Physical description

Set of 9 MMTB imperial currency tickets and two decimal currency conversion tickets. Some tickets have notes or advertisements on the rear as noted. If not noted, all printed with black ink on coloured paper with black numbers.

1 - 3d - on a light cream paper, overprinted "City Section" and letter Vt in Blue, numbers 244515 and 244516, both with Stamina trousers adverts on rear.

2 - 6d - red ink on off white paper - GE 751538 (has been creased badly)

3 - 6d - red ink on pink paper - overprinted "City Section" Qd 523894 - has dirt marks at top and stains on right hand side

4 - 7d - blue ink on off white paper, overprinted "City Section" in black ink, Ab901555 - with pencil note "Wed 23 Dec 1964 ? Collins St Sp St to Swanston St."

5 - 7d - on orange paper Ah 040296 - with an advert for "Blind babies" help on rear.

6 - 10d - on pink paper Ch 034301 - with a "Hicks advert on rear - 385 Bourke St for a trade in on a new Kelvinator Refrigerator"

7 - 10d - on off white paper, printed in blue ink, O 212360, with Stamina trousers adverts on rear

8 - 1/- on off white paper, Am 865950

9 - 7d / 6c - decimal conversion - orange paper, numbers Aq 548056 and An 795888, the second with a note in pencil on the rear "W2 604 6pm Glenferrie Road Gardiner to Camberwell 7D Fri 14 Nov 1965"