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matching south australian languages
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Manuscript, Robin Boyd, The State of Australian Architecture, 1967
In this article, requested by Architecture in Australia, Boyd condemns the lack of development in the shaping the identity of Australian architecture, similar to the contents of Texas Quarterly 'Architecture in Australia' Vol.5 (see D092), Boyd writes about the need for designers and architects to create a new design language rather than recycling and reminiscing on old British aesthetics despite wanting to gain international recognition.Original manuscript of an article published in Architecture in Australia, Vol.56, No.3, June 1967 pp.454-465.Typewritten (c copy), pencil edits, quarto, 26 pagesPencil corrections and edits in textaustralian architecture, sydney school, architecture in australia, robin boyd, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Book, Sidney J. Baker, The Australian Language, 1970
Softcoverwalsh st library -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
DVD, Suzy Bates, Nothing rhymes with Ngapartji, 2010
Nothing Rhymes with Ngapartji follows the journey of acclaimed Pitjantjatjara actor Trevor Jamieson, as he returns to his traditional country to perform his hit stage show Ngapartji Ngapartji to an all-Indigenous audience in the remote Australian Aboriginal community of Ernabella, South Australia. Nothing Rhymes with Ngapartji is a film about performing a multi-faceted drama to audiences who speak different languages, who are of different cultures and who have varying expectations. Offers an insight into Indigenous perspectives on the consequences of white settlement for Aboriginal cultures. In presenting the material in both Pitjantjatjara and English, it raises the important issue of stories needing to be told in languages that are central to different Australians' understanding of the world. The film is part of Big hART?s Ngapartji Ngapartji project, which is a collaborative work in progress between Indigenous and white Australians that pools their skills, experiences and resources to tell an important story about Indigenous history, culture, language and the experience of several generations.DVD, online study guidepitjantjatjara, theatre, music performance, big hart -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Journal, William B McGregor, Language and history : special issue on 19th and 20th century studies of Pacific Languages, 2011
William B McGregor: Guest Editorial Wafer, Jim and Carey, Hilary M: Waiting for Biraban: Lancelot Threlkeld and the " in Australian Missionary LinguisticsChibcha Phenomenon" Koch, Harold: G A Robinson and the Documentation of Languages of South-Eastern New South Wales Clark, Ross: On the Margins of Pacific Linguistics: P A Lanyion-Orgill Marcondes, Danilo: Rebeca Barriga Villanueva and Pedro Martin Butragueno, eds Historia Sociolinguisticaq de MexicoMaps, word listshistory, linguistics, australian missionary linguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Australian Aboriginal studies : journal of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2009
Social Engineering and Indigenous Settlement: Policy and demography in remote Australia John Taylor In recent years neo-liberals have argued that government support for remote Aboriginal communities contributes to social pathology and that unhindered market engagement involving labour mobility provides the only solution. This has raised questions about the viability of remote Aboriginal settlements. While the extreme view is to withdraw services altogether, at the very least selective migration should be encouraged. Since the analytical tools are available, one test of the integrity of such ideas is to consider their likely demographic consequences. Accordingly, this paper provides empirically based speculation about the possible implications for Aboriginal population distribution and demographic composition in remote areas had the advice of neo-liberal commentators and initial labour market reforms of the Northern Territory Emergency Response been fully implemented. The scenarios presented are heuristic only but they reveal a potential for substantial demographic and social upheaval. Aspects of the semantics of intellectual subjectivity in Dalabon (south-western Arnhem Land) Ma�a Ponsonnet This paper explores the semantics of subjectivity (views, intentions, the self as a social construct etc.) in Dalabon, a severely endangered language of northern Australia, and in Kriol, the local creole. Considering the status of Dalabon and the importance of Kriol in the region, Dalabon cannot be observed in its original context, as the traditional methods of linguistic anthropology tend to recommend. This paper seeks to rely on this very parameter, reclaiming linguistic work and research as a legitimate conversational context. Analyses are thus based on metalinguistic statements - among which are translations in Kriol. Far from seeking to separate Dalabon from Kriol, I use interactions between them as an analytical tool. The paper concentrates on three Dalabon words: men-no (intentions, views, thoughts), kodj-no (head) and kodj-kulu-no (brain). None of these words strictly matches the concept expressed by the English word mind. On the one hand, men-no is akin to consciousness but is not treated as a container nor as a processor; on the other, kodj-no and kodj-kulu-no are treated respectively as container and processor, but they are clearly physical body parts, while what English speakers usually call the mind is essentially distinct from the body. Interestingly, the body part kodj-no (head) also represents the individual as a social construct - while the Western self does not match physical attributes. Besides, men-no can also translate as idea, but it can never be abstracted from subjectivity - while in English, potential objectivity is a crucial feature of ideas. Hence the semantics of subjectivity in Dalabon does not reproduce classic Western conceptual articulations. I show that these specificities persist in the local creole. Health, death and Indigenous Australians in the coronial system Belinda Carpenter and Gordon Tait This paper details research conducted in Queensland during the first year of operation of the new Coroners Act 2003. Information was gathered from all completed investigations between December 2003 and December 2004 across five categories of death: accidental, suicide, natural, medical and homicide. It was found that 25 percent of the total number of Indigenous deaths recorded in 2004 were reported to, and investigated by, the Coroner, in comparison to 9.4 percent of non-Indigenous deaths. Moreover, Indigenous people were found to be over-represented in each category of death, except in death in a medical setting, where they were absent. This paper discusses these findings in detail, following the insights gained from the work of Tatz (1999, 2001, 2005) and Morrissey (2003). It also discusses a further outcome of this situation - the over-representation of Indigenous people in figures for full internal autopsy. Finding your voice: Placing and sourcing an Aboriginal health organisation?s published and grey literature Clive Rosewarne It is widely recognised that Aboriginal perspectives need to be represented in historical narratives. Sourcing this material may be difficult if Aboriginal people and their organisations do not publish in formats that are widely distributed and readily accessible to library collections and research studies. Based on a search for material about a 30-year-old Aboriginal health organisation, this paper aims to (1) identify factors that influenced the distribution of written material authored by the organisation; (2) consider the implications for Aboriginal people who wish to have their viewpoints widely available to researchers; and (3) assess the implications for research practice. As part of researching an organisational history for the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress, seven national and regional collections were searched for Congress?s published and unpublished written material. It was found that, in common with other Aboriginal organisations, most written material was produced as grey literature. The study indicates that for Aboriginal people and their organisations? voices to be heard, and their views to be accessible in library collections, they need to have an active program to distribute their written material. It also highlights the need for researchers to be exhaustive in their searches, and to be aware of the limitations within collections when sourcing Aboriginal perspectives. Radiocarbon dates from the Top End: A cultural chronology for the Northern Territory coastal plains Sally Brockwell , Patrick Faulkner, Patricia Bourke, Anne Clarke, Christine Crassweller, Daryl Guse, Betty Meehan, and Robin Sim The coastal plains of northern Australia are relatively recent formations that have undergone dynamic evolution through the mid to late Holocene. The development and use of these landscapes across the Northern Territory have been widely investigated by both archaeologists and geomorphologists. Over the past 15 years, a number of research and consultancy projects have focused on the archaeology of these coastal plains, from the Reynolds River in the west to the southern coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria in the east. More than 300 radiocarbon dates are now available and these have enabled us to provide a more detailed interpretation of the pattern of human settlement. In addition to this growing body of evidence, new palaeoclimatic data that is relevant to these northern Australian contexts is becoming available. This paper provides a synthesis of the archaeological evidence, integrates it within the available palaeo-environmental frameworks and characterises the cultural chronology of human settlement of the Northern Territory coastal plains over the past 10 000 years. Ladjiladji language area: A reconstruction Ian Clark and Edward Ryan In this reconsideration of the Ladjiladji language area in northwest Victoria, we contend that while Tindale?s classical reconstruction of this language identified a fundamental error in Smyth?s earlier cartographic representation, he incorrectly corrected that error. We review what is known about Ladjiladji and through a careful analysis demonstrate not only the errors in both Smyth and Tindale but also proffer a fundamental reconstruction grounded in the primary sources.ladjiladji, social engineering, dalabon, indigenous health, coronial system, radiocarbon dating -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Australian Aboriginal studies : journal of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2010
Mediating conflict in the age of Native Title Peter Sutton (The University of Adelaide and South Australian Museum) Mediators have played roles in managing conflict in Aboriginal societies for a long time. This paper discusses some of the similarities and differences between older customary mediator roles and those of the modern Native Title process. Determinants of tribunal outcomes for Indigenous footballers Neil Brewer, Carla Welsh and Jenny Williams (School of Psychology, Flinders University) This paper reports on a study that examined whether football tribunal members? judgments concerning players? alleged misdemeanours on the sporting field are likely to be shaped by extra-evidential factors that disadvantage players from Indigenous backgrounds. Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian Football League (AFL) players, matched in terms of their typical levels of confidence and demeanour in public situations, were interrogated in a mock tribunal hearing about a hypothetical incident on the football field. The specific aim was to determine if the pressures of such questioning elicited behavioural differences likely to be interpreted as indicative of testimonial unreliability. Mock tribunal members (number = 103) then made judgments about the degree to which a number of behavioural characteristics were evident in the players? testimonies. Under intense interrogation, Indigenous players were judged as presenting less confidently and displaying a greater degree of gaze aversion than non-Indigenous players. These behavioural characteristics are commonly ? and inappropriately ? used as cues or heuristics to infer testimonial accuracy. The paper discusses the implications for Indigenous players appearing at tribunal hearings ? and for the justice system more broadly. Timothy Korkanoon: A child artist at the Merri Creek Baptist Aboriginal School, Melbourne, Victoria, 1846?47 ? a new interpretation of his life and work Ian D Clark (School of Business, University of Ballarat) This paper is concerned with the Coranderrk Aboriginal artist Timothy Korkanoon. Research has uncovered more about his life before he settled at the Coranderrk station in 1863. Evidence is provided that five sketches acquired by George Augustus Robinson, the former Chief Protector of Aborigines, in November 1851 in Melbourne, and found in his papers in the State Library of New South Wales, may also be attributed to the work of the young Korkanoon when he was a student at the Merri Creek Baptist Aboriginal School from 1846 to 1847. Developing a database for Australian Indigenous kinship terminology: The AustKin project Laurent Dousset (CREDO, and CNRS, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), Rachel Hendery (The Australian National University), Claire Bowern (Yale University), Harold Koch (The Australian National University) and Patrick McConvell (The Australian National University) In order to make Australian Indigenous kinship vocabulary from hundreds of sources comparable, searchable and accessible for research and community purposes, we have developed a database that collates these resources. The creation of such a database brings with it technical, theoretical and practical challenges, some of which also apply to other research projects that collect and compare large amounts of Australian language data, and some of which apply to any database project in the humanities or social sciences. Our project has sought to overcome these challenges by adopting a modular, object-oriented, incremental programming approach, by keeping metadata, data and analysis sharply distinguished, and through ongoing consultation between programmers, linguists and communities. In this paper we report on the challenges and solutions we have come across and the lessons that can be drawn from our experience for other social science database projects, particularly in Australia. A time for change? Indigenous heritage values and management practice in the Coorong and Lower Murray Lakes region, South Australia Lynley A Wallis (Aboriginal Environments Research Centre, The University of Queensland) and Alice C Gorman (Department of Archaeology, Flinders University) The Coorong and Lower Murray Lakes in South Australia have long been recognised under the Ramsar Convention for their natural heritage values. Less well known is the fact that this area also has high social and cultural values, encompassing the traditional lands and waters (ruwe) of the Ngarrindjeri Nation. This unique ecosystem is currently teetering on the verge of collapse, a situation arguably brought about by prolonged drought after decades of unsustainable management practices. While at the federal level there have been moves to better integrate typically disparate ?cultural? and ?natural? heritage management regimes ? thereby supporting Indigenous groups in their attempts to gain a greater voice in how their traditional country is managed ? the distance has not yet been bridged in the Coorong. Here, current management planning continues to emphasise natural heritage values, with limited practical integration of cultural values or Ngarrindjeri viewpoints. As the future of the Coorong and Lower Murray Lakes is being debated, we suggest decision makers would do well to look to the Ngarrindjeri for guidance on the integration of natural and cultural values in management regimes as a vital step towards securing the long-term ecological viability of this iconic part of Australia. Hearts and minds: Evolving understandings of chronic cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations Ernest Hunter (Queensland Health and James Cook University) Using the experience and reflections of a non-Indigenous clinician and researcher, Randolph Spargo, who has worked in remote Aboriginal Australia for more than 40 years, this paper tracks how those at the clinical coal-face thought and responded as cardiovascular and other chronic diseases emerged as new health concerns in the 1970s to become major contributors to the burden of excess ill health across Indigenous Australia. The paper cites research evidence that informed prevailing paradigms drawing primarily on work in which the clinician participated, which was undertaken in the remote Kimberley region in the north of Western Australia. Two reports, one relating to the Narcoonie quarry in the Strzelecki Desert and the other concerning problematic alcohol use in urban settings.maps, b&w photographs, colour photographs, tablesstrzelecki desert, native title, timothy korkanoon, merri creek baptist aboriginal school, austkin project, coorong, lower murray lakes district, south australia, indigenous health -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Australian Aboriginal studies : journal of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2013
We don?t leave our identities at the city limits: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in urban localities Bronwyn Fredericks Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who live in cities and towns are often thought of as ?less Indigenous? than those who live ?in the bush?, as though they are ?fake? Aboriginal people ? while ?real? Aboriginal people live ?on communities? and ?real? Torres Strait Islander people live ?on islands?. Yet more than 70 percent of Australia?s Indigenous peoples live in urban locations (ABS 2007), and urban living is just as much part of a reality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as living in remote discrete communities. This paper examines the contradictions and struggles that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience when living in urban environments. It looks at the symbols of place and space on display in the Australian cities of Melbourne and Brisbane to demonstrate how prevailing social, political and economic values are displayed. Symbols of place and space are never neutral, and this paper argues that they can either marginalise and oppress urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, or demonstrate that they are included and engaged. Juggling with pronouns: Racist discourse in spoken interaction on the radio Di Roy While the discourse of deficit with regard to Australian Indigenous health and wellbeing has been well documented in print media and through images on film and on television, radio talk concerning this discourse remains underresearched. This paper interrogates the power of an interactive news interview, aired on the Radio National Breakfast program on ABC Radio in 2011, to maintain and reproduce the discourse of deficit, despite the best intentions of the interview participants. Using a conversation-analytical approach, and membership categorisation analysis in particular, this paper interrogates the spoken interaction between a well-known radio interviewer and a respected medical researcher into Indigenous eye health. It demonstrates the recreation of a discourse emanating from longstanding hegemonies between mainstream and Indigenous Australians. Analysis of firstperson pronoun use shows the ongoing negotiation of social category boundaries and construction of moral identities through ascriptions to category members, upon which the intelligibility of the interview for the listening audience depended. The findings from analysis support claims in a considerable body of whiteness studies literature, the main themes of which include the pervasiveness of a racist discourse in Australian media and society, the power of invisible assumptions, and the importance of naming and exposing them. Changes in Pitjantjatjara mourning and burial practices Bill Edwards, University of South Australia This paper is based on observations over a period of more than five decades of changes in Pitjantjatjara burial practices from traditional practices to the introduction of Christian services and cemeteries. Missions have been criticised for enforcing such changes. However, in this instance, the changes were implemented by the Aboriginal people themselves. Following brief outlines of Pitjantjatjara traditional life, including burial practices, and of the establishment of Ernabella Mission in 1937 and its policy of respect for Pitjantjatjara cultural practices and language, the history of these changes which commenced in 1973 are recorded. Previously, deceased bodies were interred according to traditional rites. However, as these practices were increasingly at odds with some of the features of contemporary social, economic and political life, two men who had lost close family members initiated church funeral services and established a cemetery. These practices soon spread to most Pitjantjatjara communities in a manner which illustrates the model of change outlined by Everett Rogers (1962) in Diffusion of Innovations. Reference is made to four more recent funerals to show how these events have been elaborated and have become major social occasions. The world from Malarrak: Depictions of South-east Asian and European subjects in rock art from the Wellington Range, Australia Sally K May, Paul SC Ta�on, Alistair Paterson, Meg Travers This paper investigates contact histories in northern Australia through an analysis of recent rock paintings. Around Australia Aboriginal artists have produced a unique record of their experiences of contact since the earliest encounters with South-east Asian and, later, European visitors and settlers. This rock art archive provides irreplaceable contemporary accounts of Aboriginal attitudes towards, and engagement with, foreigners on their shores. Since 2008 our team has been working to document contact period rock art in north-western and western Arnhem Land. This paper focuses on findings from a site complex known as Malarrak. It includes the most thorough analysis of contact rock art yet undertaken in this area and questions previous interpretations of subject matter and the relationship of particular paintings to historic events. Contact period rock art from Malarrak presents us with an illustrated history of international relationships in this isolated part of the world. It not only reflects the material changes brought about by outside cultural groups but also highlights the active role Aboriginal communities took in responding to these circumstances. Addressing the Arrernte: FJ Gillen?s 1896 Engwura speech Jason Gibson, Australian National University This paper analyses a speech delivered by Francis James Gillen during the opening stages of what is now regarded as one of the most significant ethnographic recording events in Australian history. Gillen?s ?speech? at the 1896 Engwura festival provides a unique insight into the complex personal relationships that early anthropologists had with Aboriginal people. This recently unearthed text, recorded by Walter Baldwin Spencer in his field notebook, demonstrates how Gillen and Spencer sought to establish the parameters of their anthropological enquiry in ways that involved both Arrernte agency and kinship while at the same time invoking the hierarchies of colonial anthropology in Australia. By examining the content of the speech, as it was written down by Spencer, we are also able to reassesses the importance of Gillen to the ethnographic ambitions of the Spencer/Gillen collaboration. The incorporation of fundamental Arrernte concepts and the use of Arrernte words to convey the purpose of their 1896 fieldwork suggest a degree of Arrernte involvement and consent not revealed before. The paper concludes with a discussion of the outcomes of the Engwura festival and the subsequent publication of The Native Tribes of Central Australia within the context of a broader set of relationships that helped to define the emergent field of Australian anthropology at the close of the nineteenth century. One size doesn?t fit all: Experiences of family members of Indigenous gamblers Louise Holdsworth, Helen Breen, Nerilee Hing and Ashley Gordon Centre for Gambling Education and Research, Southern Cross University This study explores help-seeking and help-provision by family members of Indigenous people experiencing gambling problems, a topic that previously has been ignored. Data are analysed from face-to-face interviews with 11 family members of Indigenous Australians who gamble regularly. The results confirm that substantial barriers are faced by Indigenous Australians in accessing formal help services and programs, whether for themselves or a loved one. Informal help from family and friends appears more common. In this study, this informal help includes emotional care, practical support and various forms of ?tough love?. However, these measures are mostly in vain. Participants emphasise that ?one size doesn?t fit all? when it comes to avenues of gambling help for Indigenous peoples. Efforts are needed to identify how Indigenous families and extended families can best provide social and practical support to assist their loved ones to acknowledge and address gambling problems. Western Australia?s Aboriginal heritage regime: Critiques of culture, ethnography, procedure and political economy Nicholas Herriman, La Trobe University Western Australia?s Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA) and the de facto arrangements that have arisen from it constitute a large part of the Aboriginal ?heritage regime? in that state. Although designed ostensibly to protect Aboriginal heritage, the heritage regime has been subjected to various scholarly critiques. Indeed, there is a widespread perception of a need to reform the Act. But on what basis could this proceed? Here I offer an analysis of these critiques, grouped according to their focus on political economy, procedure, ethnography and culture. I outline problems surrounding the first three criticisms and then discuss two versions of the cultural critique. I argue that an extreme version of this criticism is weak and inconsistent with the other three critiques. I conclude that there is room for optimism by pointing to ways in which the heritage regime could provide more beneficial outcomes for Aboriginal people. Read With Me Everyday: Community engagement and English literacy outcomes at Erambie Mission (research report) Lawrence Bamblett Since 2009 Lawrie Bamblett has been working with his community at Erambie Mission on a literacy project called Read With Me. The programs - three have been carried out over the past four years - encourage parents to actively engage with their children?s learning through reading workshops, social media, and the writing and publication of their own stories. Lawrie attributes much of the project?s extraordinary success to the intrinsic character of the Erambie community, not least of which is their communal approach to living and sense of shared responsibility. The forgotten Yuendumu Men?s Museum murals: Shedding new light on the progenitors of the Western Desert Art Movement (research report) Bethune Carmichael and Apolline Kohen In the history of the Western Desert Art Movement, the Papunya School murals are widely acclaimed as the movement?s progenitors. However, in another community, Yuendumu, some 150 kilometres from Papunya, a seminal museum project took place prior to the completion of the Papunya School murals and the production of the first Papunya boards. The Warlpiri men at Yuendumu undertook a ground-breaking project between 1969 and 1971 to build a men?s museum that would not only house ceremonial and traditional artefacts but would also be adorned with murals depicting the Dreamings of each of the Warlpiri groups that had recently settled at Yuendumu. While the murals at Papunya are lost, those at Yuendumu have, against all odds, survived. Having been all but forgotten, this unprecedented cultural and artistic endeavour is only now being fully appreciated. Through the story of the genesis and construction of the Yuendumu Men?s Museum and its extensive murals, this paper demonstrates that the Yuendumu murals significantly contributed to the early development of the Western Desert Art Movement. It is time to acknowledge the role of Warlpiri artists in the history of the movement.b&w photographs, colour photographsracism, media, radio, pitjantjatjara, malarrak, wellington range, rock art, arrernte, fj gillen, engwura, indigenous gambling, ethnography, literacy, erambie mission, yuendumu mens museum, western desert art movement -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Video, Paul Worthington, Warranna Purruna : Pa:mpi Tungarar : living languages, 1996
... LOTE South Australian education system videocassette The video ...The video "tells the story of two types of Australian Indigenous language revival programs. The languages involved are Kaurna and Ngarrindjeri."videocassettekaurna, ngarrindjeri, curriculum development, language revival, education, language learning, bilingualism, lote, south australian education system -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Various Artists, Deadly expressions : profiling contemporary and traditional Aboriginal art from South Eastern Australia, 2004
Curator: Esmai Manahan. Third exhibition in a series titled "Tribal expressions", held in Melbourne, 2004. Includes bibliographical references. colour photographs, b&w photographs, mapsart, arts, victoria, koori, koorie, gallery, exhibition, arts victoria, melbourne, artists -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, A W Howitt, The native tribes of South-East Australia, 1996
Alfred William Howitt 1830-1908 was a pioneer anthropologist. ?The Native Tribes of South-East Australia? is not only a great classic anthropological work, it contains an enormous wealth of material of interest to anyone interested in Australian history, particularly the people of Koorie descent. His work has been presented here in total as originally peoduced.maps, b&w illustrations, tables, musical notationsalfred william howitt -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, A W Howitt, The native tribes of South-East Australia : part 1, 2003
Alfred William Howitt 1830-1908 was a pioneer anthropologist. ?The Native Tribes of South-East Australia? is not only a great classic anthropological work, it contains an enormous wealth of material of interest to anyone interested in Australian history, particularly the people of Koorie descent. His work has been presented here in total as originally produced.maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographs, tablesdieri, wonkanguru, yuin, wonkamala, kulin, kurnai, wiradjuri, kamilaroi, wotjobaluk, wurrunjerri, wimbaio, yaurorka, urabunna, yantruwunta -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, A W Howitt, The native tribes of South-East Australia : part 2, 2003
Alfred William Howitt 1830-1908 was a pioneer anthropologist. ?The Native Tribes of South-East Australia? is not only a great classic anthropological work, it contains an enormous wealth of material of interest to anyone interested in Australian history, particularly the people of Koorie descent. His work has been presented here in total as originally produced.musical notations, b&w illustrations, b&w photographsdieri, wonkanguru, yuin, wonkamala, kulin, kurnai, wiradjuri, kamilaroi, wotjobaluk, wurrunjerri, wimbaio, yaurorka, urabunna, yantruwunta -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Koorie Heritage Trust et al, Koorie, 1991
Details the ?Koorie? exhibition presented by the Koorie Heritage Trust in association with the Museum of Victoria. Outlines the history of the Aboriginal people of south-eastern Australia.maps, b&w photographs, cartoons, illustrations, graphs -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aldo Massola, The Aborigines of south-eastern Australia : as they were, 1971
Contents: p.1-3; Origins, arrival in Australia; p.4-9; How they lived - camp sites, dating (including carbon dating); p.10-27; Physical appearance, skin colour, hair, clothing, body ornaments, cicatrization; exchange system, distribution of food, marriage &? sexual relations; the tribe - structure, relationship to land, territory, gives map showing locations of tribes, New South Wales, Victoria &? eastern South Australia, leadership, government, division of labour, status of women, estimated population at white settlement, density of population (Victoria); p.28-31; Language - names &? naming, reproduces Wembawemba vocabulary, notes use of secret languages, gives 12 rules for pronounciation; p.32-53; Religion, spirit beliefs, totemism, moieties, phratries, marriage rules; mythology, gives eaglehawk &? crow myth from Lake Victoria &? other myths illustrating origins of fire &? natural rock formations, mythical beasts (Bunyip, Mindie), stellar beliefs; magic, medicine men, powers, native remedies for sickness, describes ceremony held in Melbourne, 1847 to avert evil, sorcery, pointing bone, love magic, rain makers; messengers, appearance, etiquette, message sticks; p.54-71; Rock art, motifs, colours, decorative art, engraving of utensils, rock engravings, manufacture &? use of pigments, engraving techniques; trade system, objects bartered, meeting places for trade (Victoria), map shows possible routes (south east Australia); corroborees, purpose, body ornaments &? decorations, musical instruments; p.72-93; Ceremonial life, marriage, punishment for infidelity, birth, childhood, games &? amusements, initiation, etiquette of visiting tribes, details of ceremony, womens role, earth figures &? ground designs, bull roarers, female puberty ceremonies; p.94-133; Shelters, fire making, cooking, construction of canoes, wooden implements, use of reeds, animal skins &? sinews, shells; stone tools, cylindro conical stones, scrapers, knives &? microliths; hunting weapons, spear, other methods pits, nets; fishing methods &? spears, traps; food sharing, womens responsibilities for collecting, digging stick, cooking methods, insect foods, plant foods, water resources; manufacture &? use of spears, spear throwers, shields, clubs, boomerangs; inter- &? intratribal fighting; p.134-147; Death, disposal of body - eating of the dead, burial, cremation, platform exposure, dendroglyphs (N.S.W.), Aboriginal burial grounds (Darling &? Murray Rivers), mourning, widowhood, kopi caps (N.S.W.), causes of death, inquest ceremonies, revenge expedition, after death beliefs; p.148-157; The end of the tribes white settlement &? its impact on Aboriginal life, friction between natives &? settlers, establishment of Protectorates; copiously illustrated throughout.maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographswemba wemba, murray river, darling river, lake victoria -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Lewis Yerloburka O'Brien, And the clock struck thirteen : the life and thoughts of Kaurna Elder Uncle Lewis Yerloburka O'Brien /? as told to Mary-Anne Gale, 2007
The story of Kaurna man Uncle Lewis O'Brien and his family, beginning with his great, great grandmother Kudnarto - the first Aboriginal woman to marry a white man in South Australia. Contents: 1: Padniadlu wadu: Let's walk together in harmony 2: Kudnarto of Skillogalee Creek 3: Who was Tom Adam senior? 4: Tom and Tim Adams of Poonindie 5: The Adams Family of Point Pearce mission 6: Treasured memories and lessons from the mission 7: My difficult childhood 8: Leaving school and doing an apprenticeship 9: Joining the Merchant Navy 10: Becoming a 'land-lover' and settling down 11: Reflections on working in schools and university 12: Sharing our space 13: Achievements and celebrations.colour photographs, maps, b&w photographskaurna, south australia, political activism -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Mrs James Smith, The Booandik tribe of South Australian Aborigines : a sketch of their habits, customs, legends, and language : also an account of the efforts made by Mr. and Mrs. James Smith to Christianise and civilise them, 1880
Stories from the early days of South Australia from an adventurous woman, recounting her experiences with the local Aboriginal community. Much detail of early encounters with domestic animals and mission folk.Word lists, b&w illustrationsbooandik, boandik, buandig -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Christobel Mattingley, Survival in our own land : 'Aboriginal' experiences in 'South Australia' since 1836 : told by Nungas and others, 1998
A history of Aboriginal experiences in 'South Australia' since 1836.maps, b&w photographs, document reproductionssouth australia, nunga, goonya, colonisation -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Wilfrid Prest, The Wakefield companion to South Australian history, 2001
A one volume guide to events, people, places themes and topics in South Australian history.mapssouth australia, history, encyclopedias -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Irene Watson, Looking at you, looking at me... : Aboriginal culture and history of the South-east of South Australia. Volume 1, 2002
The author is an Aboriginal woman, descendant of a family of long and continuous association with the south-east region of South Australia. This book attempts to overcome some of the difficulties in colonial relationships of the past to piece together the history of the Aboriginal people who survived in this area.maps, b&w photographssouth australian history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Bruce Pascoe et al, Wathaurong : the people who said no, 2003
The Wathaurong people of South Western Victoria said no to European invasion. Learn about this heroic resistance to the occupation of their lands. Can white and black live together or must we be always at war? The answer can only be given by young Australians. Includes a comprehensive historical timeline.maps, colour illustrations, b&w illustrations, colour photographs, word listswathaurong, wadtharung, port philllip bay, western port bay, lorne, south west victoria, battle creek, aire river, werribee, ballarat, wathaurong aboriginal cooperative, coast action, koori studies, john batman, william buckley, aboriginal studies policy, secondary school education, hissing swan, victorian history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, E M Yelland, The baron of the frontier : South Australia-Victoria, Robert Rowland Leake (1811-1860), 1973
Brothers Robert and Edward Leake brought the first Anglo Merino sheep to Australia, where they became successful squatters in the South Australian/Victoria area.maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographs -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book with CD, Doreen Mellor et al, Many voices : reflections on experiences of Indigenous child separation, 2002
This book bring together voices of children who were separated from their families, people who cared for them, families who took them into their homes and Government officers who carried out official directions. Contents of CD: Track 1. Jim Hart, b.1927, Queensland, separated from family as a child. See ch. 5. Interviewer: David Woodgate (3m 02s) track 2. Clara Coulthard, b.1929, South Australia, separated from family as a child. See ch. 3. Interviewer: Sue Anderson (4m 06s) track 3. John Moriarty, AM, b.1938, New South Wales, South Australia, Northern Territory, separated from family as a child. See ch. 4. Interviewer: Frank Heimans (4m 12s) track 4. Sandra Hill, b.1951, Western Australia, separated from family as a child. See ch. 11. Interviewer: John Bannister (4m 11s) track 5. Trevor Deshong, b.1965, Queensland, separated from family as a child. See ch .6. Interviewer: Colleen Hattersley (4m 45s) track 6. Julie Wilson, b.1958, New South Wales, adopted as an infant. See ch. 6. Interviewer: Frank Heimans (4m 04s) track 7. Dorothy Pyatt, b.1918, South Australia, police officer in remote South Australia, 1950s and 1960s. See ch. 8. Interviewer: Karen George (4m 18s) track 8. Margaret Somerville, MBE, b.1912, New South Wales, Northern Territory, missionary and cottage mother. See ch. 7. Interviewer: Frank Heimans (3m 15s) track 9. Reg Worthy, OAM, b.1920, Queensland, Northern Territory, Victoria, welfare officer, senior administrator, Departmental Head. See ch. 8. Interviewer: Barbara Erskine (4m 55s)D?.b&w photographs, b&w illustrations, CDstolen generations, child welfare, bringing them home, oral histories -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book with CD-ROM, Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia, Australia's Indigenous languages, 1996
The book shows that Australia's languages are rich, living languages that are relevant to all Australians. You can share the pride that Indigenous people have in their language by reading their accounts of what their language means to them and by learning about how Australian Indigenous languages are structured and used.Maps, colour illustrations, colour photographs, word lists, sheet music, CD-ROMlanguage and culture, bilingual education, linguistics, language and technology, yorta yorta, ganai -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
CD-ROM, Country Fire Services South Australia, FireMapCD Riverland &? Murray Mallee, 2001
The area covered by this map is the same as the CFS Riverland & Murray Mallee Map Book. The area covered adjoins the Mount Lofty Ranges map book on the eastern boundary at Murray Bridge, north to Morgan and east to Renmark and the State Border. It extends southwards to join the northern boundary of the Lower South East map book at Padthaway.CD-ROMfire protection, victorian maps -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Conference proceedings, Joan Argenter, Endangered languages and linguistic rights on the margins of nations : proceedings of the Eighth FEL Conference : Barcelona (Catalonia) Spain 1-3 October 2004, 2005
... for the Revitalization of Australian Languages in New South Wales Shelley Tulloch... of Appropriate Training for the Revitalization of Australian Languages ...Section 1: Grass-roots Efforts and Top-down Institutions Keynote Address: Leanne Hinton The Death and Rebirth of Native American Languages Patrick Marlow Bilingual Education, Legislative Intent, and Language Maintenance in Alaska Galina Dyrkheeva New Language Policy and Small Languages in Russia: the Buryat Example Zelealem Leyew The Fate of Endangered Languages in Ethiopia Gregory Hankoni Kamwendo Language Planning from Below: Chitumbuka as a Marginalised Language in Malawi John Hobson Learning to Speak Again: Towards the Provision of Appropriate Training for the Revitalization of Australian Languages in New South Wales Shelley Tulloch Grassroots Desires for Language Planning in Nunavut Amandina C�rdenas Demay Hacia la definici�n de una pol�tica del lenguaje & Alejandra Arellano Mart�nez expl�cita en M�xico Elena Benedicto, G. McLean, Linguistic Rights in the Nicaraguan Atlantic Coast: Grupo de Ling�istas Ind�genas Mayangna Actions on the Ground within the Legislative Framework of the Estatuto de Autonom�a Bartomeu Meli� Las lenguas ind�genas en el Paraguay. Una visi�n desde el Censo 2002 Monica Ward Building from the Bottom-up: Linguistic Rights for Extremely Endangered Languages Marta Moskal Language Policy and Protection of Endangered Languages in Poland Sue Wright What is a language? Some difficulties inherent in language rights Joan Ramon Sol� Obstacles in the Way of the Recovery of Catalan Section 2: The Global vs. the Local in Linguistic Rights Keynote Address: Patxi Goenaga Fronteras que dividen y fronteras que separan. Una mirada a Europa desde el Euskara Yun-Hsuan Kuo Languages, Identity, and Linguistic Rights in Taiwan Estibaliz Amorrortu, Andoni Barre�a, What Do Linguistic Communities Think about the Esti Izagirre, Itziar Idiazabal, Bel�n Uranga Official Recognition of their Languages? Alok Kumar Das Linguistic Practices and Not Just Linguistic Rights: Endangered Languages in New Europe Section 3: Languages crossing the Borders Keynote Address: Tjeerd de Graaf The Status of Endangered Languages in the Border Areas of Japan and Russia Mariana Bara Arm�n endangered language Ver�nica Grondona Language Policy, Linguistic Rights and Language Maintenance in Argentina Grup d?Estudi de Lleng�es Amena�ades Linguistic diversity in Catalonia: towards a model of linguistic revitalization Nataliya Belitser Endangered Languages in Crimea/Ukraine: The Cases of Crimean Tatar, Karait, and Krymchak Ivelina Kazakova & Maria Miteva The Future of Bulgarian: The Road to Extinction or Paradise Regained Luke O?Callaghan War of Words: Language Policy in Post Independence Kazakhstan Eden Naby From Lingua Franca to Endangered Language: The Legal Aspects of the Preservation of Aramaic in Iraq Poster presentations Akim Elnazarov Endangered languages and Education. A Case of Badakhshan Province of Tajikistan Arnfinn Muruvik Vonen & Oddvar Hjulstad Linguistic Rights Paving the Way Towards Language Endangerment? The Case of Norwegian Sign Language Eva Savelsberg Kurdish (Kurmanc�) as Minority Language in the Federal Republic of Germany Jos� Antonio Flores Farf�n Cultural and Linguistic Revitalization, Maintenance and Development in Mexico Mary Jane Norris Assessing the Status, Use and Accessibility of Canada?s Aboriginal Languages within Communities and Cities: Some Proposed Indicators Michael Prosser van der Riet Promotion of Minority Language Scripts in Southwest China. A Relative Success or Complete Failure? Mikael Grut The Endangered Celtic Languages: A Wake-up Call Nariyo Kono Developing Partnerships Between Universities and Language Communities: Top-down and Bottom-up Integration Richard J. Hawkins Probit Modeling Language Attrition Rudy Osiel Camposeco El idioma maya Popti? y la Declaraci�n Universal de los Derechos Ling��sticos Victorio N. Sugbo The literary Response: Claiming Rights in Three Philippin Languages Ya-ling Chang Language Policies in an Aboriginal Primary School in Taiwanmaps, tables, graphsnsw, endangered languages, linguistic rights -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
DVD, Dylan McDonald, Buckskin, 2013
... Street Brunswick melbourne Kaurna South Australia language ...Jack Buckskin is a man whose mission is to sculpt a new urban Aboriginal language and culture, and through that bring hope back to his people. Broadcast on ABC1 Television on 13 October, 2013DVDkaurna, south australia, language activism -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Lenny and the big red kinan : an Awabakal Language Book, 2010
Awabakal is the language of the Aboriginal people from the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and Lower Hunter region of New South Wales in Australia. As Lenny takes his walk and collects insects, we learn some words that relate to the bush, to the landscape and the little creatures that would be found there. This book has been printed with sound, which can be heard through an Audio Reader. If you have an Audio Reader, run it over the pages to hear the sound.word lists, colour illustrationsawabakal, newcastle, lake macquarie, hunter region, juvenile literature -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aldo Massola, Bunjil's cave : legends and superstitions of the Aborigines of South-East Australia, 1968
Stories from the Aboriginal people of South-East Australia. Includes Creation Stories, Myths and legends. Written in two sections, The myths and The Land Beyond the Sky. Includes location lists.Maps, b&w photographs, illustrationswotjobaluk, mara, kulin, kurnai, murray river, myths, legends, creation stories -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Isobel White, The opal that turned into fire : and other stories from the Wangkumara, 1994
These stories are written versions of legends handed down through the oral tradition of Aboriginal storytellers from the Riverina of New South Wales and Victoria, coastal regions and other parts of Australia.Colour photographs, illustrations, mapswongaibon, kamilaroi, kirrea, dharawal, ualarai, gandangara, darkinjung, dhurga, ngemba, bandjalang, wiradjuri, muruwari, riverina, lake eyre, murray river -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Don Bell, mu:nu:?ur ?Mununja? the butterfly : the first storybook in traditional Aboriginal language from south-eastern Australia, 1999
... traditional Aboriginal language from south-eastern Australia... : the first storybook in traditional Aboriginal language from south ...As told to nu:nu:wul Elder Don Bell, with bi-lingual text and commentary. Provides explanation of the aboriginal alphabet, story of Queen Nellie Hamilton and and language list of words used by Queen Nelly and her daughter.Illustrations, b&w photographs, word listsngunnawal, canberra, yass, queen nelly hamilton