Showing 81 items
matching greenhill school
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph and Documents, Anne Beggs Sunter, Latta/Downing Family, Mount Helen
The Federation University Mt Helen Campus was once the farm of John Latta and his wife Elizabeth Ann Dean. The couple married in 1867 and had three children at the time of John Latta's death (Elizabeth Ann b.1870; Mary b.1873; John b.1875). Elizabeth later married George Downing, and had another six children. The house was situated in the vicinity of the current Administration and Caro Conference Centre buildings, surrounded by an orchard, and a well under the current Albert Coates Building (Union Building). The land was purchased by the Ballarat School of Mines for their tertiary division from the Stapleton family.Various items relating to the Federation University Mount Helen Campus, and the early settlers on the land, the Latta Family. .1) Parish Plan, including E. Latta, M. Fiscalini, R. Wynne, R. Nixon, J.U. Smith, J. Davis .2) Part of a 1930s ordinance map showing Ballarat, Buninyong and Greenhill .3) Contour Map with the first two Mt Helen Campus buildings included. .4) Drawing a a proposed campus plan .5) Latta Family negativemount helen campus, latta family, greenhill, e. latta, m. fiscalini, r. wynne, r. nixon, j.u. smith, j. davis, parish plan, john latta, elizabeth latta, george downing, elezabeth downing, green hill, pontresina, abraham baxter, g. dean, market gardens, jim downing, bob thornton, j. hateley, martin fanning, toll keeper, anne beggs sunter -
Federation University Historical Collection
Report, Report - Ballarat School of Mines Centenary Final Report, February 1971, 02/1971
A ten page report in a manila folder outlinging the purpose and aim of the centernary committe, events, and a statement of income and expenditure.ballarat school of mines, centenary, ballarat school of mines centenary committee, e.j. tippett, m.b. john, rex hollioake, w. anderson, f.j. hillman, geoff biddington, edith lawn, e.j. barker, stan sweatman, d. bowers, centenary dinner, centenary lectures, centenary medal, victor greenhalgh, centenary art show, centenary booklet, centenary plaques, centenary poster, l. judd, d. chiball, mt helen campus open day, postage stamp, centenary stamp, centenary post mark, greenhill prospect, reunion, mt helen campus opening -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association. November 1978. Edition No. 10/78, 11/1978
This edition includes a report on the The Apollo Parkways Progress Association's October 1978 meeting, Brian and Helen Davey explore the theme: a sense of community, Rememberings of Greensborough [Harry Nash reminisces about A little band of people], We remember when,,,, Some visitors impressions of Greensborough, Articles and letters, School news, Huntington's disease, The Gargantuan Greensborough gaffe? A digitised copy of this newsletter is available at Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 20 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association, apollo parkways -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association.3rd February, 1975. Edition No. 1/75, 03/02/1975
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's December 1974 meeting, Councillor's report, Nillumbik Co-operative School, From the Council Chambers, Meet the natives, Diamond Valley Arts Society, Diamond Valley Repertory, This and that, Conservation notes, Conservation Trust. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 20 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association. 3rd August 1976. Edition No. 7/76, 03/08/1976
Promotion of health: Family Medicine Programme, Graeme Davies give us... The case against "Soda pop", Food additives, Pharmacists can help, T.A. and you, Eltham Living & Learning Centre, This and that, Letters to the Editor, The Penguin Club, Recreation study for Region 14, Diamond Valley Learning Centre, Federal government Assistance to Diamond Valley, Kalparrin, Remember the Progress Association, Nursing Mothers Association, School and Kinder news, Scout news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society. Newsletter, 32 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association, apollo parkways -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association.10th May, 1976. Edition No. 4/76, 10/05/1976
This edition includes a report on the The Apollo Parkways Progress Association's April 1976 meeting, When did you last ask your daughter: "Have you thought about being a plumber", However do you cope?, Cameo of Kay Steventon, Nursing Mothers Association, The battle of the bulge, Scout and Guide news, School news, This and that, Sc New squash Club. Supplement to "Community News". No. 4/76. Diamond Valley Shire: South-East Councillors' report, From the Council Chamber, Protect yourself against rubella, Allan Goldsworthy. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association, apollo parkways -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth.Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association. 1st April, 1976. Edition No. 3/76, 01/04/1976
This edition includes a report on the The Apollo Parkways Progress Association's March 1976 meeting, Sporting complex for Diamond Valley, History in the district, 300 miles of park... the forestry concept, This and that, Functions of your local Health Department, School and Kinder news, Guide news, Battle of the bluestone, From the Council Chamber, Meet the natives, Diamond Valley Repertory, Apex Club in Greensborough. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society. Newsletter, 28 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association, apollo parkways -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association. 4th March, 1976. Edition No. 2/76, 04/03/1976
This edition includes a report on the The Apollo Parkways Progress Association's February 1976 meeting, A feeling of belonging together. Developers play havoc... with our natural heritage, Meet the natives, This and that, Cameo of Johnny Chester, Public open space policy, From the Council Chamber, Letter to the Editor, School and Kinder news, Diamond Valley Repertory, Eltham Film Society. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 28 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association, apollo parkways -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association. 18th August, 1977. Edition No. 7/77, 18/08/1977
Apollo Parkways issue, To join or not to join [Apollo Parkways Progress Association], Pitfalls for land buyers, Thumbs down, to a thumbs up idea! [Apollo Parkways fingerparks], Letter to the Editor, Caring and sharing, From the Council Chamber, Make contact at CONTACT!, School and Kinder news, Putter and puff-puffs at Poulter, Nursing Mothers Association, Parent Australia, A to Z of local activities and organisations in the vicinity of A.P. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association, apollo parkways -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 30 July, 1973. Edition No. 6/73, 30/07/1973
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's July 1973 meeting, Councillor's report, Re-cycling Scheme to continue, In the public interest, The subdivision of our district, Open forum, School and Kinder news, Letter to the Editor, Eltham Film Society, Churinga news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 26th Feb., 1973. Edition No. 1/73, 25/02/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's February 1973 meeting, The subdivision of our District, The Plenty - 1920s, Roads report, Plastics and the environment, Talking about natives, School news, Letters to the Editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 27th June, 1973. Edition No. 5/73, 27/06/1973
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's June 1973 meeting, Councillor's report, Re-cycling Plan for Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley Repertory, Eltham Film Society, School and Kinder news, The Plenty River: Fricker Avenue Reserve, Open forum,.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 30th November 1973. Edition No. 10/73, 30/11/1973
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's November 1973 meeting, Councillor's report, Historic decision: Planning Scheme passed, Continuation of the late Frank Andrew article, School and Kinder news, Diamond Valley repertory, Letter to Editor, From the Council Chamber, "Requiem for a small Valley" [Valley of the Eagles], A.C.F. [Australian Conservation Foundation] and its role. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 29th September 1973. Edition No. 8/73, 29/09/1973
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's September 1973 meeting, Councillor's report, Lot 3 St. Helena Road, In Memoriam [Frank Andrew], School and Kinder news, St. Helena Road... now and before, Forward planning and balanced development, Preservation of the local environment, Public reserves and how to protect them. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 20 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 28th March,1974. Edition No. 2/74, 28/03/1974
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association President's report 1974, The annual Diamond Creek Town Fair, From the Council Chamber, School and Kinder news, Where are the streams of Yesteryear? Supplement to March 1974 "Community News" Nillumbik Historical Society, Reshape them in your own image? Books-on-wheels. Includes booklet "Community Service Directory". A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 20 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association.1st July,1974. Edition No. 3/74, 01/07/1974
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's June 1974 meeting, Handicapped Minding Scheme starts, Diamond Valley Learning Centre, The public interest v personal interests, Letter to the Editor, From the Council Chamber, The Fish Scheme, The restrictive entrance to Willis Street, School and kinder news, Meet the natives. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 31st December 1973. Edition No. 11/73, 31/12/1973
... the Council Chamber, School and kinder news, Greenhills Hall... the Council Chamber, School and kinder news, Greenhills Hall ...Time - lack of it, The Diamond Valley Arts Awards '74, Thank for the memory [Valley of the Eagles], Social action, From the Council Chamber, School and kinder news, Greenhills Hall... a phoenix without ashes?, Music in Diamond Valley. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association.1st November,1974. Edition No. 7/74, 01/11/1974
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's September 1974 meeting, Councillor's report, Yandell rally cross, Loyola Detention Centre ??, Open letter to the Shire Engineer, From the Council Chamber, Meet the natives, School and kinder news, Letter to the Editor, Planning prospects, For the environmentalists. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association.1st September, 1974. Edition No. 5/74, 01/09/1974
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's August 1974 meeting, Willis St. restrictive entrance, Farewell to Harry Nash, Marriage counselling in Greensborough, From the Council chamber, School and kinder news, Pentridge, Meet the natives, M.M.B.W. rates. Open Forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 20 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association.1st September, 1976. Edition No. 8/76, 01/09//1976
This edition includes a report on the The Apollo Parkways Progress Association, Mens issue, 4 wheel driving, All a smokescreen?, Value of freedom or freedom of values, One view of our new shopping centre, Odds & sods, Local man has international voice [John O'Connor], What is a councillor's role?, From the Council Chambers, Meet the natives, Cameo of Len Delacca, Scout news, School and Kinder news, Fathering, Nursing Mothers Association, Parent Australia, This, that and the other, Diamond Valley Repertory, Malcolm Blair reserve. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society. Newsletter, 32 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association.13th December, 1976. Edition No. 11/76, 13/12/1976
This edition includes a report on the The Apollo Parkways Progress Association's November 1976 meeting, Goodbye to old Greensborough?, Lament for the loss of my loved one - Greensborough, Is bigger best?, Church of Christ, This and That, A breeding success story, Cameo of Eric and Prisca Rosario, Land of the brave & the free, Grief, Nursing Mothers Association, Parent Australia, From the Council Chamber, School news, Scout news, Plenty Valley Squash Club, Bird survey of Yandell Reserve. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society. Newsletter, 24 p., illus., map.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association, apollo parkways -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association. 6th October, 1976. Edition No. 9/76, 06/10//1976
This editions includes report of the annual general meeting of the Apollo Parkways Progress Association held at September 1976 meeting, Blasts from the past, Great Greenhills spring happening, Parent Australia, Cameo of Geoff Kerry, Our fountain, Apollo Parkways fountain, You need not "go it" alone, In appreciation of teachers, This and that, From the Council Chamber, Community Health Services, be more health conscious!, School news, Scout news, Letters to the Editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society. Newsletter, 28 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association 4th May, 1977. Edition No. 4/77, 04/05/1977
This edition includes a report on the The Apollo Parkways Progress Association's March 1977 meeting, A word from our guest Editor, Briar Hill Primary School golden jubilee, From the Council Chamber, Promises! Promises! Promises!, Kinder news, Cameo of the Mckenzies, I remember when, I'm thinking aloud, Uranium: a moral issues not a political issue, Do you know about the... Montmorency Field Naturalists Club?, Scout news, This and that, Why oppose uranium mining? A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society. Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association, apollo parkways -
Greensborough Historical Society
Article - Newspaper Clipping, Diamond Valley Leader, Promises on local schools, 22/11/2006
... high school greenhills primary school Text and seven colour ...Article about the state government promises to local schools and local residents' views on the forthcoming 2006 election.Text and seven colour imageselections, victorian government, schools, rosie bray, eltham high school, greenhills primary school -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 25 August, 1971. Edition No. 6/71, 25/08/1971
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's August 1971 meeting, Councillors' report, Our Council candidates - Harry Nash, Ian Cochrane, Tribunal - tribulation without explanation: a continuing story [Shell Oil Company], School and kinder news, Diamond Valley Repertory,, Diamond Valley Choral Society, Electric blankets, Letters to the Editor, Personal news. A digital copy of the Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 31st July, 1971. Edition No. 5/71, 31/07/1971
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's July 1971 meeting, Councillors' report, Service [Shell Oil Company], School and kinder news, Diamond Valley Repertory, Diamond Valley Choral Society, Electric blankets, Letters to the Editor, Personal news. Supplement to "Community News" No. 5/71. Petrol filling stations in the Greensborough - Watsonia - Bundoora area. A digital copy of the Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 13 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 25th October, 1971. Edition No. 8/71, 25/10/1971
This edition includes report on the Progress Association October 1971 meeting, Councillors' reports, "Greenmeyer", The ten commandments of conservation, The all-purpose melaleuca, Letter to the Editor, School and Kinder news, Australia's heritage, Fishermen and Yandell Reserve, Personal news. A digital copy of the Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 23rd Sept., 1971. Edition No. 7/71, 23/09/1971
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's September 1971 meeting, Councillors' report, "Operation cape broom", School and Kinder news, Diamond Valley Repertory, Personal news. A digital copy of the Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society. Newsletter, 12 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 20th April, 1972. Edition No.2/72, 20/04/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's April 1972 meeting, President's report 1971-72, Bridging the gap, Facts about Lake Pedder, Yandell Reserve, Boys will the boys, Roads, The new sports complex: a view point. School and Kinder news, Local news, Diamond Valley Repertory. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. Printer's phone number written in red pen on cover.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 25th May, 1972. Edition No.3/72, 25/05/1972
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's May 1972 meeting, Eating people just isn't done, A design with nature, Propagation by cuttings, Analysis: the Lake Pedder campaign, Save the kangaroo, Parochialism or maximum effectiveness, Churinga news, Diamond Valley Arts Society, Roads... we've got one at last!, Eltham Film Society, School news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 20 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills