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Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, A history of Surrey Hills' sporting clubs and cultural groups, 2018
... A history of Surrey Hills' sporting clubs and cultural ...The urban development of Surrey Hills occurred largely followed the extension of the railway to Lilydale from 1882 and by the late 1880s a variety of sporting and other cultural clubs and societies had been established, many being associated with the local churches. Ken James researched this book for the Surrey Hills Historical Society, of which he is a member, using material and photos from the Surrey Hills Historical Society collection, material from TROVE and other sources. There is a history of 82 groups and where possible dates of operation are, basketball, bowls, cricket, cycling, football, golf, gymnastics, hurling, netball, rifle shooting, swimming, table tennis, tennis, squash, walking, brass bands, choral groups, debating, dramatic clubs, musical club, operatic society, surrey hills orchestra, quadrille, rose club, our holy redeemer church, surrey hills church of christ, surrey hills methodist church, st stephens presbyterian church, australian natives association, balwyn combined, catholic young men's society, surrey hills baptist church, surrey hills independent order of rechabites, wyclif congregational church, surrey hills college, hockey, chatham netball club, blue bell tennis club, benson street methodist church, our ladies wattle park, surrey hills state school old scholars tennis club, surrey squash centre, surrey hills neighbourhood centre, cantrices ladies choir, surrey hills choristers, surrey hills everleigh private amateur dramatic club, field naturalists, holy redeemer basketball, holy trinity basketball, surrey hills church of christ basketball, holy trinity church of england, surrey hills methodist basketball, surrey hills presbyterian basketball, surrey hills bowls club, surrey hills ladies bowls club, surrey hills ana bowls club, surrey hills ior bowls club, balwyn combined cricket club, holy redeemer young men's society cricket club, holy trinity cricket club, surrey hills ana cricket club, surrey hills baptist cricket club, surrey hills church of christ cricket club, surrey hills cricket club, surrey hills ior cricket club, surrey hills junior cricket club, surrey hills methodist cricket club, surrey park combine cricket club, wyclif congregational cricket club, wyclif uniting cricket club, wyclif cricket club, surrey hills cycling club, venture cycle, venture cycling club, surrey hills neighbourhood centre cycling group, balwyn combined football club, surrey college football club, surrey hills combined football club, holy redeemer young men's society football club -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Speech, Commemorative Address - Sir Stanley Savige K.B.E. Federal Conference of Legacy Clubs, Canberra, 10/1954
... Conference of Legacy Clubs, Canberra ...After the death of Stan Savige this address was given at the Canberra Conference in October 1954. It is tribute to his life. Sir Stanley Savige KBE : Commemorative Address Federal Conference of Legacy Clubs, Canberra : October 1954. On the 15th of May this year Legacy learned to its enduring sorrow of the death of its Founder, Lieut. General Stanley George Savige KBE, CB, CBE, DSO, MC, ED, for more than 30 years affectionately known to us all as Legatee Stan Savige. He was the embodiment of all those things for which Legacy stands, and each one of us who knew him and worked with him feels a great and abiding sense of personal loss. It is proper, therefore, that those of us at this Conference, the first after his passing, representative of Legacy throughout the Commonwealth, and comprising so many who were his friends, so many who knew the depth of his love for Legacy, should acknowledge our debt to our Founder and ensure, so far as we may, that the inspiration of his life and work in this Cause shall not be lost to those who follow after. It was not ordained that Stanley George Savige - should enjoy a long life, but it was to prove a life of outstanding service. Born at Morwell in Victoria some 63 years ago, he received with his brothers and sisters such education as was then available to a lad in a mining district. He had no particular opportunities of advancement, but from his early days he cherished a strong ambition to make a success of his life, and with this in view he lost no opportunity of adding to his knowledge. Always a lover of the open country, a good bushman and a fine shot, he became as a young man, a Scoutmaster with a keen following of boys. Even in those early days he attracted youth and showed undoubted promise of the quality of leadership which later was to make him famous. Opportunity came with the first World War, and he took his place as a private soldier in the original 24th Battalion AIF. Followed Gallipoli and Anzac where his marksmanship and bush craft stood him in good stead. Conscious that his early training was not sufficient to secure the promotion he desired, he set himself to enlarge it. Only a man of fine fibre and rare determination could apply himself to study on that war torn Peninsula, where our men, hitherto untested, suffered every known hardship and no man knew, from hour to hour, whether he would survive. But Savige achieved it. Himself then a Corporal he found another Corporal who was a former Schoolmaster and learned from him all that he had to teach. Savige was on his way. He was commissioned on the Field and allotted the heroic task of leading the last party off that desperate coast during the famous evacuation. In France he became the Adjutant of his Battalion and one of the best known officers in the 6th Brigade. He won the Military Cross and was mentioned in despatches. Early in 1918 he received a signal distinction, He was included in a small but distinguished band of Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers from the British and Dominion Forces most carefully selected for individual courage and proved qualities of leadership, and was sent to Persia, under the command of Major-General Dunsterville, Kipling’s famous Stalky, to assist and mobilise the friendly tribes with a view to protecting the road to India, left wide open by the withdrawal of Russia. The story of the Dunsterforce, its suffering and achievements in the face of incredible hardships and difficulties, was later to be told by Savige in his book “Stalky’s Forlorn Hope”. He emerged, finally, unscathed, despite his active participation in several of the bloodiest battles of all time, with the rank of Captain and a DSO and MC to his credit, to say nothing of three mentions in despatches. In later years, further decorations were to be conferred upon him, but I believe he valued none of these so highly as his awards for outstanding personal bravery won in the Field when he was an Officer of comparatively junior rank. Such was the man who in August 1923, at the instance of his former Commander, Major-General Sir John Gellibrand, gathered around him a handful of men who had fought and laughed with him over four well remembered years. This small band adopted the name of “Legacy”, but its purpose then was, in the main, to assist in safeguarding the interests of ex-servicemen in this country. Worthy although the case undoubtedly was, the conception and ideal which was to distinguish Legacy from all kindred post-war movements did not emerge until two years later. The torch had not been lit. Legacy had not yet found its soul. What has been achieved since then is known to you all. The Legacy ideal, unique in its conception, with no known counterpart elsewhere, is now accepted, welcomed and honoured throughout the Commonwealth and abroad. But in those early days the achievements of our Founder in the face of all manner of difficulties and frustrations are worthy of our lasting memory and thankfulness. As the source of every river lies in the hills, so must the inspiration from which stems a great conceptions of service to one’s fellow men be lofty and above reproach. Savige was the embodiment of this new expression of comradeship, as he was the central figure and driving force of the little group that sponsored it. But for his zeal, his faith and determination, it is likely that the flame, newly kindled, might have flickered and died. The idea of men returned from active service pledging for the sake of their former comradeship, their personal assistance to the widows, and above all, to the children of those who had fought beside them and paid the full price of War, was so completely new and unexpected that it was by no means readily accepted. There were no funds, no precedents to guide the new adventurers, only the clear bright flame of an ideal just envisaged, and the conviction that the Cause was unassailable. Nor were there lacking many who said that the community held no place for Legacy, that it was born of sentiment only, and would quickly pass. The scoffers are gone and one since forgotten, but the torch remains and burns brighter than ever. Down the years of Legacy there are many names deserving of honour, men from all States and all stations of life, but no name stands out in such clear and bold relief as does the name of our Founder. By his works you shall know him. He was, in truth, the Soul of Legacy. He sought no office and preferred to work as one of the team. Six years went by before he accepted the Presidency of Melbourne Club, and then only because his fellows would book no further delay. “The Spirit of Legacy is Service” - so runs the Charter, and that was Savige’s Creed. By virtue of his attainments he was called upon to take a leading part in the administration of Legacy, first within his own club and later, as Chairman of the Co-ordinating Council of Legacy in Australia. But always it was the essentially human character of the work which enthralled and upheld him, and the tasks which gave him most joy were those which brought him into close personal contact with the youngsters and their home life. Like their elders they recognised his goodwill and his leadership and responded to it. It was Savige who made possible the first camps held for the boys and girls by Melbourne Club. These were erected on his own seaside property, and were originally conducted under his personal direction and largely with the aid of funds he had collected. There was hardly an important post in his own Club that Savige did not at some time occupy and adorn. He was happiest in the company of those men with whom he had served in the field, and cherished always the comradeship born of active service which is of the essence of Legacy. He was a man of strong convictions but attentive always to another’s point of view. As a Legatee he played a leading part in bringing hope and encouragement to many a mother on whom the whole responsibility of a young family had been suddenly and tragically laid; in the attainment of the ambitions of many an orphan child, which not so long since had seemed to him or her to be mere dreams, impossible of realisation. Comfort for the bereaved, new hope for the children’s physical and educational welfare, assistance with the home, aid for the sick, money for the needy and a new courage to face a future that hitherto had held no promise, all these facets of Legacy endeavour combine to present a living and enduring memorial to the man we honour as our Founder today. Between the two World Wars in addition to establishing himself successfully in civilian life and answering the constant calls of Legacy on his energy and time, Savige maintained an active association with the Army. He was convinced that a Second AIF would one day be urgently called upon, and as a Battalion Commander he spared no effort to train the Officers under his charge during the uneasy years of peace for the trial that he felt must come. These men have all subsequently had distinguished military careers, their names are well known and many of the serve in Legacy today. When the second crisis came, Savige himself was one of the first to offer, and although his youth was spent, he proudly carried the number VX13 throughout the terrible years that followed. This time he was to command, first the 17th Australian Infantry Brigade in the first action of the Second AIF against the enemy at Barida, and subsequently at Tobruk and Derna - all famous names now. It was his patrols which gave the warning - unheeded at the time - that Rommel’s reinforcements were reaching North Africa far earlier than was expected. Then followed the grim days of Greece and Crete when the fine qualities of his leadership were put to the utmost test. I have been told by those who were closest to him it was typical of Savige that when his convoys were on the move back and were being blasted from the air by the unopposed Luftwaffe, he should sit by the side of the open road, wearing his red banded cap, to steady the morale of men who had then no chance of hitting back at the enemy. Unorthodox no doubt, but here was a man indeed. Throughout the whole campaign and later when he commended the 3rd division in New Guinea and later still when with the rank of Lieutenant-General he became a Corps Commander in New Guinea and Bouganville, it was at all times characteristic of him that he should see for himself the situation in the forward areas. He dealt personally with his subordinate commanders whenever it was possible to do so. No one says his G.S.O. 1. understood better than he did the importance of front line troops seeing their G.O.C. frequently, and knowing that he was aware of and prepared to share their hardships and dangers. He took many risks that he should not have taken, exhausted himself physically and mentally times without number, and considered himself not at all in order to secure the success of his operations. Finally, in Bouganville, he brought his campaign to a victorious conclusion and accepted the personal surrender of the Japanese Commander. Savige is known as one of Australia’s most human military leaders, but let no one believe that he did not ask and receive the utmost of his men. He trained them in a hard school but he was ever conscious of their needs and observant and thoughtful of their welfare. Fearless and untiring under conditions which brought younger men down, he asked nothing that he was not himself prepared to give and do. The close of the Second World War left him with the same brave heart; but a vitality greatly impaired. He was called up again and again to perform important national tasks, notably that of Co-ordinator of Demobilisation and Dispersal. But his interest in Legacy never flagged it was in fact more personal than ever, for under his command many junior legatees, sons of former comrades had proved themselves worthy of their Fathers in war and in peace. In the bearing and achievements of the young men of the Second A.I.F. he took a particular and justifiable pride. He applied himself to the Extension of Legacy to areas where it had not previously been practicable to operate. His record of service and close personal contact with the men of both wars made him a most welcome pioneer and many new Clubs and Groups resulted from his efforts. He founded, and I doubt whether any one else could have done so, the Club in the great Capital of our Empire. His reputation and obvious sincerity surmounted obstacles that might well have daunted lesser man. Legacy’s debt to him visibly increased. But he was ever a simple man, with a great love and understanding of his fellow men and a true Legatee at heart. Much that he did will never be known or recognised, save by those who benefitted. His service in Legacy ranged from the humble kitchen of cottage and farm to our representation in Westminster Abbey itself. A knighthood set the seal upon an outstanding career. None the less when upon the death of Field Marshall Sir Thomas Blamey, Lieut. General Sir Stanley Savige became the Patron of the Melbourne Club, he retained at his own express desire, the title of Legatee Savige, and when on that final day we bade him farewell, when the Flags he had served so well were lowered and the guns which had formed a grim final salute, it was apparent to all who had eyes to see that this great and simple man had won such a place in the hearts and affection of his fellow country men as is given to few men indeed. From the packed Cathedral, escorted by his fellow Generals, followed by men of his own Units, by Legatees and a great company of others who had cause to honour and esteem him, he made his last journey. But that is not the end. His voice and presence are lost to us but his memory and inspiration must ever remain. As he has bequeathed to the National War Memorial yonder his diaries, records and battle plans, so he has bequeathed to us his fellow Legatees his greatest achievement and his trust, Legacy itself. Never was the Torch passed by worthier hands. Now it is ours to hold it high. Whatever material memorial the future many hold for him, Legacy owes its Founder a livelier recompense. It is within our power to implement what I believe to be his greatest wish, that Legacy and its ideal of comradeship and service shall flourish and endure. Let each one of us then resolve that we shall, within our Clubs, in all tasks to which we are assigned, both great and small, keep in our minds the life and spirit of Stanley George Savige, so that we may be proud at all times to say of Legacy to those who follow after - “If you would see his memorial - Look around you”.The tribute to Stanley Savige shows how greatly he was regarded by the Legatees.Off white quarto paper with black type, address given about Stan Savige to the Canberra Conference, x 12 pages.savige, speech, obituary -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Documents, Ringwood & District Cricket Association - Registation lists of players of clubs in the Association for seasons 1927/28, 1928/29, 1929/30, 1930/31
... of players of clubs in the Association for seasons 1927/28 ...Hand written pages of player registrations and transfers. (62 pages)"Covering typed letter adressed to The Librarian - Ringwood Archival Centre" -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Diamond Valley Leader, Clubs score cash boost, 29/11/2017
... Clubs score cash boost ...Millions of dollars will be pumped into two Diamond Valley sporting facilities to keep up with the booming demand of the sporty shire.News article 1 page, black text and colour image .diamond valley basketball association, diamond valley force netball association -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Meals on wheels are also provided at lunchtime in senior citizens clubs in order that older people may eat lunch together
... citizens clubs in order that older people may eat lunch together. ...One of a set of display images thought to be produced by the Shire of Eltham c.1979-1987Illustrative of services provided by former Shire of ElthamColour photograph 20 x 29 cm mounted on green-painted chipboard 28 x 35.5 cm (string on back for hanging)Title printed on label adhered to board below photograph (replaced June 2017) -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Newspaper cutting detailing the function of the Footmen Club in helping lesser know Clubs and Charities with financial donations. Article is from the "Mail Newspaper" dated 12/6/1991
... Club in helping lesser know Clubs and Charities with financial ...Newspaper cutting.Heading on cutting: Group helps area's needy. Reporter - May Coutts. -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Magazine (item) - "Enterprise" & "Paper Tiger" & "The Moth" Magazines of the De Havilland Tiger Moth Clubs
... De Havilland Tiger Moth Clubs ... -
Box Hill Historical Society
Book, Ken James, A History of Surrey Hills' Sporting Clubs and Cultural Groups, 2018
... A History of Surrey Hills' Sporting Clubs and Cultural ...A book titled " A History of Surrey Hills' Sporting Clubs and Cultural Groups"Includes tables of Surrey Hills sporting groups and cultural groups, b&w photographs and indexnon-fictionA book titled " A History of Surrey Hills' Sporting Clubs and Cultural Groups"surrey hills, arts and culture, sporting clubs, sports and recreations -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Article - Newspaper Supplement, Celebrating Stawell Athletic Clubs 125th Anniversary 2002
... Celebrating Stawell Athletic Clubs 125th Anniversary 2002 ...Stawell Time News, Coloured Supplement 16 Pages.Sponsor Australia Postathletic, sports -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book, Stawell Historical Society, Stawell & Pleasant Creek Racing Clubs 1857-1899, 2018
... Stawell & Pleasant Creek Racing Clubs 1857-1899 ...stawell sport -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Community Clubs (Kew), 1958
... Community Clubs (Kew) ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing a newspaper article/clipping from 2010 relating to an event held by the Kew groups -- kew (vic.)community groups -- kew (vic.) -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Archive, Stawell U/16s & U/13s Football Clubs, 1966 ->
... Stawell U/16s & U/13s Football Clubs ...Records Correspondence and Minutesstawell, sport -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Speech, Legacy and Sister Clubs. Speech by Legatee Schofield, 1954
... Legacy and Sister Clubs. Speech by Legatee Schofield ...A speech given by Legatee Schofield at the first Annual Meeting of Geelong Legacy following Stan Savige's death. It quotes a few pieces from Stan's speech of 4/11/1939. It was sent to Frank Doolan as part of an early archive project.A record of a speech at Geelong Legacy that honours Stan Savige.White foolscap flimsy paper x 3 pages of Legatee Schofield's speech about Legacy and Legatee Savige.stan savige, geelong legacy -
Melbourne Legacy
Programme, 1998 National Conference of Legacy Clubs of Australia opening ceremony, 1998
... 1998 National Conference of Legacy Clubs of Australia ...The programme for the opening ceremony of the 1998 national Legacy conference, which commemorated 75 years of Legacy. Guests included Sir William Deane, Governor General of Australia, and the Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Councillor Ivan Deveson. 1998 Melbourne Legacy President Tom Bannister hosted the proceedings, which were organised by past President, Legatee D.J. Simonson together with the rest of the conference.Record of a significant milestone in Melbourne Legacy history.Blue, black and grey printing on white folded card.conference, 75th anniversary -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Photo, 75th Anniversary, 1998 National Conference of Legacy Clubs of Australia opening ceremony, 1998
... 1998 National Conference of Legacy Clubs of Australia ...Photos of a Legacy Conference in 1998 which was the 75th Anniversary year. The photos show a military band on stage at the Victorian Art Centre and speeches being made in front of a large audience. Also a choir and a lady in the official party receiving a bunch of flowers. A record of an event for the 75th Anniversary in 1998. Colour photo x 6 of the Legacy Conference Opening at Victorian Arts Centre in 1998.Printing on the back "75th anniversary, conference -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Administrative record - Folder, Account Authority Forms, Clubs and Societies, Commonwealth Bank, Linton, 1934-1972, 1934
... Account Authority Forms, Clubs and Societies, Commonwealth ...Folder contains completed Commonwealth Bank forms: "Authority for Society Accounts". Forms vary in format, earliest is dated 30/7/1934, most recent dated 2/9/1972. Forms detail names of organisation, names of authorised account signatories, sample signatures and instructions for signing, e.g. "To sign solely".documents and records, commonwealth bank linton, authorised account signatories, clubs and societies, names, forms, banks, banking -
Merbein District Historical Society
Poster, Merbein Businesses, Residents, Clubs, 1919-1939
... Merbein Businesses, Residents, Clubs ...merbein pumping station, arthur john bruce, ellen emma bruce, frederick alexander bruce, eileen mary bruce, alice skjellerup, merbein state school, jim herbert, merbein west state school, mark zrna, agnes zrna, eric zrna, gordon zrna, commercial street - merbein, merbein golf club - near race course -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Ephemera (Item) - Poster, Eltham Shire Council, Eltham Festival; Faces and places, November 7, 8, 9, 10, 1991
... Eltham Services Clubs ...Promotional poster for the 1991 Eltham Festival featuring the theme of Faces and Places1991, eltham festival, eltham services clubs, eltham shire council, poster, shire of eltham archives -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Beauglehole, A. C, The distribution and conservation of vascular plants in the Gippsland Lakes hinterland area, Victoria, 1985
... Portland, Vic. : Western Victorian Field Naturalists Clubs ...Col. map on 1 folded sheet in pocket. Bibliography: p. 9-10.botany -- victoria -- gippsland. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Document - Printed Sheets, Beauglehole, A . C, The distribution and conservation of native vascular plants in the Victorian Mallee, 1979
... Portland, Vic. : Western Victorian Field Naturalists Clubs ...ii, 99 p. : ill., map ( pocket) ; 21x30 cm.indigenous vascular plants. distribution. victoria. mallee region. | botany -- victoria -- mallee. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Beauglehole, A. C, The distribution and conservation of vascular plants in the Corangamite-Otway area, Victoria, 1980
... Portland, Vic. : Western Victorian Field Naturalists Clubs ...ii,108p. : ill. ; 21x30cm. + 1 in pocket.indigenous vascular plants. distribution. south-west victoria. | botany -- victoria. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Beauglehole, A. C, The distribution and conservation of vascular plants in the Melbourne area, Victoria, 1983
... Portland, Vic. : Western Victorian Field Naturalists Clubs ...iii, 156 p. : ill. ; 22 x 30 cm. + 1 folded col. map.indigenous vascular plants. distribution. melbourne region | botany -- victoria -- melbourne region. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Beauglehole, A. C, The Distribtion and Conservation of Vascular Plants in the South Gippsland area, Victoria, 1984
... Western Victorian Field Naturalists clubs Association ...i-iii; 90 P.; fold-out map on end-cover; tables; maps; ill.; appendices.21 cm.south gippsland, vic.-fauna and flora. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Beauglehole, A. C, The distribution and conservation of vascular plants in the north central area, Victoria, 1982
... Portland, Vic. : Western Victorian Field Naturalists Clubs ...iv, 102 p. : ill., maps ; 22 x 30 cm. + 1 col. folded map.indigenous vascular plants. distribution. northern victoria | botany -- victoria. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Beauglehole, A. C, The distribution and conservation of vascular plants in the south west area, Victoria, 1984
... Portland, Vic. : Western Victorian Field Naturalists Clubs ...iv, 124 p. : ill., maps (some col.) ; 21 x 29 cm.botany -- victoria, southwestern. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Beauglehole, A. C, The distribution and conservation of vascular plants in the East Gippsland area, Victoria, 1981
... Portland, Vic. : Western Victorian Field Naturalists Clubs ...iv, 124 p. : ill., maps (some col.) ; 22 x 30 cm.indigenous vascular plants. distribution. victoria. gippsland. | botany -- victoria -- gippsland. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Beauglehole, A. C, The distribution and conservation of vascular plants in the Ballarat area, Victoria, 1983
... Portland, Vic. : Western Victorian Field Naturalists Clubs ...iv, 94 p. : ill. ; 22 x 30 cm. + 1 folded col. map.indigenous vascular plants. distribution. victoria. ballarat region. | botany -- victoria -- ballarat region. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Beauglehole, A. C, The distribution and conservation of vascular plants in the alpine area, Victoria, 1981
... Portland, Vic. : Western Victorian Field Naturalists Clubs ...One col. map on folded leaf in pocket. Bibliography: p. 9-11.indigenous vascular plants. distribution. victoria. alpine regions | botany -- victoria. -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Silver Napkin rings and spoons
This collection of commemorative items represent 3 sporting and social organisations in Wodonga, Victoria and Albury, NSW. These clubs play an important sporting and social role within these communities.The Wodonga Bowling Club was formally constituted on 9 September 1925. Percy Lingford was elected as President and Edward William Owens was elected Secretary. The Associate (Ladies) Branch of the club was constituted on 22 August with Doll Connell elected as president and May Hicks elected as secretary. The Albury Golf Club was initially formed in 1899 with President Mr. G.A. Thompson and Mr, James Stephen as Honorary Secretary. It was purchased by the Albury Commercial Club in 2004.These items have local significance as they are representative of clubs which have played an important social and sporting role in the local community.A collection of silver napkin holders and silver and gold spoons featuring insignia from Wodonga Bowling Club, Wodonga Ladies Bowling Club and Albury Golf Club. The insignia are made from enamelled plate ware.Wodonga Ladies Bowling Club Wodonga Bowling Club Albury Golf Clubalbury-wodonga sport, wodonga bowling club, albury golf club -
Buninyong Visitor Information Centre
Photograph - Photograph, framed, Buninyong Bowling Club 1902-1903
See images of reverse of frame for an incomplete list of club members in the photograph. The old club house is in the background, now replaced by modern club rooms at the club, which still operates today. The club was formed in 1872 and the old club house was replaced in the 1950s with a larger complex of facilities. This was in turn replaced by another new building in 2011. The club has maintained a strong membership throughout its history. Original black and white mounted and framed photograph of c.40 members of the Buninyong Bowling Club, 1902-1903. Old club house in the background. A list of the names of most people in the photograph provided on the back of the frame. Buninyong Bowling Club 1902-1903. Old club house in background.bowling, sport, buninyong