Historical information

This doll's pram was owned by the daughter of Dr William Roy Angus and his wife Gladys when the family came to Warrnambool in the late 1930s. It is part of the W.R. Angus collection, donated by the family of Dr W R Angus, surgeon and oculist.

The W R Angus Collection spans the years 1885 to the mid-1900s and includes historical medical and surgical equipment and instruments from the doctors Edward and Thomas Ryan of Nhill, Victoria. Dr Angus married Gladys in 1927 at Ballarat, the nearest big city to Nhill where he began as a Medical Assistant. He was also Acting House surgeon at the Nhill hospital where their two daughters were born.

Dr Angus and his family moved to Warrnambool in 1939, where Dr Angus operated his own medical practice. He later added the responsibility of part-time Port Medical Officer and was the last person appointed to that position. Both Dr Angus and his wife were very involved in the local community, including the planning stages of the new Flagstaff Hill and the layout of the gardens there. Dr Angus passed away in March 1970.


This doll's pram is connected to the history of Warrnambool, as it was owned by the daughter of Dr W. R. Angus and his wife Gladys, and is part of the W.R. Angus Collection, which is important for still being located at the site connected to Doctor Angus, Warrnambool’s last Port Medical Officer. Dr Angus and his wife brought their young family to Warrnambool in 1939 and he remained a resident until his death in 1970.
Early in his profession in the town of Nhill, Dr Angus assisted Dr Tom Ryan in his pioneering use of X-rays and in ocular surgery, and Dr Angus later inherited these items. The W.R. Angus Collection includes these medical instruments and other related equipment and is culturally and historically significant as an example of the medical practice of the late 19th to the mid-20th century. Other items in the collection relate to Dr Angus’ service in the Flying Doctor Service and the Army.

Physical description

Pram has a folding blue vinyl hood and a rectangular, white wicker base with curved corners at the bottom. The base and hood are lined with white vinyl. The wheels have eight spokes and black rubber tyres. The curved handle has a metal bard the width of the pram, which is covered in a white rubber tube. The handle sides are joined to two curved flat bars that extend in an outwards curve away from the pram. The Hood is hinged to flip from the back to the front of the pram and is designed to can fold. The undercarriage has suspension springs. The pram is part of the W.R. Angus Collection.