Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Functional object - Water Pump Pressure Gauges, North East Region Water Authority, Wodonga
The water pump pressure gauges were used by the Wodonga Waterworks Trust and Sewerage Authority, which were established in 1897, and had the responsibility for providing Wodonga's drinking water and managing the wastewater.
In 1923 a Wodonga Waterworks Trust referendum to provide funding for new infrastructure to supply more water of better quality to Wodonga was passed. This included building the Wodonga Water Tower and it was completed in 1924. It supplied water to Wodonga until 1959, when it was drained and decommissioned after the No 1 Basin on Huon Hill was completed in 1958.
In 1983 the Wodonga Waterworks Trust and the Wodonga Sewerage Authority became part of the Wodonga Council. By 1989 a filtration plant at Huon Hill was completed, which provided filtered water of improved quality to Wodonga, in accordance with the World Health Organisation’s guidelines.
In 1994 the Kiewa Murray Region Water Authority took over the Wodonga Council’s water and wastewater operations, and then in 1999 the Kiewa Murray Region Water Authority combined with the Ovens Region Water Authority and became the North East Region Water Authority or NERWA. NERWA then became known as North East Water.The water pump pressure gauges have local significance due to their use by the Wodonga Waterworks Trust and Sewerage Authority, and donation from the North East Region Water Authority. They also have wider historical significance as examples of the equipment used in the management of water in Victoria and Australia.Five metal and glass water pump pressure gauges, including one with a U-shaped pipe and lever attached. "-HOMPSONS (CASTLEMAINE) LT-" on pressure gauge no.1
"No. 1609 / POUNDS PRESSURE / PER SQ. INCH / FEET HEAD OF WATER" on pressure gauge no. 3
"FEET HEAD OF WATER / THOMPSONS (CASTLEMAI-- LTD" on pressure gauge no. 4
"SET SLOW 33' -" / BUDENBERG / MADE IN AUSTRALIA / ft water / 1 4 9 3 9 each number underlined" on pressure gauge no. 5north east region water authority, nerwa, wodonga sewerage authority, north east water, n.e. water, wodonga waterworks trust, pressure gauges, water pump pressure gauges