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matching myers
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s, Chas Bevan, 19/12/1970 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about No. 14 painted as the Myers Christmas Tram, passing the depot junction, Dec. 1970.Colour slide - 35mm - of Ballarat No. 14 decorated as the Myers Christmas Tram for 1970, passing depot junction with Lake Wendouree in the background. Tram has the words "Santa Castle - Fabulous prizes" on the roof and "Its Christmas at Myers" on the side. Photo by Chas Bevan 19-12-1970"Ballarat trams Myers Xmas special 19-12-70" in ink.tramways, trams, wendouree parade, myers, christmas trams, lake wendouree, decorated trams, tram 14 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, B. Prentice, Dec. 1969
Black and white photograph of Ballarat SEC No. 18 decorated for the 1969 Myers Christmas Tram. Photographed at the depot by Bob Prentice, December 1969. Tram simply decorated with standard Christmas decorations, large advertisement board on side "Its Christmas at Myers" and roof advertisement "See Santa's Lodge Win Fabulous prizes". Destination box has been covered with the words "To Myers". Photographed with the depot building in the background.On rear in black ink "Bob Prentice Photo / Ballarat "Myers Father Xmas " Tram / December 1969 / Bob Prentice Photo"trams, tramways, myers, decorated trams, drummond st. nth, christmas trams, tram 18 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, Boomerang Cafe in Hogan Street Tatura, 1987 copy
Enlarged copy of photograph, original held by Myers Family, formerly of Barmah. Cafe in photograph served meals, afternoon tea. Meals 1/6 each (18 c), pot of tea 9 d (8 c), sandwiches 1/- (10 c), wages 1 pound per week ($2). 1930. Smaller duplicate also. Shop had been a jewellery store beforehand. Later proprietors: Mr and Mrs Nicholls, Misses May and Annie Maher, Mr and Mrs H. Hedges, Mr and Mrs N. Cuthbert, Mr and Mrs J. King, Mr and Mrs Meola, Turkish Cafe, C.Y.S.S. Centre, Pizza bar.Black and white photograph of early cafe in Hogan Street, Tatura, operated by Nell Myers and Sarah Colliver, 19301930 - Nell Myers and Sarah (girlie) Colliver Boomerang Cafe (177) Hogan Street, Tatura.nell myers, sarah colliver, boomerang cafe tatura, n. lenehan -
Melton City Libraries
Postcard, Postcards from Fred and Mattie Myers, 1909-1914
Post Card: Melton Railway Station 1909 Mattie to Fred My Dear Fred I received your letter and the L2 10/- I was very pleased to hear that I could write again. You say you will come home after the last shead. I should think so. I had a letter from E Jenkins so I am going down to see her next week we call the baby Fernie now I hope you will agree. Dear Fern has got the whooping cough. Written on the side: I suppose you will be away four weeks yet. Love from Mattie will write on Sunday. This letter appears to be connected with the post card Barwonleigh Saturday October 1908 handwriting My Dear Mattie I received your letter and was sorry to hear of our dear little babys misfortune how did it happen do you know what was the cause of it Mrs Watts must be a blind old fool not to have known what it was when you took him to her the first time poor dear you must be worried to death with all this trouble tell me what the doctor thinks of the rupture. I do hope dear he will get over this all right you must be nearly dead going without sleep for so long I had a bit of misfortune myself on Thursday the machine locked and jumped out of my hand and stuck in my bone I kept on working but it was very painful as all the holding is done with page ..knee the boss also has been chipping a good deal this week he says the next time he has occasion to speak to me I will have to go he is very particular. I would like to go through if possible even if I do a lot less. I have about sixteen hundred done up to now and would get another nine hundred if I was let alone but I suppose we will live lovie even if I go do you know if they are full handed at Eynesbury if I thought I could get a week there I would cut myself out here quick. Well dear lovie I am sending you a couple of pounds as I suppose you will want it to get a truss. I don’t think they are very expensive and hope things will find this better with you. Well my dear love I must close with fond love for you and baby from your loving Husband Fred Post Card: 16 Aug 1909 - Mathoura The card depicts a small sailing boat laden with blue flowers. Well Dear Wife you see I have kept my promise. I rode all the way up here and also carried all my luggage with me it came in handy as I had to camp on the road last night between Rochester and Echuca surrounded by water. I had to walk all the way pretty well from Rochester to Echuca. I am now waiting for the train to Deniliquin. Love to you and my little son Fred. From you loving Husband Fred Written along the top and side of the card. what do you think if the card comes in all right as I have been wading through water all day yesterday and this might be …? will write when I get to the Station, don’t forget to look after the little Freddie and remember me to mother. Post Card: 1909 - view across the Flat from the Creek looking to the Presbyterian Church in the distance with some small dwellings in the foreground. To Mr Fred Myers Wandook Stn Denniliquin NSW Dear Fred, received your letter I am sorry to hear you are having such wet weather I will write a letter tomorrow baby is better With Love from M Post Card: 1910 Postmark Stamp 1d Aug 12 1910 Moama NSW Melton postmark stamped Aug 25? Hare Street, looking south Echuca Mrs F Myers, Melton P O Vic Dear Mattie, Just a line to let you know I got here all right I go to Pericotta tonight and to Cobran to morrow best love to all from yours Fred Letter Cobran Stn Via Deniliquin N.S.W. Sunday 21st Aug extract I am having a good time here, a good cook and the best of everything no fires to light or kettles to boil just get up and wire in… plenty hard work the sheep are pretty tough but much better than Wandook. I am well among them here we had a little rain on Friday but not enough to stop us so we have got one full week in .. the weather is lovely. I have been basking in the sunshine mainly in the morning and feel strong and fit a as fiddle, they are a grand lot of men here I only knew one out of the lots but know them all pretty well now, we have a bit of a concert here every nights almost there are a few good singers here and we also had a phonograph up from the station with all the latest records we have two dancers among ourselves very boisterous affairs indeed thy do make the dust fly. I have not ventured to take part in it and don’t think I will either. I get enough dancing all day long and besides I have to furnish the music you ought to see them going when I rattle up the concertina. Letter Cobran Stn via Deniliquin Thursday Sept 1st 1910 [abbreviated] My Dear Mattie, I received your welcome letter today. I though I was never going to get one as it was Sunday fortnight when I wrote to you but we only the mail here twice a week so it takes a long time to write and get an answer. I also got a reply from Eynesbury and a favourable reply it starts on the 13th Oct. …. I have 800 sheep shorn up to date and am fifth among about 30 men. I am sending two more [Ls] this time which I drew on Saturday. I don’t like sending too much more this time as there is a chance of it going astray and it is not very easily earned…. Things must be humming in Melton with all them babies coming and people getting married… I suppose we will be having new neighbours soon. If Mr Watts is selling out he was getting more property then he could keep. I hope you will soon have rain…. you will have to watch our little boy the dear little rascal he must be getting very cute opening the gates he will be tumbling into the tank …. I love to think of the happy times we have had together and hope that we will love one another to the end .. the mail will not leave here until Monday Love to you dear wife and baby Fred Post Card: – I Cling to you like Ivy Cobran September 18th 1910 Fred awaits a letter from Mattie I still have three weeks here yet.. I am sending L2 tell if you got the other 1L 1911 Letters Fred to Mattie October Spring Plains Oct 1911 Mia Mia Post Office I had a great job to catch the train at Diggers Rest as after I turned off the Keilor Rd it was very way and muddy and I had to walk a lot of the way and got there just in time. I came right into Redesdale by the train and stopped there last night… they had heavy rain on thursday up here and a tremendous fall of hail which covered the ground over a foot deep. There are only 4 shearers here yet.. I saw some of the sheep they look very rough and big so there will be no big tallies done, the men are saying he is giving 2s per hundred extra, so that will help a little. We are going to start Cobran via Deniliquin. Post Card: three scenes of Mathoura 10/9/1914 EB on a photo copy 10/9/12 ? Mathoura Thursday Dear Mattie, Just a line to let you know I got up here all right. I rode the seat out of my trousers. I have done 100 miles on the bike. I met none of the old hands this time so will go out on my own… Your loving husband Fred, did Marjie miss me at all. Post Card: Cobran 15th Sept 1912 Hearts and intertwined flowers and little envelope he has written Marjorie …just a line to let you know I will cut out here Friday next in find, we have had two falls of rain since I wrote and it has bean blowing a hurricane for couple of days and may blow up again however if we are delayed I will send you a card Wednesday I am longing to see you and the two little kiddies again…. Fred Copy only Golf Hill Sep 26th Cut out 31 Oct Total 2332 1913 Post Card: Scene View Street, Bendigo August 1913 Mathoura Tuesday My Dear Mattie Just a line to let you know I got up here all right. Teddy Ginger and another couple of chaps on the way ……. Letter Cobran Sunday Aug 7th 1913 My Dear Mattie Just a line to let you know that weather permitting we will cut out here about Thursday morning….I have not got any more shearing here. I have not heard from the other place…. Expect me about Friday …. I suppose Freddie and Marjie will be glad to see me, Marjie will climb all over me. I will be glad to se you all again you will have a fortnight before Golf Hill starts. I see in the Express you sent that Annie McPherson of (Dunvegan) is engaged to Len Farrell, she appears to be going to take no risks with him she wont let him slip through her hands like the banker did…… Fred Post Card: 1914 Garland of roses Warrambeen Stn Shelford PO October 14th 1914 Birthday wishes. Post Card: Love’s Golden Chain Golf Hill Tuesday Oct 17 1914 Birthday wishes [ this one might be a different year] Letter Cobran Wed 2nd Sept 1914 My Dear Mattie, I received your welcome letter today and also the papers which were very acceptable as we don’t get many papers here we only get see one at odd times as we get none for the hut this year.. I have not seen a bit of butter since I left home as it is too dear for us for sinners here. Poor Marjie had a cold.. so the little kid wants to go to the war, she must think it is good like a picnic. We had light rain on Monday as usual only half a day’s shearing in the shed so that is all we done this week, we took a vote 9 to 6 no shearing so nothing till to morrow morning Thursday so there is still a good fortnights shearing to do, will do nothing Saturday polling day as we have to go 13 miles is near Services where I was last year so we will want the full day 50 men to vote and some will probably have to walk to get there, all solid for Labour. I have just had an interval for lunch, pudding, yeast buns and rock cakes… We are doing nothing but eating and sleeping this week. Fred I am sending L1 in this which will do you till I come back if I keep drawing up I will have none when I finish so make the most of it. Post Card: Two doves with violets 1915 Cobran Wed 18th Sept [could be 1912] Sorry to tell you we are delayed with rain so will not be home till next week… only 3 days of shearing to do…. expect me about the middle of next week….I wish I was with you now and the dear little ones Fred Post Card: Iris Flowers Barwonleigh Stn Tuesday Oct 14th 1918 Happy birthday greetings from Fred Post Card: Irrigation channel Swan Hill 5 Year not shown Swan Hill Tuesday night Just a few lines to let you know I got this far all right. I had to walk nearly all the way to Gisborne and got there last night and took the train here today. It has been raining all the way between Gisborne and here. Moulamein tomorrow. I think it will be another case of walking as it is wet here no metal roads all mud. best love to yourself and the little ones and also mother. will write Sunday Post Card: The White Man’s Burden.The writing on the back rubbed out Mattie has written, I was weighed and I am 8 stone 10 pounds. 14 Post Cards, some have the original dates, others have the date added later by Martha. Two envelopes, one with addressed to Melton postmark Moule, stamp torn off, the other Cards from my dear Fred. The letters and the notebooks can be cross checked according the their contents. Italics show the dates added by Mattie local identities -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Headwear - Hat and box
Hat, worn circa 1960 by aunt of donor.Hat, green velour, matching green ribbon trim;. In square cardboard box inscribed, 'Myers for friendly service' . Also Myers receipt for 5 pounds, 13 shillings & 5 pence, dated 10 November, 1964Italfeltro|Made in Italy|Myers for friendly servicecostume, female headwear, costume accessories, hat accessories, green hat -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Dog Tags, Circa 1941
Set of fibre dog tags on a leather thong belonging to VX24327 L.D. MyersOlive tag:LD Myers, C.E., 24327, VX. on front and A2 on back Brown tag: VX24327 CE LD Myers on front and A2 on back -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Black and White, Myers Christmas Parade
Black and white photographs of people holding large flags.flags, myer christmas parade, student activity -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Myers family with Bill Watson (cousin), 1947
Picnic at Ballarat gardenslocal identities -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Myers family members at Uniting Church, 1986
The Uniting Church (originally the Scots Presbyterian Church) was built 1865-67) and adjacent former Church Hall / Sunday School (built 1938), Yuille Street, Melton. The adjacent former church hall, now kindergarten facility. The Uniting Church and former church hall are historically significant at a Local level (AHC A4). It was built after Melton’s ‘United’ church and school, erected by Protestant denominations in 1857 in an effort to share resources in the pioneering era, was replaced by individual churches in the 1860s. The church became the home of and is expressive of the union of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches, begun in Melton from the early 1970s, and formally concluded by the formation of the Uniting Church of Australia in 1977. The new additions and functions of the church are expressive of the increase in Melton’s population especially in the 1970s, and the changing nature of the parish’s ministry. The church is one of only three remaining nineteenth century churches, and one of only two remaining bluestone churches, in the Shire of Melton. Information from Shire of Melton Heritage Study Stage 2 Volume 6 David Moloney 2007 At the opening of the new extension to the churchlocal identities, churches -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Marjorie [Myers] Butler, Unknown, 1992
Marjorie was a talented pianist in her teenage years achieving her L.Mus.A. her fourth qualification by the age of 18 years. She attended the Conservatorium of Music Melbourne studying pianoforte and later with a singing scholarship and won numerous competition from Ballarat to Bendigo. She started her teaching career after leaving Melton State School. She taught many students throughout district including Edna Butler, the young sister of her husband Bert Butler. While living in Hawthorn their children Adrian and Lynette were born. Their son Max was born in Bacchus Marsh while Bert was teaching at the High School and in 1950 was appointed to Numurkah HS. In 1953 the family moved to Frankston HS. In 1958 he was appointed foundation Principal of Ashwood HS at the age of 43, the youngest to achieve this level of seniority. He was also Principal at Huntingdale, Mordialloc/Chelsea, and Mornington until his retirement in 1975. Photographs pf Marjorie Butlers at Melton Cemetery local identities, pioneer families -
Victorian Farmers Federation
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Stop Ausnet Rally Ballarat - Katherine Myers, Scott Young, Charles Everist, 15 July 2022
VFF is seeking an appropriate framework to ensure farmers do not bear the cost of infrastructure on their farms. Overhead powerlines are proposed through the rich volcanic soils around Ballarat. This land supports 1200 jobs in processing in Ballarat. The towers would impact on the ability to irrigate crops, to use tractors around them, on biosecurity and on ability to use emergency equipment near them. VFF wants assurances that the managing entry to farm policy position will be adhered to and that a statewide strategic plan for renewable energy is prepared., renewable energy, farmers, protest, rally, managing entry to farm, victorian farmers federation, ballarat -
Victorian Farmers Federation
Film - mp4 clip, Stop Ausnet Rally Ballarat Katherine Myers VFF speech
VFF is seeking an appropriate framework to ensure farmers do not bear the cost of infrastructure on their farms. Overhead powerlines are proposed through the rich volcanic soils around Ballarat. This land supports 1200 jobs in processing in Ballarat. The towers would impact on the ability to irrigate crops, to use tractors around them, on biosecurity and on ability to use emergency equipment near them. VFF wants assurances that the managing entry to farm policy position will be adhered to and that a statewide strategic plan for renewable energy is prepared. of Lydiard St Stop Ausnet Rallyadvocacy, renewable energy, farmers, protest, rally, managing entry to farm, victorian farmers federation, ballarat -
Orbost & District Historical Society
newspaper, The Argus, January 12 1946
The Argus was a morning daily newspaper in Melbourne that was established in 1846 and closed in 1957 and was considered to be the general Australian newspaper of record for this period. Widely known as a conservative newspaper for most of its history. Newspapers reflect the contemporary society at the time of print i.e. post-war Australia. This item is a useful reference for that history.A complete 32 pp newspaper, titled The Argus - Melbourne. It is dated Saturday January 12 1946.newspaper-the argus media-print -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Neville Smith, The Second World War in map and story, ed. by Neville Smith, 1941_
Series of articles first published in the "Argus" from 1941 to 1945, dealing with events and campaigns in World War 2.63 p., black & white photographs, col. war 2 -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Neville Smith, The Second World War in Map and Story, volume 3, ed. by Neville Smith, 1943_
Series of articles published by the "Argus" 1941-1943, dealing with events and campaigns in World War 2.48 p., col. war 2 -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Neville Smith, The Second World War in Map and Story, volume 4, ed. by Neville Smith, 1944_07
Series of articles published by the "Argus" 1941-1945, dealing with events and campaigns in World War 2.48 p., col. war 2 -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Neville Smith, The Second World War in map and story, Vol. 5, ed. by Neville Smith, 1945_
Series of articles first published in the "Argus" from 1941 to 1945, dealing with events and campaigns in World War 2.50 p., black & white photographs, col. war 2 -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Robert N Myers, The Australasian Pictorial Annual, October 1938
This book, printed in 1938, is reflective of journalism in the first half of the 20th century.It is indicative of advertising, fashion, opinions, issues, photography of the time. It is a useful reference tool.Stapled paperback of 65 pages titled, The Australasian Pictorial Annual 1938. It is dated October 1 1938.. Price 1/6. On the front cover is a coloured picture of a beach scene, people and beach umbrellas. Overhead is a light plane. The magazine contains large landscape photos, both coloured and b/w. There are advertisements mostly Australian with some from New Zealand.magazine fashion-1930's the-australian-pictorial-magazine -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Book, Howard Myers, The Architectural Forum: Design Decade. Oct 1940, 1940
Softcover, wire boundarchitecture, design, walsh st library -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Book, Howard Myers, The Architectural Forum: World Fairs New York San Francisco. June 1939 [vol. 70 no. 6], 1939
Softcover, wire boundarchitecture, design, world fairs, walsh st library -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Myers, Walter Dean, Fallen Angels
They came there for different reasons, but now they share a single dream - getting out alive.They came there for different reasons, but now they share a single dream - getting out alive.vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 - juvenile fiction -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, New extra storey on Myer at Eastland, viewed from the library in Warrandyte Road, Ringwood - 1984
From library looking at new extra storey on Myers, Ringwood 1984Written on back of photograph, "From library looking at new extra storey on Myers, 1984." -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Preliminary Training School 71
The Northern District School of Nursing opened in 1950 in to address the issues around nurse recruitment, training and education that had previously been hospital based. The residential school was to provide theoretical and in-house education and practical training over three years. The students would also receive practical hands-on training in the wards of associated hospitals. The Northern District School of Nursing operated from Lister House, Rowan Street, Bendigo. It was the first independent school of nursing in Victoria and continued until it closed in 1989.Nurse Jeanette Myers attending male patient.Bendigo Base Hospital Ward 5 Mens Surgical Ward Sr E Clergg Nurse Jeanette Myers School 71 PTS 12.2.68ndns, nursing training, nursing education equipment -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, Bluebird to Boomerang Cafe in Hogan Street Tatura, 1920's mid
Original photograph of Myers family and friends shifting from Bluebird Cafe to Boomerang Cafe, mid to late 1920's. Formerly a jewelry shop. Left to right: Sarah (girlie) Colliver, Tom Myers, Nell Myers, Mark Pritchard, Tom Colliver, Bridge Myers and Neil Colliver. Black and white photograph of local identities transfering effects from Bluebird Cafe to Boomerang cafe mid late 1920's.transfer of effects from Bluebird cafe to Boomerang cafe, east of railway crossing. Props. Bridge and Nell Myersnell myers, sarah colliver, boomerang cafe tatura, n. lenehan, bluebird cafe tatura, tom myers, mark pritchard, tom colliver, bridge myers, neil colliver -
Thompson's Foundry Band Inc. (Castlemaine)
Document - Certificate, 5 December 2013
White rectangular paper document with printed black text. On the top corner is the logo of International Volunteer Day in red/green/blue. On the left a golden Congratulations and top left Australia's coat of arms also in golden colour. The document is signed by Lisa ChestersCertificate of Appreciation Presented to Thompson's Foundry Band In recognition of your contribution to strengthening community and supporting the volunteer sector International Volunteer Day 5th December 2013 Lisa Chesters MP Federal Member for Bendigoinernational volunteer day, lisa chesters, thompson's foundry band, mp, bendigo -
Bendigo Tramways (managed by the Bendigo Heritage Attractions)
Photograph, Bendigo Tram number 6, Single truck combination, scrapped 1956
Bendigo Tram The second Tram to carry the number 6, Number 6 was scrapped in 1956, Former Prahran & Malvern Tramways Tram. photographed 19 Jan 1962 by Lloyd Rogers at Myers Flat west of Bendigo.Black and white19th Jan '63 Myers Flat near Bendigo. -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Businesses, Lakes Post Newspaper, 1/12/1995 12:00:00 AM
Lamannas Newsagency 26 Myers Street Lakes Entrance Victoria 20.12.1995. Also black and white photograph of Joe and Karen Lamanna and their children Chloe and Beau of Lamannas Newsagency Myers Street Lake Entrance number 03746.1 size 7 x 7 cmBlack and white photograph of Philip and Cathy Berlingeri of Lamannas Newsagency 26 Myers Street Lakes Entrance Victoriabusinesses, commerce -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, High Street Elizabeth Dowling Daley property, Unknown
Elizabeth Daley later turned her father's bootmaker shop into a haberdashery shop. She died in 1949. Her sister Annie had a tiny house nearby according to Edna. John Lugg rented the house after her death. Max Myers built a house on the west side of the cottage. Elizabeth Daley's property with Max Myers' house in the backgroundlocal identities -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Pat Brown, Lakes Post Newspaper, 1/03/1999 12:00:00 AM
Pat Brown resident taken outside Food Works Supermarket Myers Street Lakes Entrance VictoriaColour photograph of Pat Brown resident taken outside Food Works Supermarket Myers Street Lakes Entrance Victoriapeople, supermarkets -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Bluebird Cafe, 2001
Bluebird Cafe Proprietors were Bridget & Nell Myers, early 1920s, later they moved the business into the other building in the photo.Original photograph of Bluebird Cafe Hogan Street Tatura c1922on back "Bluebird Cafe. East of railway crossing Hogan Street. Operated by Misses Bridget and Nell Myers. 1922hogan street, railway crossing, myers b & n, photograph, buildings, blue bird, bluebird, bluebird cafe