Harcourt Valley Heritage & Tourist Centre
Apple Packing Certificate, Apple Packing Shield Competition, 1930
Pupil attending Harcourt and Harcourt North State Schools were trained in apple packing by visiting teacher Mr. Harris from 1930 to 1960.The Harcourt district was very prosperous due to its production and export of large volumes of uniform sized 'fancy grade' fruit Specialist knowledge of packing apples became part of the school syllabus in Harcourt and other fruit-growing districts which relied on horticultural exports.Award/certificate describing the winners of the Apple Packing Shield Competition presented by the Fruit Exporters Handling Committee Victoria. The award has two apple illustrations.This is to certify that the scholars of the Harcourt North Primary School are the winners of the Fruit ExportersHandling Committee's Apple Packing Shield for the year 1930.