Showing 128 items
matching state receptions
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Administrative record - Memorandum, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SEC) and The Courier Ballarat, "Ballarat Tramways", Aug. 1962
Yields information about the visit of the Minister to the City of Ballarat, the SEC Chairman and notice to abandon the tramway, including a note on the Chairman's visit to Russia., Yields information about the visit of the Minister to the City of Ballarat, the SEC Chairman and notice to abandon the tramway, including a note on the Chairman's visit to Russia..1 - Memorandum, typed onto a light green sheet with rounded corners, dated 14/8/1962, titled "Ballarat Tramways" sending a sheet of press clippings following the Minister of Electrical Undertakings visit to Ballarat on 12/8. .2 - Ruled foolscap sheet with four newspaper cuttings glued to the sheet, from The Courier, Saturday 11-8-1962: a - Report of the Minister's visit regarding the possible closure of the tramway system, met with the Mayor Cr. A Mason and Mr. W. H. Connolly SEC Chairman b - photo of the Mayor, Minister and Chairman c - Report of the Civic Reception - discussing tramway matters, also attended by Tom Evans, MLA, Mr Linaker of the SEC, and Cr. Wilson of Sebastopol. d - "Russians Advanced in Electrical Fields:" - report on Mr Connolly's presentation following his visit to Russia the previous year. trams, tramways, closure, civic reception, minister for electrical undertakings -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - The Galatea Tragedy - 150th Anniversary, 18th Dec 2017
Born in 1844 Prince Alfred was the fourth child and second son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. He joined the Royal Navy at age 14 as a midshipman and by 1866 had attained the rank of captain and had command of HMS Galatea, a steam-powered sail-equipped frigate. In the same year, Alfred was made Duke of Edinburgh. In January 1867 the Galatea set sail from Plymouth on a round the world voyage visiting the Mediterranean before making a state visit to the emperor of Brazil. Two months were spent in the Cape Colony in South Africa before crossing the Indian Ocean to Australia. The Prince continued his tour to country Victoria and in Bendigo tragedy struck on 18th Dec 1867. A model of the royal ship Galatea, crewed by young boys, was the centerpiece of a reception and a procession. The procession circled round, and entering the Camp Reserve piled the torches into one general bonfire. At this time the demonstration of the evening was marred by a sad accident. The Bendigo Volunteer Fire Brigade put on a demonstration with lighted torches which were carelessly extinguished, embers floated onto the model ship which quickly caught fire. Witnesses also reported that firecrackers were being thrown. the accident was caused either owing, to the fireworks or careless use of the torches. Three boys in the model ship were burned to death and several others injured. The Volunteer Fire Brigades' rigged ship Galatea, which had formed a conspicuous object in the proceedings of the morning was driven along the crowded thoroughfare manned with young citizens dressed in sailor costumes, and took fire from the fireworks. Some of the sails immediately caught fire, and before an escape could be made, four of the occupants were most severely burnt. With. the assistance of the bystanders, the flames were quenched, but so severe were the injuries sustained by the lads, that they had to be conveyed to the hospital. Of the four, one, James Brown, son of Mr.James Brown, formerly, of the Water Supply department in Sandhurst and now of Tasmania, recovered from his injuries, but the other three died shortly after the accident. They were Wm. Langston McGrath, Sylvester Francis Cahill and Thomas Walters, each about eight years of age. They were buried at the Back Creek Cemetery, and a movement, initiated b ythe citizens, resulted in their graves being marked by public memorials. In connection with this sad event it should be mentioned that when the explosion of fireworks on board the model ship took place, Mr. Meagher, the captain of the brigade, although struck on the head by a rocket, dragged several of the boys from the flames. He and Mr. Hickey, one of the members of the brigade, were severely burned in their efforts to save the boys, in which they were assisted by Mr. Irving.Bendigo Historical Society excursion to the Bendigo Cemetery and visit to the graves and memorial of the three boys burned to death in a model of the ship Galatea during the visit of the Duke of Edinburgh in 1867. The DVD contains a slide show of the excursion. The photos taken by Libby Luke are published here.history, bendigo, galatea tragedy -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document - Invitation To Meet their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall & York, His Majesty's Ministers of State for Australia, 1901
The commemorative booklet 'Our Invited Guests for the Opening of the First Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia : An open directory of the guests invited to Melbourne, May 9th 1901' lists invitees from each Australian State. The Misses Dowling are not on this list, however the booklet does list The Hon Thomas Dowling MLC, and his "lady" from Camperdown as well as Edwin Percy Dowling esq, Shire Secretary of Camperdown. Perhaps the Misses Dowling were part of this family. While not invited to the opening of Parliament on the 9th, the guest list for later events may have been extended on other occasions.The document design has artistic and aesthetic merit. While it is not rare, it is representative of the kinds of formal designs used for the Australian Commonwealth celebrations at the time of Federation, and is in excellent condition. Such items as this invitation have local, state and national historic significance as mementoes of a key moment in Australia's history. An invitation on card to the Misses Dowling to attend an evening reception at the Exhibition Building, Melbourne, on 9 May 1901, to meet the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall as part of the celebrations of the opening of the first Federal Parliament. A figure of Britannia, in red dress and mailed vest holding a shield like the Union Jack, is on the left of the invitation; she reaches out her hand towards a younger female figure, representing Australia, who is dressed in blue and holds a shield which is white with a blue cross decorated with stars. The writing is on a scroll in the centre of the certificate, and there is a border of vines and vine leaves. The royal crest is at the base of the certificate.Printed on a banner across the top: 'IN CELEBRATION / OF THE / OPENING / PARLIAMENT of the COMMONWEALTH / OF AUSTRALIA' Printed below the banner: 'To meet Their Royal Highness / the DUKE and DUCHESS of CORNWALL & / YORK / His Majesty's / MINISTERS OF STATE FOR AUSTRALIA / have the honor to invite / [handwritten] The Misses Dowling / to an Evening Reception at the / Exhibition Building MELBOURNE, / on the 9th of May 1901, at 8 o'clock'.federation events - victoria, australian federation 1901, misses dowling - kew, royal visits, federation events - victoria, australain federation 1901, misses dowling, royal visits, melbourne exhibition building -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document - Invitation To Meet their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall & York, Commonwealth of Australia, 1901
The commemorative booklet 'Our Invited Guests for the Opening of the First Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia : An open directory of the guests invited to Melbourne, May 9th 1901' lists invitees from each Australian State. Mr & Mrs. J. M. Campbell are on this list, and recoded as residing at "Ramornie" 40 Pakington Street, Kew.The document design has artistic and aesthetic merit. While it is not rare, it is representative of the kinds of formal designs used for the Australian Commonwealth celebrations at the time of Federation, and is in excellent condition. Such items as this invitation have local, state and national historic significance as mementoes of a key moment in Australia's history. Locally, the invitation is part of a group of Federation-related items issued to James Maitland Campbell (and his wife). Campbell was three times mayor of Kew in the second half of the 19th Century and the owner of Ramornie in Pakington Street, one of the significant extant mansions in Kew.An invitation on card to Mr. & Mrs J. M. Campbell to attend an evening reception at the Exhibition Building, Melbourne, on 9 May 1901, to meet the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall as part of the celebrations of the opening of the first Federal Parliament. A figure of Britannia, in red dress and mailed vest holding a shield like the Union Jack, is on the left of the invitation; she reaches out her hand towards a younger female figure, representing Australia, who is dressed in blue and holds a shield which is white with a blue cross decorated with stars. The writing is on a scroll in the centre of the certificate, and there is a border of vines and vine leaves. The royal crest is at the base of the certificate.Printed on a banner across the top: 'IN CELEBRATION / OF THE / OPENING / PARLIAMENT of the COMMONWEALTH / OF AUSTRALIA' Printed below the banner: 'To meet Their Royal Highness / the DUKE and DUCHESS of CORNWALL & / YORK / His Majesty's / MINISTERS OF STATE FOR AUSTRALIA / have the honor to invite / [handwritten] Mr. & Mrs J. M. Campbell / to an Evening Reception at the / Exhibition Building MELBOURNE, / on the 9th of May 1901, at 8 o'clock'.federation -- australia -- 1901, parliament -- australia, invitations -- 1901 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document - Invitation to the Opening of the Parliament of the Commonwealth, 1901
The correspondent of the Argus on 10 May 1901 wrote: "The Parliament of the Commonwealth was opened yesterday by the Duke, of Cornwall and York, under a Commission signed by Queen Victoria and subsequently endorsed by King Edward VII. The ceremony was marked by the splendour and solemn impressiveness which befitted its historic importance. An immense assemblage of spectators, drawn mainly, of course, from this state, but in part also from each of the other federated states, and including representatives of other portions of the British Empire and of foreign powers, thronged the spacious, stately, and joyously decorated edifice. The picture was magnificent. It must have printed itself indelibly on the sensitive minds of the thousands of Australians who were privileged to behold it. We may assume that artists will reproduce it in worthy and imperishable forms, and that from generation to generation it will be familiar in the households of the Commonwealth. Our children's children, we may gladly say to-day, will not be ashamed of the function which inaugurated the self-governing rights of the southern British Nation. Nothing was omitted which could add to the grandeur and significance of the occasion. In a broad sense the proceedings were perfectly intelligible to the vast and sympathetic gathering, though the natural limits of a single human voice had to be accepted. The King's son, with his consort and the Governor-General and Lady Hopetoun by his side, and supported by the Governors of the states and other eminent personages, fulfilled his doubly-attested Commission with a simple dignity and a modest manliness altogether admirable. The ceremony was a brilliant spectacle, and, in its sentiment and suggestiveness, an inspiration to a loyal and patriotic people."The document design has artistic and aesthetic merit. While it is not rare, it is representative of the kinds of formal designs used for the Australian Commonwealth celebrations at the time of Federation, and is in excellent condition. Such items as this invitation have local, state and national historic significance as mementoes of a key moment in Australia's history. Locally, the invitation is part of a group of Federation-related items issued to James Maitland Campbell (and his wife). Campbell was three times mayor of Kew in the second half of the 19th Century and the owner of Ramornie in Pakington Street, one of the significant extant mansions in Kew.An invitation, mounted on card for Mr & Mrs James Maitland Campbell to an evening reception at the Exhibition Building, Melbourne, on 9 May 1901, to meet the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall as part of the celebrations of the opening of the first Federal Parliament. A figure of Britannia, in red dress and mailed vest holding a shield like the Union Jack, is on the left of the invitation; she reaches out her hand towards a younger female figure, representing Australia, who is dressed in blue and holds a shield which is white with a blue cross decorated with stars. The writing is on a scroll in the centre of the certificate, and there is a border of vines and vine leaves. The royal crest is at the base of the certificate. James Maitland Campbell of ‘Ramornie’ in Pakington Street was mayor of Kew on three occasionsFront, printed. gold ink: "His Majesty's Ministers of State for the Commonwealth of Australia request the honour of the presence of / Mr & Mrs J. M. Campbell (handwritten) / In the Exhibition Building, Melbourne, on Thursday, 9th May, 1901, to witness / the Opening of the Parliament of the Commonwealth. / Edmund Barton / Prime Minister." Front, bottom left, printed: "The Young Queen / Her hand was still on her sword hilt - the spur was still on her heel ... (and further text) KIPLING'S COMMONWEALTH ODE."australia -- federation -- 1901, invitations, parliament -- opening -- 1901, james maitland campbell -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document - Invitation to the Opening of the Parliament of the Commonwealth, Sands & McDougall Ltd, 1901
The correspondent of the Argus on 10 May 1901 wrote: "The Parliament of the Commonwealth was opened yesterday by the Duke, of Cornwall and York, under a Commission signed by Queen Victoria and subsequently endorsed by King Edward VII. The ceremony was marked by the splendour and solemn impressiveness which befitted its historic importance. An immense assemblage of spectators, drawn mainly, of course, from this state, but in part also from each of the other federated states, and including representatives of other portions of the British Empire and of foreign powers, thronged the spacious, stately, and joyously decorated edifice. The picture was magnificent. It must have printed itself indelibly on the sensitive minds of the thousands of Australians who were privileged to behold it. We may assume that artists will reproduce it in worthy and imperishable forms, and that from generation to generation it will be familiar in the households of the Commonwealth. Our children's children, we may gladly say to-day, will not be ashamed of the function which inaugurated the self-governing rights of the southern British Nation. Nothing was omitted which could add to the grandeur and significance of the occasion. In a broad sense the proceedings were perfectly intelligible to the vast and sympathetic gathering, though the natural limits of a single human voice had to be accepted. The King's son, with his consort and the Governor-General and Lady Hopetoun by his side, and supported by the Governors of the states and other eminent personages, fulfilled his doubly-attested Commission with a simple dignity and a modest manliness altogether admirable. The ceremony was a brilliant spectacle, and, in its sentiment and suggestiveness, an inspiration to a loyal and patriotic people."The document design has artistic and aesthetic merit. While it is not rare, it is representative of the kinds of formal designs used for the Australian Commonwealth celebrations at the time of Federation, and is in excellent condition. Such items as this invitation have local, state and national historic significance as mementoes of a key moment in Australia's history. Locally, the invitation is part of a group of Federation-related items owned by Mrs Grace Tabulo, and displayed at her home - Fairyland - at 57 Malmsbury Street, KewAn invitation, mounted on card to an evening reception at the Exhibition Building, Melbourne, on 9 May 1901, to meet the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall as part of the celebrations of the opening of the first Federal Parliament. A figure of Britannia, in red dress and mailed vest holding a shield like the Union Jack, is on the left of the invitation; she reaches out her hand towards a younger female figure, representing Australia, who is dressed in blue and holds a shield which is white with a blue cross decorated with stars. The writing is on a scroll in the centre of the certificate, and there is a border of vines and vine leaves. The royal crest is at the base of the certificate. Front, printed. gold ink: "His Majesty's Ministers of State for the Commonwealth of Australia request the honour of the presence of / ****l (handwritten) / In the Exhibition Building, Melbourne, on Thursday, 9th May, 1901, to witness / the Opening of the Parliament of the Commonwealth. / Edmund Barton / Prime Minister." Front, bottom left, printed: "The Young Queen / Her hand was still on her sword hilt - the spur was still on her heel ... (and further text) KIPLING'S COMMONWEALTH ODE." Reverse: Mrs G. Tabulo, 57 Malmsbury Streetaustralia -- federation -- 1901, invitations, parliament -- opening -- 1901, grace tabulo -- fairyland -- 57 malmsbury street -- kew (vic.) -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Book, Visitors' Book / Borough of Eaglehawk, 1929
This Visitors Book records visits and events which took place at the Eaglehawk Chambers and Hall. During the years 1929 to 1990 the Borough of Eaglehawk hosted various civic receptions for community groups and individuals including Local and State Ministers, The Cornish Society, Lions and Rotary Clubs, local sporting groups and records the various installation of Mayors and Mayoresses during this time period. A full leather bound volume recording visitation to the Borough between 1929 and 1990. Title deboss on font cover. Hand written entries detailing peoples names, addresses and comments about their visit. Visitors' book / Borough of Eaglehawkborough of eaglehawk, borough of eaglehawk mayor, eaglehawk town hall -
Forests Commission Retired Personnel Association (FCRPA)
Portable UHF Radio - Sawtron / Kyodo, c 1980s
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the War, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. Rapid improvements in technology led to various models of bulky handheld portables with heavy batteries that always seemed to go flat. In fact, batteries were a constant impediment at bushfires. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 4G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s.Portable UHF Radio with leather carrying case and strap. Charging station. Kyodo Model KC-1109 MOYHU Whitfieldbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Forests Commission Retired Personnel Association (FCRPA)
Base station radio with handset, Mid 1980s
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the War, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 4G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s.Base station radio with handsetRC-4B Amalgamated Wireless Australiabushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Radiophone STC
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Radio without handsetSTC - Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd 3AL - Neerim Southbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Tait Radio T196
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Radio with handsetTait 163FM on metal box plus serial number Tait T196 miniphone on radio unit plus serial number Includes Dick Smith handsetbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Radiophone STC MTR 23
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Radio with handsetSTC - Standard Telephones and Cables Ltdbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
AWA RT85 Mobile Transceiver
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Radio with transceiver and handsetbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Phillips Radio FM934 with speaker
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Radio with speakerbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
TARA radio/phone interface
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Portable radio with leather carrycase and strapTARA Systems Australia Connected to FCV radios to allow field staff to call a fixed line telephone / office etc Used by for the Minister Joan Kirner vehicle.bushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Pony Portable radio
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Portable radio with leather carrycase and strapModel CD7055 Transceiverbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Pony Portable radio with handset
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Portable radio with leather carrycase and strapModel CD7055 Transceiverbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
McLeod Electric HF Radio
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Radio with handsetCall Sign VJ3NVbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
AWA Teleradio 60A (similar to item A/101)
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. AWA Teleradio Transmitter / Receiver Used in FCV vehiclesType ING 1355bushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
VHF Desk control unit (National parks service)
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. VZ3 - CAbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Motorola portable radio
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Portable radio with aerial and charging portMX 360bushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Sawtron portable radio
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Portable radio with aerialSwifts Creek portable 7bushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Kenwood portable radio and charger
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Portable radio with aerial and charging portKSC 5bushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
ITT Portable radio
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Portable radio with aerialCFL Orbost Regionbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Philips portable radio HPFX
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Portable radio with aerial and handsetbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Philips Radio
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Radio with handsetbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Philips Radio PRM80 Remote Control
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Radio with handsetbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
PCM mobile 7 channel mobile radio
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Mobile radio with handsetVHF FM351 North Altona MXB 503 Checked OK 16/4/85bushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Radiophone STC
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Radio with handsetSTC - Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd 3AL - Neerim South MTR 25-131 Abushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Carphone Solid state
After the 1939 bushfires, the Forests Commission Victoria invested heavily in a radically new communications network. After suffering some inevitable delays due to the war, radio VL3AA switched into full operation in October 1945 proudly beaming out 200 watts across the State. But by today’s standards, the technology was primitive and the reception poor unless the user was on a high point somewhere. The radio signal was "line-of-sight" and bounced between fire towers and relay transmitters across the mountains back to the District offices. The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s replaced the more delicate valve sets which enabled greater use of vehicle mounted radios. The Commission continued to research, develop and build new radios at its many workshops around Victoria. The network was supported by a large team of skilled radio technicians. The more secure and versatile State Mobile Radio (SMR) digital trunk system came into operation in about 1995. Upgraded Tait Radios were purchased in 2014 after recommendations of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission. But it was the convergence of separate technologies such as 5G mobile phones, high-capacity and light-weight lithium batteries, Wi-Fi, the ever-expanding internet, cloud data storage, digital cameras, GPS, personal organisers and hundreds of supporting Apps into powerful smartphones and tablets which revolutionised bushfire communications from the mid-2000s. Mobile vehicle radio with handsetAmalgamated Wireless VFH FM Model 25Mbushfire, radios, forests commission victoria (fcv)