Showing 686 items
matching a. bales
National Wool Museum
Stencil - VIA
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Via was used when the bale was travelling through or stopping at a place before its final destination.Wool bale export stencil - VIAVIAwool exportation, wool selling -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Townsville is a city in Queensland. Wool bales marked TOWNSVILLE would have been transported to Queensland.Wool bale export stencil - TOWNSVILLETOWNSVILLEwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Photograph - Wool Bales Stored on a Ship, 1960s
... Wool Bales Stored on a Ship ...One of fifty one photographs originally in a photo album found in the National Wool Museum’s office. The album was water damaged and the images were removed for conservation. The images follow the process of wool. Beginning in a sheep paddock and finishing as a folded fabric. It includes all the steps in between in this process, including shearing, transporting, selling, washing and the many different steps in the process of turning a single thread of wool into fabric.Black and white image showing bales of wool stored in the hold of a ship. Three men are standing amongst the bales.AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL PUBLICITY / ASSOCIATION / FLINDERS STREET RAILWAY BUILDING, / MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA / W42. Looking down into the hold of a / ship where the bales are stored / for transport overseas.wool industry, working life, women, boonoke station, farming, sheep farming, agriculture, sheep stations, transport, wool processing, shearing, textile industry, wool -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - PUSAN
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Busan, formerly romanized as Pusan, is a large port city in South Korea. Wool bales marked PUSAN would have been transported to Busan by sea.Wool bale stencil - PUSANPUSANwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
Functional object - Stencil, LAMBS, Unknown
This stencil was used as a wool classification stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Classification stamps like these had to be approved by a Wool Classier and described the quality of wool inside the bale.Wool bale export stencil - LAMBSLAMBSwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - 0 ENSAY
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Ensay is a town in Victoria. Wool bales marked ENSAY would have been transported from or to Ensay.Wool bale stencil - 0 ENSAY0 ENSAYwool sales, wool transportation, wool export -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - AUGUSTA
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Augusta is a town in Western Australia. Wool bales marked AUGUSTA would have been transported to Augusta.Wool bale export stencil - AUGUSTAAUGUSTAwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Wool bales marked COPENHAGEN would have been transported to Denmark by sea.Wool bale export stencil - COPENHAGENCOPENHAGENwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Alexandria is a city in Egypt. Wool bales marked ALEXANDRIA would have been transported to Egypt by sea.Wool bale export stencil - ALEXANDRIAALEXANDRIAwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - CORK
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Cork is a city in Ireland. Wool bales marked CORK would have been transported to Ireland by sea.Wool bale export stencil - CORKCORKwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - VIRGINIA
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Virginia is a state in the USA. Wool bales marked VIRGINIA would have been transported to USA by sea.Wool bale export stencil - VIRGINIAVIRGINIAwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - CAPRERA
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Caprera is an island in Italy, Wool bales marked CAPRERA would have been transported to Italy by sea.Wool bale export stencil - CAPRERACAPRERAwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - 8NK
This stencil was used as a wool classification stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Classification stamps like these had to be approved by a Wool Classier and described the quality of wool inside the bale.Wool bale export stencil - 8NK8NKwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - KEMBLA
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Port Kembla is a suburb of Wollongong. Wool bales marked KEMBLA would have been transported to Wollongong.Wool bale export stencil - KEMBLAKEMBLAwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - PALMA
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Palma is a city in Spain. Wool bales marked PALMA would have been transported to Spain by sea.Wool bale export stencil - PALMAPALMAwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - 1NK
This stencil was used as a wool classification stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Classification stamps like these had to be approved by a Wool Classer and described the quality of wool inside the bale.Wool bale export stencil - 1NK1NKwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - SALONIKA
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Salonika is a city in Greece. Wool bales marked SALONIKA would have been transported to Greece by sea.Wool bale export stencil - SALONIKASALONIKAwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Blumenthal is a port in Germany. Wool bales marked BLUMENTHAL would have been transported to Germany by sea.Wool bale export stencil - BLUMENTHALBLUMENTHALwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Rotterdam is a city in the Netherlands. Wool bales marked ROTTERDAM would have been transported to the Netherlands by sea.Wool bale export stencil - ROTTERDAMROTTERDAMwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - EILAT
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Eilat is a city in Israel. Wool bales marked EILAT would have been transported to Israel by sea.Wool bale export stencil - EILATEILATwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Vladivostock is a city in Russia. Wool bales marked VLADIVOSTOCK would have been transported to Russia by sea.Wool bale export stencil - VLADIVOSTOCKVLADIVOSTOCKwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Ventspils is a city in Latvia. Wool bales marked VENTSPILS would have been transported to Latvia by sea.Wool bale export stencil - VENTSPILSVENTSPILSwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - ISTANBUL
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Istanbul is a city in Turkey. Wool bales marked ISTANBUL would have been transported to Turkey by sea.Wool bale export stencil - ISTANBULISTANBULwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - CALCUTTA
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Calcutta is a city in India. Wool bales marked CALCUTTA would have been transported to India by sea.Wool bale export stencil - CALCUTTACALCUTTAwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - RIJEKA
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Rijeka is a city in Croatia. Wool bales marked RIJEKA would have been transported to Croatia by sea.Wool bale export stencil - RIJEKARIJEKAwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - SEVILLE
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Seville is a city in Spain. Wool bales marked SEVILLE would have been transported to Spain by sea.Wool bale export stencil - SEVILLESEVILLEwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - OSTEND
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Ostend is a city in Belgium. Wool bales marked OSTEND would have been transported to Belgium by sea.Wool bale export stencil - OSTENDOSTENDwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - BORDAUX
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Bordaux is a city in France. Wool bales marked BORDAUX would have been transported to France by sea.Wool bale export stencil - BORDAUXBORDAUXwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - TORONTO
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Toronto is a city in Canada. Wool bales marked TORONTO would have been transported to Canada by sea.Wool bale export stencil - TORONTOTORONTOwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - UXBRIDGE
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. Uxbridge is a town in England. Wool bales marked UXBRIDGE would have been transported to England by sea.Wool bale export stencil - UXBRIDGEUXBRIDGEwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers