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Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Fred Rochow Railways Collection - Dismantling the Sandy Creek Bridge, 1987
The Fred Rochow Railways Collection incorporates photos related to the operation of the Wodonga Railway Station including different types of trains and railways staff C. 1930 – 1990. It was donated to the Wodonga Historical Society by Fred Rochow, a railwayman who spent many years based in Wodonga. He joined the Victorian Railways on 17th June l947 and retired in 1988. For some time, he was a member of the Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen and served a term as a member of the Trades Hall Council. He had an extensive knowledge of the struggles that took place to achieve better conditions for railway workers. Fred worked for many years as a fireman and then worked his way up the ranks to driver, experiencing many changes from the days of steam locomotives through to diesel trains, locomotives and even the modern XPT train. He worked throughout Victoria at different stages of his career, with his final working years focused on the northeast of Victoria and the Albury to Melbourne line. After his retirement, Fred continued to share his love of steam miniature trains with the community. This collection has local and statewide significance as it captures images of trains, locomotives and personnel who operated the railway services in Wodonga and throughout Northeast Victoria. The railways played a critical role in opening up Victoria and connecting Australia for trade, business, social communication and transport.The removal of the bridge decking in progress. The line to Tallangatta was closed in 1981 and the bridge deck was removed in 1987.railways wodonga, fred rochow, high country rail trail, sandy creek bridge -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Banner - Lions Club of Wodonga
Leslie William Cole was born on 31 January 1920 in Albury, the first child of William James Cole and Gwendoline Fair. Les spent most of his childhood living with his grandparents in Bethanga, Victoria. In 1934 when he finished school, Les moved into Wodonga. His first job was at Mates Timber Yard. He later worked for Mylons of Wodonga driving taxis and buses. In 1939 after completing militia training, Les applied to enlist with the RAAF and eventually trained as an Aircraft Mechanic. He was posted to the 6th Squadron, serving in Port Moresby, Milne Bay and Goodenough Island before returning to the RAAF base in Sale, Victoria. On discharge. Les returned to Wodonga and resumed working with Mylons. After a range of jobs, Les and his wife Lorna operated a shop in Ariel Street, Wodonga. In the community, Les was a founding member of Wodonga Lions Club. He also joined the Civil Defence which was a predecessor off the SES. He became the Communications Officer and trained other members. Les became the first Controller of the Wodonga Branch of the State Emergency Service, a position he held for 17 years. The new SES headquarters was named in his honour. In retirement he also worked as a Volunteer Community Driver. Les was also named Wodonga Citizen of the Year in 1984 Les continued living in Wodonga until the age of 103 in 2023, when he moved to Melbourne to be closer to his children. He passed away on 12 December 2023. The Lions Club of Wodonga was chartered in 1965 with 18 Founding Members including Les Cole. Lions Australia was first formed in Lismore, NSW in September and has grown to be Australia’s largest service club organisation.A small purple and gold fringed banner with the emblem of Wodonga Lions ClubAt the top centre: The logo of Lions International Across the centre of banner: Lions Club of Wodonga / District 201C Australia In semi-circle below Water Tower: Melbourne/ Falls Creek/Lake Hume/ Snowy Mountains/ Sydneyles cole, wodonga lions club, lions international -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Wodonga Plant Farm
Stan and Mary Parker commenced the Plant Farm in Smythe Street Wodonga in February 1949. The nursery consisted of two blocks, on one of which their house was built. They started off with approximately £70 and a 1939 Singer mini-Ute. In the early days most customers came from the farming community. In late 1951 the Parkers purchased to a new site on the corner of High and Osburne Streets. Business went well and in 1957 they purchased the adjoining block. They later demolished the old house on the corner of High Street and Osburne Street, building a new home lower on the same block. As the nursery prospered Stan and Mary built a shop and showrooms with glassed-in portion for the indoor plants and a large shaded area for the display of shrubs. In 1978 they sold the nursery to Mr. & Mrs. John Gale. In 1981 the Wodonga Plant farm was purchased Geoff and Kay Pollard and they moved to its current location at the corner of Beechworth Road and Huon Creek Road. Initially they brought it as an investment but it soon got into their blood and chose to not only continue but expand the nursery and its offerings. This included a large showroom, a water shop which specialises in pool equipment, chemicals and water testing, a children's playground and an outdoor blind centre. Further expansions led to the addition of a Tuscan-style cafe on the site which has become a meeting place. The business was nominated the Yates Victorian Best Garden Centre in Australia for many years and won the award in 1997. In 2024, the Wodonga Plant Farm is still a vibrant and popular business being operated by the Pollard Family.These items are significant because they document the story of respected Wodonga Business which has served the community for over 60 years.A selection of photographs and article documenting the story of the Wodonga Plant Farmearly wodonga businesses, wodonga plant farm, pollard family, geoff and kay pollard -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Album - Ringer's River by Des Martin - Plate 17 - Drawing the Calcutta Sweep for Piney Creek Picnic Race Club
On the morning of the Piney Creek Picnic Race Club's annual meeting Squire Pilkington of Piney Creek Homestead, President of the Club, draws the Calcutta Sweep. Graeme Oliver nominates his horse for the Ladies' Bracelet in the name of Elaine Montieth and O'Day, as Manager for MacLough gives his nomination to her friend Penny Sefton whom Reg Apperton is sparking. With Keiran O'Hara for his rider, Squire Pilkington nominates in the name of his pretty niece, Susan Bundy. Harry MacLean as Squire Pilkington. Bill Tenteye as the Hon. Secretary Jim McGrath as the Hon. Treasurer.The album and images are significant because they document literature written by a prominent member of the Wodonga community. The presentation of this precis was supported by several significant district families and individuals.Ringer's River Album Coloured photo Plate 17des martin, many a mile, ringer's river, northeast victoria stories -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Album - Ringer's River by Des Martin - Plate 10 - Bringing in the race horses
A short time later Elaine and Graeme Oliver, a young station owner, prepare to ride from Barmagula homestead down to the horse yards to assist in bringing in the "grasseaters". These are racehorses that have all been paddocked together for some weeks prior to the forthcoming Piney Creek Amateur Picnic Race Club's annual meeting. Paddocking ensures that every horse has the same training period before the private meeting at which members only may race or ride a horse, and attendance is by invitation. Tony Conway as Oliver.The album and images are significant because they document literature written by a prominent member of the Wodonga community. The presentation of this precis was supported by several significant district families and individuals.Ringer's River Album Coloured photo Plate 10des martin, many a mile, ringer's river, northeast victoria stories -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Album - Ringer's River by Des Martin - Cast, Credits & Introduction
Des Martin lived all his life in Wodonga, except for his years of service during World War Two. He was raised on the family property Aherlo in the Huon Creek Valley. In 1937 he joined the 8th Light Horse Regiment but in May 1940 led his Wodonga Troop into the 2/2nd Australian Pioneer Battalion, which saw service in Syria, Java, New Guinea and Borneo. After the war, Des returned to Aherlo and his horses. He was granted permission by the Victorian Racing Club to participate as an amateur “gentleman” rider. He was a founder of the Victorian Amateur Riders Association and also the Murray Valley Hunt Club, for which he was Master for 21 years. He was a prolific writer, cartoonist, photographer and poet, contributing to The Border Morning Mail, The Age, and the Herald and Weekly Times amongst other publications. Des Martin’s other literary works included Australia Astride (1959), A Tale of Twin Cities, Part One (1981) and Backing up the Boys (1998). In 1976, Des wrote an historical novel, “Many a Mile”, based on a fictional region which highly resembled the Albury-Wodonga and Upper Murray area of Victoria. It was set in the last 10 years leading up to Federation. Throughout this period tensions (caused by fluctuating border duties, including an infamous impost on cattle and horses) occasioned the intermittent posting of heavily armed police detachments along the River Murray. Des also wrote eight 50-minute scripts from “Many a Mile” as a television series and were presented to Michael Pate, one of Australia’s leading actors and producers. Also, funding was sought through the Australian Broadcasting Commission ... unfortunately the series never came to fruition. This album is a pictorial precis, including photos and scene descriptions, created to promote the concept of the series and have it produced locally in North Eastern Victoria featuring local settings, skilled horsemen and actors. It was to be called “Ringer’s River” ... Ringer being the title accorded to either a top cattle hand, or the fastest shearer in the wool shed. Des Martin died on 12th April 1995.These albums and images are significant because they document literature written by a prominent member of the Wodonga community. The presentation of this precis was supported by several significant district families and individuals.Documents written to introduce the concept of "Ringer's River" to gain interest for the development of a television seriesdes martin, many a mile, ringer's river, northeast victoria stories -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Document - House Creek School 2266 Inspector's Register Book 1881 - 1905
This folder contains the official Inspector's reports for House Creek School Number 2266. Inspections were carried out every six months for all Victorian Government Schools. On 8th October 1879 Mathew Parnaby and others applied for the establishment of a school, between Huon and House Creeks, about four miles southwest of Wodonga. The District Inspector approved and Albert Schlink offered two acres of freehold land as a site, four chains from the southeast corner of Allotment Eight, Section 10, of the Parish of Wodonga in the County of Bogong. A portable classroom, 22ft x14ft, with quarters was erected at a total cost of £192, and SS2266 opened on 1st of June 1880 with Edwin Davis as Head Teacher. In 1883 the average attendance ranged between 12 and 20. Both school and quarters fell into a very bad state of repair. Temporarily closed in 1894, the school reopened as a result of a petition by Ferdinand Godde and others. By 1902 the school had a nett enrolment of 37, the grounds had been fenced, and a shelter shed erected by local effort. By 1907 the nett enrolment had risen to 45 with an average attendance of 37. Ferdinand V. Godde served as Correspondent of the Committee in 1911. House Creek was unstaffed in February 1917 and closed on 8th of November 1917. It reopened on 4th August 1921, but with a nett enrolment of 6, closed on the 24th July 1926. The building was sold for removal. Many of the reports in this Register were written and signed by Henry Finch Rix. He was a pioneer of the Victorian School Inspection System and from 1884 to 1887 worked as a Chief Inspector in the Beechworth Education District. He had previously played with the Carlton Football Club for one season. Henry Rix was a highly regarded educator and a staunch advocate of the establishment of school libraries to teach children of "the rich stores of profitable pleasure to be found in books."This item is significant because it documents progress and recommendations for students at an early government primary school in the Wodonga district.A large bound folder of printed forms. The majority have been completed in handwritten reports including names, notes and statistics. On cover: INSPECTOR'S REGISTER BOOK STATE SCHOOLShenry finch rix, house creek school, victorian school inspectors, school 2266 -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Book - Barr's Creek - A Mystery of the Upper Murray, John Murphy, 1998
A collection of stories relating to exploration and mining in the far North East of Victoria.non-fictionA collection of stories relating to exploration and mining in the far North East of mining, upper murray region, upper murray victoria, upper murray nsw -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Book - Ghost Towns of the High Country, Luke Steenhuis, 1998
Stories and information about former towns in and around Victoria's Alpine Region. Towns include Boggy Creek, Brandy Creek, Brocket, Brookville, Buckland, Buckland Upper, Bulgoback, Bulltown, Hogtown, Bullumwaal, Canvastown, Cassilis, Cobbannah, Copenhagen, Dargo High Plains, Dartmouth, Deptford, Gibbo River, Gladstone, Glen Dart, Glen Valley, Glen Wills, Good Luck Creek, Granite Flat, Grant, Hinnomunjie, Howittville, Jeff Davis, Lightning Creek, Louisville, Mayford, Merrijig Creek, Mitchelldale, Mount Elmo, Nugong, Sassafras, Saltpetre, Staleyville, Stirling, Store Creek, Summer Hill, Sunnyside, Tabberabbera, Talbotville, Thiel Town, Tongio West, Waterford, Wentworth River, Winchester, Wombat, Wongungarra, Zulu Creek.non-fictionStories and information about former towns in and around Victoria's Alpine Region. Towns include Boggy Creek, Brandy Creek, Brocket, Brookville, Buckland, Buckland Upper, Bulgoback, Bulltown, Hogtown, Bullumwaal, Canvastown, Cassilis, Cobbannah, Copenhagen, Dargo High Plains, Dartmouth, Deptford, Gibbo River, Gladstone, Glen Dart, Glen Valley, Glen Wills, Good Luck Creek, Granite Flat, Grant, Hinnomunjie, Howittville, Jeff Davis, Lightning Creek, Louisville, Mayford, Merrijig Creek, Mitchelldale, Mount Elmo, Nugong, Sassafras, Saltpetre, Staleyville, Stirling, Store Creek, Summer Hill, Sunnyside, Tabberabbera, Talbotville, Thiel Town, Tongio West, Waterford, Wentworth River, Winchester, Wombat, Wongungarra, Zulu Creek.ghost towns, high country victoria, pioneers, history victoria -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Book - Secrets of Ghost Towns of the Mountain Goldfields, Luke Steenhuis, 1999
Stories from 50 former towns in and around Melbourne's North-east mountain region. These old towns include: Aberfeldy, Aberfeldy Crossing, BB Township, Blue Jacket, Clarke's Flat, Concord Gully, Edwards Reef, Fultons Creek, Jericho, Loch Fyne, Red Jacket, Store Point, The Springs, Toombon, Toombon Upper, Tullamore, Upper Thomson, Victors Quartz, Violet Town & White Star.non-fictionStories from 50 former towns in and around Melbourne's North-east mountain region. These old towns include: Aberfeldy, Aberfeldy Crossing, BB Township, Blue Jacket, Clarke's Flat, Concord Gully, Edwards Reef, Fultons Creek, Jericho, Loch Fyne, Red Jacket, Store Point, The Springs, Toombon, Toombon Upper, Tullamore, Upper Thomson, Victors Quartz, Violet Town & White Star.ghost towns victoria, gold mining victoria -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Book - A Baranduda History, Howard C Jones, 1988
A history of Baranduda in Northeast Victoria. Baranduda is a rural area and, since the 1970s, a rural and residential locality formed under the authority of the Albury Wodonga Development Corporation. It is near the junction of Yackandandah Road and the Kiewa Valley Highway, 10 km south-east of Wodonga. This publication traces the history of the area from its earliest know indigenous inhabitants, through the days of the earlier establishment of pastoral runs to more recent developments.Spiral boundnon-fictionA history of Baranduda in Northeast Victoria. Baranduda is a rural area and, since the 1970s, a rural and residential locality formed under the authority of the Albury Wodonga Development Corporation. It is near the junction of Yackandandah Road and the Kiewa Valley Highway, 10 km south-east of Wodonga. This publication traces the history of the area from its earliest know indigenous inhabitants, through the days of the earlier establishment of pastoral runs to more recent developments.baranduda, pioneers victoria, huon family, wodonga pioneers -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Smith Dam, Karingal Drive, Eltham, 19 September 2006
The dam at the entrance to the Nerreman Gateway in Eltham was built according to an internationally acclaimed theory developed by the builder's father. In 1920, Victorian engineer B.A. Smith was awarded the American Society of Civil Engineers J. James R. Cross Gold Medal for his Technical Paper titled 'Arched Dams'. It was the first time this medal had been awarded outside the United States. The concrete arched dam across the Eltham West Drain was built in 1940 by B.A. Smith's son and engineer, D. B. (Bernie) Smith to water the 24 acre (9.75 ha) hobby farm owned by himself and new wife, Isa Smith. Upon completion of the dam a pump-house was constructed beside the creek but before the water could be pumped up the hill they had to dig a trench and lay 500m of 100mm water main to an elevated holding tank. The Smiths made the pump-house their home for several years until they constructed their home at the top of the hill overlooking Eltham and views extending to Kinglake. Following Bernie's death in 1983, Nerreman Park was subdivided between 1993 and 1995. Gordon Ford designed the landscaping and the pump-house was demolished. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p137 The dam at the entrance to the Nerreman Gateway in Eltham, was built according to an internationally acclaimed theory developed by the builder’s father. In 1920, Victorian engineer B A Smith was awarded the American Society of Civil Engineers J. James R. Croes Gold Medal, for his Technical Paper titled Arched Dams. It was the first time this medal had been awarded outside America. An international example of the application of Smith’s work can be found in the design of the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River, Nevada, USA. Built between 1930 and 1936, it is recognised by the ASCE as one of ‘America’s Seven Modern Civil Engineering Wonders’.1 The concrete arched dam across the Eltham West Drain was built by B A Smith’s son and engineer, D B (Bernie) Smith. Bernie’s dam followed his father’s theory, having a curvature that takes maximum advantage of concrete’s great strength in compression. The water load is carried into the abutments because of this curvature, which permits a wall thickness of only 225 millimetres thick at its crest, despite the dam’s capacity of more than 4.5 megalitres. The Eltham dam was designed to water the 24 acre (9.75 ha) hobby farm belonging to newly married couple Bernie and Isa Smith. Bernie, from Armadale, and Isa, from a farm at Tyntynder near Swan Hill, were attracted to the hilly topography and the creek running through the property. It extended from Ryans Road, Eltham, to Karingal Drive, Montmorency and was adjacent to Meruka Park. The Smiths named it Nerreman Park using the Aboriginal word Nerreman meaning ‘River Bend’ as their creek had a pronounced bend.2 In 1940 the first thing Bernie did was to build a dam, and with Isa’s help, a pump-house, to secure a water supply for their cattle, pigs, chickens, orchard and vegetable gardens. It was also available for the fire-plugs, which they placed all over the property in case of bushfire. The couple built the pump-house beside the creek and installed a Tange three-plunger pump, which had originally supplied the City of Wodonga with water. But before the Smiths could pump water up the hill from the dam they had to dig a trench and lay about 550 yards (500m) of a four-inch (100mm) water main up to an elevated holding tank. The trench was dug with a single furrow plough drawn by an old draught horse. Living in rough conditions did not deter the Smiths, who made the pump-house their home, where they still lived when their first child was born in 1944. They later built their home at the top of their property overlooking Eltham, with magnificent views to Kinglake, the Dandenong Ranges and Melbourne. From 1946 it took them almost 20 years to complete the 36-square house with its 12-foot (3.6m) high ceilings. Material for the concrete roof and walls faced with sandstone, was ripped out of the ground on their property by plough pulled by tandem Clydesdale horses. Isa was a strong woman – two days before their second child was born – she set three huge sandstone boulders in place in the bottom wall of the garage. She also mixed all the cement for the house. A collapsed kitchen wall did not discourage her from rebuilding it in a week, while her husband was away working in the country. She later recalled: ‘We stood back to admire this beautiful wall we’d built and while we were looking at it, it came tumbling down’.3 Following Bernie’s death in 1983, Nerreman Park was subdivided, between 1993 and 1995. Local Gordon Ford designed the landscaping and the pump-house was pulled down. But the dam remains as a reminder of exceptional engineering4 – and of a remarkable couple.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, eltham, karingal drive, smiths dam, bernie smith, gordon ford, isa smith, nerreman gateway, nerreman park estate, dams -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Memorabilia - Diana Ski Lodge Banner
Diana Lodge was built and operated by Kevin Shoebridge as a family lodge in the 1950s and it has grown and evolved over 60 years to become Diana Alpine Lodge. After Mr Shoebridge moved to Wodonga he leased Diana Lodge to Bob Scott and it also became the Post Office and Telephone Exchange. From early 1967 until about 1975, Diana Lodge was owned and operated by John and Gwyn van Burck. It was then purchased by a group of 12 families operating as Swan Hill Alpine Holdings. Diana Alpine Lodge has operated under several owners and was sold again as recently as 2023. This pennant was used in the early 1960s as a souvenir to promote Diana Lodge.This item is significant because it promotes Diana Lodge, a long standing accommodation venue at Falls Creek.A black and white triangular banner including an image of a skier and a second person on a chair lift.ALPINE VILLAGE DIANA SKI CLUB LODGE FALLS CREEK, VICdiana alpine lodge, falls creek accommodation -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Book - Bound Manuscript - Many a Mile, Des Martin, 1975
This manuscript and letter represent the connection between two significant people from the North East of Victoria and their common interest in literature and development of the Upper Murray. Des Martin was raised on the family property Aherlo in the Huon Creek Valley. He joined the 8th Light Horse Regiment and in May 1940 led his Wodonga Troop into the 2/2nd Australian Pioneer Battalion, serving in Syria, Java, New Guinea and Borneo. After the war, Des returned to Aherlo and his horses. Amongst other pursuits he became the first President of the Victorian Amateur Riders Association and founded the Murray Valley Hunt Club. Des also played a major role in Australia entering an equestrian team in the Melbourne Olympics in 1956 and served as a Steward at that event. As well as “Many a Mile”, Des also wrote “Australia Astride” in 1959, a history of the Albury Racing Club – a Century of Racing and a “Tale of Twin Cities” as well as collaborating with R. M. Williams to develop the “Hoofs and Horns” publication. From 1969 to 1973, Des Martin also wrote a column for the Border Mail newspaper. Des Martin died on 12th April 1995. Thomas Walter Mitchell was born at "Towong Hill" near Corryong, Victoria and was educated at Cranbrook School, Sydney and Cambridge University. A keen skier, Mitchell founded the Australian National Ski Federation, captained the Australian skiing team and won gold medals in competitions against England and New Zealand. He was an Australian champion in the downhill and long-time member of the Ski Club of Australia. In 1937 he published Australia’s first ski handbook "Ski Heil". Mitchell joined the Second Australian Imperial Force in 1940 and was a Captain in the 2/22nd Battalion and Headquarters 8th Division. He was captured and interned in Changi POW camp until 1945. Tom Mitchell served as the Country Party Member for Benambra in the Victorian Legislative Assembly from 1947 to 1976. He was awarded the C.M.G. “For distinguished services to the Community, particularly in the fields of Politics, Alpine Sports and Safety, and Writing.” He died on 4th February 1984. This volume is significant because it is the manuscript of a book written by a local Wodonga author. The letter written to Tom Mitchell contains anecdotes and details of the writing of the novel, Many a Mile.An original typed manuscript bound in blue coverboard. It is accompanied by a typed letter.des martin, tom mitchell, many a mile