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Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Portrait of Jane Hilditch, 1900
Portrait of Jane Hilditch, 1900 Negative Black white. Scanned at 600 dpiportraite jane hilditch1900 -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, The bachelor’s club
The bachelor’s club (W. Fisher 2nd from left back row) Negative Black white. Scanned at 600 dpithe bachelor, s club -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Sunnydale guest house staff
Sunnydale guest house staff (Grandad at right) Negative Black white. Scanned at 600 dpisunnydale guest house -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Greasy Johnstson’s hut
Greasy Johnstson’s hut (with Ted Silver & Mrs Miller) Negative Black white. Scanned at 600 dpigreasy johntons hut -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Rene Hilditch with friends by the Yarra, 14.9.1983
Rene Hilditch with friends by the Yarra Negative Black white. Scanned at 600 dpirene hiditch friends yarra -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, An old photo of Sunnydale
An old photo of Sunnydale Negative Black white. Scanned at 600 dpiold photo sunnydale flag -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Dad Hilditch in the old fireplace presumably Sunnydale, 14.9.1983
Dad Hilditch in the old fireplace presumably Sunnydale Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpidad hilditch old fireplace sunnydale -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, The old Hilditch Homestead, 1907 Warburton
The old fireplace Hilditch Homestead, 1907 Warburton. Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpiold hilditch homestead 1907 warburton -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Henry & Lionel Braham, Warburton, 14.9.1983
Henry & Lionel Braham, Warburton Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpihenry lionel braham warburton -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Hilditch family group photo Dad, Mum, Rene, .. & Bill Mc Loud
Hilditch family group photo Dad, Mum, Rene, .. & Bill Mc Loud Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpihilditch family group photo dad mum rene bill mcloud -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Mrs Booth drives her buggy through Warburton township
Mrs Booth drives her buggy through Warburton township Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpimrs booth driving buggy warburton township -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, The American fleet camps at Warburton
The American fleet camps at Warburton Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpi -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Floods at Kelly’s flat 1933, Warburton
Floods at Kelly’s flat 1933, Warburton Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpi -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Views of the Sanitarium factory, 1950 Warburton
sanitarium factory weetbix warburton 1950 -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Hilditch family photo Warburton
Hilditch family photo Warburton Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpihilditch family photo warburton -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Rene Hilditch at La La falls Warburton, 14.9.1983
Rene Hilditch at La La falls Warburton Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpirene hilditch la la falls warburton -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Dammans Road school (destroyed by fire 1959) Warburton, 14.9.1983
Print in Collection of Photographs compiled by R Crowley from the History Committee Shire of Upper Yarra for UYVHS 1988Dammans Road school (destroyed by fire 1959) Warburton. Negative Black white. Scanned at 600 dpi dammans road school destroyed fire warburton 1959 -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Damman’s Rd school 1940 Warburton, 14.9.1983
Print in Collection of Photographs compiled by R Crowley from the History Committee Shire of Upper Yarra for UYVHS 1988Damman’s Rd school 1940 Warburton Negative Black white. Scanned at 600 dpidammans road school warburton 1940 -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, School photo, pupils and teachers 1889 Warburton
School photo, pupils and teachers 1889 Warburton Negative Black white. Scanned at 600 dpischool photo pupils teachers warburton 1889 -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Main street with elephant moving timber, 1930 Warburton, 14.9.1983
Main street with elephant moving timber, 1930 Warburton. Negative Black white. Scanned at 600 dpimain street elephant moving timber warburton 1930 -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, A tramway bridge under construction, 1910 Mr Hansen & Andy
A tramway bridge under construction, 1910 Mr Hansen & Andy Negative Black white. Scanned at 600 dpitramway bridge construction curved hand winch mr hanson andy 1910 -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Working party on Highfield Rd. Warburton
Working party on Highfield Rd. Warburton Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpiworking party highfield road warburton -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Tourists sampling the life of a timber town
Tourists sampling the life of a timber town Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpitourists sample timber town life passengers bump top story 17 -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Tourists on a timber tram, Warburton
Tourists on a timber tram, Warburton Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpiallaboard warburton timber train16 tourists -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Tourists riding the Shay locomotive, 1920/30 Powelltown
Tourists riding the Shay locomotive, 1920/30 Powelltown Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpi. -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Enterprise mill 1920 Warburton
Enterprise mill 1920 Warburton Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpi.enterprise mill workers warburton 1920 -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Train with load of timber at Warburton station, 1920, 14.9.1983
Train with load of timber at Warburton station, 1920 Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpi.train load timber warburton station 1920 -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Snigging logs, Warburton
Snigging logs, Warburton Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpi.snigging logs warburton -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, Laying the tram track to Clover Dell Mill with E. Smith , W Towers …. Hoddles Creek
Laying the tram track to Clover Dell Mill with E. Smith , W Towers & ? Hoddles Creek Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpi.laying tram track clover dell mill e smith w towers hoddle creek -
Upper Yarra Museum
Negative Photographic Reproduction, H. Lepoidevin preparing a tree for falling Early 1920s Hoddles Creek, 2.10.1983
H. Lepoidevin preparing a tree for falling Early 1920s Hoddles Creek Negative Black white Scanned at 600 dpi.h lepoidevin prepare tree falling hoddles creek early 1920s