soldiers in the first World War and other models were marketed to groups such as the Boy Scouts. It was further modified until the 1950's and have been used until recent times


This camera has significance as a very popular model which was used by a wide cross section of people over many decades. It is one of the cameras which made photography accessible to many who would otherwise not have been able to use them.

Physical description

Rectangular black box camera with leather handle attached with silver studs. There are two latches at the top and a winder at the back. There are three circular cutouts on the top and two rectangular ones on the sides.There is a small metal label attached to the bottom.

Inscriptions & markings

Use film No 116 No Brownie. Brownie stamped into leather handle. On metal label on base: Made in USA by Eastman Kodak Company . Rochester NY USA