Physical description

Black and white photograph - Grade 4A, 1977

Inscriptions & markings

"Attached to photograph"
Back Row- L to R: Paul Evans, Timothy Stevenson.
2nd Row- L to R: Philip Merisch, Carl Handreck, Darren Moore, Jim Pumpa, Garth Kellet, John Bruce, James Patterson, Gavin Thorpe, Dijan Dinic.
3rd Row- L to R: Raelene Bonney, Robyn Ison, Kim Lun, Carolyn Ashton, Mark Bomar, Lisa Curry, Belinda Kempton, Sandra Dennis.
Front Row- L to R: Joanne Hanson, Cheryl Akins, Cathy Johnston, Susan Green, Louise Wright, Julie Ignatidis, Alison Brownrigg, Sandra Slowly, Jennifer Wells.
Front Kneeling: ?.

Teacher: Mrs Morrison.