Historical information


Leader (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1918, 1935), Saturday 15 June 1912, page 48

A new home for destitute and neglected children, erected for the purpose of carrying on the work of the late Miss Sutherland, was formally opened by the Premier (Mr. Watt) at 28 Drummond-street on Thursday. The new building has been erected at a cost of £1600, of which only £300 has been provided by the Government. A similar sum has been raised by private contribution, but there is still a debt of £800 or £900, which the committee hopes to liquidate shortly - to some extent by means of a sale of gifts, which was 'opened in the building, and will be continued this afternoon and evening.

The Premier, in performing the opening ceremony, said the home was a monument to the life work of one of the most distinguished social servants this country had known. (Applause.) Although Miss Sutherland was dead her good work lived on. It was too often true, as Shakespeare said, that "the evil that men do lives after them - the good is oft interred, with their bones." But the statement was contradicted by this noble building, erected for the commemoration of the work Miss Sutherland had instituted. After referring to the good work done by Mrs. Alexander Smith in connection with the building, Mr. Watt said that Victoria owed to the ladies and gentlemen who associated themselves with asylums, refuges, orphanages and homes of this sort a deep and abiding debt of gratitude. (Applause.) With no coercion from the Legislature, or from anyone, these ladies and gentlemen, were endeavouring to organise and keep alive the services that surrounded these institutions. There was no form of organised charity with which he was acquainted that deserved better of the public than this one. (Hear, hear.) Their hospitals, it was true, relieved a vast amount of suffering and affliction, but there was a sacred duty resting on any civilised community to see that those who were forsaken by their natural parents or guardians should not be left absolutely to the mercy of circumstance.

The new home, which is intended as a receiving, house for destitute children - prior to their departure for the home at Diamond Creek - has living accommodation for some 20 children, but when fully furnished will accommodate more. It is plainly, but neatly, fitted up, with an abundance of light and air, and of facilities for hot and cold water. Both outside and inside it is an acquisition to the charitable institutions of the city.
NEW SUTHERLAND HOME. (1912, June 15). Leader (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1918, 1935), p. 48. Retrieved March 14, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article198132028

See also
Sutherland Homes for Children
Nov 29, 2012

The building was replaced by a much larger building in 1929
See NNT_107

Physical description
