Showing 102 items
matching linguistics
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Bowe, Heather et al, Yorta Yorta language heritage, 1997
In this book are described the general features of Yorta Yorta and provide a compsite vocabulary of about 1,000 words. Vocabulary items documented for particular groups/clans can be identified by the source references against individual words. There is a separate section with a brief description of Yabula Yabula and a specific vocabulary list for that clan language. The book uses early historical records and spoken resources to document the language heritage of the Yorta Yorta ; includes Yorta Yorta grammar and English to Yorta Yorta and Yorta Yorta to English dictionaries ; also includes a Yabula Yabula grammar and vocabulary list ; Yorta Yorta language revival project.p.226; notyes; dictionary; appendices; bibliography.In this book are described the general features of Yorta Yorta and provide a compsite vocabulary of about 1,000 words. Vocabulary items documented for particular groups/clans can be identified by the source references against individual words. There is a separate section with a brief description of Yabula Yabula and a specific vocabulary list for that clan language. The book uses early historical records and spoken resources to document the language heritage of the Yorta Yorta ; includes Yorta Yorta grammar and English to Yorta Yorta and Yorta Yorta to English dictionaries ; also includes a Yabula Yabula grammar and vocabulary list ; Yorta Yorta language revival project.language - linguistics - vocabulary and grammar | language - vocabulary - dictionaries and glossaries | language - vocabulary - word lists | language - linguistics - language elicitation - sentences | language - vocabulary - place names ||yorta yorta / yota yota language (d2) (nsw si55-13) | yabula yabula language (s38) (vic sj55-01) -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Blake, Barry J, Wathawurrung and the Colac language of southern Victoria, 1998
The papers in this volume represent an activity that is becoming increasingly common: putting together scattered sources, mainly from the nineteenth century, on various Australian languages, particularly languages of south-eastern Australia. These languages are no longer spoken in anything like their full, original form and in many communities only a few words are remembered.v-x; 177P.; maps; tables; 25 cm.The papers in this volume represent an activity that is becoming increasingly common: putting together scattered sources, mainly from the nineteenth century, on various Australian languages, particularly languages of south-eastern Australia. These languages are no longer spoken in anything like their full, original form and in many communities only a few words are remembered. aboriginal australians -- victoria -- geelong region -- languages. | aboriginal australians -- victoria -- ballarat region -- languages. | aboriginal australians -- victoria -- colac region -- languages. | aboriginal australians -- victoria -- languages. | wathawurrung dialect. | gulidjan language. | -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, OZBIB : a linguistic bibliography of Aboriginal Australia and the Torres Strait Islands : supplement 1999-2006, 2006
The aim of this work is to provide a full bibliographical listing of all published materials and theses on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages and linguistics.linguistics, bibliographies, austlang database, aiatsis -
Unions Ballarat
Introducing Chomsky, Mayer, John et al, 1999
Linguistics textbook. Chomsky also critiques power institutions and provides commentary on social freedoms. Explores how learning and language influences intellect, education and thinking.Relevant to linguistics and languages. Social and educational interest.Paper; book. Front cover: background is a red and black photo of Chomsky; white and black lettering.Front cover: authors' & editor's names and title.ballarat trades and labour council, linguistics, language, education, society, chomsky, noam -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Journal, William B McGregor, Language and history : special issue on 19th and 20th century studies of Pacific Languages, 2011
William B McGregor: Guest Editorial Wafer, Jim and Carey, Hilary M: Waiting for Biraban: Lancelot Threlkeld and the " in Australian Missionary LinguisticsChibcha Phenomenon" Koch, Harold: G A Robinson and the Documentation of Languages of South-Eastern New South Wales Clark, Ross: On the Margins of Pacific Linguistics: P A Lanyion-Orgill Marcondes, Danilo: Rebeca Barriga Villanueva and Pedro Martin Butragueno, eds Historia Sociolinguisticaq de MexicoMaps, word listshistory, linguistics, australian missionary linguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Mari Rhydwen, Writing on the backs of the blacks, 1996
The author has set out to study the effects of newly developing literacy on a predominantly oral society. She persuasively argues for an awareness of the dangers of denying a voice to the very people who are the objects of such linguistics research.Mapsbilingual education, kriol, ethics and research -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Thesis, Eve Fesl, Ganai : a study of the Aboriginal languages of Gippsland based on 19th century materials, 1985
Honours thesis in linguistics (unpublished) at Monash University. Detailed studies of Gippsland languages (Ganai) including maps, extensive discussion of historical sources, and a fairly detailed grammatical study of Ganai. Includes wordlists organised by areas of meaning.Maps, word listsganai, gippsland -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Journal, Peter Austin, Language documentation and description, Vol. 1, 2003
CD "Spoken Karaim" 2003linguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, W J Oates, A revised linguistic survey of Australia, 1970
Lists languages under areas and language classification; records location, previous research, degree of urgency of research and assessment of total linguistic knowledge; index of variant language names.Mapslinguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Robert Foster et al, Early forms of Aboriginal English in South Australia, 1840s-1920s, 2003
A dictionary of South Australian Pidgin English, spoken primarily between Aboriginals and Europeans in South Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. It is a valuable resource for those engaged with historical and literary texts that in the past have often proved difficult to those not trained in pidgin linguistics.Word listssouth australian languages, nunga, kaurna, pidgin english -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Journal, Peter Austin, Language documentation and description, Vol. 2, 2004
Word lists, screen shots, graphslinguistics, endangered languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Journal, Peter Austin, Language documentation and description, Vol. 3, 2005
B&w photographslinguistics, digital documentation -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
DVD, The linguists, 2009
Travelling linguists David and Greg document languages on the verge of extinction.DVDlanguage revival, linguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, RMW Dixon, Australian languages: their nature and development, 2002
Very comprehensive technical linguistic introduction to the Australian language family, a follow-up to Dixon?s ?The Languages of Australia? (1980). Numerous maps, isoglosses, tables, comparative grammar, phonology, semantics, etc. 1. The language situation in Australia 2. Modelling the language situation 3. Overview 4. Vocabulary 5. Case and other nominal suffixes 6. Verbs 7. Pronouns 8. Bound pronouns 9. Prefixing and fusion 10. Generic nouns, classifiers, genders and noun classes 11. Ergative/?accusative morphological and syntactic profiles 12. Phonology 13. Genetic subgroups and small linguistic areas 14. Summary and conclusion.Mapslinguistics, language surveys -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Robert Lane Greene, You are what you speak : grammar grouches, language laws &? the power of words, 2011
Why does language move some of us to anxiety or even rage? For centuries, sticklers have donned the cloak of authority to control how people use words. In this sensational new book, Robert Lane Greene strikes back to defend the fascinating, real-life diversity of this most basic human faculty. Chapters: 1 Babel and the Damage Done 2 A Brief History of Sticklers 3 Another Way to Love Language 4 More Equal than Others 5 Welcome to X. Now Speak Xish 6 Insubordinate Clauses 7 The Microsoft and Apple of Languages 8 Clouds, Not Boxes.sociolinguistics, linguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Daniel Nettle et al, Vanishing voices : the extinction of the world's languages, 2000
Looking at vanishing languages from around the world and what can be done to prevent it.B&w illustrations, b&w photographs, mapslinguistics, endangered languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, A W Reed, Aboriginal words of Australia, 1994
Provides word list, no meanings and does not define which language it isWord lists, b&w illustrationslinguistics, language dictionaries -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Wordlist for Australian languages, 1987
A tool for recording Aboriginal languages in a fieldwork situation - list of English words for which Aboriginal equivalents are to be elicited.word lists, linguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Nick Thieberger, Macquarie aboriginal words, 1995
Word lists, mapslinguistics, word lists -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, S A Wurm, Linguistic fieldwork methods in Australia, 1969
A survey of various methods of conducting linguistic research with Aboriginal people in traditional contexts, especially elicitation techniques.linguistics, linguistic fieldwork -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Ruth H. Pendavingh, Eltham Festival, Main Road, Eltham
Three colour photographs; two looking diagonally across Main Road, Eltham towards Lyon Bros Ford dealership with the Wizard of Oz float and Institute of Linguistics float. The third photo looking further down Main Road showing the Wizard of Oz float approaching the viewing point.eltham, festivals, main road, lyon bros ford -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Ruth H. Pendavingh, Eltham Festival, Main Road, Eltham
Three colour photographs; two looking diagonally across Main Road, Eltham towards Lyon Bros Ford dealership with the Wizard of Oz float and Institute of Linguistics float. The third photo looking further down Main Road showing the Wizard of Oz float approaching the viewing point.eltham, festivals, main road, lyon bros ford -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Ruth H. Pendavingh, Eltham Festival, Main Road, Eltham
Three colour photographs; two looking diagonally across Main Road, Eltham towards Lyon Bros Ford dealership with the Wizard of Oz float and Institute of Linguistics float. The third photo looking further down Main Road showing the Wizard of Oz float approaching the viewing point.eltham, festivals, main road, lyon bros ford -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Conference proceedings, Gina Cantoni, Stabilizing Indigenous Languages, 2012
Contains the proceedings of two symposia held in November 1994 and May 1995 at Northern Arizona University. These conferences brought together language activists, tribal educators and experts on linguistics, language renewal and language teaching to discuss policy changes, educational reforms and community initiatives to stabilise and revitalise American Indian and Alaska Native Languages.language policy, families and communities, education -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Journal, Peter K Austin, Language documentation and description, Vol. 4, 2007
CD ROM: The disappearing sounds of the worlds Languages, Peter Ladefoged, 2006linguistics, language documentation, linguistics and ethics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Journal, Peter K Austin, Language documentation and description, Vol. 5, 2008
B&w photographs, graphs, word lists, screen shotslinguistics, language documentation, language activism -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Journal, Peter K Austin, Language documentation and description, Vol. 6, 2009
DVD: Lecture by Bernard Spolsky, Rescuing Maori : the last 40 years.linguistics, maori, language documentation -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Journal, Peter K Austin, Language documentation and description, Vol. 7, 2010
Maps, b&w illustrationslinguistics, language documentation, sign languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Journal, Julia Sallabank, Language documentation and description, Vol. 9, 2011
linguistics, endangered languages, language documentation -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Barry J. Blake, Australian aboriginal languages : a general introduction, 1981
Excellent non-technical introduction to the general study and characteristics of Aboriginal languages, including notes on many areas of grammar and culture.Colour photographs, tables, word listsvocabulary, linguistics, language and culture