Showing 73 items
matching psychiatric hospitals
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Len Kenna, In the beginning there was only the land, 1988
... Mont Park Psychiatric Hospital... Mont Park Mont Park Psychiatric Hospital Plenty River william ...A book, published as part of the Australian Bicentenary Celebrations on the history of the suburb of Bundoora. ... Includes photographs, maps and index. Local history of the outer Melbourne suburb of Bundoora, from the original Wurundjeri people through to its development as a thriving suburb in the 1980s ; section entitled "The Aborigines" (pp.14-21) discusses the traditional way of life of the Wurundjeri people prior to European settlement.bundoora, bundoora hall, hospitals, jane mckimmie, janefield, janefield church, john mckimmie, la trobe university, marvellous melbourne, mont park, mont park psychiatric hospital, plenty river, william shillinglaw, wurundjeri, yan yean reservoir -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Photograph, Mont Park Military Hospital 1919
An agreement was made with the Defence Department in 1914 for the latter to erect the Mont Park central block (the "Chronic Wards") for use as a Military Hospital, and for it later to revert to the State as portion of Mont Park Hospital. The buildings now known as the Chronic Wards were completed in this way in 1916 and used as the Australian General Hospital no. 16 for the duration of the war. One wing of this building was set aside for mental patients during this period. The Military Mental Hospital was built in 1919 to accommodate 84 patients who were suffering from psychiatric conditions as a result of their service in World War I. It was occupied by military patients until 1933 when they were transferred to Commonwealth facilities. The Military Mental Hospital consisted of a two storey brick Administration Building with two single-storey pavilion wards and a single-storey kitchen-dining room pavilion at the rear, connected with covered ways. The ward sections of the Military Mental Hospital have undergone considerable alteration.Lara R.S.L. received the picture miss-labelled as "The Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital - 1919 ' after some research it was relabeled as belonging to Mont Park Military Hospital "Chronic Wards" Rectangular shaped glass covered photo frame showing a photo of part of Mont Park Hospital in 1919.Mont Park Hospital 1919. Donated by Ron Ellis 9th September 1984.hospitals, world war one, lara r.s.l. heidelberg repatriation hospital, photos., mont park hospital -
J. Ward Museum Complex
Tool - Measuring Scales
... Hospital and J Ward. psychiatric history mental health aradale ...The traditional scale consists of two plates or bowls suspended at equal distances from a fulcrum. One plate holds an object of unknown mass (or weight), while known masses are added to the other plate until static equilibrium is achieved and the plates level off, which happens when the masses on the two plates are equal. Medication given to patients at both Aradale Mental Hospital and J Ward had their does measured using these weights and scales - and some evidence of residue remains.The scales are in excellent condition and a good example of medical equipment used in Aradale Mental Hospital and J Ward. Measuring scales for medications Timber construction with glass lid Small crack along the left hand side of scales Two drawers contain four weights in ounces Case painted in black lacquer Metal hinges and three brass knobs (one missing from right lower drawer) Small piece of folded butcher paper in left hand drawer No manufacturer markings or serial numberspsychiatric history, mental health, aradale mental hospital, j ward -
J. Ward Museum Complex
Plaque - Display of Keys, Ararat Mental Hospital [Aradale]
Keys played an important role at Ararat Mental Institution. They locked away patients, medications, offices, wards, workshops and utility areas. Patients and staff would have been all too familiar with the sounds of doors being locked and unlocked.The board is significant because it contains keys that can only be used at Aradale Mental Hospital.Timber board containing an assortment of over one hundred keys mounted keys belonging to Ararat Mental Hospital [Aradale]. Keys secured to board with small eyelet screws and glue. Keys and board are lacquered. Two brass screws at the top secure board to the wall.No serial numbers, engravings or manufacturers details.mental health, keys, locks, mental institutions, psychiatric history -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BENDIGO Hospital psychiatric centre Copy of copper bas reliefs ...Copy of copper bas reliefs - Capricorn and Aquila. Made by patients of the Bendigo Psychiatric Centre as part of their inpatient therapy activities. The bas reliefs represent the constellations Capricorn and Aquila. Once completed, they were used to identify the Aquila and Capricorn patient areas at the Psychiatric Centre. The Bendigo Psychiatric Centre, a forty bed hospital, opened in 1970 and closed in the 1990's. It was replaced by the Alexander Bayne Centre at the Bendigo Hospital and the John Bomford Centre, Kennington, named in honour of Dr. John Bomford. Dr. Bomford was a pioneer of Bendigo psychiatric services. He practised as a psychiatrist in Bendigo from 1964 until December 1970, when he retired.bendigo, hospital, psychiatric centre -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, David Hastings, Odyssey of the unknown ANZAC, 2018
... that an unknown ANZAC still lay in a Sydney psychiatric hospital. David ...Ten years after the end of World War I, the Sydney Sun reported that an unknown ANZAC still lay in a Sydney psychiatric hospital. David Hastings follows this one unknown ANZAC, George McQuay, from rural New Zealand through Gallipoli and the Western Front, through desertions and hospitals, and finally home to New Zealandbibliography, index, notes, ill, p.152non-fictionTen years after the end of World War I, the Sydney Sun reported that an unknown ANZAC still lay in a Sydney psychiatric hospital. David Hastings follows this one unknown ANZAC, George McQuay, from rural New Zealand through Gallipoli and the Western Front, through desertions and hospitals, and finally home to New Zealandworld war 1914-1918 - biography, mcquay george -
Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
Ballarat Courier - Lakeside Hospital, reunion 2008
Newspapercourier, lakeside, hospital, reunion, 2008, zeegers, christie, walsh, sharp, psychiatric -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 25.03.1974
The RDNS Sisters are named in the photograph, L-R - Sister Megan Margaret Day who works in the Domiciliary Infant Maternal Care (DIMC) section of RDNS. The next Sister's name is unknown, and on the right is Sister Ruth Eileen McKeon who is a Nurse Educator with RDNS. The photograph is taken in the Education Department of Royal District Nursing Service, and the two Sisters are receiving instruction on the function of the organs of the human body from Sister McKeon. The Sisters are wearing the RDNS summer uniform of a white short sleeve blouse under a royal blue V neck tunic style frock. Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained nurses (Nurses), through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and District nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some clients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic patients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of patients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Sisters. On the left of this black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Megan Day, who has curled short dark hair and is wearing glasses. She is standing side-on facing to the right of the photograph. The index finger of her right hand is pointing to an area on the internal frontal view of a Human Torso Model which is sitting on a table to her right. Between her and the model is another Sister who has her long dark hair drawn back. She is looking at the internal organs in the Model. To the right of the Model is Sister Ruth McKeon, who has her long light colour hair drawn back into a French Twist. She is standing side-on facing to the left of the photograph, and is smiling as she holds one of the organs taken from the Model. When looking at the photograph, the left side of the Model's face is seen, and on the right side the Internal organs of the face are seen. The internal organs of the neck and torso of the Model are seen. A blackboard with writings about the function of 'The Heart' is In the background. The Sisters are all wearing their RDNS uniforms of a short sleeve white blouse under a V neck tunic style dress which has the RDNS logo on its upper left.Barry Sutton LY 66 namesrdns, rdns education, royal district nursing service, sister megan margaret day, sister ruth eileen mckeon -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 25.03.1974
The photograph shows a group of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters receiving a lecture on 'Physical Handicap' given by Sr. Rowley in the Education Department at RDNS Headquarters 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. Sr. Rowley is the Principal Nurse Educator at RDNS.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained nurses (Nurses), through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and District nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS Sisters attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some patients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic patients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of patients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Sisters. This black and white photograph shows the back view of four rows of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters sitting at small tables and looking toward Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley who is facing them. She is in the rear centre of the photograph. The 16 Sisters, some partly hidden, are wearing a variety of summer day clothes. Spectacle cases, pens, sheets of paper, and some books are on the tables in front of them. Sister Rowley who wears glasses; has short straight dark hair, is wearing a white short sleeve blouse under a dark V neck tunic style dress. She is looking at the group and her right hand is pointing to writing on a large blackboard standing to her right. To the left of the blackboard, a draped Human Torso Model sits on a table. A long dark curtain hangs behind part of the blackboard. Running along the left of the photograph is a wooden door with glass panels at the top, some light colour wall with a dark picture rail, and a set of double glass doors with long grey curtains either side. To the right of Sr. Rowley part of a large white board is seen hanging above and below the dark picture rail on the wall.Barry Sutton LY 69rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns education, sister pat (paddy) rowley -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 24.04.1974
A Medical Student is explaining the use of a bottle of testing tablets to a lady who is a patient of RDNS. The Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister is holding testing equipment; i.e. the eye dropper and test tube in the receptacle, in her hands, and is observing the Medical Student giving instructions to the lady. The photograph is taken in the lady's home.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) from its inception in 1885, later called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). Only Trained nurses (Nurses) were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961 Education programs commenced at MDNS with Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program. RDNS Sisters attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some patients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic patients at home and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of patients in the rehabilitation ward. RDNS moved its Education Department from 452 St. Kilda Road to 448 St. Kilda Road in 1974. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods for detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Sisters.In the left foreground of this black and white photograph is the partial view of two metal 4 prong sticks.To their right, seated on a long dark vinyl type couch, is a Medical Student who has short curly black hair; is wearing a white hospital coat over grey trousers, a white shirt, and a tie with small black and white squares. A stethoscope is folded in the pocket of his coat. He is turned toward the right of the photograph and is holding, on its side, a small bottle in his left hand and is pointing his right index finger to writing on its label. An elderly lady who is wearing glasses and has wavy grey hair is sitting to his right and is looking at the label on the bottle. She is wearing a black skirt and black sleeveless jacket over a black and white patterned blouse. Her hands are clasped in her lap. Sitting to her right, and facing the lady, is a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister who has her long dark hair drawn back. She is wearing a white short sleeve gown over her uniform, and is holding a white oblong receptacle which holds a test tube, which has dark fluid in the bottom, and an eye dropper. In front of her, is a white 'inner tray' which is clipped onto the front edge of an open oblong black RDNS nursing case which is in the right foreground of the photograph sitting on a long, narrow, low table. On the table and to the left of the case a small white hospital drape runs along the table.Barry Sutton MA 24royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns patient care, rdns education -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 1972
This photograph is taken in the Education Department at Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS). Principal Nurse Educator, Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley is instructing the group in the Anatomy of the Brain. Jan Turski is a Trained nurse (Sister) working in the Domiciliary Infant and Maternal Care (DIMC) section of RDNS. Pat Walker is a Sister from Geelong, Lynne Lambert is a Sister from Qld, Paula McBreen is a Sister from St. Vincent's Hospital and Liz Seymour-Smith is a Sister from Qld. Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley is wearing the RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey V neck tunic style frock made out of herringbone winter material.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained Nurses (Nurses), through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Sisters could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and District nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS Sisters attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some patients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic patients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of patients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Sisters. This black and white photograph shows, standing L-R, a side-on view of Jan Turski, who has short, straight light hair and is wearing a dark cardigan and white and black hound's-tooth check skirt; she is facing right. Next is Pat Walker, who has short dark hair and is wearing a grey jumper over a check skirt. Then, Lynne Lambert, who has short wavy dark hair, and is wearing a white jumper, with a pendant hanging down it, over grey slacks. She is holding half of an Anatomical brain in her right hand. Next is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Principal Nurse Educator, Pat (Paddy) Rowley, who is looking towards the left of the photograph at the Anatomical brain held by Lynne Lambert. She is wearing glasses, has short dark hair and is wearing a light grey skivvie under a darker V neck tunic style frock. She is holding an open book in her hands. Next is Paula McBreen, who has shoulder length dark hair and is wearing a dark cardigan over a grey skivvie, with a pendant hanging down it, and a check skirt. She is smiling and looking to her right toward the others. On the far right, side-on and facing the others on the left of the photograph, is Liz Seymour-Smith who has shoulder length dark hair and is wearing a dark grey skivvie, and white, with dark check, slacks. In front of the group is a round dark wooden top table, which has a book and open folder on it, as well as a round white plastic base with the other half of the anatomical brain sitting in it.Barry Sutton MB 30royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, sister jan turski, sister pat (paddy) rowley, sister lynne lambert, sister pat walker, sister paula mcbreen, sister liz seymour-smith -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, Dr. Alexander P. L. Robertson, 1872-1877, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, this item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.Dr. Alexander P. L. Robertson Medical Superintendent, Kew Lunatic Asylum 1872-1877. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded.Dr. Alexander P. L. Robertson, 1872-1877kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection, dr. alexander p. l. robertson -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Dr Thomas Thomson Dick 1877-1883
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, this item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.Dr. Thomas Thomson Dick, Medical Superintendent, Kew Lunatic Asylum 1877-1883. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded.Dr. Thomas Thomson Dick, 1877-1883kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection, dr. thomas thomson dick -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, James Vernon McCreery, 1883-1889, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, this item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.Mounted large portrait of James Vernon McCreery, Medical Superintendent, Kew Lunatic Asylum 1883-1889. One of a complete series of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Willsmere Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each photograph is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded.James Vernon McCreery, 1883-1889kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection, james vernon mccreery -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, William Beattie Smith, 1899-1902, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, this item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.William Beattie Smith, Medical Superintendent, Kew Lunatic Asylum 1899-1902. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded.William Beattie Smith, 1899-1902kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection, william beattie smith -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, William L Mullen, 1902-1905, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, this item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.William Lowell Mullen, Medical Superintendent, Kew Lunatic Asylum 1902-1905. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded.William L Mullen, 1902-1905kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection, william beattie smith -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, Walter H. Barker, 1905-1910, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, this item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.Walter H. Barker, Medical Superintendent, Kew Hospital for the Insane 1905-1910. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded.Walter H. Barker, 1905-1910kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection, walter h. barker -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, R. Gamble, 1910-1922, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, this item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.R. Gamble, Medical Superintendent, Kew Hospital for the Insane 1910-1922. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded. R. Gamble, 1910-1922kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection, r. gamble -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, Dr Joseph T Hollow, 1922-1928, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, this item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.Dr Joseph T Hollow, Medical Superintendent, Kew Hospital for the Insane 1922-1928. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded.Dr Joseph T Hollow, 1922-1928kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection, dr joseph t hollow -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, Dr. Henry Rogerson, 1938-1949, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, the physical item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.Dr. Henry Rogerson, Medical Superintendent, Kew Hospital for the Insane, 1938-49. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded.Dr. Henry Rogerson, 1938-1949kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection, dr. henry rogerson -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, Dr. Retallick, 1950-1952, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, the physical item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.Dr. Retallick, Medical Superintendent, Kew Mental Hospital 1950-1952. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded.Dr. Retallick, 1950-1952kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection, dr. retallick, medical superintendent, kew mental hospital, 1950-1952 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, Dr. James V. Ashburner, 1952-1955, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, the physical item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria. Dr. James V. Ashburner, Medical Superintendent, Kew Mental Hospital 1952-1955. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded. Dr. James V. Ashburner, 1952-1955kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, Dr. H. Bower, 1956-1966, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, the physical item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.Dr. H. Bower,, Medical Superintendent, Kew Mental Hospital 1956-1966. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded.Dr. H. Bower, 1956-1966kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection, dr. h. bower, medical superintendent, kew mental hospital, 1956-1966 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Dital Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, Dr. Cyril Burt, 1967-1977, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, the physical item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.Dr. Cyril Burt, Medical Superintendent, Kew Mental Hospital 1967-77. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded.Dr. Cyril Burt, 1967-1977kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection, dr. cyril burt, medical superintendent, willsmere mental hospital, 1967-1977 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, Dr Frederick Stamp, 1981-1988, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, the physical item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.Dr Frederick Stamp, Medical Superintendent, Kew Mental Hospital and Willsmere Unit 1981-1988. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded.Dr Frederick Stamp, 1981-1988kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, the fred stamp collection, dr frederick stamp, medical superintendent, willsmere mental hospital, 1981-1988 -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
photograph, Dr Una Porter
Dr Unice (Una) Beatrice Porter, OBE, CBE (1900 - 1996) Una Porter was the youngest daughter of Frederick John Cato and his wife Fanny (née Bethune). She had 3 sisters and 4 brothers. Her father was of course the prominent businessman and co-founder of the Moran & Cato grocery company who was known for his generosity and commitment to the Methodist Church. Given this background it is not surprising that Una inherited a deep and lasting Christian faith that would become the driving force behind her own career and philanthropic activities. Una was educated at Methodist Ladies College and the English boarding school "Farringtons" however her formal education ended at the age of 14 due to ill health. By the outbreak of the First World War her sisters were married and her brothers enlisted. Una became very close to her father and assisted him in establishing hospitals and missions in Arnhem Land, Fiji and India. Una returned to formal study and matriculated at the age of 30. A niece with diabetes was the catalyst which led Una to study medicine. She enrolled at the University of Melbourne in 1933 and subsequently specialised in psychiatry with training at Prince Henry's Hospital, the Royal Park Mental Hospital and the Children's Hospital. In 1946 she took a post at the Ballarat Mental Hospital. Here she was the first female member of staff, overseeing 512 female patients. She later worked in private practice and was instrumental in the establishment of a psychiatric clinic at the Queen Victoria Hospital. Throughout her life, Una maintained a strong link with the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) and in 1963 was elected as the World President of this organisation and in 1964 she was elected Woman of the Year. Una's philanthropic work was extensive. In addition to administering the F.J. Cato Charitable and Benevolent Trust and later the James and Una Porter Trust Fund, she made substantial personal donations to hospitals, universities and community organisations including the University of Melbourne, Monash University, Epworth Hospital, Methodist Ladies College, Cato College, Queen Victoria Hospital and the YWCA. It is estimated that she gave over $1 million to various hospitals and institutions. Some of her projects included establishing a scholarship for rural female students to attend university, a Chair in Psychiatry, and extensive research into early childhood development. Una B. Porter was appointed O.B.E. (1961) and C.B.E. (1968) in recognition of her services to the community. At the age of 46 Una married James Roland Porter, an ex-RAAF squadron leader and a lifelong friend. Until this time, Dr Porter had lived at the Cato family home, ‘Kawarau’ at 192-198 Tooronga Road, Hawthorn (later Stephanie’s restaurant). In spite of having qualified as a doctor and with all her philanthropic activities, at age 43 the electoral rolls give her status as ‘home duties’! Dr Porter’s connection with Surrey Hills came after her marriage. In 1948 she and her husband bought 8 Kent Road. A black and white photograph of a screened image of a lady sitting in a winged-back chair. She is wearing a knee length dress with three-quarter length sleeves, and beads around her neck and wrist.psychiatrist, philanthropist, queen victoria hospital, mont albert, surrey hills, 8 kent road, dr una porter, mr james porter, dr unice beatrice porter, mr frederick cato, miss unice beatrice cato, mrs fanny cato, miss fanny bethune, young women's christian association, fj cato charitable and benevolent trust, james and una porter trust fund, methodist ladies college -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 1974
Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley is the Principal Nurse Educator at RDNS and is giving a lecture to RDNS Sisters in the Education Department at 452 St. Kilda Rd, Melbourne. She is wearing the RDNS summer uniform of a white short sleeve blouse under a royal blue V neck tunic style frock with the RDNS insignia on the upper left.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained Nurses (Nurses), through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and District nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS Sisters attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some patients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic patients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of patients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Sisters. This black and white photograph shows Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley and seventeen (some partly hidden), Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters. The bulk of the photograph shows the front view of three rows of RDNS Sisters sitting at tables which have books and sheets of paper on them. The Sisters are wearing a variety of day clothes. In the right foreground of the Photograph is a table containing papers, and standing to its right, facing the group, is the back view of Sr. Rowley, who has short dark hair and glasses. She has her left hand on a sheet of paper on the table. She is wearing her RDNS uniform of a white short sleeve blouse under a dark tunic style frock. In the rear of the photograph a brick fireplace can be seen with some books and a vase of flowers on the mantelpiece. On the right is a long curtain, some lockers and an open wooden door with glass panel. Some of the Sisters named are:- Ann Greenwood, Judy Peter, Ethel Fullarton, Barbara Lovell, Shirley Lewis, Jane Ball..Barry Sutton Stamp. Quote LY 68royal district nursing service (1966-2017), rdns, rdns education, sister ethel fullerton, sister barbara lovell, sister shirley lewis, sister jane ball, sister pat (paddy) rowley, sister ann greenwood, sister judy peter -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 14.09.1972
This black and white photograph shows a group of RDNS Sisters who are part of the Post Basic Community Nursing Course. They are receiving education from Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley, RDNS Principal Nurse Educator. The session is being held in the Education Department at the Royal District Nursing Service Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Rd, Melbourne.The RDNS winter uniform worn is a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey V neck tunic style herringbone winter material frock.Melbourne District Nursing Service ran its first Post-Basic Course for community nurses in 1962. Sisters attended the course for 12 weeks. The course ran annually until the mid 1990s. Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained nurses (Nurses) through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with their Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and District nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some patients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic patients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of patients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of RDNS Sisters. This black and white photograph is of a group of seven Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters sitting in a semi-circle in two rows at single small two shelf tables. There are open white paged books or papers on each table and some of the Sisters have pens in their hands. The Sister sitting in the front far right is Sr. Affleck, who has dark short curly hair. The other Sisters have dark short hair in various styles. Further right in the photograph stands Sr. Rowley, who has dark short hair and is wearing glasses. She has her left hand supporting a torso of an anatomical model which is sitting on a table slightly to her left. She and the Sisters are looking at the vertebrae down the spine of the model. Another empty table is in front of the semi-circle and it sits in the centre foreground of the photograph. In the rear between Sr. Affleck and Sr. Rowley, a piece of equipment stands on a table. To the right of the photograph part of a large blackboard can be seen. The Sisters are wearing light grey skivvies under a darker V neck tunic style frock with the RDNS insignia on its upper left.Photographers stamp. Quote No. LD 8rdns education, rdns uniform, royal district nursing service, sister pat (paddy) rowley, sister margaret affleck -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 20.07.1972
The photograph is taken in the Physiotherapy Department at Mount Royal Hospital. RDNS Sr. Sue Revill is from RDNS Moorabbin Centre and Sr. Helen Watt is from Footscray Centre, They are attending an Education session on Rehabilitation at Mount Royal. Hospital. They are wearing the RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a V neck tunic style herringbone winter material dress with the RDNS insignia emblazoned on its upper left.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained Nurses (Nurses) who trained through the Hospital training system were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with their Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in this In-service Education and established the MDNS, later called RDNS, Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and district nursing systems. Many programs were run at RDNS, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some clients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic clients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of clients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to Student nurses from Hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin did a Post Basic Course in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Registered Nurses. Black and white photograph depicting, on the left, a side-on view of a Hospital Physiotherapist with her long hair drawn back in a pony tail, and wearing a grey V neck dress over a white blouse and a dark cardigan who is facing right. She has her left hand on the arm of a standing lady and her right hand on the lady's hand which is on a walking rail. To the right rear of the Physiotherapist is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister Sue Revill who has shoulder length dark hair and is looking at the lady. To her right the elderly lady who is wearing glasses; has wavy white hair and is wearing a light grey frock, is standing in front of a wheelchair with her right hand on the walking rail. Her left arm hangs loosely by her side. To her right is a walking rail and standing to its right is Sr. Helen Watt who is looking towards the lady. She has short dark wavy hair, and has her right arm around the back of the lady and her left hand is on the walking rail. In the background of the photograph, the lower section of several 4 prong walking stick are seen hanging on the wall. Barry Sutton photographer's stamp. Quote KY 78rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns uniform, rdns education, sister sue revill, sister helen watt -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 07 06 1967
Miss Evans, Director of Nursing of Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), is holding an Education session with RDNS staff. Her uniform is a grey skirt and jacket with the RDNS badge emblazoned on her right shoulder. The badge has a white background and black writing. The RDNS Sisters are wearing their grey uniform frocks and red cardigans. Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained Nurses, through the hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with Sisters receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior trained nurses received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and district nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some clients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic clients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of clients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Registered Nurses. Black and white photograph showing Miss Mary Evan standing in the centre rear of the photograph. She is with five RDNS Sisters who have short hair, three with curly hair and two with straight hair, who are sitting on chairs with white paged books resting on 'over the lap' tables. Three Sisters are seated in front of Miss Evans, and another two Sisters are sitting in the foreground. Miss Evans, who has short dark curled hair, is wearing her grey uniform jacket which can be seen with the RDNS cloth badge visible at the top of her right sleeve. She is bending over one of the Sisters and has her right hand pointing to something on the Sister's book. Closed light curtains are seen in the rear of the photograph and a dark desk to the right. On the wall above this, part of a blackboard can be seen.Photographers stamp. Quote No. GF 28rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns education, miss mary evans, rdns d.o.n