
Painting depicts a significant action carried out by the 2/6th Battalion, an anticedent unit of 5/6 RVR

Physical description

Large framed print of painting by Ivor Hele shows 17 Platoon 2/6th Infantry Battalion in an Italian trench during the attack on Bardia. The painting depicts the scene after the capture of one of the Italian dugouts by Corporal Brian Latham's Section.

The print is in a large mahogany coloured frame and has a matt finish to the picture. A smaller, separate frame sits below the print and contains the history of the painting. it is in a matching frame and has an olive card backing and the story is printed on an off white sheet.

Inscriptions & markings

A manufacturers label is located on the obverse
239 Burwood Road
Hawthorn Vic. 3122
Telephone 9819 5800

76 Harold Street
Camberwell Vic 3123