Historical information

The little yellow and orange brick at 810 Main Road, Eltham, just in front of the Uniting Church (formerly Methodist Church) on the corner of John Street in more recent times has been used as an Opportunity Shop by the Eltham Uniting Church however the operations outgrew the tiny building and the shop moved to inside the Church hall.

This building was once the Eltham agency of the Commercial Bank of Australia. Measuring just 3.6 x 4.5 m inside, it was built in 1878 by George Stebbing and is said to have stored gold in the early Eltham-Research mining days. It was also once the scene of an armed hold-up. Thursday, December 15, 1949, the quiet little bank was embroiled in an infamous wild shoot-out between a daring thief and two bank officers. Today, the building still carries the scars ; a bullet hole remains visible in a cedar bench testifying to the events that played out that day.

Physical description

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