Showing 4082 items
matching advertisements
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with E), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with E located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.earle close, edyvean street, elgar road, elm street, empress road, erasmus street, essex road, everton grove -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with F), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with F located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.felix street, ferndale street, florence road -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with G), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with G located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.gawler court, george street, gilbert street, gladstone street, glendale street, godfrey court, goodwood street, gordon street, grace court, graham street, grange street, griffin close, grovedale road, guildford road -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with H), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with H located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.hamilton street, harding street, harriett crescent, high street, hood street, hotham court, howell avenue, howson court -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with K), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with K located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.kenmare street, kennealy street, kent road, kingsley crescent, kingston road, kinloch avenue, kinsale crescent -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with L), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with L located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.laing street, lambourne street, langford street, leopold street, leura street, lightfoot street, lille street, loch street, lorne parade, louise avenue -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with M), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with M located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.malvern road, marlborough street, marne street, matilde road, meldreth street, middlesex road, mont albert road, montrose street -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with N), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with N located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.nangnak lane, neath street, new street, newton street, norlfok road, norris street, north court -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with O), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with O located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.oak street, olyve court -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with P), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with P located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.park road, payne street, pembroke street, pine street, prospect hill road, proudfroot street -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with S), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with S located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont georges avenue, st james avenue, salisbury avenue, scheele street, scottsdale street, serpentine street, shepherd street, shepreth street, sherwood road, shrimpton court, sir garnet road, smythe avenue, stanhope street, streeton court, suffolk road, sunbury crescent, surrey avenue, sydenham lane, sythney court -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with T), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with T located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.tevelton lane, thames street, the avenue, theodore street, thistle street, thornton avenue, tower street, trafalgar street, tyndall street -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with U), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with U located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.union road -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with V), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with V located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.valonia street, varzin street, verdun street, victoria crescent, view street, vincent street -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with W), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with W located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.wandsworth road, warrigal road, warwick avenue, warwick court, wellesley street, wells street, west street, weybridge street, wharton street, whitehorse road, whyte grvoe, willcyrus street, wilson street, windsor crescent, windsor lane, wolseley street, wolseley close -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with I-J), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with I-J located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.inglisby road, james street, junction road -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with Q-R), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with Q-R located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.queen street, redvers street, riversdale road, robinson road, rose avenue, ross street, rostrevor parade, rowland street, royal lane, russell street -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Folder of real estate advertisements, Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning with X-Z), Various
... Folders of real estate advertisements (Streets beginning ...A4 folders with individual pockets for each property in streets beginning with X-Z located in Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Folders are ordered by street name and then chronologically by property number. Each property has its own pocket. This may include multiple real estate advertisements collected from sales over time. It may also include copies of any research undertaken by Alan Holt and / or members of the SHNCHC team. These are augmented by cards in the Alan Holt index file and by his property registers of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.york street, zetland road -
Tennis Australia
Advertisements, 1888
... Advertisements ...Collage of four 1888 colour lithograph advertisements for Trenton clothing store 'The O.P.O.'. All on paper, all featuring lawn tennis imagery. UV glass. Materials: Paper, Ink, Cardboard, Metal, Wood, Adhesive label, Felttennis -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Article - Newspaper Clipping, Land Sale Advertisements, Golden Hill Estate, Ringwood - 1965, 1966, and Plan of Survey of Lot 8, Mullum Mullum Road Ringwood, 1970
... Land Sale Advertisements, Golden Hill Estate, Ringwood ...Newspaper clippings from Melbourne Sun newspaper (11th December 1965 and 15th January 1966) advertising sale of land - Golden Hill Estate, Ringwood, with summary of features and aerial photograph including artistic representation of street layout. Subdivision includes Mullum Mullum Road, Sonia Street, Jill Court, Linda Drive, Eve Court, Alma Court, and Jacynthe Court. Attachments include reference to Lot 46 as site of original Peter Vergers' orchard residence and subsequent 1970 surveyor's Plan of Survey of Lot 8 Mullum Mullum Road Ringwood, LP 67513, Cert of Title 8581/429.Agent - Aaron, King & Co., Suite 2, 33 Queens Road, Melbourne. (Phone) 26-2443, A.H. 850-2195. Plan of Survey signed on 25.7.1970 by Roger M. Gamble, Land Surveyor, 28 Summit Crescent, Ringwood 3134. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlet, Three advertisements for Ringwood Xmas Carnival for 1934, 1935 and 1937
... Three advertisements for Ringwood Xmas Carnival for 1934 ...Three paper posters showing the proceedings of the Ringwood Xmas Carnival under the patronage of Borough of Ringwood Mayor and councillors, for 1934, 1935 and 1937 -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Book, American Institute of Graphic Artists, Design and Printing for Commerce 1956 and Fifty Advertisements of the Year, 1956
... Advertisements of the Year ...Bookletwalsh st library -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - B/W
... Advertisements ...Advertisement for Mountain Grand Halls Gap A Mangle was the proprietor Electric Light, Hot water service, Hot dinners, Week-end parties catered for Tennis Court, Bowling Green, one minute from swimming poolAdvertisement for Guest HouseAGFA quality paper made in Germanymedia, advertisements, accommodation, mountain grand -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - Coloured
... Advertisements ...This was an advertisement taken from a booklet advertising the businesses and items if interest in the Halls Gap/Grampians area.The photo is of an advertisement for the Kookaburra Cafe, stating items for sale, information about meals and providing the local phone, advertisements -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph|Advertisement, R. G. Terrett, Tailor, Linton
... Advertisements ...The date and source of the advertisement are given in the early LDHS index to photographs. The precise location of Mr Terrett's premises, "Opposite the Bank of New South Wales", is not known.Black and white photograph of original advertisement, which appeared in the 'Grenville Standard' on 22 June 1901.r g terrett tailor, advertisements -
RMIT Design Archives
Advertisements, David Lancashire Design, designer, Avon Graphics Security
... Advertisements ...This is an exemplary model of what is possible in design for print. Only 20mm across, this magnification reveals nine separate print passes that each differently affect the paper's surface. Printed on a cheque commissioned by Avon Graphics Security, designed by David Lancashire and detailed by Geoff Fawcett in the 1990s, the design represents an important aspect of graphic design history: the creation of labour intensive marks that are impossible to forge. Jenny Grigg, 2017foil, graphic design, embossing, printing industry, design -
RMIT Design Archives
Advertisements, Luna Park
... Advertisements ...Wooden promotional portfolio for 'All Australian Graffiti'. Carved wooden container with hinged lid and carrying handle. Owned by Mimmo Cozzolino, and used as a promotional portfolio for All Australian, paper, cardboard, wood, metal -
RMIT Design Archives
Advertisements, Design in Everyday things; Conflict
... Advertisements ...This booklet contains the outlines of two series of talksink, paper -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph|Advertisement, R. G. Terrett, Tailor, Linton
... Advertisements ...The date and source of the original advertisement is not known. It is understood that Terrett's new premises were in the small shop next to (part of) W G Bennett butcher's shop on the corner of Clyde and Sussex Streets, opposite the Shire Hall.Black and white photograph of original advertisement, which notifies customers of R.G. Terrett, Tailor, that he has relocated to "more central and commodious" premises in Sussex Street, Linton.r.g. terrett tailor, advertisements -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertisement, Whittlesea Post, Gilbertsons [butchers], Bundoora, 07/11/1989
Advertisement for Gilbertsons [butchers] of Bundoora.Newspaper advertisement.gilbertsons, plenty road bundoora