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Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Guildford Cemetery
Headstones from the Guildford Cemetery. Headstones found in the cemetery include: ALFORD Phyllis Edith ANDERSON Phyllis Mary BARASSI Guiseppi, Jemima, Ann Conolly, Carlo Guiseppi, Carlo Guiseppi BAUD Catherine Edith BIRD Axel Jackson BISHOP George F, Elizabeth Futtrel BLACKMORE Lindsay Horace, Thelma Phyllis BLIGHT Edith Ann BLINKHORN Billinge, Amy Clark BOOTH Lyn BOURKE Gordon, Margaret BRANDON Janet Annie BYATT Elizabeth CANEVASCINI Vincenzo CARTER David, Ruth Vida CARTER Frank Noel CARTER Peggy Dawn CARTER Ruth, Strutten CASLEY George Alfred CERCHI Brian Maxwell CHAPMAN Stephen Henry James COX James, Sarah DARROCH Jennifer Anne DARROCH Robert Henry, Madge Annie DAVIES Marlene Kaye DAVIS Mark Richard DELL John, Anna DELMENICO Charles David, Robina May DELMENICO Giuseppe, Margaret DELMENICO Ivy May DELMENICO Jack, Adeline Marie DELMENICO Morris Charles DELMENICO Morris Vivian, Christina DELMENICO Pasqual Levio, Mary Ann DELMENICO Victor Guildford, Daisy Evelyn DELMENICO Victor M, Catherine DELMENICO Angelina (Quadri) DERRETT Edith Ellen DERRETT John William DOWNEY C L DOWNEY John Neville ELLIS Louisa, James, Emily, Edith Mary EMMETT Elsie Victoria, Robert Gordon ENVALL Paul Persson EVANS William George EVANS Florence Jane, William George EVANS John Herbert EWIN George Alton Cedric EWIN - MARTIN Marjorie Patricia FARRELL Lawrence John FLEMING James FOLETTI James Desmond FOLETTI John, Beatrice Emily FOLETTI Joseph, Susan Juliet FOLETTI Nell FOLETTI Virginia, John Alfred FOUND Joyce Lily FOUND Laurence Charles FRANZI Ann, Guiseppi Angelo FRANZI Clifford J, Ivy I FRANZI Marjorie, Harcourt F FRANZI Norman Charles FRANZI Sydney Gladstone, Augustus Lewis FRANZI Walter Edward, Amelia Selina FRANZI Giuseppi, Mary Ann Geeves, Edgar Alberto GALLICIOTTI G D GIBSON Frank D, Irene E GILL Charles Clifford GILL Gordon E, Alma M GILL Henry J E, Jane GLEN Douglas William GLEN Heather Lynette GLEN Winifred, Robert Alexander GLEN Robert Maxwell Stuart GLEN Ronald William GREENING Alfred James, Joyce HARDING Albert HARRIS Baby daughter of Raymond and Gail HARRIS Raymond John Wright HARRIS F D, Olwen Jennett HASSELL Marian HILL Daniel, Ada Maude HILL Isobel Mary, Daniel HILL Louisa Elizabeth, Emilie Jane, Robert, Sarah Jane HILL Frederick T HOLLAND Derek Patrick HOLLAND Anthony HOWLETT Walter , Zillah May HUNTER Bruce Andrew INGRAM Florence Ada KAY Gordon F, Beatrice KELLY Margaret KIDMAN Ann, John William KIDMAN George W, Mary Ann, Charlotte, Thomas KIDMAN Mary Jane, George J, George, Robert KIMPTON Violante O, Albert KINGSLEY Elizabeth KIRKPATRICK Colin McKay KIRKPATRICK Cyril E KIRKPATRICK Israel, Maria KIRKPATRICK Roy D KIRKPATRICK William H, Margaret LEE Annie Isobel (Vosti) LEONI Amy, Celestino LEONI Rosa LOMAS Robert A MANNING Roger Fielding MARSH Anthony Joseph MARTIN Sarah Jane, Wilfred MARTINOJA Filippo, Antonio, Domenica MARTINOJA Margaret McDONALD Ronald, Doris Annie McELHINNEY David G, Charles Galbraith McELHINNEY David Lewis, Mary Dorothy McELHINNEY Emily McGARRIGLE William L McKENDRY James Henry McQUEEN Charles, Olive May MEANEY Albert John, Emma Tomsey MEGEE Kay Leonore MEIN Alma Joan MEIN Ethel Muriel MEIN Eva, Norman D MEIN Florence MEIN Leonard Alvin, Hilda Margaret MEIN Wilfred Gordon MINHINNICK James Henry, Kathleen Dorothy Rose MOLLOY Matilda Seraphina, Richard, Matilda Winifred NICHOLLS G D, William NORTH Henry NORTH Henry, Margaret, Susannah OAKFORD W OLIVER PALLOTT Ernest Hiram PASSALAQUA Albert John, Louisa Emily PASSALAQUA Frederick, Prospero, Mary Ann PASSALAQUA John Antonio PASSALAQUA Laurie, Joyce PASSALAQUA Peter Francis PASSALAQUA Ronald Francis PASSALAQUA Virginia PASSALAQUA Zoe Victoria PASSALAQUA Frank PEDLER Horace Roy, Thelma PERRY Betty May (Simms), Alan Graham PIETSCH Allan William PIETSCH Florence Annie PINCINI Venanzia (formerly Bonetti, Leoni) POOLE Harry, Beryl Lyell POWELL Mary J, John PROWSE William Hubert PYWELL Albert James RALPH George RANKIN Percy, Harriet RASMUSSEN Eileen RAY Arthur Thomas REECE Ernest, Katie ROBERTS David, Lily ROBERTS Hannah Vernon ROBINS Davina B J RUSCONI Jane, John, Carlo, Carlo, William SCOTT Marietta SEWART Isaac, Margaret SHEEN Kenneth, Louisa SIMMONDS Lance Kurt, Rachael Pamela SIMMS Leslie T, Veronica Victoria SIMMS Margaret Jane, Harold Norman SIMMS Thomas, Louisa Emily SMARK Michael Joseph SMITH Annie Ethel SMITH Leslie Victor SOUTHWOOD William, Emily Thorpe STEVENS Clarence David, Ida STEVENS Daphne Jean, Arthur STEVENS Herbert Charles STEVENS Isobel, George STEVENS John, Fanny, Sarah STEVENS Leslie, Elaine STEVENS Mary K, Samuel STEVENS Mavis Ina, Roy Clifford STEVENS Roland Oswald STEVENS Samuel STEWART Charles, Catherine, Philip STEWART Francis, Ann STEWART Francis, Delfina STEWART Francis, Mary STEWART James A, Alice STEWART Leslie William STEWART Mary Madalene STEWART William STEWART William D, Gladys Irene STREETER Margaret Eugenie STREETER W G STURGESS Alan Robert STURGESS Albert John TAYLOR T R THOMAS Lily Ann THOMPSON Edwin James THOMSON - EWIN Kimley THORNHILL Peter Charles THRUSSELL R J - wooden cross TIRINANZI Pasqual TITHER Arthur, Mary Elizabeth TOGNI Angelina May, Massimo TOGNI Mary Caroline, Antonio Battista TRACEY Jacquiline Carol TRANTER Phyllis Elsie, Benjamin Alfred TREVENA George Robert TRUDGEON Eric, Vera May TULLO George TULLO John, Catherine TULLO John, Isabella TYZACK Dorothy Edith, Thomas William Paul TYZACK Harold Gordon, Louisa Caroline TYZACK Helen Adele UDEN Dorothy UNKNOWN Ron UNWIN Edward J, Edward G T VACA Milan, Margaret Mary VERLIN Elizabeth, James VOSTI Antonio Domenico, Victoria Kate VOSTI Brian Joseph VOSTI Giovanni Antonio VOSTI Joseph Charles, Ivy Elizabeth VOSTI William Francis VOSTI Antonio Domenico VOSTI Lucinda Margaret (Keating) WALKER David, William WATSON Mary Ascot (Vosti) WERNER George William WESTBROOK Dawn Frances, Eric Ernest WHARTON Richard, Jane WHARTON Thomas, Mary WHIDBOURNE Joyce Eileen WILLOUGHBY Trevor John WOOD Caroline V, E May WOOD Edwin David, Edna Letitia WOOD Edwin, Madeline WRIGHT Margaret, Annie Jane WRIGHT Reuben, Jessie, Elijah, Olive WYLIE William Abecrombie ZEPNICK Dennyvosti, delmenico, martonoja, sellars, guidlford, guildford cemetery -
Expression Australia
Newsletter, The Victorian Deaf News April-May-June 1936
Published by the Deaf Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria'The Victorian Deaf News' Newsletter is a significant publication as an historical record giving and insight into the people, activities and events of the Deaf Community in VictoriaVol. 1 No. 2 (New Series) April-May-June 1936; Size 24.5cmHx18.5cmW; 20 pagesgeorge oakley, maggie cruickshank, mr and mrs frank dyble, abraham, johnston, mary retallick, allsopp, doney, l. sanders, melby allsopp, maisie reiffel, ruby mcdonald, dulcie jones, betty doyle, ludbrook, ashby, monahan, hately, bay steamesr, evans, peters empson, johnston, elsie abraham, louis mccubin, john longstaff, elsie spears jackson, anniesecombe, e. thomas, gladys bates, andrew rankine, paqualin, don wallis, damman, e. roxburgh, arthur morgan, h. r. gillett, frank williams, t. parkinson, jack boal, annie webb, davis, margaret gibson, e. r. noble, j. m. johnston, e. sturcke, emma reade, williamson, allen, mona stevens, colin johns, o. quinton, a. stokes, d. ashby, w. dunstan, roy windridge, g. thomas, c. mortimer, arthur edward raines, jean mccollough, w. mcmillin, dorothy campbell, herbert wilson, harold w. bickford, elizabeth jones, william jones, a. e. clarkson, -
Expression Australia
Newsletter, The Victorian Deaf News June 1937
Published by the Deaf Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria'The Victorian Deaf News' Newsletter is a significant publication as an historical record giving and insight into the people, activities and events of the Deaf Community in Victoria.Vol. 2 No. 5 (New Series) June 1937; Size 24.5cmHx19cmW; 16 pagese. r. noble, w. a. waterstrom, w.a. paterson, r. h. luff, ed johnson, h. mckenzie, reiffel, mcdonald, hunt, j. stewart, maurice mark, e. russell, r. cornell, g. b. mortimer, g. oakley, colin johns, mrs m. thompson, w. nancarrow, g. mahoney, ambrose moloney, collins, stokes, sturcke, kitty burke, johns, stewart, o. quinton, ruskin's motor body works, underwood, e. johnson, taylor's timber mills, jennings, williams, eric johnston, gibson, hately, jim walters, roy windridge, ferguson, mona stevens, gersch, doney, moore, w. durstan, northey, allen, mrs f. johnson, iris wouda, g. mortimer, willie hately, torr, robb, cecil and vernon griffiths, c. lyfield, w. utber, w. chapman, d. jones, howe, smith sandon, f. owen, hood, j. gibson, allan salmon, j. stewart, r. bogan, nancy newton, brenda jean ashby, donald johnson, burnie higgie, ruby may mcdonald, charles ernest wesley hunt, fred lynas, margaret gibson, walter bladier, winifred gladman, mary thomson -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph (copy), Surrey Hills School No 2778 Grade Va 1939, 1939
Don Murray who was a member of this class has supplied us with this photo naming almost all the pupils. Please refer to Surrey Hills State School vertical file for list of names and where they are located in the photo..A black and white photograph of 30 boys and 23 girls from the 1939 Grade Va at Surrey Hills State School No.2778clothing and dress, 1939, education, surrey hills, primary schools, mr kevin boxhall, mr don cam, mr tom dellar, mr fred kneale, mr bill bedggood, mr ken newell, mr ron salmon, mr keith greenwood, mr jack raisbeck, mr ray mcdonald, mr ken brown, mr ian tweedie, mr vernon coster, mr norman henry, mr keith rimmer, mr ken wheat, mr colin bentley, mr ron brown, miss valerie muir, miss fay mcbain, miss audrey broomhead, miss dorothy stout, miss gwen skinner, miss jean mollison, miss lucy deuchar, miss irene dunn (jones?), miss barbara hoskin, miss june -, miss ruby clemson, miss ettie redfern, miss pam skerrett, miss valreen church, miss merle yeomans, miss thelma mcconville, miss dorothy freeman, miss merle christie, miss helen james, miss melba moore, mr len yeomans, mr douglas mathews, mr norman bell, mr don murray, mr john flower, mr bob holborn, mr alan wadsworth, mr john atkinson, mr barry broadbent, mr barry dimelow, mr colin couper, miss mcleish, teachers -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Fred Rochow Railways Collection - Driver Robert (Bobby) Thompson's Retirement, 1955
The Fred Rochow Railways Collection incorporates photos related to the operation of the Wodonga Railway Station including different types of trains and railways staff C. 1930 – 1990. It was donated to the Wodonga Historical Society by Fred Rochow, a railwayman who spent many years based in Wodonga. He joined the Victorian Railways on 17th June l947 and retired in 1988. For some time, he was a member of the Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen and served a term as a member of the Trades Hall Council. He had an extensive knowledge of the struggles that took place to achieve better conditions for railway workers. Fred worked for many years as a fireman and then worked his way up the ranks to driver, experiencing many changes from the days of steam locomotives through to diesel trains, locomotives and even the modern XPT train. He worked throughout Victoria at different stages of his career, with his final working years focused on the northeast of Victoria and the Albury to Melbourne line. After his retirement, Fred continued to share his love of steam miniature trains with the community.This collection has local and statewide significance as it captures images of trains, locomotives and personnel who operated the railway services in Wodonga and throughout Northeast Victoria. The railways played a critical role in opening up Victoria and connecting Australia for trade, business, social communication and transport.Gathering of Railway men at a retirement function for Driver Robert Thompson in 1955. Back row Left to right: Len Gregson, David Shannon, Les Cheesley, Tom Cosgrove, Roy Wagner, George Lloyd, Alan Elvish, Mick Seymour, John, Shannon, Unknown, Unknown, Gordon Scholes, Stan Warnock Centre row Left to right: Bill Welch, Unknown, George Taylor, Ted Jenkins, Buddy Straghan, Allan Smyth, Terry Farellly, Bob Burns, Morrie Larkins, Frank Boadle, Reg Matthews, Unknown, Vin Snow, George Kruss, Tom Fitzgerald, Bob Sangster Seated: Jack Anderson, Paddy McDonald, George Padgett, Alex Reid, Bobby Thompson, Vic Jones, Jack Dawe, Colin Whitehand, Harry Binder, Bill Odgers, Hughie Fraser Front row seated: Mick Kowalzuk, Wally Riley, Ton Guinane, Bill Baldock, Brian Putt, Norm Hughes, Garnett Reid, Johnny Hallawell, Frank Conway, Steve Cuperrailways wodonga, fred rochow, wodonga railwaymen, driver robert thompson -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Midway Photographic Studio, Linton State School photograph, 1968
Front row, L-R: Cathy Dean, Sally Caldow, Debbie Chenery, Barbara Newell, Peter Grigg, David Sturni, Jeanette Jackson, Elizabeth Dark, Elizabeth Ching. 2nd row, L-R: Leanne Sturni, Kenny Greene, Colin Stoney, Rob Crosier, Wayne Bland, Felicity Dean, Gavin Sturni, Leon Dark, Debbie Jackson, Tim Grigg, Glenda Crosier, Steven Kvapil. 3rd row, L-R: John Bland, Wally Nunn, Billy Grigg, Kim Cantwell, Geoff Ching, Greg Jackson, Doug Nunn, Julie-Anne Cluff, Jenny Caldow.Black and white photograph of teachers and pupils at Linton State School in 1968. Photograph shows group of children in rows, with teachers standing to left and right of the group.cathy dean, sally caldow, debbie chenery, barbara newell, linton state school no. 880, peter grigg, david sturni, jeanette jackson, elizabeth dark, elizabeth ching, leanne sturni, kenny greene, colin stoney, rob crosier, wayne bland, felicity dean, gavin sturni, leon dark, debbie jackson, tim grigg, glenda crosier, steven kvapil, john bland, wally nunn, billy grigg, kim cantwell, geoff ching, greg jackson, doug nunn, julie-anne cluff, jenny caldow, glenda cluff, lenny mcdonald, elisabeth dean, barbara oldham, janine stoney, robert jackson, allan keller, elaine combs [teacher], mr ray sullivan [teacher] -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, J.A. Hoskin & Son, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1945, 1945
List of Full Course Students' 1945, Editorial, Editor's Notes, News and Notes, End of the War 1939-1945, Obituary, The Literary Society, The Chemical Nature of Women, Fumes from the Lab, Forests - Our Asset and Responsibility, Arts & Crafts Gossip, Sports, Commercial Notes, The Junior TechsMaroon cover with, blue, green and gold lettering, soft covered magazine of 72 pages including advertisements. Artwork Mr Calder - By Eda Woodfield Miss Williams - By Ruth Mole Basil - By Beatrice Burgess Roy - By Eda Woodfield Mac - By Gweneth Speirs Joll - By Marjorie Gray Doug - By Ruth Mole View from the cutters hut - By Marion Beckwith Mr Fairbank - By Ruth Mole Perc - By Ruth Mole Peter - By Eda Woodfield Fritz - By Joan Walter On the track to the cutter's hut - By Joan Walter The cutter's hut - By Ruth Mole Gertie - By Marjorie Gray Bombhead - By Ruth Mole Gwen - By Francis Duffy Marje - By Ruth Mole David - By Joan Walter Skeeter - By Joan Walter Ewan - By Ruth Mole Blue - By Neville Reeve Stanley - By Joan Walter George - By Joan Walter Vic - By Beatrice Burgess Gladys - By Eda Woodfield Olwyn - By Beatrice Burgess Valda - By Beatrice Burgess Betty - By Eda Woodfield June - By Eda Woodfield Stella - By Beatrice Burgess Verna - By Eda Woodfield Valerie - By Eda Woodfield June - By Beatrice Burgess Dorothy - By Joan Walter Beryl - By Joan Walter Noreen - By Ruth Mole Pat - By Joan Walter Valma - By Eda Woodfield Graham - By Gweneth Speirs Johnny - By Joan Walter Charlie - By Beatrice Burgess Raynor - By Marjorie Gray George - By Marjorie Gray Darkie - By Ruth Mole Duck - By Beatrice Burgess Robert - By Ruth Mole William - By Gweneth Speirs Basil - By Joan Walter Wilson - By Joan Walter Schoolbeck - By Ruth Mole Duck Weed - By Eda Woodfield Bas - By Beatrice Burgess Albert - By Ruth Mole ballarat school of mines, magazine, g. curtis, p. edmonds, kevin j. whiter, david t. coburn, peter j. wilson, john k. leicht, douglas d.g. dean, frank d. daykin, grace lawry, p. maloney, j. mckenzie, percival d. fisher, stanley s. parker, beatrice e. burgess, roy e. mawby, roma sudoltz, peter h. marxsen, lois reynolds, robert j. mckenzie, w. coad, marion a. beckwith, john g. procter, gweneth. speirs, neville f. reeve, dr pound, c. fairbank, f. g. procter, jeanette perkins, john w. jolly, m. berlyn, c. g. fairbank, bill f. carroll, marjorie gray, f. n. reeve, joan waller, winifred m. beckwith, isobel murfett, frank daykin, joy martin, max coward, jack henderson, joe wilkinson, alan wilson, muriel harland, m. fogarty, sylvia williams, t. r. thomas, john p. l. gibbs, t. mccartney, a. s. richards, p. crosby, h. middlin, mr cornell, lois kinnersley, margaret murrell, ouida worthington, i. murfett, ruby gladman, john m. blainey, mina gallie, miss darby, p. moloney, v. eva, lester w. roffey, robert f. swales, john e. ambrosio, mr hillman, neville r. morton, basil j. marshall, lloyd lehmann, lindsay s. pattenden, john middlin, alfred e. temby, a. hyett, willaim g. young, kingsley r. bremmer, william j. hewitt, geoffrey f. stevens, n. black, lucy cooper, valma overall, evelyn ditchfield, b. lancaster, miriam horsey, lorraine saunders, n. hoffman, audrey fry, robert j. murell, colin a. bell, ewan c. jones, d. powell, william j. llewllyn, kenneth s. lindsay, nola dridan, patricia gleeson, winifred stevens, mary cummins, b. sherritt, alison johnson, b. conway, b. vallins, k. dowall, m. grinham, k. eberhard, c. lea, k. george, a. coad, c. eltringham, w. allan, m. silvey, f. jacobson, l. clifton, r. sargent, w. caldow, g. pyke, g. bergin, k. dean, r. bennett, k. hoffman, a. kerr, h. sealey, d. mcconville, p. nunn, d. halson, l. frichot, g. smith, m. mcdonald, w. hon, r. irving, l. drake, c. gedye, g. jukes, a. new, a. smith, k. weybury, c. wilson, p. banfield, a. hughes, g. yeoman, eda woodfield, francis duffy -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment – Corps Day Parade, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, 1995
This set of 23 photographs were taken at the Corps Day Parade held at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo on the 1st of July 1995. This occasion was to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Royal Australian Survey Corps. The Parade Commander was CO LTCOL Duncan Burns, and the Reviewing Officer was the Deputy Chief of the Defence Force MAJGEN G.D. Carter AM. Also in attendance was his MA MAJ M.D. Bornholt AM and the COL COMDT of the Royal Australian Survey Corps COL Don Swiney MBE. On this occasion the Reviewing Officer presented the Defence Force Service Medal to SGT Graham Hales and SPR Ken Labouchardiere for 15 years of efficient remunerated service in the Australian Army. SSGT Russ Mollenhauer received the Defence Force Service Medal clasp in recognition of 20 years of service. SGT Stuart Symonds received his second Defence Force Service Medal clasp in recognition of 25 years of service.This is a set of 23 photographs of the Corps Day Parade held at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo on the 1st July 1995. The colour photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1995. Fortuna Pipes and Drums lead the Army Survey Regiment onto the parade ground. .2) to .3) - Photo, colour, 1995. Fortuna Pipes and Drums in position on the parade ground. .4) - Photo, colour, 1995. Data Acquisition Squadron marches onto the parade ground, led by L to R: WO2 Peter Imeson, WO2 Bruce Hammond. .5) - Photo, colour, 1995. Data Acquisition Squadron front rank L to R: WO2 Peter Imeson, SPR Stuart Catharall, CPL Damien Killeen, CPL Trevor King, SPR Glen Norrell, SPR Kim Baker, SPR Craig Smith, LCPL Mark Fedden, SGT Graham Hales, SPR Josh Andrews OAM, unidentified (x2), WO2 Bruce Hammond. .6) - Photo, colour, 1995. Army Survey Regiment in position on the parade ground. On left - Product Construction Squadron rear rank L to R: CPL Dave Scott, SPR Shane Campbell, CPL Guenther Ebenwaldner, remainder unidentified. Centre rank L to R: CPL Ian Bowes, remainder unidentified. RSM WO1 Ken Johnston OAM MM. Front rank L to R: WO2 Alan Virtue, SSGT Bob Thrower, CPL Paul Einam, SGT Peter Tuddenham, SPR Dik Brierley, SGT Stuart Ridge, SPR Mick Muzeen, SPR Marty Stradbrook, unidentified, SGT Steve Nokes, SPR James Commons, SPR Lance Hillier. WO2 Gill Park. In centre - Administration Support Squadron. On right - Data Acquisition Squadron. 7.) - Photo, colour, 1995. Officers ready to take posts. L to R: LT Dave Sapparth, CAPT Colin Davidson, CAPT Tony Harder – UK Exchange Officer, LT Jason Selman, CAPT Doug Arman, QM CAPT Bill Griggs, LT Roger Grose, CAPT Bin Fashar Sutimin – Indonesian Exchange Officer in white uniform, MAJ Ross Jenkins, CAPT Gary Warnest. 8.) - Photo, colour, 1995. CO LTCOL Duncan Burns salutes the Reviewing Officer MAJGEN G.D. Carter AM. .9) & .10) - Photo, colour, 1995. Data Acquisition Squadron presents arms. Officers’ rank L to R: CAPT Tony Harder – UK Exchange Officer, CAPT Colin Davidson, LT Dave Sapparth. ADJT CAPT Brenton McDonald at far right. Front rank L to R: WO2 Peter Imeson, SPR Stuart Catharall, CPL Damien Killeen, CPL Trevor King, SPR Glen Norrell, SPR Kim Baker, SPR Craig Smith, LCPL Mark Fedden, SGT Graham Hales, SPR Josh Andrews OAM, unidentified (x2), WO2 Bruce Hammond. 11) - Photo, colour, 1995. Army Survey Regiment presenting arms. L to R: Product Construction Squadron, Administration Support Squadron, Data Acquisition Squadron. .12) - Photo, colour, 1995. Product Construction Squadron presents arms. Officers’ Rank: 2IC MAJ Mick Banham, L to R: CAPT Gary Warnest, OC MAJ Ross Jenkins CAPT Bin Fashar Sutimin – Indonesian Exchange Officer, LT Roger Grose. L to R: RSM WO1 Ken Johnston OAM MM. Front rank L to R: SSGT Bob Thrower, CPL Paul Einam, SGT Peter Tuddenham, SPR Dik Brierley, SGT Stuart Ridge, SPR Mick Muzeen, SPR Marty Stradbrook, unidentified, SGT Steve Nokes, SPR James Commons, SPR Lance Hillier, WO2 Gill Park. Other identifiable personnel in rear ranks L to R: SGT Peter Tuddenham, SPR Ben Lucas, SPR Dik Brierley, SGT Dale Hudson, SPR Annette (Odgers) Wynn, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Corey Hill, SSGT Russ Mollenhauer. 13) - Photo, colour, 1995. Army Survey Regiment Advances in Review Order. L to R: Product Construction Squadron, Administration Support Squadron, Data Acquisition Squadron. 14) - Photo, colour, 1995. Army Survey Regiment in rank formation slow marches around parade ground L to R: Product Construction Squadron, Administration Support Squadron, Data Acquisition Squadron. .15) & .16) - Photo, colour, 1995. Data Acquisition Squadron slow marches, using ‘Forms’ to turn right in rank formation. Officers’ rank L to R: CAPT Tony Harder – UK Exchange Officer, CAPT Colin Davidson, LT Dave Sapparth. ADJT CAPT Brenton McDonald at far right.front rank L to R: WO2 Peter Imeson, SPR Stuart Catharall CPL Damien Killeen, CPL Trevor King, SPR Glen Norrell, SPR Kim Baker, SPR Craig Smith, LCPL Mark Fedden, SGT Graham Hales, SPR Josh Andrews OAM, unidentified (x2), WO2 Bruce Hammond. Centre Right Marker SPR Cameron Gee OAM is behind SPR Stuart Catharall. .17) - Photo, colour, 1995. Data Acquisition Squadron proceeds past Reviewing Officer on ‘Eyes Right’ command. Officers’ rank L to R: CAPT Tony Harder – UK Exchange Officer, LT Dave Sapparth. CAPT Colin Davidson. Centre Right Marker SPR Cameron Gee OAM. Right rear supernumerary SSGT Rod Skidmore, ADJT CAPT Brenton McDonald to his left. Front rank L to R: WO2 Peter Imeson, SPR Stuart Catharall CPL Damien Killeen, CPL Trevor King, SPR Glen Norrell, SPR Kim Baker, SPR Craig Smith, LCPL Mark Fedden, SGT Graham Hales, SPR Josh Andrews OAM, unidentified (x2), WO2 Bruce Hammond. CO LTCOL Duncan Burns in foreground. .18) - Photo, colour, 1995. Data Acquisition Squadron proceeds past Reviewing Officer on ‘Eyes Right’ command. Rear rank L to R: unidentified, CPL John ‘Doc’ Commons, CPL Tony Jackson, SPR Helen Scorgie. Centre rank L to R: SPR Cameron Gee OAM, SPR Derek Percival, SPR Grant Lloyd. Front rank L to R: WO2 Peter Imeson, SPR Stuart Catharall CPL Damien Killeen, CPL Trevor King, SPR Glen Norrell, SPR Kim Baker, SPR Craig Smith, LCPL Mark Fedden, SGT Graham Hales, SPR Josh Andrews OAM, unidentified (x2), WO2 Bruce Hammond. .19) - Photo, colour, 1995. L to R: MAJGEN G.D. Carter AM returning salute, MA MAJ M.D. Bornholt AM, COL COMDT, COL Don Swiney MBE, in background CPL Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, WO2 Pat Lumsden. 20.) - Photo, colour, 1995. Product Construction Squadron L to R: SSGT Paul ‘Hutch’ Hunter, WO2 Jeff Willey, rear rank L to R: CPL Dave Scott, SPR Shane Campbell, CPL Guenther Ebenwaldner, remainder unidentified. Centre rank L to R: CPL Ian Bowes, SPR Ben Lucas, remainder unidentified. MAJGEN G.D. Carter AM, CO LTCOL Duncan Burns, Front rank L to R: WO2 Alan Virtue, remainder unidentified, RSM WO1 Ken Johnston OAM MM, Officers’ Rank: LT Jason Selman, CAPT Bin Fashar Sutimin – Indonesian Exchange Officer, CAPT Gary Warnest, MAJ Ross Jenkins, 2IC MAJ Mick Banham. .21) - Photo, colour, 1995. L to R: Centre marker CPL Ian Bowes, SPR Ben Lucas, remainder unidentified, MAJGEN G.D. Carter AM, COL COMDT, COL Don Swiney MBE, CO LTCOL Duncan Burns, WO2 Allan Virtue. .22) & .23) - Photo, colour, 1995. L to R: WO2 Pat Lumsden, MAJGEN G.D. Carter AM, SGT Graham Hales, SPR Ken Labouchardiere, SSGT Russ Mollenhauer, SGT Stuart Symonds..1P to.23P – The occasion and date are annotated on the plastic sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Linton State School Pupils, 1930
Black and white copy of original photograph showing a group of about seventy-five pupils at Linton State School, grouped together under a tree.linton state school no. 880, jack shepherd, - ching, ron preston, bill orr, chester megee, harry kennedy, selwyn morgan, geoff petterson, mervyn hunt, alan wishart, albert bryant, - jackson, ab pyke, pud nicol, joe jackson, colin kerr, leo allen, ron allen, wal allen, marj nicol, pearl pyke, mavis crosthwaite, - pyke, iris roberts, betty barr, thora carolan, may jackson, muriel jackson, olive jackson, evelyn pyke, stella jackson, mary ryan, annie brown, mona clarke, pat ryan, doris cornish, maggie kennedy, ivan grigg, hughie mcdonald, bruce vinnicombe, alwyn roberts, mildred shepherd, eileen carolan, esther cluff, ida nelson, jean cluff, rita shields, eunice foster, - branston, beryl megee, helen mcdonald, belle orr, lorna vinnicombe, alma moodie, dawn ingram, marie grigg, lola morgan, joan ryan, bert roberts, gilbert shields, - mcdonald, norm cornish, don shields, jack treganowan, m. hunt, george jackson, geoff megee, syb francis, bob treganowan, jack jackson, stan nicol, keith smith, ted shepherd, len shepherd, frank jackson -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment – RSM Handover at CO's Parade, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1995
These 15 photographs were taken in 1995 during a CO’s Parade at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo in 1995. On this occasion outgoing RSM WO1 Phil Meagher handed over to incoming RSM WO1 Ken Johnston OAM MM. WO1 Phillip Nicholas Meagher served in the Australian Regular Army (ARA) from Jan 1971 to Jun 1997. He was RSM of the Army Survey Regiment from 1992 to 1995. He was succeeded by WO1 Ken Johnston OAM MM from the Royal Australian Infantry Corps, who was RSM for the remainder of 1995. WO1 Johnston served in the Citizens’ Military Force and the ARA from Feb 1966 to Mar 2002. A tribute in the Army Newspaper on the 14 May 2014 and discoverable on the Trove website, stated he passed away on 12 May 2014. In this tribute it stated he was a Vietnam War Military Medal recipient, known as a “Digger’s Digger” and for his direct no-nonsense approach. As RSM of the Army Survey Regiment, WO1 Johnston was instrumental in shaping and sharpening the military skills and behaviours of personnel who chose to continue in their reallocation to other corps in the ARA or the 1st Topographic Support Squadron in Enoggera, QLD. His tenure is covered in more detail on page 164 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4. On this occasion CO LTCOL Duncan Burns presented MAJ Mick Banham the Defence Force Service Medal for 15 years of efficient remunerated service in the Australian Army. This is a set of 15 photographs taken of a RSM Handover at a CO’s Parade at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1995. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1995. Outgoing RSM WO1 Phil Meagher. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1995. L to R: MAJ Mick Banham, outgoing RSM WO1 Phil Meagher. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1995. L to R: CO LTCOL Duncan Burns, MAJ Mick Banham. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1995. L to R: ADJT CAPT Brenton McDonald, RP SGT Peter Coles, CO LTCOL Duncan Burns, MAJ Mick Banham receiving Defence Force Service Medal. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1995. L to R: ADJT CAPT Brenton McDonald, CO LTCOL Duncan Burns, MAJ Mick Banham (background), outgoing RSM WO1 Phil Meagher, incoming RSM WO1 Ken Johnston OAM MM, CAPT Bin Fashar Sutiman (Indonesian Army). .6) - Photo, black & white, 1995. L to R: SGT Perry Langberg, MAJ Dave Stephenson, SPR Trevor King, SPR Craig Smith, CAPT Colin Davidson, LCPL Mark Fedden, SPR Donna Grayland. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1995. L to R: unidentified (x3), RSM WO1 Phil Meagher, SGT Darren Wilkinson, SSGT Steve Drummond, unidentified, SPR Donna Grayland, SPR Allison Ottaway, unidentified, back of ADJT CAPT Brenton McDonald, unidentified (x4), CPL Darren Maher, SGT Laurie Justin. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1995. Outgoing RSM WO1 Phil Meagher, remainder unidentified. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1995. L to R: WO2 Peter Imeson, CPL Darren Maher, unidentified, SSGT Steve Winner. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1995. L to R: MAJ Mick Banham, ADJT CAPT Brenton McDonald, CAPT Doug Arman, WO1 Phil Meagher, CAPT Bin Fashar Sutiman (Indonesian Army), WO1 Ken Johnston OAM MM, CAPT Bill Griggs, unidentified. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1995. L to R: WO1 Ken Johnston OAM MM, ADJT CAPT Brenton McDonald. .12) - Photo, black & white, 1995. Outgoing RSM WO1 Phil Meagher. .13) - Photo, black & white, 1995. L to R: Outgoing WO1 Phil Meagher, incoming RSM WO1 Ken Johnston OAM MM. .14) - Photo, black & white, 1995. L to R: Incoming RSM WO1 Ken Johnston OAM MM, outgoing WO1 Phil Meagher. .15) - Photo, black & white, 1995. L to R: MAJ Mick Banham, RP SGT Peter Coles, outgoing RSM WO1 Phil Meagher..1P to.15P – There are no annotations.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, T H Preston Photo, Linton State School Pupils, circa 1918, 1918
This photograph is thought to be of the younger pupils attending Linton State School in 1918 or 1919. A second copy of this photograph is Registration number 2015-12. A companion photograph, which shows the older pupils in the same year, is Registration number 315. The same dog is in both photographs. In the "Index of Photographs (Numerical Order)" folder, an early LDHS index, pupils have been identified as: Back row: Vincent McDonald, -? Lamb, Spencer Grigg, Arthur Bass, Norman Barr, Billy Lamb. Second row: Ilma Jennings, Jean Nicol, Linda Murrell, Doris Whitehead, Isobell Brett, -? Cole, Agnes Kennedy. Third row: Sydney Chibnall, Claude Godden, Colin Kirk, Syd Lamb, -? Cole, Coronation Wishart, Mollie Smith, Joyce Commons, Muriel Stapleton, Mollie Gascoigne, Eileen Armstrong, Jimmy Wishart, Bill Wishart. Fourth row: Jack Stapleton, Joe Reidy, Perc McGee, Ron Kirk, Jim Stapleton, Had Cornish, Alan Ching, Lance Chegwin, Bruce Maddox, Innis Brett. Fifth row: Ivy Brown, Eileen Kennedy, Jean Toshack, Alice Armstrong, Laura Mitchell, Elsie Mitchell, Nellie Norris, Norman Murrell. Dating the photograph: One of the copies of this photograph of the younger pupils was donated in 2014 by Peter Stapleton, who understood it was taken in 1919. However, a very damaged copy of the companion photograph (older pupils - this copy has not been catalogued into the collection) is dated in an inscription "October 1918".Black and white photograph of a group of school children posed in front of a bluestone and brick wall. One of the pupils is holding a dog.On back of photograph: "M. McBeath" List of names on paper with Registration no. 621: " 947 Back row. L-R - (1) Vincent McDonald, (2) - Lamb, (3) Spencer Grigg, (4) Arthur Lamb, (5)Norman Barr. 2nd Row. L-R (Girls) (1) Ilma Jennings, (2) Jean Nicol, (3) Linda Murrell, (4) Doris Whitehead, (5) Isobel Brett, (6) - Cole, (7) Agnes Kennedy. 3rd Row (Boys) (1) - Lamb, (2) - Godden,(3) - Kirk. (girls) (4) Mollie Smith, (5) Joyce Commons, (6) Marie Stapleton, (7) Mollie Gascoigne, (8) Eileen Armstrong. (boys) (9) Jimmy Wishart, (10) Bill Wishart. 4th Row (boys) (11) Jack Stapleton, (12) Joe Reidy, (13) Perry McGee, (14 - Kirk, (15) Jack Stapleton, (16) Harold (Ad) Cornish, (17)Allan Ching, (18) - Chegwin, (19) Bruce Maddock, (2) - Brett. 5th Row - front. (1) Ivy Brown, (2) Eileen Kennedy, (3) Jean Toshack, (4) - Armstrong, (5) Laura Mitchell (Tonkin), (6) Elsie Mitchell, (7) Nellie Norris, (8) Norman Murrell". "Probably 1917-1920 when E. Chegwin was HT." Note: There are actually three sets of names to go with this photograph, which all vary somewhat. The list of names in the "Other Information" field of this catalogue record is taken from the "Index of Photographs (Numerical Order)" folder, an early index compiled for LDHS. The third set of names is inscribed on the back of the copy in the "Linton State School - Photos" file.linton state school no. 880, vincent mcdonald, -? lamb, spencer grigg, arthur bass, norman barr, billy lamb, ilma jennings, jean nicol, linda murrell, doris whitehead, isobell brett, -? cole, agnes kennedy, sydney chibnall, claude godden, colin kirk, syd lamb, -? cole, coronation wishart, mollie smith, joyce commons, muriel stapleton, mollie gascoigne, eileen armstrong, jimmy wishart, bill wishart, jack stapleton, joe reidy, perc mcgee, ron kirk, jim stapleton, had cornish, alan ching, lance chegwin, bruce maddox, innis brett, ivy brown, eileen kennedy, jean toshack, alice armstrong, laura mitchell, elsie mitchell, nellie norris, norman murrell -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Documents, Herbert Henry Smith, Ballarat Technical Art School, 1918-1929, 1918-1929
Blue hard covered book with hand written reports from the Art Principal, H.H. Principal. Two letters are pasted into the front, one from Frank Tate of the Victorian Education Department. 26 April 1918 - Proposed pottery industry in Ballarat 31 May 1919 - Erection of pottery kiln, with Selkirk bricks. 28 June 1918 - Daylesford Technical Art School. 30 August 1918 - Resignation of C. Campbell, instructor of Photography. 25 October 1918 - Returned Soldiers Classes in Art Metal and Signwriting. 25 October 1918 - Herald Shield Trophy 28 July 1922 - Ragged Boys Home, Tennis Court 22 August 1924 - Letterhead of the Attorney General Victoria concerning the transfer of the Ballarat Supreme Court to the Ballarat School of Mines. 15 October 1924 and 20 May 1925 - Carvings of 24 panels decorated with Australian birds, animals and flora to form part of the decoratve scheme for the Villers Bretonneux school. 21 April 1926 - White Flat is available for the use of the school. 29 February 1928 - Donation of a linotype machine by The Courier. 27 June 1928 - Internal Sewerage to the Ballarat Technical Art Schoolballarat school of mines, ballarat technical art school, h.h. smith, returned soldier teachers, harold herbert, ponsonby carew-smyth, f.h. hoskin, carpentry workshop, donald i. johnston, herald shield, kenneth moss, hilda wardle, miss bell, margaret bell, millinery, j.y. mcdonald soldiers memorial, john rowell, repatriation building, stained glass classes, dressmaking fees, ballarat supreme court, m. baird, carvings, villers bretonneux school carvings, ethel kift, m.c. young, macrobertson scholarship, elvie ford, edwin robinson, annie hauser, robina mackie, e. quick, tennis court, w.e. gower, colin hunt, white flat, frank hall, effie holmes, mavis beacham, henry harvey, plaster casts, pearl frickie, w.r. dean, marjery henderson, sewerage, laura crouch, ballarat teachers' college, gertie gough, gwen nagle, lynda clark, jack walker, cyril gibbs, repatriation, donald johnston, ceramics, kiln, c. campbell, photography, jean maude, sylvia copperwaite, olga dulfer, may pollock, margaret bailey, stella clarkson, may norrie, nellie nicholls, nancy govan, edith curnow, kathleen windsor, betty johnson, edna pearson, elvie thege, gwen neagle, effie george, gwen tunbridge -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Linton State School Pupils and Teachers, 1967
Copy of black and white photograph which shows pupils and teachers at Linton State School in the school's centenary year, 1967. wo boys in the middle of the front row are holding a sign which reads "Linton SS No. 880 / Centenary - 1967".linton state school no. 880, margaret bartlett [head teacher], doug nunn, billy grigg, kim cantwell, wally nunn, greg jackson, elizabeth dark, june jackson, glenda cluff, elisabeth dean, janine stoney, barbara oldham, chris grigg, frank verdoorn, tinus franz, jennifer caldow, julie-ann cluff, john bland, frank mcdonald, tom stoney, elaine combs [teacher], anne mcdonald, barbara newell, cathleen dean, sally caldow, jeanette jackson, geoffrey ching, len mcdonald, terry grigg, wayne bland, robert crosier, leon dark, david sturni, anthony jackson, barry jackson, gavin sturni, robert jackson, peter grigg, gerard wilkie, colin stoney, sandra ching, elizabeth ching, felicity dean, janet uren, cheryl rutherford, debbie jackson -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Linton State School Pupils, 1969
Back row from left: David Sturni, Brendan Greenbank, Terry Grigg, BARBARA NEWELL, Sally Birnie (nee Caldow), JANINE STONEY, CATHERINE DEAN, LEN/ GARY TURNER NEXT LINE: GLENDA CLUFF, BARBARA OLDAM, ELIZBABETH DARK, JUNE JACKSON, MAYBE A MATTHEWS, KEVIN UREN, GEOFF CHING. NEXT LINE: RICKY LAWSON, COLIN STONEY, GAVIN STURNI, ROBERT JACKSON, GARY MATTHEWS, GERARD WILKIE, PETER GRIGG. FRONT ROW: JANET UREN, ELIZABETH CHING, SHERYL MCDONALD, DEBBIE CHENERY, JEANETTE JACKSON, SANDRA CHING, ANNE MCDONALD, FELICITY DEAN ON THE END.Enlarged copy of black and white photograph, mounted on white card. Pupils and teacher are shown outside the new school building, opened in 1969 to replace the original building which had been declared unsafe. Teacher was Mr V. H. Reynolds, who was Head Teacher 1969-1971, and taught grades 4-6. Pupils were identified in 2022 by Sally Birnie, née Caldow.linton state school no. 880 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS CollectionPale green covered exercise book with Victory printed in orange at the top right. Below is a circle with Victory at the top and Natural below. Across the centre is 100% Recycled Paper. Below is 96 page printed in white on an orange background. Below that is Exercise Book printed in dark green, and below that is the name plate. On the name line is a date 31-10-91. Book was used as a record of who bought tokens for the truckwash and how much they paid. Later the money was paid to the Council. Names in the book included: Robt Blake, Gib Davey,M Tappe, John Wilson, Allan Somerville, Peter Harris, ? Hearn, Andrew Beer, Jack McKenna, Don White, J Govett, J Wignall, Matthews Transports, Pickthalls Transport, Carlisle Bros, Noel Hartland, Grogans Livestock, K Stratton, Rutlands Transports, J Truscott, Des Byrne, Commercial Pig Co, Rick Thompson, M Connally, K Otoole, B McLean, K Stevens, S Bennitt, Alan Pickdall, L Boyd, Mathews Transport, Mathews, Cowan Transport, H J Sooble, John Kerr, Stone, John Wilson, Brendan Morgan, Bruce Stewart. Jack Covett, Len Terry, Neil Adams, P Llewellyn, Peter Norris, Steve Nann, Glen Bish, R Frazer, Rutland, S Johnston, R Hearn, Ronald D Stone, Stephen Bennett, Nick Connally, Wayne Wignall, G Chapman, Noel Hartland, Stan Rutland, Mr Preston, K Barrow, John Wilson, Mr McGrath, W Lanz, John Truscott, Craigs, M Vick, Craig Hoy, Cliff Johnson, N Johnson, Sullivan, Colin Bloomfield, R Thompson, M Vick, Jan Wignall, Bicknalls, JJ Wilson, Des Byrne, Keith O'Toole, Llewellyns transports, Reg Hearn, Don White, J Boon, Mr Webb, W Fergson, Glen Bish, G Pollock, Penview Pastoral Co, G Pollock, Meehan, Woodstock Holdings, J W Pekthall & Sons, John Wilson, Kerrs Transports, K Stevens, John Kerr, Benview Elmore, Steve Mann, Mr Anfuso, K Wignall, D Fawcett, P Johnson, Llewingtons, R Hearn, Paynes Transports, G Watson, Ian Johnson, G G Muller & Son, Pichard O'Sullivan, Gib Davies, Adams Transport, Kevin Marlow, Lewington, Maurie Bick, Isaac, Des Byrne, Lewington, J Govett, N Hartland, S Bennett, J Govett, R Thompson, B Morgan, Colin Bloomfield, J Kerr, Mr Carver, Richards, K Isaac, Amfuso, Bob McLean, Mr Marke, Geodie, Ted Goddard, Kulpinski, Hollingworth, W Hodge, G F Farmer, R Hearn, Kevin Stevens, Don White, Morrie Vick, Mr Gallagher, R McKenzie, L Lanz, L Kirk, D Harrigan, RG & F Moon, E J Hooper, Des Byrne, G Medlyn, J Wilson, N Hartland, H Green, D Vick, G D Gamble, Con Mulvahill, Pietorala Transports, C Reece, Graham Miller, Rinaldi, Les Smith, Brendan Morgan, Pickhalls Transports, Mr Dawn, Steven Bennett, Steve Mann, Les Smith, H Green, Connallys, Lewington, I Gallagher, Ray Collins, Burrow, Hugh Green, C Congrim, D Byrne, Don White, grogan, Mr Selly, Adams Transports, Kevin Marlow, Roberts Transports, J W Pickhalls, Wick Lockington, G Bish, Don White, GG Muller & Son, McKenna's, T Smith G Watson, Blacky, B Lee, Don Wright, Hue Green, John Wilson, Carl Cooke, Mr Connally, N Northland, Jan Hollingsworth, Mr Preston, Mr Hooper, Mr Rose, D White, Ron Mellier, GD Gamble, K Richards, Bond Bros, J Govett, Victorian Producers, Gavin O'Sullivan, Neil Adams, Mr Dowell, I Gallagher, W Lanz, Mr Boyd, Peter Bish, J McKay, Farmer, Joe Blow, J Matthews, M Vick, N Adams, Colins Pastoral Co, Younghusband, K Barrow, K Richards, Steve Bennett, Les Smith, Ben Webb, John Wilson, Gavin O'Sullivan, Mr McCarthy, Col Warrack, Steve Ellis, Charlie Reece, Mr Vanderene, D Hannagan, P Morgan, Don White, Sommerville, McDonald, P Meighan, Don White, Les Smith, Carl Koch, Ron Stone, M Connally, J Gover, Mr Craig, M Vick, Eddy Smith, B Morgan, B Hickson, Len Reid, Mr Curt, Mr Grogan, Rob Blake, Mr Goulthorpe, Bob McLean, O'Sullivans, Ricky thompson, Johnson, Mr Coffey, J McKay, D White, Giles, Johnstone, Nicholls, Govett, White, Wilson, Don White, Geoff Gill, D Gorden, Ray Collins, Pellegrino, Cory Watson, W Ferguson, Pickthall, McDonald, Cook, S Mann, J Govett, Collins Pastral, Broad, Rick thompson, R Hearn, S Bennett, W Fitzpatrick, Noel Hartland, K Rotheran, David Beers, Congran, R Blake, R Weeks, Taylor, R Frazer, K Stratton, M Connally, N Adams, Don White, Milgate, Findlays, J Dury, McKibbins, Morgan, Roberts, R Stone, K Stevens, M Vick, C Reece, Steve Bennett, Ahern, S Boyd, Rick thompson,McClean, Hearn, Govett, Peter harris, Graham Medlyn, McAllister, Noel Hartland, Beer, RJ Grogan, Hindle, Bendigo Horse Transport, Jack McKenna, R Hearn, J McKay, T Rinaldi, Hayes, G Muller, J Govett, Ranoldi, D Ford, K O'Toole, J Talbot, McKibbons, Barr, S Bennett, P Johnston, J Hird, Paynes Transport, D White, P Harris, Maurie Vick, P Bish, Don Hollingsworth, C Gilmore, Jack Talbot, G Chapman, J Wilson, Kevin Stevens, Eddy Smith, C Bloomfield, R thompson, Davies, Truscott, D Byrne, Hayes Transport, Yanga Pty Ltd, M Connally, A Rothacker, Coad, D Byrne, R O'Sullivan, K Stevens, Cliffton, M Douglas, Trevor Mathews, Botly, Anufson, w Fitzpatrick, R Hearn, R Collins, Craig Dorman, Brian Bentley, M Johns, T Sully, W Fawcett, Bob McLean, D White, Hugh Green, B Harris, Rod thompson, P Meighan, Allan McAllister, Mark Barri, Don White, M Connelly, P Lewellyn, G Gill, G Rand, Hayes, S O'Sullivan, D White, Bob Blake, R Stone, B Liddle, Bentley Trans, J Govett, Stevens Transport, N Broad, Govett, G Young, M Footh, Geoff Gill, Gamble, D Holingworth, C Reece, S White, S Bennett, M Barri, John Wilson, D Byrne, P Morgan, R Stone, Bentley, Pollock, Des Byrne, Doug Rinaldi, J Govett, B Harris, R Brunt, Roberts, R Burt, Tang, Peter Morgan, M Oxley, G W Nunn, D Boyd, Findley, C Johns, W Craig, A Beer, A & M Rinaldi, D Illingworth, M Barri, G Rand, G & P Nunn, R Hearn, A Broad, C Bloomfield, K Marlow, P Trailer, J Govett, Talbot, J Beer, M Gray, J Kerr, R Stone, R Stewart, English Trans, Argyle Transport, Bentley's, B Stewart, G Davey, Leavinitons, Lewington's, Miller, G Muller, J Talbot, S Mann, McKibbins, Hanson, D Boon, R Burt, English, Oxley, N Collier, Broadacres, Murphy, M Oxley, G Thomas, Holly, Dalgety, Elders, McKean, Nevins, Nuttall, Rodwell, Vains, VPC, Allan MacAllister, Hyland, Gathercole, Gilbertson, Hardwick, Le frankie, Midfield, Osullivans Wignall, John Crimmins, D Lane and Jack Fisher.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - record of tokens, robt blake, gib davey, m tappe, john wilson, allan somerville, peter harris, ? hearn, andrew beer, jack mckenna, don white, j govett, j wignall, matthews transports, pickthalls transport, carlisle bros, noel hartland, grogans livestock, k stratton, rutlands transports, j truscott, des byrne, commercial pig co, rick thompson, m connally, k otoole, b mclean, k stevens, s bennitt, alan pickdall, l boyd, mathews transport, mathews, cowan transport, h j sooble, john kerr, stone, john wilson, brendan morgan, bruce stewart. jack covett, len terry, neil adams, p llewellyn, peter norris, steve nann, glen bish, r frazer, rutland, s johnston, r hearn, ronald d stone, stephen bennett, nick connally, wayne wignall, g chapman, noel hartland, stan rutland, mr preston, k barrow, john wilson, mr mcgrath, w lanz, john truscott, craigs, m vick, craig hoy, cliff johnson, n johnson, sullivan, colin bloomfield, r thompson, m vick, jan wignall, bicknalls, jj wilson, des byrne, keith o'toole, llewellyns transports, reg hearn, don white, j boon, mr webb, w fergson, glen bish, g pollock, penview pastoral co, g pollock, meehan, woodstock holdings, j w pekthall & sons, john wilson, kerrs transports, k stevens, john kerr, benview elmore, steve mann, mr anfuso, k wignall, d fawcett, p johnson, llewingtons, r hearn, paynes transports, g watson, ian johnson, g g muller & son, pichard o'sullivan, gib davies, adams transport, kevin marlow, lewington, maurie bick, isaac, des byrne, lewington, j govett, n hartland, s bennett, j govett, r thompson, b morgan, colin bloomfield, j kerr, mr carver, richards, k isaac, amfuso, bob mclean, mr marke, geodie, ted goddard, kulpinski, hollingworth, w hodge, g f farmer, r hearn, kevin stevens, don white, morrie vick, mr gallagher, r mckenzie, l lanz, l kirk, d harrigan, rg & f moon, e j hooper, des byrne, g medlyn, j wilson, n hartland, h green, d vick, g d gamble, con mulvahill, pietorala transports, c reece, graham miller, rinaldi, les smith, brendan morgan, pickhalls transports, mr dawn, steven bennett, steve mann, les smith, h green, connallys, lewington, i gallagher, ray collins, burrow, hugh green, c congrim, d byrne, don white, grogan, mr selly, adams transports, kevin marlow, roberts transports, j w pickhalls, wick lockington, g bish, don white, gg muller & son, mckenna's, t smith g watson, blacky, b lee, don wright, hue green, john wilson, carl cooke, mr connally, n northland, jan hollingsworth, mr preston, mr hooper, mr rose, d white, ron mellier, gd gamble, k richards, bond bros, j govett, victorian producers, gavin o'sullivan, neil adams, mr dowell, i gallagher, w lanz, mr boyd, peter bish, j mckay, farmer, joe blow, j matthews, m vick, n adams, colins pastoral co, younghusband, k barrow, k richards, steve bennett, les smith, ben webb, john wilson, gavin o'sullivan, mr mccarthy, col warrack, steve ellis, charlie reece, mr vanderene, d hannagan, p morgan, don white, sommerville, mcdonald, p meighan, don white, les smith, carl koch, ron stone, m connally, j gover, mr craig, m vick, eddy smith, b morgan, b hickson, len reid, mr curt, mr grogan, rob blake, mr goulthorpe, bob mclean, o'sullivans, ricky thompson, johnson, mr coffey, j mckay, d white, giles, johnstone, nicholls, govett, white, wilson, don white, geoff gill, d gorden, ray collins, pellegrino, cory watson, w ferguson, pickthall, mcdonald, cook, s mann, j govett, collins pastral, broad, rick thompson, r hearn, s bennett, w fitzpatrick, noel hartland, k rotheran, david beers, congran, r blake, r weeks, taylor, r frazer, k stratton, m connally, n adams, don white, milgate, findlays, j dury, mckibbins, morgan, roberts, r stone, k stevens, m vick, c reece, steve bennett, ahern, s boyd, rick thompson, mcclean, hearn, govett, peter harris, graham medlyn, mcallister, noel hartland, beer, rj grogan, hindle, bendigo horse transport, jack mckenna, r hearn, j mckay, t rinaldi, hayes, g muller, j govett, ranoldi, d ford, k o'toole, j talbot, mckibbons, barr, s bennett, p johnston, j hird, paynes transport, d white, p harris, maurie vick, p bish, don hollingsworth, c gilmore, jack talbot, g chapman, j wilson, kevin stevens, eddy smith, c bloomfield, r thompson, davies, truscott, d byrne, hayes transport, yanga pty ltd, m connally, a rothacker, coad, d byrne, r o'sullivan, k stevens, cliffton, m douglas, trevor mathews, botly, anufson, w fitzpatrick, r hearn, r collins, craig dorman, brian bentley, m johns, t sully, w fawcett, bob mclean, d white, hugh green, b harris, rod thompson, p meighan, allan mcallister, mark barri, don white, m connelly, p lewellyn, g gill, g rand, hayes, s o'sullivan, d white, bob blake, r stone, b liddle, bentley trans, j govett, stevens transport, n broad, govett, g young, m footh, geoff gill, gamble, d holingworth, c reece, s white, s bennett, m barri, john wilson, d byrne, p morgan, r stone, bentley, pollock, des byrne, doug rinaldi, j govett, b harris, r brunt, roberts, r burt, tang, peter morgan, m oxley, g w nunn, d boyd, findley, c johns, w craig, a beer, a & m rinaldi, d illingworth, m barri, g rand, g & p nunn, r hearn, a broad, c bloomfield, k marlow, p trailer, j govett, talbot, j beer, m gray, j kerr, r stone, r stewart, english trans, argyle transport, bentley's, b stewart, g davey, leavinitons, lewington's, miller, g muller, j talbot, s mann, mckibbins, hanson, d boon, r burt, english, oxley, n collier, broadacres, murphy, m oxley, g thomas, holly, dalgety, elders, mckean, nevins, nuttall, rodwell, vains, vpc, allan macallister, hyland, gathercole, gilbertson, hardwick, le frankie, midfield, osullivans wignall, john crimmins, d lane, jack fisher -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Linton State School Pupils, 1940
Back Row: Norris Stratton, Vic McGrath, Bob Hayward, Geoff Morrissey(?), Duncan McGregor, Trevor Shepherd, Wally Kerr, Max Howard(?), Dean Hart, Steve McGrath, David Bishop, Allan McCorkell. 3rd Row: Ron McCorkell, George Haddon, Gordon Mark, Bob Brody, Lyle Grigg, Geoff Morrissey (?), Roland Emmerson, Jack Culliver, Jim Culliver, Basil McDonald, Graham Smith. 2nd Row: Laurie Lancaster, Laurie Stevens, Noel Cluff, Lyle Fletcher, Mervyn McDonald, Carl Hoffman, Des Harris, Les Witton, Ian Morrissey, Graham Ching, Raymond Mark, Jim(?) Haddon. Front Row: Graeme McGregor, Colin Hearn, Vernon Broes, Graham Stevens, Stan Lancaster, Lindsay Witton, Stan Howard(?), Colin Nicol, Selwyn Hoffman, Les Mark.Black and white copy of a photograph of Linton State School boys taken in 1940."Linton School 880 1940"linton state school no. 880, vic mcgrath, bob hayward, geoff morrissey(?), duncan mcgregor, trevor shepherd, wally kerr, max howard(?), dean hart, steve mcgrath, david bishop, allan mccorkell, ron mccorkell, george haddon, gordon mark, bob brody, lyle grigg, roland emmerson, jack culliver, jim culliver, basil mcdonald, graham smith, laurie lancaster, laurie stevens, noel cluff, lyle fletcher, mervyn mcdonald, carl hoffman, des harris, les witton, ian morrissey, graham ching, raymond mark, jim(?) haddon, graeme mcgregor, colin hearn, vernon broes, graham stevens, stan lancaster, stan howard(?), colin nicol, selwyn hoffman, les mark., norris stratton, lindsay witton -
Clunes Museum
Photograph, 1931
LAMINATED BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPH OF CLUNES HIGHER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1931. Back Row; Colin Kerr, Len Teague, Standon Nelson, John Hill Second Row; Jean Annear (Porta), Lucy Pascoe, Isobel Sparks, S. Oliver, Mavis Talbot (Williams), Ida Pickford (Leishman) Middle Row; Isabel Nicholson, Leila Sparks, Amy Dunn (Vinecombe), Amy Cottrell, Aver Eberhard, Dorothy Carter, Enid Davidson, Melva Hutchins (Harvey) Front; Harry Toole, Dave Richards, Tom Kerr, Justice Eberhard, Garland Hancock Absent; Leila McDonald, Brenda Trembath, William (Bill) Birch, Jim Sanderslocal history, photography, photographs, schools - higher elementary., 1931