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matching council newsletters
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : June 1992
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Mountain bikes for Kew Police / p1. Kew Junction Commercial Area Urban Design Options Precincts 1&2 / p1. Responsible dog ownership / p1. Waste Management Strategy / Cr Daryl Oldaker, Malcolm Hutchinson p2&3. Home care for Kew residents / p3. Diary Dates for June/July / p4. Community tree planting day / p5. Friends of Kew Library / p5. Sharps disposal containers/ p5. In Brief [Recycling garden pots; Recycling kerbside collection; Outdated phone books recycled; Kew Pre-school Association; Australian Orthodoxy; Adult literacy classes; Football news; Women at midlife] / p6.Passive smoking - How much does it affect you? / p7. Don't Litter [and fines] / p7. Pictures of Kew [winner of decorated hat exhibition]; Flying start holiday camp [at Carey]; Kew High school teacher and student; James W Waters Award] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionMountain bikes for Kew Police / p1. Kew Junction Commercial Area Urban Design Options Precincts 1&2 / p1. Responsible dog ownership / p1. Waste Management Strategy / Cr Daryl Oldaker, Malcolm Hutchinson p2&3. Home care for Kew residents / p3. Diary Dates for June/July / p4. Community tree planting day / p5. Friends of Kew Library / p5. Sharps disposal containers/ p5. In Brief [Recycling garden pots; Recycling kerbside collection; Outdated phone books recycled; Kew Pre-school Association; Australian Orthodoxy; Adult literacy classes; Football news; Women at midlife] / p6.Passive smoking - How much does it affect you? / p7. Don't Litter [and fines] / p7. Pictures of Kew [winner of decorated hat exhibition]; Flying start holiday camp [at Carey]; Kew High school teacher and student; James W Waters Award] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : May 1992
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Strategic bicycle plan / p1. World No Tobacco Day / p1. Chief Executive's Column [New approach to rates and charges] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment [New Accounting Standard for Local Government; A living history of Kew] / Cr Daryl Oldaker. Diary Dates for May/June [1992] / p4. In Brief [Volunteers - Kew Cottages & Uniting Church Lodge; Maternal and Child Care Centre Denmark Street; North Kew Tennis Club; Kew Band; Kew Senior Citizens' Club; Schizophrenia Fellowship; Kew Bowling Club; Recycling; Life Education Centre; Baptist Church] / p5. St George's Hospital Redevelopment Plan / p6. Kindergarten enrolments / p6. What is a Neighbourhood House? / p6. Planning for optimum community health, municipal public health plans [Schizophrenia; Reading mobility] / p7. Trees v Power Lines / p8. Weed control / p8. 90th Birthday Trinity Grammar / New swimming pool for Carey Grammar / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionStrategic bicycle plan / p1. World No Tobacco Day / p1. Chief Executive's Column [New approach to rates and charges] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment [New Accounting Standard for Local Government; A living history of Kew] / Cr Daryl Oldaker. Diary Dates for May/June [1992] / p4. In Brief [Volunteers - Kew Cottages & Uniting Church Lodge; Maternal and Child Care Centre Denmark Street; North Kew Tennis Club; Kew Band; Kew Senior Citizens' Club; Schizophrenia Fellowship; Kew Bowling Club; Recycling; Life Education Centre; Baptist Church] / p5. St George's Hospital Redevelopment Plan / p6. Kindergarten enrolments / p6. What is a Neighbourhood House? / p6. Planning for optimum community health, municipal public health plans [Schizophrenia; Reading mobility] / p7. Trees v Power Lines / p8. Weed control / p8. 90th Birthday Trinity Grammar / New swimming pool for Carey Grammar / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : April 1992
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Health stall / p1. Kew Tennis Club / p1. New colour [Kewriosity] / p1. Chief Executive's Column [Waste Management Strategy] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment / Cr Daryl Oldaker [ Kew Festival; Waste Management Strategy; Hard Rubbish collection]; Chief Executive's Comment / p3. Residential Policies Review / p4. Revealing Villa Alba - Open Days / p4. Suggested principles for Residential Policy [questionnaire] / p5. Diary Dates for April/May / p6. Dental health for older people [Care and common problems] / p7. To potential young and older bowlers / p7. New facilities for Physical Education demonstrate Ruyton's emphasis on the value of physical fitness for girls / p8. Children's holiday programme / p8. Yabby yarn [Yarra Valley Hockey Club] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionHealth stall / p1. Kew Tennis Club / p1. New colour [Kewriosity] / p1. Chief Executive's Column [Waste Management Strategy] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment / Cr Daryl Oldaker [ Kew Festival; Waste Management Strategy; Hard Rubbish collection]; Chief Executive's Comment / p3. Residential Policies Review / p4. Revealing Villa Alba - Open Days / p4. Suggested principles for Residential Policy [questionnaire] / p5. Diary Dates for April/May / p6. Dental health for older people [Care and common problems] / p7. To potential young and older bowlers / p7. New facilities for Physical Education demonstrate Ruyton's emphasis on the value of physical fitness for girls / p8. Children's holiday programme / p8. Yabby yarn [Yarra Valley Hockey Club] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : March 1992
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Kew Festival Special Edition [16pp] / p1. Looking for deregulation in North America / Janet Dore p2&3. Mayor's Comment / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. New Parking signs / p4. Disabled parking permits / p5. Long term parking p5. Girl Guides & Brownie Guides of Kew / p5. Anyone for tennis? [East Kew Uniting Church] / p5. Football in Kew / p5. New Principal at Hew High School [Alan Taylor] / p6. Trinity Grammar Open Day / p6. Youth Leadership Course / p7. Caritas Christi Hospice Awareness Week / p7. Kew Youth Arts Festival [programme of events] / pp8-9. Diary Dates for March [1992] / p10. Kew Festival Concert at Holy Trinity / p10. Direct Line 2 [Kew Cottages] / p11. Kew Recreation Centre 383-407 High Street, Kew / p11. Healthy fun activities / p11. Free bike identification / p12. Feet feature / p12. New courses at Kew Community House / p13. Kew Junction Commercial Centre / p14. Fundraisers extraordinaire [St. George’s Hospital Kew Ladies’ Auxiliary] / p14. Vale - John Hogan Gervasoni J.P. 1929-1992 / p15. Draft Gaming Machine Policy / p15. Revealing Villa Alba - Open Days / p16.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew Festival Special Edition [16pp] / p1. Looking for deregulation in North America / Janet Dore p2&3. Mayor's Comment / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. New Parking signs / p4. Disabled parking permits / p5. Long term parking p5. Girl Guides & Brownie Guides of Kew / p5. Anyone for tennis? [East Kew Uniting Church] / p5. Football in Kew / p5. New Principal at Hew High School [Alan Taylor] / p6. Trinity Grammar Open Day / p6. Youth Leadership Course / p7. Caritas Christi Hospice Awareness Week / p7. Kew Youth Arts Festival [programme of events] / pp8-9. Diary Dates for March [1992] / p10. Kew Festival Concert at Holy Trinity / p10. Direct Line 2 [Kew Cottages] / p11. Kew Recreation Centre 383-407 High Street, Kew / p11. Healthy fun activities / p11. Free bike identification / p12. Feet feature / p12. New courses at Kew Community House / p13. Kew Junction Commercial Centre / p14. Fundraisers extraordinaire [St. George’s Hospital Kew Ladies’ Auxiliary] / p14. Vale - John Hogan Gervasoni J.P. 1929-1992 / p15. Draft Gaming Machine Policy / p15. Revealing Villa Alba - Open Days / p16.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : February 1992
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Kew Youth Arts Festival: 1992 [Two weeks of culture & entertainment; Photo competition; writing competition] / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Proposal for old library area below Municipal Offices to be leased to Australia Post as a distribution centre] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment [Kew's Old Post Office] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Kew Citizen of the Year Award Australia Day 1992 [Graeme Lindsay] / p3. Diary Dates for February/March [1992] / p4. Community Directory / p4. Free sausage sizzle breakfast at the Kew Recreation Centre / p5. Spare Time? [volunteering at Kew Cottages] / p5. Kew Garden Club [photo Yvonne Knight, Alex McKay] / p5. Urban design guidelines for Lower Yarra River / p6. Nursing Mothers' Association / p6. Kew Community House - 6 Derby Street / p6. New parking signs / p7. Adult literacy [Swinburne College of TAFE Access Education Department] / p7. National Trust's Guide to Renovating Inter-War houses /p8. Row boat for disabled [Rotary Club of Kew] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew Youth Arts Festival: 1992 [Two weeks of culture & entertainment; Photo competition; writing competition] / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Proposal for old library area below Municipal Offices to be leased to Australia Post as a distribution centre] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment [Kew's Old Post Office] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Kew Citizen of the Year Award Australia Day 1992 [Graeme Lindsay] / p3. Diary Dates for February/March [1992] / p4. Community Directory / p4. Free sausage sizzle breakfast at the Kew Recreation Centre / p5. Spare Time? [volunteering at Kew Cottages] / p5. Kew Garden Club [photo Yvonne Knight, Alex McKay] / p5. Urban design guidelines for Lower Yarra River / p6. Nursing Mothers' Association / p6. Kew Community House - 6 Derby Street / p6. New parking signs / p7. Adult literacy [Swinburne College of TAFE Access Education Department] / p7. National Trust's Guide to Renovating Inter-War houses /p8. Row boat for disabled [Rotary Club of Kew] / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : December 1991
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Seasons Greetings [photo] / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Kew's form of open government] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2&3. Mayor's Comment / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Community Directory / p3. 'Around the Bend in Summer' [Yarra Bend Park activities] / p4. School Centenary [Kew East Primary School] / p4. Kew Council's holiday program for children / p5. Day trippers [holiday program] / p5. Boating along the Yarra [Rotary Club of Kew; people with disabilities] / p5. Advisory body seeks new members [Inner East Regional Advisory Council (RAC) / p6. Litter control / p6. Concern for the Yarra / p6. The changing style of Kew's parks / p7. Closing dates during the Christmas vacation / p8. Rates reminder / p8. The City of Kew Councillors [pictured] wish everyone a Merry Christmas and safe New Year / p9. Household garbage collection [Types of bins; Placement of bins; Problem bins/collections] / p10. 40 Hour Famine / p10. [Home] Security measures / p11. Cinderella [Pantomime at Hartwell Uniting Church Hall / p12. Classic Australian Theatre 'Dad & Dave' [performed by the 'Fabulous Nobodys' at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p12. Assistance for AIDS [volunteers needed to support those living with AIDS in Kew, Hawthorn and Richmond] / p12.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionSeasons Greetings [photo] / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Kew's form of open government] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2&3. Mayor's Comment / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Community Directory / p3. 'Around the Bend in Summer' [Yarra Bend Park activities] / p4. School Centenary [Kew East Primary School] / p4. Kew Council's holiday program for children / p5. Day trippers [holiday program] / p5. Boating along the Yarra [Rotary Club of Kew; people with disabilities] / p5. Advisory body seeks new members [Inner East Regional Advisory Council (RAC) / p6. Litter control / p6. Concern for the Yarra / p6. The changing style of Kew's parks / p7. Closing dates during the Christmas vacation / p8. Rates reminder / p8. The City of Kew Councillors [pictured] wish everyone a Merry Christmas and safe New Year / p9. Household garbage collection [Types of bins; Placement of bins; Problem bins/collections] / p10. 40 Hour Famine / p10. [Home] Security measures / p11. Cinderella [Pantomime at Hartwell Uniting Church Hall / p12. Classic Australian Theatre 'Dad & Dave' [performed by the 'Fabulous Nobodys' at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p12. Assistance for AIDS [volunteers needed to support those living with AIDS in Kew, Hawthorn and Richmond] / p12. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : November 1991
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...The Horse Tram returns to Kew [Kew Depot Open Day] / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Kew Junction] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment [Kew Junction Strategy Plan] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Diary Dates for November / p4. Diary Dates for December / p5. The Lioness Club of Kew / p5. Market [Kew Community House] / p5. Invitation to Lawn Bowls [Auburn Heights Bowling Club] / p5. Leader Sports Challenge Camp / p6. New face [Heather Crichton] / p7. New Way Theatre [Company][Kew Cottages] / p7. Safe disposal of chemicals around the home [Disposal options - Waste type by location] / p8. Insects / Marlowe p9. Bothered by pests? [Improved and cheap pest control for Kew residents] / p9. Kewriosity advertising rates / p10. City of Kew Waste Disposal Services for 1991/92 / Malcolm Hutchinson p11. New mum presentation [Nursing Mothers' Association; St George's Hospital] / p12. Kew Auxiliary - Royal Women's Hospital / p12. L.Bear [Library Bear] / p13. Arthritis self help / p14. Mural [by Bill Wood] / p14. Old Trams [request for photos] / p14. Kew Info Youth / p15. Local Artist [Mary McQueen] / p15. Golden putter golf [Studley Park Golf Course] / p15. City of Kew Residential Policies Review Committee [update] / p16. Apology [Kew Community House program] / p16.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionThe Horse Tram returns to Kew [Kew Depot Open Day] / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Kew Junction] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment [Kew Junction Strategy Plan] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Diary Dates for November / p4. Diary Dates for December / p5. The Lioness Club of Kew / p5. Market [Kew Community House] / p5. Invitation to Lawn Bowls [Auburn Heights Bowling Club] / p5. Leader Sports Challenge Camp / p6. New face [Heather Crichton] / p7. New Way Theatre [Company][Kew Cottages] / p7. Safe disposal of chemicals around the home [Disposal options - Waste type by location] / p8. Insects / Marlowe p9. Bothered by pests? [Improved and cheap pest control for Kew residents] / p9. Kewriosity advertising rates / p10. City of Kew Waste Disposal Services for 1991/92 / Malcolm Hutchinson p11. New mum presentation [Nursing Mothers' Association; St George's Hospital] / p12. Kew Auxiliary - Royal Women's Hospital / p12. L.Bear [Library Bear] / p13. Arthritis self help / p14. Mural [by Bill Wood] / p14. Old Trams [request for photos] / p14. Kew Info Youth / p15. Local Artist [Mary McQueen] / p15. Golden putter golf [Studley Park Golf Course] / p15. City of Kew Residential Policies Review Committee [update] / p16. Apology [Kew Community House program] / p16.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : October 1991
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Upgrading of Harp Junction [VicRoads, Kew Council] / p1. Proposed roundabout at Valerie Street, Asquith Road [and] Belford Road / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Rates and charges for 1991/92] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Croquet - New season starts / p2. Kew Band / p2. Mayor's Comment [Council's Budget for 1991/92] / Cr Daryl Oldaker / p3. Diary Dates for October / p4. Diary dates for November / p5. Family Day Care [Kew/Hawthorn Family Day Care Scheme seminars] / p5. St George's [Midwifery School] / p5. Kew Youth Card / p6. Breastfeeding right from the start / p6. The future of Kew Junction / p7. 111 years of Kew bowling [Kew Bowling Club] / p7. The Adult Video-cassette collection [Kew Library] / p8. Invitation to 'Traffic in Melbourne' Community Workshop / p8. Community Planting Day / p8. Float a boat [Rotary Club of Kew fundraising to support disability access] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionUpgrading of Harp Junction [VicRoads, Kew Council] / p1. Proposed roundabout at Valerie Street, Asquith Road [and] Belford Road / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Rates and charges for 1991/92] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Croquet - New season starts / p2. Kew Band / p2. Mayor's Comment [Council's Budget for 1991/92] / Cr Daryl Oldaker / p3. Diary Dates for October / p4. Diary dates for November / p5. Family Day Care [Kew/Hawthorn Family Day Care Scheme seminars] / p5. St George's [Midwifery School] / p5. Kew Youth Card / p6. Breastfeeding right from the start / p6. The future of Kew Junction / p7. 111 years of Kew bowling [Kew Bowling Club] / p7. The Adult Video-cassette collection [Kew Library] / p8. Invitation to 'Traffic in Melbourne' Community Workshop / p8. Community Planting Day / p8. Float a boat [Rotary Club of Kew fundraising to support disability access] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1991
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Is Kew a healthy community - have your say and win prizes / p1. Arthritis/Do you suffer / p1. Have a heart [National Heart Foundation Doorknock Appeal] / p1. Diary dates for September / p2. Swimming for older people [Kew Recreation Centre] / p2. Kew Bowling Club Invitation / p2. Commentary [Obituary for Cr Alfred Stevens; 120 Litre Mobile Bin Recycling Trial / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [How Councils raise revenue] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Diary dates for October / p4. Kindergarten open days [Kew Preschool Association] / p4. Kew Festival [Kewmunity Living 1992] / p4. VicRoads competition / p4. Medical careers [St George's Hospital; Inner Eastern Geriatric Service] / p4. Kew Colts American Football Club / p4. Introducing Councillor John Vincent Murray [Studley Park Ward] / p5. Big print [books at Kew Library] / p5. So long, farewell [Tony Douglas Clerk of Works] / p5. Empress in Melbourne - 6th April 1938 [book] / p5. Spare time [Volunteering at Bodalla Hospital] / p5. Kew Scout Award [Queens Scout Duncan White] p6. Trinity Grammar prize winning students [Jerry Chiang] / p6. Young Women's Group / Sonia Lloyd p6. Advising Centre for women / p6. Carey Junior School / p7. 'How can you be boss of the bladder' [book] / p7. Swimming for intellectually disabled women [at Kew recreation Centre] / p7. Kew wins at golf [Studley Park Golf Course] / p7. The Mighty Lions of Kew [Lions Club of Kew] / p8. 'The Fabulous Nobody's Return' ['Godspell' at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. 'Dragon Girl' [at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. If not W.H.E.N.? [Worldwide Home Environmentalists Network] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionIs Kew a healthy community - have your say and win prizes / p1. Arthritis/Do you suffer / p1. Have a heart [National Heart Foundation Doorknock Appeal] / p1. Diary dates for September / p2. Swimming for older people [Kew Recreation Centre] / p2. Kew Bowling Club Invitation / p2. Commentary [Obituary for Cr Alfred Stevens; 120 Litre Mobile Bin Recycling Trial / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [How Councils raise revenue] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Diary dates for October / p4. Kindergarten open days [Kew Preschool Association] / p4. Kew Festival [Kewmunity Living 1992] / p4. VicRoads competition / p4. Medical careers [St George's Hospital; Inner Eastern Geriatric Service] / p4. Kew Colts American Football Club / p4. Introducing Councillor John Vincent Murray [Studley Park Ward] / p5. Big print [books at Kew Library] / p5. So long, farewell [Tony Douglas Clerk of Works] / p5. Empress in Melbourne - 6th April 1938 [book] / p5. Spare time [Volunteering at Bodalla Hospital] / p5. Kew Scout Award [Queens Scout Duncan White] p6. Trinity Grammar prize winning students [Jerry Chiang] / p6. Young Women's Group / Sonia Lloyd p6. Advising Centre for women / p6. Carey Junior School / p7. 'How can you be boss of the bladder' [book] / p7. Swimming for intellectually disabled women [at Kew recreation Centre] / p7. Kew wins at golf [Studley Park Golf Course] / p7. The Mighty Lions of Kew [Lions Club of Kew] / p8. 'The Fabulous Nobody's Return' ['Godspell' at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. 'Dragon Girl' [at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. If not W.H.E.N.? [Worldwide Home Environmentalists Network] / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : August 1991
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...The greening of Kew [Street Tree Masterplan] / p1. Free mulching of prunings / p1. Looming threat to the character of Kew [Victorian Government plans for medium-density housing] / p1. Diary dates for August / p2. Free self-defence and relaxation classes / p2. Anonymous house [house numbering requirements] / p2. Tom's incredible Spider Ring! ['The Spider Ring' by Track Players] / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [Property valuations] / p3. Looking down rat holes [storm water drain audit] / p4. Waste plans not half baked [120 Litre Mobile Bin Recycling Trial] / p4. Lower your gas and electricity bills [Kew Community House workshops] / p4. Tribute to John Fleet Maughan 1898-1991 [City Engineer 1924-63] / p4. Indoor celebration of parkland [opening of Burke Road to High Street section of Outer Circle Linear Park] / p5. Forward planning for youth [survey] / p5. Kew saves an endangered species [Studley Park Red Gum - E.Studleyensis] / p5. Compliments, criticism and complaints [Kew Library Comments Book] / p6. Life in East Kew / Mr Tony de Clifford p6. New face [Pierrette Boustany, Outside School Hours Co-ordinator] / p6. New face [Lisa Gaffney, Public Relations Officer] / p6. Kewriosity deadlines / p6. Advertising [charges] / p6. Thankyou to the volunteers of Kew / p7. Another Anniversaire [Count Francoise de la Perouse] / p7. Heartfelt thanks [donation by East Kew Synagogue congregation to Kew Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p7. Kew Rotary Club good works / p7. Cinema to expand [Balwyn Cinema] / p7. Winter Song [Brian Hansford performs 'Winterreise at St John's Hall, Camberwell] / p8. Come to Cameron Country [Donald Cameron et al at Kew Gallery] / p8. You be the Gypsy [Victor Herbert's 'Gipsy Lady' by Viola Musical Comedy Society] / p8. Classical music in Kew [Kew Philharmonic Society] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionThe greening of Kew [Street Tree Masterplan] / p1. Free mulching of prunings / p1. Looming threat to the character of Kew [Victorian Government plans for medium-density housing] / p1. Diary dates for August / p2. Free self-defence and relaxation classes / p2. Anonymous house [house numbering requirements] / p2. Tom's incredible Spider Ring! ['The Spider Ring' by Track Players] / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [Property valuations] / p3. Looking down rat holes [storm water drain audit] / p4. Waste plans not half baked [120 Litre Mobile Bin Recycling Trial] / p4. Lower your gas and electricity bills [Kew Community House workshops] / p4. Tribute to John Fleet Maughan 1898-1991 [City Engineer 1924-63] / p4. Indoor celebration of parkland [opening of Burke Road to High Street section of Outer Circle Linear Park] / p5. Forward planning for youth [survey] / p5. Kew saves an endangered species [Studley Park Red Gum - E.Studleyensis] / p5. Compliments, criticism and complaints [Kew Library Comments Book] / p6. Life in East Kew / Mr Tony de Clifford p6. New face [Pierrette Boustany, Outside School Hours Co-ordinator] / p6. New face [Lisa Gaffney, Public Relations Officer] / p6. Kewriosity deadlines / p6. Advertising [charges] / p6. Thankyou to the volunteers of Kew / p7. Another Anniversaire [Count Francoise de la Perouse] / p7. Heartfelt thanks [donation by East Kew Synagogue congregation to Kew Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p7. Kew Rotary Club good works / p7. Cinema to expand [Balwyn Cinema] / p7. Winter Song [Brian Hansford performs 'Winterreise at St John's Hall, Camberwell] / p8. Come to Cameron Country [Donald Cameron et al at Kew Gallery] / p8. You be the Gypsy [Victor Herbert's 'Gipsy Lady' by Viola Musical Comedy Society] / p8. Classical music in Kew [Kew Philharmonic Society] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : July 1991
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Not blowing in the wind [recycling paper] / p1. Completing the picture [Disability access at The Alexandra Gardens] / p1. Business seminar / p1. Manna from the heavens [water consumption and water rates] / p1. Willsmere go-ahead [Jennings development] / p1. Diary dates for July / p2. Winter: a good time for bushwalking [Kew Bushwalkers Club] / p2. Kinder's 40th [J.J. McMahon Memorial Kindergarten] / p2. Study Camp / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker / p3. Chief Executive's Column [amalgamation of local government entities] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Your chance to stand [Council elections] / p4. Letter to the editor [Kew Junction] / Tim Warmington p4. Looking into windows [Property revaluations] / p4. Mayor opens park [bicycle path in Outer Circle Linear Park] / p4. Gisborne passes this motion [Dog Act] / p4. Traffic Management updates - Speed cameras? [Area 6, Area 7, Area 10] / p5. Nit picking again [new head lice brochure] / p5. Concerned about possums? / p5. Your tobacco taxes at work / p5. Taste it ... you'll like it [Beatrix Potter] / p6. Literacy programmes [Kew Community House programmes] / p6. Royal Guide Dogs needs your help / p6. Youth Leadership course / p6. Rock bottom prices [petrol price competition] / p7. Arthritis AGM [Kew Arthritis Self Help Group] / p7. Cheque for Blind Mission [fundraising for Christian Blind Mission International by Carey Grammar School] / p7. Live comedy at Hartwell [Hartwell Players] / p8. Peel Street Anniversary [Sir Robert Peel PM] / p8. Holeproof factory future [Holeproof Hosiery plant in Surry Hills] / p8. What topics arose? [architectural and garden roses] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionNot blowing in the wind [recycling paper] / p1. Completing the picture [Disability access at The Alexandra Gardens] / p1. Business seminar / p1. Manna from the heavens [water consumption and water rates] / p1. Willsmere go-ahead [Jennings development] / p1. Diary dates for July / p2. Winter: a good time for bushwalking [Kew Bushwalkers Club] / p2. Kinder's 40th [J.J. McMahon Memorial Kindergarten] / p2. Study Camp / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker / p3. Chief Executive's Column [amalgamation of local government entities] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Your chance to stand [Council elections] / p4. Letter to the editor [Kew Junction] / Tim Warmington p4. Looking into windows [Property revaluations] / p4. Mayor opens park [bicycle path in Outer Circle Linear Park] / p4. Gisborne passes this motion [Dog Act] / p4. Traffic Management updates - Speed cameras? [Area 6, Area 7, Area 10] / p5. Nit picking again [new head lice brochure] / p5. Concerned about possums? / p5. Your tobacco taxes at work / p5. Taste it ... you'll like it [Beatrix Potter] / p6. Literacy programmes [Kew Community House programmes] / p6. Royal Guide Dogs needs your help / p6. Youth Leadership course / p6. Rock bottom prices [petrol price competition] / p7. Arthritis AGM [Kew Arthritis Self Help Group] / p7. Cheque for Blind Mission [fundraising for Christian Blind Mission International by Carey Grammar School] / p7. Live comedy at Hartwell [Hartwell Players] / p8. Peel Street Anniversary [Sir Robert Peel PM] / p8. Holeproof factory future [Holeproof Hosiery plant in Surry Hills] / p8. What topics arose? [architectural and garden roses] / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : June 1991
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Re locations [North Kew Tennis Club, 1st Kew Scouts] / 1. North's replacement kinder [Kew Preschool Association and North Kew Kindergarten in Pakington Street] / p1. Kinders - What to do? [Council finances] / p1. Junction Traffic Study / p1. Diary dates for June / p2. Bravo, Band! [Kew Youth Band, Kew Band] / p2. World's best animation [3 MBS fundraising] / p2. Travelling friends [St Anthony's Children's Home reunion] / p2. Commentary [Council budget] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [corporate structure] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Beat the beetle [elm leaf beetle] / p4. One electorate: six winners [Hare Clark system] / p4. Heritage Planning [Heritage Residential Zone and individual building controls] / p4. Vale - Allan Hutchinson J.P. 1938-1991 [obituary] / p4. Kewriosity lives on / p5. Nappies in Walpole Street [baby change room] / p6. St George's not dragg'n its feet [Three Year Accreditation Certificate] / p6. Get a dog ... But register it / p6. Sisters kick up heels [Our Lady of Missions dance] / p6. Davis Street's open day [Davis Street Kindergarten] / p7. Baby, Look at us now [High Street Kindergarten] / p6. [Fourth Kew] Scouts host Chernobyl children / p6. New threesome [Trio Nova] / p7. A good get-together [Kew Community House] / p7. A certain timbre [furniture design] / 7. Pride on wheels / p7. Keeping home fires burning [Dunnings Wood Yard] / p7. 1938 diarists / p8. Carey picnic / p8. Henry VIII Birthday / p8. Walk the Outer Circle [walking tours by Australian Railway Historical Society] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionRe locations [North Kew Tennis Club, 1st Kew Scouts] / 1. North's replacement kinder [Kew Preschool Association and North Kew Kindergarten in Pakington Street] / p1. Kinders - What to do? [Council finances] / p1. Junction Traffic Study / p1. Diary dates for June / p2. Bravo, Band! [Kew Youth Band, Kew Band] / p2. World's best animation [3 MBS fundraising] / p2. Travelling friends [St Anthony's Children's Home reunion] / p2. Commentary [Council budget] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [corporate structure] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Beat the beetle [elm leaf beetle] / p4. One electorate: six winners [Hare Clark system] / p4. Heritage Planning [Heritage Residential Zone and individual building controls] / p4. Vale - Allan Hutchinson J.P. 1938-1991 [obituary] / p4. Kewriosity lives on / p5. Nappies in Walpole Street [baby change room] / p6. St George's not dragg'n its feet [Three Year Accreditation Certificate] / p6. Get a dog ... But register it / p6. Sisters kick up heels [Our Lady of Missions dance] / p6. Davis Street's open day [Davis Street Kindergarten] / p7. Baby, Look at us now [High Street Kindergarten] / p6. [Fourth Kew] Scouts host Chernobyl children / p6. New threesome [Trio Nova] / p7. A good get-together [Kew Community House] / p7. A certain timbre [furniture design] / 7. Pride on wheels / p7. Keeping home fires burning [Dunnings Wood Yard] / p7. 1938 diarists / p8. Carey picnic / p8. Henry VIII Birthday / p8. Walk the Outer Circle [walking tours by Australian Railway Historical Society] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : May 1991
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Flying doctors descend on Kew [Crawford Productions] / p1. Computerised court opens [Penalty Enforcement by Registration of an Infringement (PERIN)] / p1. Stop or give-way? [Council assessment of intersections] / p1. Council seeks kinder review / p1. Diary dates for May / p2. Your marching champions [Kew Band, Kew Youth Band] / p2. Word of mouth [Pre-school story time at Kew Library 1996- ] / p2. Something airey [exhibition at Kew Gallery] / p2. Something pre-loved [Glass Street Kindergarten trash 'n treasure sale] / p2. Commentary [Willsmere redevelopment] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Traffic headaches for Barkers Road [drain upgrade] / p3. Trees versus powerlines / p4. Loyal service [Tom Gascoyne] / p4. Traffic Management update [Area 7, Area 10] / p4. Cleaner shopping centres / p4. Hard rubbish collection / p4. Willsmere Drain / p4. Survey of dual occupancy / p4. Health [Department] stall / p5. Women's health workshops / p5. Baby Change Room [Walpole Street] / p5. Nursing Mothers' meetings / p5. Status quo for family day care [industrial award ruling] / p5. Immunisation - Important / p5. Daytime garden / p6. Library Friends' [book] sale / p6. [East Kew Bowling Club] Indoor bowls / p6. Chrysanthemums, M'am [Kew Garden Club] / p6. Handy Veterans Service [Kew sub-branch of the RSL] / p6. Crime wave [Neighbourhood Watch Areas G64, G97] / p6. All this for sixpence [Balwyn Cinema history] / p6. Positive [survey] feedback [to Kewriosity] / p6. Arthritis meeting / p6. Something fishy [Ian Napier at Raya Gallery] / p7. [Kew] Community House courses / p7. Coming events at Trinity [Grammar] / p7. Carmelite Monastery restoration / p7. Council Chamber or Council void? [descriptive comparison of Walpole Street Town Hall with the Chamber at the Municipal [Civic] Offices] / p8. Evangelist meeting [St Hilary's] / p8. Youth empowerment [Youth Resource Centre] / Kate Lang p8. Missions meeting [Kew Baptist Church Hall] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionFlying doctors descend on Kew [Crawford Productions] / p1. Computerised court opens [Penalty Enforcement by Registration of an Infringement (PERIN)] / p1. Stop or give-way? [Council assessment of intersections] / p1. Council seeks kinder review / p1. Diary dates for May / p2. Your marching champions [Kew Band, Kew Youth Band] / p2. Word of mouth [Pre-school story time at Kew Library 1996- ] / p2. Something airey [exhibition at Kew Gallery] / p2. Something pre-loved [Glass Street Kindergarten trash 'n treasure sale] / p2. Commentary [Willsmere redevelopment] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Traffic headaches for Barkers Road [drain upgrade] / p3. Trees versus powerlines / p4. Loyal service [Tom Gascoyne] / p4. Traffic Management update [Area 7, Area 10] / p4. Cleaner shopping centres / p4. Hard rubbish collection / p4. Willsmere Drain / p4. Survey of dual occupancy / p4. Health [Department] stall / p5. Women's health workshops / p5. Baby Change Room [Walpole Street] / p5. Nursing Mothers' meetings / p5. Status quo for family day care [industrial award ruling] / p5. Immunisation - Important / p5. Daytime garden / p6. Library Friends' [book] sale / p6. [East Kew Bowling Club] Indoor bowls / p6. Chrysanthemums, M'am [Kew Garden Club] / p6. Handy Veterans Service [Kew sub-branch of the RSL] / p6. Crime wave [Neighbourhood Watch Areas G64, G97] / p6. All this for sixpence [Balwyn Cinema history] / p6. Positive [survey] feedback [to Kewriosity] / p6. Arthritis meeting / p6. Something fishy [Ian Napier at Raya Gallery] / p7. [Kew] Community House courses / p7. Coming events at Trinity [Grammar] / p7. Carmelite Monastery restoration / p7. Council Chamber or Council void? [descriptive comparison of Walpole Street Town Hall with the Chamber at the Municipal [Civic] Offices] / p8. Evangelist meeting [St Hilary's] / p8. Youth empowerment [Youth Resource Centre] / Kate Lang p8. Missions meeting [Kew Baptist Church Hall] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : April 1991
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Still delivering the goods [Kew Post Office] / p1. Grand Parade [photos Kew Festival] / p1. Dates for April / p2. Heritage Advisor [Heritage Advisory Service] / p2. Council Voter's Roll / p2. Nobody does it better [The Fabulous Nobody Theatre Company present 'Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat'] / p2. Commentary [Commercial Area Strategy Plan] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Traffic School appointment [Marion Burg] / p3. Recycling trial [120 litre mobile recycle bins] / p4. Enlarging [large print] book collection [Kew Library] / p4. Bin gardening lately [composting] / p4. Alex Jessup [death] / p4. Roads desire [road reconstruction and maintenance] / p5. No alcohol at this AGM [People Against Drink Driving (PADD)] p5. Recreation Centre investment [works] / p5. Breathe easily / p5. RSL milestone [75th anniversary] / p5. New look City Hall [re-carpeting] / p5. Kewrious to know [Council surveys] / p5. Senior Citizens' Week / p5. Senior Citizens' good deed [accessible toilets at Senior Citizens' Centre] / p5. [Level] Crossing supervisor / p5. Wizz, chief cook, and ... [Joe Wormald, 1991 Citizen of the Year] / p6. Historic buildings [12 Uvadale Grove] / p6. Spiritual offerings [Rotary Club of Kew Art Competition] / p6. History of Kew Library / p6. Cab & Co [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p6. Music in [the] Round returns [Chamber music festival] / p7. Inspect Strathcona / p7. Date of Census / p7. Brasses and basses wanted [Kew Philharmonic Society] / p7. Kinder turning 40 [J.J. McMahon Memorial Kindergarten] / p7. Plate replacement [Neighbourhood Watch plates] / p7. The Devil's Advocate [unrateable properties] / Allan Hutchinson J.P. p8. Do festivals divert attention? / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionStill delivering the goods [Kew Post Office] / p1. Grand Parade [photos Kew Festival] / p1. Dates for April / p2. Heritage Advisor [Heritage Advisory Service] / p2. Council Voter's Roll / p2. Nobody does it better [The Fabulous Nobody Theatre Company present 'Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat'] / p2. Commentary [Commercial Area Strategy Plan] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Traffic School appointment [Marion Burg] / p3. Recycling trial [120 litre mobile recycle bins] / p4. Enlarging [large print] book collection [Kew Library] / p4. Bin gardening lately [composting] / p4. Alex Jessup [death] / p4. Roads desire [road reconstruction and maintenance] / p5. No alcohol at this AGM [People Against Drink Driving (PADD)] p5. Recreation Centre investment [works] / p5. Breathe easily / p5. RSL milestone [75th anniversary] / p5. New look City Hall [re-carpeting] / p5. Kewrious to know [Council surveys] / p5. Senior Citizens' Week / p5. Senior Citizens' good deed [accessible toilets at Senior Citizens' Centre] / p5. [Level] Crossing supervisor / p5. Wizz, chief cook, and ... [Joe Wormald, 1991 Citizen of the Year] / p6. Historic buildings [12 Uvadale Grove] / p6. Spiritual offerings [Rotary Club of Kew Art Competition] / p6. History of Kew Library / p6. Cab & Co [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p6. Music in [the] Round returns [Chamber music festival] / p7. Inspect Strathcona / p7. Date of Census / p7. Brasses and basses wanted [Kew Philharmonic Society] / p7. Kinder turning 40 [J.J. McMahon Memorial Kindergarten] / p7. Plate replacement [Neighbourhood Watch plates] / p7. The Devil's Advocate [unrateable properties] / Allan Hutchinson J.P. p8. Do festivals divert attention? / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : March 1991
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Kew Festival 10th March to 24th March - Kew is for living / artwork Heike Effler / p1. Dates for March [1991] / p2. Easter hours [Council Offices] / 2. 10th April [Rates and dog registrations due] / p2. Voters' Roll / p2. [Kew] Community House events / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Council's casino letter [Willsmere] / p3. Later to the editor [Casino] / E Stanley Meyer p3. Information: your view [Council survey] / p2. Cotham Road rebuilt [reconstruction] / p4. Anybody home? [1991 Census] / p4. Valley views protected [development along the Yarra River] / p4. Reaching the tram [upgrades] / p5. Traffic management update [Area 4, Area 5, Area 6, Area 7, Area 10] / p5. 7,000 more Kewites [projected population growth] / p5. New school buildings [Ruyton Girls' School; Methodist Ladies' College; Trinity Grammar; Xavier College; Genazzano College; Carey Grammar School; Preshil] / p5. High St [Pedestrian] Crossing / p5. St George's amalgamated [with Victoria Parade Geriatric Centre, Henry Pride Unit, Hawthorn Day Hospital] / p6. Youth co-ordination [Youth Workers' Forum] / p6. Bowling vacancies [East Kew Bowling Club] / p6. Driver wanted [for Henry Pride Geriatric Centre] / p6. On World's rooftop [Trinity Grammar students and teachers in Nepal] / p6. Trinity Day / p6. Clergy move / p6. Bus volunteers [needed for Kew Community Bus] / p6. Festival artist [Heike Effler] / p7. Citizens honoured [Australia Day honours] / p7. Medallion award [Royal Guide Dogs Association] / p7. Will bunny arrive? [Three and Fours Kindergarten] / p8. Fun with your children [Highbury Grove Playgroup] / p8. 2nd birthday celebrations [Kew Recreation Centre] / p8. Free electrolysis / p8. Empress of Britain [1938 voyage] / p8. Japanese woodblocks [exhibition at East West Art] / p8. Join the cast [Viola Musical Comedy Society]Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew Festival 10th March to 24th March - Kew is for living / artwork Heike Effler / p1. Dates for March [1991] / p2. Easter hours [Council Offices] / 2. 10th April [Rates and dog registrations due] / p2. Voters' Roll / p2. [Kew] Community House events / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Council's casino letter [Willsmere] / p3. Later to the editor [Casino] / E Stanley Meyer p3. Information: your view [Council survey] / p2. Cotham Road rebuilt [reconstruction] / p4. Anybody home? [1991 Census] / p4. Valley views protected [development along the Yarra River] / p4. Reaching the tram [upgrades] / p5. Traffic management update [Area 4, Area 5, Area 6, Area 7, Area 10] / p5. 7,000 more Kewites [projected population growth] / p5. New school buildings [Ruyton Girls' School; Methodist Ladies' College; Trinity Grammar; Xavier College; Genazzano College; Carey Grammar School; Preshil] / p5. High St [Pedestrian] Crossing / p5. St George's amalgamated [with Victoria Parade Geriatric Centre, Henry Pride Unit, Hawthorn Day Hospital] / p6. Youth co-ordination [Youth Workers' Forum] / p6. Bowling vacancies [East Kew Bowling Club] / p6. Driver wanted [for Henry Pride Geriatric Centre] / p6. On World's rooftop [Trinity Grammar students and teachers in Nepal] / p6. Trinity Day / p6. Clergy move / p6. Bus volunteers [needed for Kew Community Bus] / p6. Festival artist [Heike Effler] / p7. Citizens honoured [Australia Day honours] / p7. Medallion award [Royal Guide Dogs Association] / p7. Will bunny arrive? [Three and Fours Kindergarten] / p8. Fun with your children [Highbury Grove Playgroup] / p8. 2nd birthday celebrations [Kew Recreation Centre] / p8. Free electrolysis / p8. Empress of Britain [1938 voyage] / p8. Japanese woodblocks [exhibition at East West Art] / p8. Join the cast [Viola Musical Comedy Society]publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : December 1990
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Play equipment brochure / p1. Council to review Community Information Service / p1. Rates reminder / p1. Dates for December / p2. Don't bin it, bag it / p2. Hard rubbish collection to continue / p2. Women's Health Day / p2. Kewriosity / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Cuts threaten Traffic School / p3. Christmas cards / p3. No cost calendars / p3. Bubble and Squeak / p4. [St George's] Hospital records good finance result / p4. Community organisation for young [Rotaract] / p4. Council offers relief care / p4. Teenage holiday program January 1991 / p4. Deteriorating vision may mean danger / p5. Facelift for YRC [Youth Resource Centre] / p5. Time out for myself [Kew Community House] / p6. Council holiday services / p6. What happens to medical waste? / p6. Music a tradition at local school [East Kew Primary School Band] / p7. Carols by candlelight / p7. Sports success for young Carey women / p8. Something for everyone [Kew Recreation Centre] / p8. Library corner / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionPlay equipment brochure / p1. Council to review Community Information Service / p1. Rates reminder / p1. Dates for December / p2. Don't bin it, bag it / p2. Hard rubbish collection to continue / p2. Women's Health Day / p2. Kewriosity / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Cuts threaten Traffic School / p3. Christmas cards / p3. No cost calendars / p3. Bubble and Squeak / p4. [St George's] Hospital records good finance result / p4. Community organisation for young [Rotaract] / p4. Council offers relief care / p4. Teenage holiday program January 1991 / p4. Deteriorating vision may mean danger / p5. Facelift for YRC [Youth Resource Centre] / p5. Time out for myself [Kew Community House] / p6. Council holiday services / p6. What happens to medical waste? / p6. Music a tradition at local school [East Kew Primary School Band] / p7. Carols by candlelight / p7. Sports success for young Carey women / p8. Something for everyone [Kew Recreation Centre] / p8. Library corner / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : October 1990
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Looking locally for leisure / p1. Your junk Rotary's jewels / p1. Dates for October / p2. Dates to remember / p2. October fetes / p2. Take tea in a monastery garden / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Road closure [Kew Boulevard] / p3. Hard rubbish collection to start / p3. Notices / p4. Rec Centre seeks info from older adults [Kew Recreation Centre] / p4. Council calls for submissions on skateboard / p4. Kids in Space [musical] / p4. Library corner / p4. Recycling trial / p5. The Play's the Thing [Track Players] / p5. St George's to meet aged care needs / p5. Kew Community House / p6. Kew Info Youth / p6. Hawthorn History / p6. [Kew Primary] School celebrates with song and dance / p6. Connecting community with disability / p7. Bold as brass [Kew Band, Kew Youth Band] / p7.Community clean up / p7. Jelly bean drama / p7. [Kew] Bowling Club honours modern bowls inventor [Ray Hensell] / p8. Hawthorn Centre open day / p8. Letters to the editor / p8. Community leisure / p8. 'The Boyfriend' [Phoenix Music Club] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionLooking locally for leisure / p1. Your junk Rotary's jewels / p1. Dates for October / p2. Dates to remember / p2. October fetes / p2. Take tea in a monastery garden / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Road closure [Kew Boulevard] / p3. Hard rubbish collection to start / p3. Notices / p4. Rec Centre seeks info from older adults [Kew Recreation Centre] / p4. Council calls for submissions on skateboard / p4. Kids in Space [musical] / p4. Library corner / p4. Recycling trial / p5. The Play's the Thing [Track Players] / p5. St George's to meet aged care needs / p5. Kew Community House / p6. Kew Info Youth / p6. Hawthorn History / p6. [Kew Primary] School celebrates with song and dance / p6. Connecting community with disability / p7. Bold as brass [Kew Band, Kew Youth Band] / p7.Community clean up / p7. Jelly bean drama / p7. [Kew] Bowling Club honours modern bowls inventor [Ray Hensell] / p8. Hawthorn Centre open day / p8. Letters to the editor / p8. Community leisure / p8. 'The Boyfriend' [Phoenix Music Club] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1990
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Committee changes give new powers / p1/2. City's success seen in strategic planning / p1. Dates for September / p2. Sharing responsibility for literacy / p2. Bush dance / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Mayoral team profile / p3. Information day on women's health / p4. Beaumont soiree / p4. St George's supports World Vision / p4. Lone ride for cancer research [Steven Duthie] / p4. Fax link for cabs / p5. Parking permit fees / p5. Anzac legend / p5. "Sharps' scheme for Kew / p5. Council supports call for TV translator / p5. Kinder enrolments up / p6. Older adults meed leisure opportunities, report finds / p6. Images on Kew [Richard Birmingham at Gretz Gallery] / p6. Birthing alternative [St George's Hospital] / p6. Health strategy for young people / p7. Seniors podiatry sessions / p7. Did you attend Kew Primary School? / p7. Letters to the editor / p8. In the twinkling twilight [Kew Festival] / p8. Traffic management update / p8. Cricket recruiting drive / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCommittee changes give new powers / p1/2. City's success seen in strategic planning / p1. Dates for September / p2. Sharing responsibility for literacy / p2. Bush dance / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Mayoral team profile / p3. Information day on women's health / p4. Beaumont soiree / p4. St George's supports World Vision / p4. Lone ride for cancer research [Steven Duthie] / p4. Fax link for cabs / p5. Parking permit fees / p5. Anzac legend / p5. "Sharps' scheme for Kew / p5. Council supports call for TV translator / p5. Kinder enrolments up / p6. Older adults meed leisure opportunities, report finds / p6. Images on Kew [Richard Birmingham at Gretz Gallery] / p6. Birthing alternative [St George's Hospital] / p6. Health strategy for young people / p7. Seniors podiatry sessions / p7. Did you attend Kew Primary School? / p7. Letters to the editor / p8. In the twinkling twilight [Kew Festival] / p8. Traffic management update / p8. Cricket recruiting drive / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : August 1990
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Council assistance available to maintain homes / p1. Rates reminder / p1. No elections / p1. Dates for August / p2. Breast information session / p2. One act plays [Track Players] / p2. Strategies for success / p2. Rotary changeover [Kew Rotary Club] / p2. Kew's kindergartens to open doors / p3. Budget to take care of basics / p3. Urban women have a taste for country life [Kew/Balwyn Country Women's Association CWA] / p3. Your community bus needs you / p3. Recruiting drive [Meals on Wheels] / p3. Notices / p4. Major donation to St George's [Hospital] [Kew Rotary Club] / p4. Carey's new head / p4. Library corner / p4. Update on traffic / p4. Family day care / p5. Centenary celebrations for Kew East [Primary School] / p5. Courses, coffee and a chat [ Kew Community House] / p5. Govt amends Kew Planning Scheme [Willsmere] / p5. Backyard burning banned / p5. Kew Community House [courses] / p6. Clean up for Studley Park [Boroondara Bushwalkers] / p6. Council re-assesses proposal [skateboard bowl at Victoria Park] / p6. Meetings promote care giver act / p7. Council seeks community reps / p7. Kew Primary promotes its assets / p7. Recipe for success [Children's International Summer Villages] / p8. Special paper collection / p8. "Kew is for Living" [Kew Festival] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCouncil assistance available to maintain homes / p1. Rates reminder / p1. No elections / p1. Dates for August / p2. Breast information session / p2. One act plays [Track Players] / p2. Strategies for success / p2. Rotary changeover [Kew Rotary Club] / p2. Kew's kindergartens to open doors / p3. Budget to take care of basics / p3. Urban women have a taste for country life [Kew/Balwyn Country Women's Association CWA] / p3. Your community bus needs you / p3. Recruiting drive [Meals on Wheels] / p3. Notices / p4. Major donation to St George's [Hospital] [Kew Rotary Club] / p4. Carey's new head / p4. Library corner / p4. Update on traffic / p4. Family day care / p5. Centenary celebrations for Kew East [Primary School] / p5. Courses, coffee and a chat [ Kew Community House] / p5. Govt amends Kew Planning Scheme [Willsmere] / p5. Backyard burning banned / p5. Kew Community House [courses] / p6. Clean up for Studley Park [Boroondara Bushwalkers] / p6. Council re-assesses proposal [skateboard bowl at Victoria Park] / p6. Meetings promote care giver act / p7. Council seeks community reps / p7. Kew Primary promotes its assets / p7. Recipe for success [Children's International Summer Villages] / p8. Special paper collection / p8. "Kew is for Living" [Kew Festival] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : July 1990
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Hayes Paddock - or bussed [Threes and Fours Kindergarten - Holy Trinity Church] / p1. Rooms with a view [Willsmere] / p1. Barkers Road silenced [drains] / p1. Dates for July / p2. Local theatre company presents [Spectrum Theatre Company] / p2. Tour of Williamstown / p2. Holy Trinity Evensong / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto / p3. Council to form Willsmere Liaison Committee / p3. Participation = rich rewards [role of councillors] / p3. Healthy faces [Council health surveyor profiles] / p4. Committee examines recycling / p4. Tuesday freedom for mum [Occasional Care Centre] / p5. Burning issues / p5. Plans to computerise [Kew] Library / p5. Compost bins for sale / p5. Traffic management update / p6. Your say on [Kew] Junction / p6. Cyclists and pedestrians - together or apart? [Outer Circle Reserve] / p7. Council rejects Met safety zone plan / p6. Packing tonnes of cars in / p7. She's won Tatts / p7. Attempt to counter elm diseases / p8. Rotaract donation / p8. [Kew] Band players win / p8. Asthma Foundation stretches legs / p8. Music initiative / p8. Our Glad's play [Viola Musical Theatre] / p8. Adult literacy award / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionHayes Paddock - or bussed [Threes and Fours Kindergarten - Holy Trinity Church] / p1. Rooms with a view [Willsmere] / p1. Barkers Road silenced [drains] / p1. Dates for July / p2. Local theatre company presents [Spectrum Theatre Company] / p2. Tour of Williamstown / p2. Holy Trinity Evensong / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto / p3. Council to form Willsmere Liaison Committee / p3. Participation = rich rewards [role of councillors] / p3. Healthy faces [Council health surveyor profiles] / p4. Committee examines recycling / p4. Tuesday freedom for mum [Occasional Care Centre] / p5. Burning issues / p5. Plans to computerise [Kew] Library / p5. Compost bins for sale / p5. Traffic management update / p6. Your say on [Kew] Junction / p6. Cyclists and pedestrians - together or apart? [Outer Circle Reserve] / p7. Council rejects Met safety zone plan / p6. Packing tonnes of cars in / p7. She's won Tatts / p7. Attempt to counter elm diseases / p8. Rotaract donation / p8. [Kew] Band players win / p8. Asthma Foundation stretches legs / p8. Music initiative / p8. Our Glad's play [Viola Musical Theatre] / p8. Adult literacy award / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : May/June 1990
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Sponsors sought for Track Players / p1-2. Dates for June / p2. Peel Street birthday [Peel Street Maternal and Child Health Centre] / p2. Notices [Annual Bazaar] / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto p3. Garden pride [Kew Garden Club at Henry Pride Centre] / p3. Young can learn defensive driving free / p3. Students played to wide acclaim [Carey Musical Theatre Company] / p4. Mammacheck [breast cancer screening] / p4. [Kew] Library corner [family history] / p4. 'Boyfriend" auditions [Phoenix Music Club] / p4. Open day success [Trinity Grammar] / p4. Gala concert [Methodist Ladies' College] / p5. Council supports National Trust / p6. Tennis coaching / p6. Celebration for St George's Midwives / p6. [Kew] Philharmonic [Society] concert / p6. Arbor Week planting / p7. Active at any age [Feldenkrais Method at Kew Senior Citizens] / p6. Jobs hunt [Trinity Grammar School, Duke of Edinburgh Award] / p7. Can you help Shirley? [Kew Cottages, Meals on Wheels] / p7. Child accident prevention / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Letters to the editor [Alexandra Gardens] / p8. Keeping your informed [Kew Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionSponsors sought for Track Players / p1-2. Dates for June / p2. Peel Street birthday [Peel Street Maternal and Child Health Centre] / p2. Notices [Annual Bazaar] / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto p3. Garden pride [Kew Garden Club at Henry Pride Centre] / p3. Young can learn defensive driving free / p3. Students played to wide acclaim [Carey Musical Theatre Company] / p4. Mammacheck [breast cancer screening] / p4. [Kew] Library corner [family history] / p4. 'Boyfriend" auditions [Phoenix Music Club] / p4. Open day success [Trinity Grammar] / p4. Gala concert [Methodist Ladies' College] / p5. Council supports National Trust / p6. Tennis coaching / p6. Celebration for St George's Midwives / p6. [Kew] Philharmonic [Society] concert / p6. Arbor Week planting / p7. Active at any age [Feldenkrais Method at Kew Senior Citizens] / p6. Jobs hunt [Trinity Grammar School, Duke of Edinburgh Award] / p7. Can you help Shirley? [Kew Cottages, Meals on Wheels] / p7. Child accident prevention / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Letters to the editor [Alexandra Gardens] / p8. Keeping your informed [Kew Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : April 1990
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Rates reminder / p1. The greening of Kew / p1. Dates for April / p2. Dog fees due / p2. Streetscaping plan / p3. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto / p3 Residential policies review / p3 . Community bus / p3. High Street parking changes / p3. [Easter] Holiday Program / p4. Library corner / p4. Notices [Anniversary fete] / p4. The view from the dome [Sacred Heart Church] / p4. Car control course for young drivers / p4. Singles talk / p4. Anzac Day / p5. Office [development] Policy launched / p5. Federal Minister in firing line [Family Day Care programs] / p5. Possums playgroup / p5. World focus on literacy this year / p6. Credit card debt a nightmare / p6. Garden weddings fee [Alexandra Gardens] / p6. Siena [College] is 50 / p6. Painting for Kew Library [Studley Park Conservation Society, Louise Folleta - 'Yarra River at Studley Park'] / p7. One year on for women's club [Kew Ladies Probus Club] / p7. In Brief / p7. Council strengthens YMCA links [Kew Recreation Centre] / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Traffic Management update / p8. Consumer matters / p8. Back care seminar / p8. Introducing the "Fact Pack" [Youth Services] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionRates reminder / p1. The greening of Kew / p1. Dates for April / p2. Dog fees due / p2. Streetscaping plan / p3. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto / p3 Residential policies review / p3 . Community bus / p3. High Street parking changes / p3. [Easter] Holiday Program / p4. Library corner / p4. Notices [Anniversary fete] / p4. The view from the dome [Sacred Heart Church] / p4. Car control course for young drivers / p4. Singles talk / p4. Anzac Day / p5. Office [development] Policy launched / p5. Federal Minister in firing line [Family Day Care programs] / p5. Possums playgroup / p5. World focus on literacy this year / p6. Credit card debt a nightmare / p6. Garden weddings fee [Alexandra Gardens] / p6. Siena [College] is 50 / p6. Painting for Kew Library [Studley Park Conservation Society, Louise Folleta - 'Yarra River at Studley Park'] / p7. One year on for women's club [Kew Ladies Probus Club] / p7. In Brief / p7. Council strengthens YMCA links [Kew Recreation Centre] / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Traffic Management update / p8. Consumer matters / p8. Back care seminar / p8. Introducing the "Fact Pack" [Youth Services] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : March 1990
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Council supports traders / p1. [Kew] Festival road closures / p1. Dates for March / p2. Kew Festival program / p2. Family fun fair / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto p3. Recycling Committee to report on waste / p3. Mayor praises residents, staff, school [Asbestos removal from Municipal Offices] / p3. Juniors challenge the seniors at bowls {Xavier College v Kew Senior Citizens] / p3. Notes / p4. Willsmere plans / p4. Library set to automate in the 90s / p4. Chid care campaign / p5. Kew Conservation Study [final consultation] / p5. School fundraisers set new record [Methodist Ladies' College] / p5. Kew Community House / p6. Trinity [Grammar] Open Day / p6. Don't underestimate interest in Science / p6. Historic gardens ceremony [Leopoldine Mimovich, Access for all] / p7. Distinguished academic, New Principal for Carey p8. Skateboarding plan gets the nod [Victoria Park] / p8. Miegunyah Walk / p8. Sacred [Heart] centenary event / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCouncil supports traders / p1. [Kew] Festival road closures / p1. Dates for March / p2. Kew Festival program / p2. Family fun fair / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto p3. Recycling Committee to report on waste / p3. Mayor praises residents, staff, school [Asbestos removal from Municipal Offices] / p3. Juniors challenge the seniors at bowls {Xavier College v Kew Senior Citizens] / p3. Notes / p4. Willsmere plans / p4. Library set to automate in the 90s / p4. Chid care campaign / p5. Kew Conservation Study [final consultation] / p5. School fundraisers set new record [Methodist Ladies' College] / p5. Kew Community House / p6. Trinity [Grammar] Open Day / p6. Don't underestimate interest in Science / p6. Historic gardens ceremony [Leopoldine Mimovich, Access for all] / p7. Distinguished academic, New Principal for Carey p8. Skateboarding plan gets the nod [Victoria Park] / p8. Miegunyah Walk / p8. Sacred [Heart] centenary event / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : February 1990
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Theatre group changes track [Track Players] / p1. Rates reminder / p1. People's Day / p2. Dates for February / p2. Children's Services Committee to re-convene / p2. Recycle your children's toys / p2. Senior Citizens' Week / p2. Cash-a-can centre for Kew / p2. Kindergarten places [Davis Street Kindergarten] / p2. Trill with the Phil [Kew Philharmonic Society] / p2. Commentary /Cr Michael Montalto p3. Council sets community reps [ Kew Recreation Centre] / p3. Due you have a hearing problem? / p3. Bluestone sales / p3. Council meetings resume / p3. CEO takes up the reins [Malcolm Hutchinson] / p3. Bushwalking provides photographic opportunities / p4. Notices / p4. Council building works complete [Civic Offices] / p4. Promise of brightest festival yet / p5. Meetings reminder / p5. Christmas gifts for HKC / p5. Spare room? Need help? / p5. Opposition leaders' new move / p5. Keri provides support for all / p5. Kew Community House / p6. War on waste slowed / p6. Council appeals for co-operation on rubbish days / p6. Traffic management update / p6. Historic bridge restored [Kane's Bridge] / p6. Time up for Kew Community House co-ordinator [Judy Price] / p7. Heritage advice / p7. Caption videos for the deaf / p7. Physiotherapy for children / p7. Memorial Walk [People Against Drink Driving, PADD] / p7. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Something for all at Seniors Centre / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizen's Advice Bureau] / p8. Rotarians entertain older citizens / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionTheatre group changes track [Track Players] / p1. Rates reminder / p1. People's Day / p2. Dates for February / p2. Children's Services Committee to re-convene / p2. Recycle your children's toys / p2. Senior Citizens' Week / p2. Cash-a-can centre for Kew / p2. Kindergarten places [Davis Street Kindergarten] / p2. Trill with the Phil [Kew Philharmonic Society] / p2. Commentary /Cr Michael Montalto p3. Council sets community reps [ Kew Recreation Centre] / p3. Due you have a hearing problem? / p3. Bluestone sales / p3. Council meetings resume / p3. CEO takes up the reins [Malcolm Hutchinson] / p3. Bushwalking provides photographic opportunities / p4. Notices / p4. Council building works complete [Civic Offices] / p4. Promise of brightest festival yet / p5. Meetings reminder / p5. Christmas gifts for HKC / p5. Spare room? Need help? / p5. Opposition leaders' new move / p5. Keri provides support for all / p5. Kew Community House / p6. War on waste slowed / p6. Council appeals for co-operation on rubbish days / p6. Traffic management update / p6. Historic bridge restored [Kane's Bridge] / p6. Time up for Kew Community House co-ordinator [Judy Price] / p7. Heritage advice / p7. Caption videos for the deaf / p7. Physiotherapy for children / p7. Memorial Walk [People Against Drink Driving, PADD] / p7. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Something for all at Seniors Centre / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizen's Advice Bureau] / p8. Rotarians entertain older citizens / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : December 1989
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...New Chief Executive for Kew / p1. Council Offices relocation [asbestos] / p1. Rates reminder / p1. Dates for December [and] January / p2. Holiday waste disposal services / p2. Christmas services / p2. Child health services / p2. Carols by candlelight / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto p3. New immunisation program / p3. Kew Junction Study / p3. Kindergarten places / p3. Kew staffer for Camberwell [Bruce Smith, Rate Collector] / p3. Meeting place suspended / p3. Notices / p4. Community grants / p4. Children's holiday program / p4. Heritage advice / p4. [Kew Community Action] Group identifies social needs / p4. Summer study for senior students / p4. Gardens project nears completion [disabled access] / p5. Local resident campaigns against drink drivers [Donald Cameron, PADD] / p5. Kew Community House / p6. [Rotaract] Club for the young / p6. New markets for Sunday shoppers / p6. Tip increase charges / p6. Did you know? [Kew Recreation Centre] / p6. MPs visit local hospice [Caritas Christi, Marie Tehan, Jan Wade, Marshall Slattery] / p7. Hole in one [Kew Festival] / p7. Occasional child care / p7. Cotham Village celebrations / p7. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Hall and equipment hire / p8. Girl Guides seek leaders / p8. For dads and their children / p8. New Probus Club [Kew Ladies' Probus Club] / p8. Funny money for the young / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionNew Chief Executive for Kew / p1. Council Offices relocation [asbestos] / p1. Rates reminder / p1. Dates for December [and] January / p2. Holiday waste disposal services / p2. Christmas services / p2. Child health services / p2. Carols by candlelight / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto p3. New immunisation program / p3. Kew Junction Study / p3. Kindergarten places / p3. Kew staffer for Camberwell [Bruce Smith, Rate Collector] / p3. Meeting place suspended / p3. Notices / p4. Community grants / p4. Children's holiday program / p4. Heritage advice / p4. [Kew Community Action] Group identifies social needs / p4. Summer study for senior students / p4. Gardens project nears completion [disabled access] / p5. Local resident campaigns against drink drivers [Donald Cameron, PADD] / p5. Kew Community House / p6. [Rotaract] Club for the young / p6. New markets for Sunday shoppers / p6. Tip increase charges / p6. Did you know? [Kew Recreation Centre] / p6. MPs visit local hospice [Caritas Christi, Marie Tehan, Jan Wade, Marshall Slattery] / p7. Hole in one [Kew Festival] / p7. Occasional child care / p7. Cotham Village celebrations / p7. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Hall and equipment hire / p8. Girl Guides seek leaders / p8. For dads and their children / p8. New Probus Club [Kew Ladies' Probus Club] / p8. Funny money for the young / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : November 1989
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Paper collections / p1. Community Assistance Grants / 1. Stop Press [Community Services Department, Planning and Development Department] / p1. Dates for November / p2. Residential policies review / p2. Cotham/Glenferrie traffic plans / p2. Christmas cards / p2. And more Christmas cards / p2. History tapestry nears completion [bicentennial project, Kew Historical Society] / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto [Council finances] / p3. Municipal Offices temporarily relocate [asbestos] / p3. Osteoporosis apparatus installed at St George's [Hospital] / p4. Camberwell joins holiday program [Teenage Holiday Program] / p3. Notices / p4. Early parenting / p4. Roadworks for Kew / p4. Where are you Clark Kent? [Interchange Inner East] / p5. Bushwalkers clean up [Studley Park] / p5. [St George's] Hospital signs first health agreement / p5. [Royal Women's] Hospital honours work of Kew women / p6. Council waste disposal costs up 30% / p6. Merri Yarra [Municipal Protection] Committee disbands / p6. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureaux] / p7. Overdevelopment review put on hold / p7. Kew's Parks - Is there room for improvement / p7. [Woodlands Avenue] Playgroup enrolments open / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Bowls at East Kew [Kew East Bowling Club] / p8. [Kew Bowling Club] / p8. Kew brothers rowed for gold [Bradley Kinninmonth, Eugene Kinninmonth] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionPaper collections / p1. Community Assistance Grants / 1. Stop Press [Community Services Department, Planning and Development Department] / p1. Dates for November / p2. Residential policies review / p2. Cotham/Glenferrie traffic plans / p2. Christmas cards / p2. And more Christmas cards / p2. History tapestry nears completion [bicentennial project, Kew Historical Society] / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto [Council finances] / p3. Municipal Offices temporarily relocate [asbestos] / p3. Osteoporosis apparatus installed at St George's [Hospital] / p4. Camberwell joins holiday program [Teenage Holiday Program] / p3. Notices / p4. Early parenting / p4. Roadworks for Kew / p4. Where are you Clark Kent? [Interchange Inner East] / p5. Bushwalkers clean up [Studley Park] / p5. [St George's] Hospital signs first health agreement / p5. [Royal Women's] Hospital honours work of Kew women / p6. Council waste disposal costs up 30% / p6. Merri Yarra [Municipal Protection] Committee disbands / p6. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureaux] / p7. Overdevelopment review put on hold / p7. Kew's Parks - Is there room for improvement / p7. [Woodlands Avenue] Playgroup enrolments open / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Bowls at East Kew [Kew East Bowling Club] / p8. [Kew Bowling Club] / p8. Kew brothers rowed for gold [Bradley Kinninmonth, Eugene Kinninmonth] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : October 1989
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Deafness Awareness Week at MLC / p1. Children's Week / p1. Democrats announce Kew candidate / p1. Dates for October / p2. Spring fairs, fetes / p2. New courses focus on small business and recreational skills [MLC] / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto [environment] / p3. Council supports submission on youth homelessness / p3. Budget worries for Council / p3. Kew's Chief resigns [Adrian Halliday] / p3. Notices / p4. Local families urged to join emergency foster care / p4. Healthy lifestyles / p4. 40th Birthday for St George's [Hospital] / p5. October clean-up for Yarra / p5. Kew Community House / p6. Coroner highlights dangers in children's play / p6. Shopping for Christmas? [Kew Living 1988] / p6. Mediation a plus for families / p6. Want to play cricket? [Kew Willsmere Cricket Club] / p6. Exciting new venture in children's entertainment [Kew Children's Integration Project] / p7. Cuts in State Budget halts E6 / p7. UN Treaty on Child's Rights / p7. ARA encourages reading from birth [Australian Reading Association] / p8. Wise walking / p8. Young People's Day [Kew Youth Resource Centre] / p8. Second round of hard rubbish collections starts soon / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionDeafness Awareness Week at MLC / p1. Children's Week / p1. Democrats announce Kew candidate / p1. Dates for October / p2. Spring fairs, fetes / p2. New courses focus on small business and recreational skills [MLC] / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto [environment] / p3. Council supports submission on youth homelessness / p3. Budget worries for Council / p3. Kew's Chief resigns [Adrian Halliday] / p3. Notices / p4. Local families urged to join emergency foster care / p4. Healthy lifestyles / p4. 40th Birthday for St George's [Hospital] / p5. October clean-up for Yarra / p5. Kew Community House / p6. Coroner highlights dangers in children's play / p6. Shopping for Christmas? [Kew Living 1988] / p6. Mediation a plus for families / p6. Want to play cricket? [Kew Willsmere Cricket Club] / p6. Exciting new venture in children's entertainment [Kew Children's Integration Project] / p7. Cuts in State Budget halts E6 / p7. UN Treaty on Child's Rights / p7. ARA encourages reading from birth [Australian Reading Association] / p8. Wise walking / p8. Young People's Day [Kew Youth Resource Centre] / p8. Second round of hard rubbish collections starts soon / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1989
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...New Mayoral team looks to the future [Cr Michael Montalto, Cr Daryl Oldaker] / p1. Maternal and Child Health review / p1. Dates for September / p2. Head Lice Infection hits local Schools / p2. Commentary [Council Mission Statement] / Cr Michael Montalto / p3. Meet the Mayoral team [Cr Montalto & Cr Oldaker profiles] / p3. Kew Hawthorn Tenancy Week / p3. Notices / p4. Kew Neighbourhood Watch [meetings] / p4. Area 6 Traffic [Management Committee] / p4. Learning for leisure [Kew Recreation Centre] / p4. School holiday programs / p4. Tutors in training [Adult literacy] / p4. Kew Band report / p4. Children's Week / p5. Crackdown on dogs / p5. Aqua friends / p5. Kew's young concerned about health / p5. Rowing Four wins gold / p5. Hard of hearing seminar / p6. Government funding for Community Environment Groups / p6. Keep Kew Green [1990 Kew Festival] / p6. Open days for Kew's kindergartens / p6. Garden dedicated in ex-Principal's honour [Bicentennial Garden, Kew East Primary School, Graeme Lindsay] / p7. Deliverers wanted / p7. Awards for Kew Lions [and Lionesses] / p7. Bus volunteers [Kew Community Bus] / p7. Council taking a look at Kew's open spaces / p7. Letters to the editor / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers [pollution, Yarra Bend Park] / p8. [Deepdene Uniting] Cricket Club recruiting new players / p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Consumer Affairs Kit] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionNew Mayoral team looks to the future [Cr Michael Montalto, Cr Daryl Oldaker] / p1. Maternal and Child Health review / p1. Dates for September / p2. Head Lice Infection hits local Schools / p2. Commentary [Council Mission Statement] / Cr Michael Montalto / p3. Meet the Mayoral team [Cr Montalto & Cr Oldaker profiles] / p3. Kew Hawthorn Tenancy Week / p3. Notices / p4. Kew Neighbourhood Watch [meetings] / p4. Area 6 Traffic [Management Committee] / p4. Learning for leisure [Kew Recreation Centre] / p4. School holiday programs / p4. Tutors in training [Adult literacy] / p4. Kew Band report / p4. Children's Week / p5. Crackdown on dogs / p5. Aqua friends / p5. Kew's young concerned about health / p5. Rowing Four wins gold / p5. Hard of hearing seminar / p6. Government funding for Community Environment Groups / p6. Keep Kew Green [1990 Kew Festival] / p6. Open days for Kew's kindergartens / p6. Garden dedicated in ex-Principal's honour [Bicentennial Garden, Kew East Primary School, Graeme Lindsay] / p7. Deliverers wanted / p7. Awards for Kew Lions [and Lionesses] / p7. Bus volunteers [Kew Community Bus] / p7. Council taking a look at Kew's open spaces / p7. Letters to the editor / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers [pollution, Yarra Bend Park] / p8. [Deepdene Uniting] Cricket Club recruiting new players / p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Consumer Affairs Kit] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : August 1989
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Cricket with a difference [Kooyong Cricket Club, St Paul's School] / p1. No election for Kew / p1. Dates for August / p2. Changes to baby capsule loan scheme / p2. Council seeks comments on Area 7 Traffic Plan [Studley Park] / p2. Council to monitor Government policy on Kew Cottages Plan [deinstitutionalisation] / p3. Walpole Hill parking / p3. Fire and incinerator by-law under review / p3. Notices / p4. Local office gives tenants information [Inner Eastern Housing and Tenants' Information Service] / p4. New two-year-old session of occasional care [Kew Occasional Care Centre] / p4. Help for people with head injuries / p4. Free advice to home and business owners [Heritage Advisory Service] / p4. Images of Melbourne on local view [Ian Napier, Raya Gallery] / p5. "Sharps" Disposal Scheme planned for Kew / p5. Flowers from Friends of Bodalla / p5. Kew Community House / p6. Write about life / p6. Council supports free public libraries / p6. Senior Citizens' Week 1990 / p7. Extra school crossing supervisors for Kew / p7. Give blood for life / p7. Council may vaccinate "staff at risk" [Hepatitis B] / p7. Asbestos scheduled for removal from Council Offices / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Greenfingers change venue [Kew Garden Club] / p8. New production of The Lilac Domino [Viola Music Society] / p8. Why not croquet? [Kew Croquet Club] / p8. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. Greenlink Kew / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCricket with a difference [Kooyong Cricket Club, St Paul's School] / p1. No election for Kew / p1. Dates for August / p2. Changes to baby capsule loan scheme / p2. Council seeks comments on Area 7 Traffic Plan [Studley Park] / p2. Council to monitor Government policy on Kew Cottages Plan [deinstitutionalisation] / p3. Walpole Hill parking / p3. Fire and incinerator by-law under review / p3. Notices / p4. Local office gives tenants information [Inner Eastern Housing and Tenants' Information Service] / p4. New two-year-old session of occasional care [Kew Occasional Care Centre] / p4. Help for people with head injuries / p4. Free advice to home and business owners [Heritage Advisory Service] / p4. Images of Melbourne on local view [Ian Napier, Raya Gallery] / p5. "Sharps" Disposal Scheme planned for Kew / p5. Flowers from Friends of Bodalla / p5. Kew Community House / p6. Write about life / p6. Council supports free public libraries / p6. Senior Citizens' Week 1990 / p7. Extra school crossing supervisors for Kew / p7. Give blood for life / p7. Council may vaccinate "staff at risk" [Hepatitis B] / p7. Asbestos scheduled for removal from Council Offices / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Greenfingers change venue [Kew Garden Club] / p8. New production of The Lilac Domino [Viola Music Society] / p8. Why not croquet? [Kew Croquet Club] / p8. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. Greenlink Kew / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : July 1989
... council newsletters...Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council... publications -- city of kew (vic.) kewriosity council newsletters ...Council elections on August 5 / p1. dates for July / p2. Recycling is the solution / p2. Commentary / Cr Allen Martin p3. Social isolation in Kew [Kew Community Action Group] / p3. Bridge duplication [Chandler Highway Bridge] / p3. Garbage review / p3. Notices / p4. Possums Playgroup / p4. Traffic update Area 10 / p4. Kew's/Hawthorn's CABs reduce hours [Citizens’ Advice Bureaux] / p4. Yarra Scenic Drive / p4. Theatre of the Deaf [MLC] / p4. Sale of other's treasures buys talking books [Friends of Kew Library] / p5. A rewarding career at home / p5. New children's vaccine [measles, mumps, rubella] / p5. First aid-course / p5. Kew Community House / p6. Traffic humps / p6. Greenlink Kew / p6. Jeff Fenech's gloves under the hammer [Kew Football Club, North Kew Football Club] / p6. Neighbourhood Watch / p6. 15 minute Hamlet [Toorak Players Teenage Workshop] / p7. Kane's Bridge work / p7. We like school [Sacred Heart School] / p7. Mayor hosts reception to say thanks to volunteers / p8. Letters to the editor [Neighbourhood Watch] / p8. Kew Band report / p8. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCouncil elections on August 5 / p1. dates for July / p2. Recycling is the solution / p2. Commentary / Cr Allen Martin p3. Social isolation in Kew [Kew Community Action Group] / p3. Bridge duplication [Chandler Highway Bridge] / p3. Garbage review / p3. Notices / p4. Possums Playgroup / p4. Traffic update Area 10 / p4. Kew's/Hawthorn's CABs reduce hours [Citizens’ Advice Bureaux] / p4. Yarra Scenic Drive / p4. Theatre of the Deaf [MLC] / p4. Sale of other's treasures buys talking books [Friends of Kew Library] / p5. A rewarding career at home / p5. New children's vaccine [measles, mumps, rubella] / p5. First aid-course / p5. Kew Community House / p6. Traffic humps / p6. Greenlink Kew / p6. Jeff Fenech's gloves under the hammer [Kew Football Club, North Kew Football Club] / p6. Neighbourhood Watch / p6. 15 minute Hamlet [Toorak Players Teenage Workshop] / p7. Kane's Bridge work / p7. We like school [Sacred Heart School] / p7. Mayor hosts reception to say thanks to volunteers / p8. Letters to the editor [Neighbourhood Watch] / p8. Kew Band report / p8. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters