Showing 165 items
matching aattv
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Plaque, Plaque explaining honour board AATTV
Gold metal plaque with engraved letters "explanation of Honour Boardaattv, plaque -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Document, AATTV Meritorious Unit Commendation
Certificate in a wooden frame of US Dept of the Army Award of Meritorious Unit Commendation to the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam. Awarded 9/2/70 by US Secretary of the Army.Signature of Sec of the Armyframed document, meritous unit commendation, aattv -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Uniform - Uniform, Army, AATTV Perservere
32mm shield lapel badge Anzac Dayaattv, lapel badge, insignia, australian army training team vietnam (aattv) -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Davies, Bruce and McKay, Gary, The Men Who Persevered: The AATTV - the most highly decorated Australian unit of the Viet Nam war (Copy 3)
The AATTV was in Vietnam from July 1962 to December 1972. Nearly 1000 Australians and 11 New Zealand served with "The Team" during that time. They were advisers - sometimes commanders - who operated in small groups across a wide spectrum of military poss throughout the SouthThe AATTV was in Vietnam from July 1962 to December 1972. Nearly 1000 Australians and 11 New Zealand served with "The Team" during that time. They were advisers - sometimes commanders - who operated in small groups across a wide spectrum of military poss throughout the South australia. army. australian army training team, vietnam, vietnam war 1961-1975 - regimental histories - australia, aattv -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Davise, Bruce and McKay, Gary, The Men Who Persevered: The AATTV - The Most Highly Decorated Australian Unit of the Vietnam war (Copy 7)
The AATTV was in Vietnam from July 1962 to December 1972. Nearly 1000 Australians and 11 New Zealand served with "The Team" during that time. They were advisers - sometimes commanders - who operated in small groups across a wide spectrum of military poss throughout the South.The AATTV was in Vietnam from July 1962 to December 1972. Nearly 1000 Australians and 11 New Zealand served with "The Team" during that time. They were advisers - sometimes commanders - who operated in small groups across a wide spectrum of military poss throughout the South. australia. army. australian army training team, vietnam, vietnam war 1961-1975 - regimental histories - australia, aattv -
Tramways/East Melbourne RSL Sub Branch - RSL Victoria Listing id: 27511
Commerative Medal Panel
The Panel consists of 34 assorted replica medals and pins that relate to the Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam (AATTV), from July 1962 - December 1972. The AATTV team was awarded various medal for meritous conduct throughout this period. Alongside the replica medals and badges are three information panels that detail the deeds of this group. The dedication panel reads 'Dedicated to the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV), July 1962 - December 1972. aattv, australian army training team vietnam, vietnam, 1962, 1972 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Medal - AATTV Active Service Medal
AATTV Vietnam, Active Service 31-07-1962. 18-12-1972 Service Medal awarded to Alwyn Charles BaconAATTV Vietnam, Active Service 31-07-1962. 18-12-1972 Service Medal with yellow & green emblem on one side. Aust flag on laurel wreath with sword with inscription around outside. In blue velvet box. Alwyn Charles Baconcommemorative medal aattv, aattv, vietnam, active service medal -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Plaque - AATTV Plaque
This item was donated by Sgt JL Bramston, Army Intelligence Corps, who served in Detachment, 547 Signal Troop, Vietnam 1967-68.Shield-shaped wooden plaque with a large metal plate attached depicting a brown crossbow beneath a boomerang.AATTV Persevereaattv, persevere, bramston -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Document, The Warriors Who Persevered, estimated 2011
An Ode to the AATTV (The team)aattv, framed document -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, WO KA (Dasher) Wheatley VC 1965, 1965
Full length Photograph of WO Wheatley VC in Uniform with fields in the background.AATTV of Left Breastphotograph, wo ka wheatley, aattv -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Film - Film, DVD, Vietnam AATTV 1968-69: Doug Hill: For TV display
Contains photos & actual footage of various incidents in the Vietnam Warvietnam war, 1961 - 1975, personal narratives - australian, australia. army. australian army training team, vietnam -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Poster - Poster, Information Board, Honour Board, AATTV
Wood with columns at sides, Unit Insignia in gold lettering. List of those who lost their lives in Vietnam 62-72.honour roll - aattv -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, WO1 Stuart A Birnie AATTV Bronze Star
Photograph and Document of WO1 Birnie with South Vietnamese soldier. Copy of General Order Awarding Bronze Star to WO1 Birnie. Copy of CitationSeal of Secretary of US Army.photograph, framed document, wo1 birnie -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, The men who persevered: the AATTV - the most highly decorated Australian unit of the Vietnam war (Copy 2)
australia. army. australian army training team, vietnam, vietnam war 1961-1975 - regimental histories - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
This item commemorates the war in Vietnam (1962-1972)Glass commemorative plaque with metal dedication to the AATTVThe Vietnamese Veterans Association of Victoria Inc In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Australian Military commitment in the Vietnam War respectfully and gratefully presents this momento to all Australians who served in the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam during the Vietnam War especially those who paid the supreme sacrificevietnamese veterans, aattv, 50th anniversary commitment -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Equipment - Equipment, Army, Belt displaying badges (cloth and metal)
Framed belt, airborne mike force insignias - AATTV badges and insignia.see itembelt, aattv, australian army training team vietnam (aattv) -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gateway to Ngok Tavak, 1/05/1968 12:00:00 AM
In May 1968, in the western jungle of Vietnam near Laos, led by Australian Captain J White, 11th Mobile Strike Force Company (MSF) occupied an old French fort on a hill named Ngok Tavak tasked with improving allied intelligence-gathering capabilities in the area. However, with enemy activity increasing, on May 4th, 44 US Marines, 35 CIDG (Civilian Irregular Defence Group) and two 105mm Howitzer field guns arrived as reinforcement from the Special Forces base at Kham Duc. By May 9th, Captain White’s company numbered about 200 men. Although in a good defensive position, coming towards them was the Iron Brigade of the 2nd Division of the North Vietnamese Army (NVA). At 03:00 on May 10th, the attack on Ngok Tavak began. The NVA, led by Major Dang Ngoc Mai, poured through the entrance at the eastern wall quickly occupying most of the fort. By midday the next day, Captain White had lost 40 Nung soldiers and 11 Marines with over 70 others badly wounded. Realising he could not withstand another attack, Captain White decided to abandon Ngok Tavak. Once the wounded were evacuated, Captain White ordered strike aircraft to blast a ‘corridor’ through the surrounding enemy cordon using napalm. By early afternoon, what remained of the defenders escaped through the ‘corridor’ and helicopters eventually flew them to Kham Duc. Colour image of edge of Ngok Tavak fort with soldiers sitting on & walking around sand-bagged foxholes. Jungle & mountains in background.battle of ngok tavak, john white -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Marines arrive at Ngok Tavak 04/05/1968
In May 1968, in the western jungle of Vietnam near Laos, led by Australian Captain J White, 11th Mobile Strike Force Company (MSF) occupied an old French fort on a hill named Ngok Tavak tasked with improving allied intelligence-gathering capabilities in the area. However, with enemy activity increasing, on May 4th, 44 US Marines, 35 CIDG (Civilian Irregular Defence Group) and two 105mm Howitzer field guns arrived as reinforcement from the Special Forces base at Kham Duc. By May 9th, Captain White’s company numbered about 200 men. Although in a good defensive position, coming towards them was the Iron Brigade of the 2nd Division of the North Vietnamese Army (NVA). At 03:00 on May 10th, the attack on Ngok Tavak began. The NVA, led by Major Dang Ngoc Mai, poured through the entrance at the eastern wall quickly occupying most of the fort. By midday the next day, Captain White had lost 40 Nung soldiers and 11 Marines with over 70 others badly wounded. Realising he could not withstand another attack, Captain White decided to abandon Ngok Tavak. Once the wounded were evacuated, Captain White ordered strike aircraft to blast a ‘corridor’ through the surrounding enemy cordon using napalm. By early afternoon, what remained of the defenders escaped through the ‘corridor’ and helicopters eventually flew them to Kham Duc. Colour image of U.S. soldiers disembarking from a helicopter in a clearing in the jungle. Foreground is rear of two soldiers watching. Background is mountains.united states - marine corps, battle of ngok tavak, john white, ngok tavak -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Interior of fort at Ngok Tavak looking NW, 1/05/1968 12:00:00 AM
Colour image of inside fortified battle area at Ngok Tavak showing tents in trench and two indigenous soldiers beside a sandbag mortar pit created for two 105mm guns. Jungle & mountains in background.battle of ngok tavak, mortar pit, nung, john white, ngok tavak, vietnam -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Nung Indigenous Soldier
Because of their Chinese ethnicity, the Nung were not considered to be Vietnamese citizens. Therefore, they could not be conscripted into the South Vietnamese army (ARVN). So, they hired themselves out as mercenaries, guns for hire, to the US military. Half-body image of Nung mercenary CIDG soldier carrying rifle over his right shoulder and a full backpack. His uniform is tiger camouflage. Two other Nung soldiers in background, both with packs. One has ammunition box. CIDG = Civilian Irregular Defence Group.nung, battle of ngok tavak, indigenous, cidg, mercenary -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Weapon, Montagnard Crossbow, Mid 1960s
Bamboo double string crossbow made by traditional tribal peoples of the Monagnard Highlands, Vietnam, many of whom worked with the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV) including in the Mobile Strike Force Command (MIKE Force). The AATTV used the symbol of the Montagnard crossbow as part of its emblem.montagnard, crossbow, aattv -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Document, Memorabilia of Jason Cowland
Contains 4 AATTV book marks; 1x AP BAC b/w drawing; 5 Unites States Armed Forces Vietnam envelopes.aattv, united states armed forces - stationery -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Certificate, Meritorious Unit Commendation, 9/02/1970 12:00:00 AM
A certificate of "Meritorious Unit Commendation" awarded to AATTV in Vietnam from Jily 1962 - August 1969 given in Washington on 9th February 1970 signed by the Secretary Of The ArmySeal of USA War Officecertificate, aattv -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Document, US Presidential Unit of Citation Authority, 2012 May 22
Framed letter from Brigadier Peter Short advising that eligible members of AATTV can wear the United States Presidential Unit CitationAustralian Government logo in top left hand corneraattv, presidential unit citation, framed document -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Montagnard Parachute Training, 1969
WO2 John Vincent of AATTV trains Montagnard soldiers to parachute. The Montagnard of Mike Force were part of the Special Forces Vietnam.wo 2, photograph, training, aattv -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Poster - Poster, Information Board, Australian Army Training Team Vietnam - The Team
Yellow metal with white, black & red letterings & numbers. Some of the locations where AATTV members served. Also a map of Vietnam showing Admin Divisions & military regions, June 1967.aattv, vietnam map -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Leadership group the day before the Battle of Ngok Tavak, 9/05/1968 12:00:00 AM
Captain John E D White, Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam (AATTV) took over command of 11 Mobile Strike Force (Mike Force) Company in Da Nang, Vietnam, in February 1968. He was 26 years old. The 2 NVA Division was moving from Laos into South Vietnam and his mission was to establish contact with the division and trace its movements south. In mid-March the company was air lifted to the Special Forces camp of Kham Duc, near the Laotian border. They used an old French Foreign Legion fort as a temporary base from which patrols could be sent out. White called it Ngok Tavak after a nearby mountain. Initially, patrols failed to find the enemy, but in late April a patrol clashed with the enemy. At the same time, White received intelligence that the NVA division was closing in. At night they could hear explosions in the distance heading toward them. White decided their best chance was to leave the fort and take to the jungle to adopt guerrilla tactics. However, in the meantime a platoon of United States Marine Corps artillery arrived bringing with them two howitzers and a stockpile of ammunition. To abandon the fort was to abandon the guns. White contacted Da Nang, explaining the predicament, and was ordered to remain where he was. A Civilian Irregular Defense Group (CIDG) platoon was sent to reinforce his numbers. This was a para military force comprised mainly of indigenous highlanders, trained by United States Special Forces. They also brought with them two mortars and their crews. At 3.15am on 10 May 1968 some members of the CIDG chose to assist the NVA to attack the fort instead of supporting Mike Force, and close hand to hand fighting followed, along with grenade attacks and heavy machine gun fire. Air support offered a brief respite from the NVA attack, and some NVA forces were pushed back outside the perimeter by counter attacks, but at 9am White contacted Da Nang to advise that his position was untenable. A second attack was imminent and they could not withstand it, so they would have to withdraw. The wounded were evacuated by helicopter (under orders from Major Mai, the NVA had not attacked the previous medical helicopters that collected the wounded under the cover of air strikes) and at 1pm the rest of the force evacuated east, into the jungle. The NVA did not notice their withdrawal, and continued mortar attacks on the fort for another ninety minutes. Seven kilometres from the fort White called for a helicopter withdrawal of his forces. The force was successfully lifted to Kham Duc and then Da Nang. (Credit AWM)Coloured image of 7 soldiers (5 shirtless) posed on the edge of a foxhole with jungle in background. L-R Willie Swicegood (USA), John White (AATTV-Aus), Ken Benway (USA), Frank Lucas (Aust), Clay Aitkins (USA), Glenn Miller (USA), Don Cameron (Aust)john white, aattv, battle of ngok tavak -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Poster - Poster, Information Board, Behind The Wire
Storyboard giving a summary of the background and explanation of the history of the Vietnam conflict by Bruce Davies MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire). 1 RAR: Corporal, Signals Platoon 1965 - 1966, AATTV - WO2 Adviser ARVN Infantry Companies, 1 Corps and Platoon Commander Mike Force, Pleiku 1967 - 1968, AATTV WO2 Adviser ARVN Infantry Companies and Reconnaissance Company, 1 Corps and HQ AATTV Saigon, 1968 - 1970storyboard, behind the wire, bruce davies mbe, 1 rar, aattv, saigon -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Poster - Poster, Information Board, Behind the Wire
Storyboard of John Vincent OAM, Platoon Commander, Pleiku May 1969 - May 1970. Service Number 29581, AATTVstoryboard, behind the wire, aattv, pleiku, john vincent oam -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Equipment - Equipment, Army, Engraved Swagger Stick
Swagger stick with engraving, 1965, buffalo horn. Presented to major Ian McKeown, Australian Army training Team Vietnam (AATTV). Maj Ian McKeown served with the AATTV from May 1964 until March 1965. This swagger stick was presented to him by the grateful men he helped to train. He does not know what became of them. On loan courtesy the collection of Ian McKeown. Made from buffalo horn. Engraved.swagger stick, maj mckeown, aattv, australian army training team vietnam (aattv)