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Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, David W Cameron, 25 April 1915: The day the ANZAC legend was born, 2007
A detailed account of what happened to the Australian, New Zealand and Turkish troops on the beaches and hills of the Gallipoli peninsula on that fateful day - the day the ANZAC legend was born. On the 25th of April 1915 Australian troops landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula in what is now called Anzac Cove. They rushed from the beach up to Plugge's Plateau into Australian military history suffering many casualties on the way. Just after midday troops from New Zealand landed at Gallipoli and together the Australians and New Zealanders created the Anzac legend. It was the events of this first day that set the course of the whole battle leading to the evacuation of the Anzac troops in December 1915. This is the story of that day telling the Australian, New Zealand and Turkish side of what was to become a tragedy for all three countries and an ultimate triumph for Turkey. It concludes with the visit of Charles Bean, the official Australian war correspondent, to the peninsula in 1919 as part of the Australian Historical mission to organise the burial of the dead that had lain exposed to the elements for the last four years, and to the formation of the cemeteries that are today visited by thousands. About the Author : Dr David Cameron is a biological anthropologist who has written several books. In early 2003 he conducted a preliminary survey of the Anzac Gallipoli battlefields and held numerous discussions with Turkish and Australian government officials about conservation issues relating to the Anzac area. He became interested in the actual landing and decided to write this book.--publisher. A detailed account of what happened to the Australian, New Zealand and Turkish troops on the beaches and hills of the Gallipoli peninsula on that fateful day - the day the ANZAC legend was born.Index, bibliography, notes, maps, ill, p.324.non-fictionA detailed account of what happened to the Australian, New Zealand and Turkish troops on the beaches and hills of the Gallipoli peninsula on that fateful day - the day the ANZAC legend was born. On the 25th of April 1915 Australian troops landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula in what is now called Anzac Cove. They rushed from the beach up to Plugge's Plateau into Australian military history suffering many casualties on the way. Just after midday troops from New Zealand landed at Gallipoli and together the Australians and New Zealanders created the Anzac legend. It was the events of this first day that set the course of the whole battle leading to the evacuation of the Anzac troops in December 1915. This is the story of that day telling the Australian, New Zealand and Turkish side of what was to become a tragedy for all three countries and an ultimate triumph for Turkey. It concludes with the visit of Charles Bean, the official Australian war correspondent, to the peninsula in 1919 as part of the Australian Historical mission to organise the burial of the dead that had lain exposed to the elements for the last four years, and to the formation of the cemeteries that are today visited by thousands. About the Author : Dr David Cameron is a biological anthropologist who has written several books. In early 2003 he conducted a preliminary survey of the Anzac Gallipoli battlefields and held numerous discussions with Turkish and Australian government officials about conservation issues relating to the Anzac area. He became interested in the actual landing and decided to write this book.--publisher. A detailed account of what happened to the Australian, New Zealand and Turkish troops on the beaches and hills of the Gallipoli peninsula on that fateful day - the day the ANZAC legend was born. world war 1914-1918 - campaigns - gallipoli, australian army - anzac corps -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Kevin Fewster, Gallipoli correspondent: The frontline diary of C.E.W. Bean, 1983
For the first time, we can read the innermost thoughts, hopes and criticisms of the man who, more than any other, shaped the ANZAC legend.Index, bibliography, notes, ill, maps, p.217.non-fictionFor the first time, we can read the innermost thoughts, hopes and criticisms of the man who, more than any other, shaped the ANZAC legend. world war 1914-1918 - campaigns - gallipoli, gallipoli campaign - war correspondents -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, Four thousand bowls of rice : a prisoner of war comes home, 1993
Over 60,000 Australians and Americans captured by the Japanese during World War II toiled and died to build the Bridge over the River Kwai. Respected military historian Linda Goetz Holmes tells the story of one man's survival in Japanese labor camps during WWII. Amazing photographs, taken secretly by other prisoners, chronicle this dark history of Allied troops in the Pacific theatre of war.Index, bibliography, notes, ill, p.179.non-fictionOver 60,000 Australians and Americans captured by the Japanese during World War II toiled and died to build the Bridge over the River Kwai. Respected military historian Linda Goetz Holmes tells the story of one man's survival in Japanese labor camps during WWII. Amazing photographs, taken secretly by other prisoners, chronicle this dark history of Allied troops in the Pacific theatre of war 1939 – 1945 - prisons and prisoners – australia, burma thailand railway -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, On the duckboards : experiences of the other side of war, 1995
The story of the Heidelberg Military Hospital during the second world warIndex, bibliography, notes, ill, p.220.non-fictionThe story of the Heidelberg Military Hospital during the second world warmilitary hospitals - australia - heidleberg, military nursing - history -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, George Allen & Unwin, Bluejackets and Boxers : Australia's naval expedition to the Boxer uprising, 1986
The colourful story of Australia's first military intervention in AsiaIndex, bibliography, ill, maps, p.164.non-fictionThe colourful story of Australia's first military intervention in Asiaboxer rebellion - china - 1899-1901, royal navy - colonial forces - australia -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin et al, The men who persevered : Australia's most highly decorated unit to fight in the Viet Nam War, 2005
The story of the forst Australians to serve in Vietnam - the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam.Index, bibliography, notes, ill, maps, p.418.non-fictionThe story of the forst Australians to serve in Vietnam - the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam.vietnam war 1961-1975 – australian involvement, australian army training team vietnam - history -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, Get the bloody job done : the Royal Australian Navy Helicopter Flight-Vietnam and the 135th Assault Helicopter Company 1967-1971, 1998
This book tells the story of a small group of Australian sailors - the Royal Australian Navy Helicopter Flight Vietnam - who served with distinction in an unpopular war.Index, bibliography, ill, maps, p.166.non-fictionThis book tells the story of a small group of Australian sailors - the Royal Australian Navy Helicopter Flight Vietnam - who served with distinction in an unpopular war. vietnam war 1961-1975 – australian involvement, royal australian navy helicopter flight vietnam -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, Vietnam : the complete story of the Australian War, 2012
Take a journey back to the front line with two Australian veterans as they retrace the footsteps of soldiers and politicians, villagers and the enemy in a meticulously researched new history of the Vietnam War. Thirty years after the end of the Vietnam war comes an objective analysis of Australia's involvement. The book shows the extent of Australia's engagement in the Vietnam war and its contribution compared to its allies. "For Australians, Vietnam remains one of the most difficult-and controversial-wars we have fought. On the fiftieth anniversary of Australia's first involvement comes Vietnam: the complete story of the Australian war, for anyone who wishes to understand why Australia went to war, and who wants to make sense of the intensely unrelenting warfare. For Bruce Davies and Gary McKay, the history of Vietnam-its wars, colonial domination, its search for freedom and its subsequent loss-speaks to an Australian anxiety of a very small population far away from the centre of an empire to which it was firmly committed. The rise of Japan, the war in the Pacific and the postcolonial independence of the peoples of southeast Asia, coupled with the mercurial influence of Ho Chi Minh and the rise of communism, form the background to the commitment of Australian forces. Vietnam takes the reader to the front line, describing the experiences of soldier, politician, villager, enemy; and into the war room to unpick the military and political strategies. We see the challenges the Australians faced against not only a dogged enemy, but also those by the allies in the quest to defeat a powerful counterinsurgency. ... Meticulously researched and marked with acute critical analysis and a deep understanding of the place and the war, Vietnam shows the experience of Australian soldiers as never before.Index, notes, ill, p.601.non-fictionTake a journey back to the front line with two Australian veterans as they retrace the footsteps of soldiers and politicians, villagers and the enemy in a meticulously researched new history of the Vietnam War. Thirty years after the end of the Vietnam war comes an objective analysis of Australia's involvement. The book shows the extent of Australia's engagement in the Vietnam war and its contribution compared to its allies. "For Australians, Vietnam remains one of the most difficult-and controversial-wars we have fought. On the fiftieth anniversary of Australia's first involvement comes Vietnam: the complete story of the Australian war, for anyone who wishes to understand why Australia went to war, and who wants to make sense of the intensely unrelenting warfare. For Bruce Davies and Gary McKay, the history of Vietnam-its wars, colonial domination, its search for freedom and its subsequent loss-speaks to an Australian anxiety of a very small population far away from the centre of an empire to which it was firmly committed. The rise of Japan, the war in the Pacific and the postcolonial independence of the peoples of southeast Asia, coupled with the mercurial influence of Ho Chi Minh and the rise of communism, form the background to the commitment of Australian forces. Vietnam takes the reader to the front line, describing the experiences of soldier, politician, villager, enemy; and into the war room to unpick the military and political strategies. We see the challenges the Australians faced against not only a dogged enemy, but also those by the allies in the quest to defeat a powerful counterinsurgency. ... Meticulously researched and marked with acute critical analysis and a deep understanding of the place and the war, Vietnam shows the experience of Australian soldiers as never before.vietnam war 1961-1975 – history, vietnam war 1961-1975 – australian involvement -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, A Nation at War : Australian Politics, Society and Diplomacy during the Vietnam War 1965-1975, 1997
The Vietnam War, together with the selective form of national service which sent thousands of young conscripts to fight in Vietnam, dominated Australian politics for ten years." "A Nation At War tells the story of Australia during this tumultuous decade. It shows how the initial support for the Vietnam commitment was eroded until a majority of the population came to think that it was mistaken, if not immoral. The book traces the growth of the protest movement against the War and conscription, giving the most detailed account yet published of the three Moratorium protests in which tens of thousands of Australians demonstrated. A Nation At War discusses the decisions of the Menzies, Holt, Gorton, McMahon and Whitlam Governments, as they responded to these unprecedented protests while wrestling with diplomatic pressures emanating from powerful allies and strife-torn neighbours. The book also analyses the incidents which shaped the debate and which long remained in public memory - the alleged 'water torture' incident, the episodes involving conscientious objectors like Simon Townsend and William White, and many moreIndex, notes, ill, p.386.non-fictionThe Vietnam War, together with the selective form of national service which sent thousands of young conscripts to fight in Vietnam, dominated Australian politics for ten years." "A Nation At War tells the story of Australia during this tumultuous decade. It shows how the initial support for the Vietnam commitment was eroded until a majority of the population came to think that it was mistaken, if not immoral. The book traces the growth of the protest movement against the War and conscription, giving the most detailed account yet published of the three Moratorium protests in which tens of thousands of Australians demonstrated. A Nation At War discusses the decisions of the Menzies, Holt, Gorton, McMahon and Whitlam Governments, as they responded to these unprecedented protests while wrestling with diplomatic pressures emanating from powerful allies and strife-torn neighbours. The book also analyses the incidents which shaped the debate and which long remained in public memory - the alleged 'water torture' incident, the episodes involving conscientious objectors like Simon Townsend and William White, and many morevietnam war 1961-1975 – australian involvement, australia - foreign relations - 1961-1975 -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, The battle of Long Tan : as told by the commanders to Bob Grandin, 2004
This is the first time that those in direct command of Delta Company have shared their memories of the most significant battle fought by Australians in Vietnam, the Battle of Long Tan. Each of the commanders shares the experiences that brought them to Vietnam, and describes how the company commander, Harry Smith, drove Delta Company to become one of the most outstanding units in the Australian forces. Delta's superb military discipline, and its commanders' ability to think outside the square were decisive in holding a vastly superior number of enemies at bay. Each platoon played a crucial role in Delta Company's survival. The artillery's commitment in providing an unbroken wall of metal through which the enemy had to advance is told from the perspectives of both the forward controller and the gun positions. We fly with the RAAF helicopter pilots whose ammunition resupply was the turning point of the battle, and experience the carnage of the battlefield through the eyes of those in the relieving APCs. Delta Company's trauma on returning to the battlefield to claim their fallen was lightened only by the miraculous survival of two of their wounded. The trauma of the battle did not end with the action, however, as politics began to play their part in the drama. The valour of those directly involved in the battle has never been duly recognised - in some cases it has been belittled, in others denied. The ongoing efforts of the Long Tan commanders to right the many wrongs perpetrated in the wake of the battle, and their own journeys from the events of August 1966 draw the reader into a compelling dialogue on the aftermath of Vietnam. Collapse summaryIndex, ill, maps, p.332.non-fictionThis is the first time that those in direct command of Delta Company have shared their memories of the most significant battle fought by Australians in Vietnam, the Battle of Long Tan. Each of the commanders shares the experiences that brought them to Vietnam, and describes how the company commander, Harry Smith, drove Delta Company to become one of the most outstanding units in the Australian forces. Delta's superb military discipline, and its commanders' ability to think outside the square were decisive in holding a vastly superior number of enemies at bay. Each platoon played a crucial role in Delta Company's survival. The artillery's commitment in providing an unbroken wall of metal through which the enemy had to advance is told from the perspectives of both the forward controller and the gun positions. We fly with the RAAF helicopter pilots whose ammunition resupply was the turning point of the battle, and experience the carnage of the battlefield through the eyes of those in the relieving APCs. Delta Company's trauma on returning to the battlefield to claim their fallen was lightened only by the miraculous survival of two of their wounded. The trauma of the battle did not end with the action, however, as politics began to play their part in the drama. The valour of those directly involved in the battle has never been duly recognised - in some cases it has been belittled, in others denied. The ongoing efforts of the Long Tan commanders to right the many wrongs perpetrated in the wake of the battle, and their own journeys from the events of August 1966 draw the reader into a compelling dialogue on the aftermath of Vietnam. Collapse summary vietnam war 1961-1975 – australian involvement, vietnam war 1961-1975 – battles – long tan -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, The Fighting First : combat operations in Vietnam, 1968-69, the First Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, 1991
An account of the combat operations in Vietnam of the first battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment.Index, ill, maps, p.283.An account of the combat operations in Vietnam of the first battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment.vietnam war 1961-1975 – australian involvement, vietnam war 1961-1975 – regimental histories - australia -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen and Unwin, In good company : one man's war in Vietnam, 1998
This is Gary McKay's story of how he was conscripted into the Australian army and his experiences in the Vietnam War. It is an action-packed, very readable account of an Australian soldier's war experience in Vietnam, developing strongly the Australian soldiers' great sense of mateshipIll, map, p.192.non-fictionThis is Gary McKay's story of how he was conscripted into the Australian army and his experiences in the Vietnam War. It is an action-packed, very readable account of an Australian soldier's war experience in Vietnam, developing strongly the Australian soldiers' great sense of mateshipvietnam war 1961-1975 – australian involvement, vietnam war 1961-1975 – personal recollections – australia -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, Through enemy eye, 2005
1966: An Australian military base is established around a hill in South Viet Nam - two battalions strong. The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army draw up a plan to eliminate the base and allocate eight battalions for the task. Then the plan is thwarted when the Vietnamese forces run into an Australian company in the Long Tan rubber plantation.Ill, notes, maps, p.370.fiction1966: An Australian military base is established around a hill in South Viet Nam - two battalions strong. The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army draw up a plan to eliminate the base and allocate eight battalions for the task. Then the plan is thwarted when the Vietnamese forces run into an Australian company in the Long Tan rubber plantation.vietnam war 1961-1975 – australian involvement, vietnam war 1961-1975 – fiction -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, Anzac treasures : the Gallipoli collection of the Australian War Memorial, 2014
This landmark publication commemorates the centenary of the Great War's Gallipoli campaign, 25 April 1915 to 9 January 1916. 'ANZAC Treasures' approaches the subject of Gallipoli not only from a military perspective but also in terms of its social impact and its role in commemoration and nation building. It does so through the Memorial's immensely rich and varied National Collection, which provides a tangible link to ANZAC and gives an unparalleled insight into its many facets. The legend and reality of ANZAC are encapsulated within the relics, photographs, artworks, documentary records, personal diaries and letters that are displayed to dramatic and moving effect in a beautifully designed and produced commemorative volume.Index, notes, bibliography, ill, maps, p.421.non-fictionThis landmark publication commemorates the centenary of the Great War's Gallipoli campaign, 25 April 1915 to 9 January 1916. 'ANZAC Treasures' approaches the subject of Gallipoli not only from a military perspective but also in terms of its social impact and its role in commemoration and nation building. It does so through the Memorial's immensely rich and varied National Collection, which provides a tangible link to ANZAC and gives an unparalleled insight into its many facets. The legend and reality of ANZAC are encapsulated within the relics, photographs, artworks, documentary records, personal diaries and letters that are displayed to dramatic and moving effect in a beautifully designed and produced commemorative volume.australian war memorial, world war 1914-1918 - gallipoli campaign -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen and Unwin, Fire in the Sky : The Australian Flying Corps in the First World War, 2010
The first book in 90 years dedicated to the daring and courage of the airmen and mechanics of the Australian Flying Corps - a tale of a war fought thousands of feet above the trenches from which only one in two emerged unscathed.Index, bibliography, ill, maps, p.424.non-fictionThe first book in 90 years dedicated to the daring and courage of the airmen and mechanics of the Australian Flying Corps - a tale of a war fought thousands of feet above the trenches from which only one in two emerged war 1914-1918 - australian flying corps, world war 1914-1918 - aerial operations - australia -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, W. H. Allen, The camera at war : a history of war photography from 1848 to the present day, 1978
The camera at war examines the nature of war photography and its relationship to society's view of warIndex, bib, ill, p.240.non-fictionThe camera at war examines the nature of war photography and its relationship to society's view of war"war photography - history, war photography -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen and Unwin, Padre : Australian chaplains in Gallipoli and France, 1986
Personal recollections of the experiences of Australian chaplains in Gallipoli and franceIll, p.192.non-fictionPersonal recollections of the experiences of Australian chaplains in Gallipoli and franceaustralian army - chaplains - diaries, world war 1914-1918 - personal correspondence -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen Lane, The secrets of Rue St Roch : intelligence operations behind enemy lines in the First World War, 2004
Intelligence operations in France in the First World warIndex, ill, maps, p.407.non-fictionIntelligence operations in France in the First World warworld war 1914-1918 - secret service, world war 1914-1918 - espionage -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, The forgotten few : 77 RAAF Squadron in Korea, 2008
In June 1950, No 77 squadron RAAF was in Japan and packing up to go home when North Korea invaded South Korea. Instead of going home to Australia, they found themselves with their mustang fighters in Korea as part of the UN forces opposing the rampaging North Koreans who occupied almost the whole peninsular within 8 weeks of the start of the invasion. The squadron played a major role in halting the invasion and driving the Koreans back almost to the Chinese border. Then the Chinese, equipped with their MIG 21 jet fighters, entered the war. The hopelessly outclassed mustangs were quickly replaced by meteor jet fighters to again play a major role in resisting the invasion forces. The squadron lost over 20 pilots over the course of the war, but succeeded in shooting down a number of MIG fighters and offering ground support to the UN forces. This is an action packed account of the men of that squadron.Index, bib, ill, map, p.234.non-fictionIn June 1950, No 77 squadron RAAF was in Japan and packing up to go home when North Korea invaded South Korea. Instead of going home to Australia, they found themselves with their mustang fighters in Korea as part of the UN forces opposing the rampaging North Koreans who occupied almost the whole peninsular within 8 weeks of the start of the invasion. The squadron played a major role in halting the invasion and driving the Koreans back almost to the Chinese border. Then the Chinese, equipped with their MIG 21 jet fighters, entered the war. The hopelessly outclassed mustangs were quickly replaced by meteor jet fighters to again play a major role in resisting the invasion forces. The squadron lost over 20 pilots over the course of the war, but succeeded in shooting down a number of MIG fighters and offering ground support to the UN forces. This is an action packed account of the men of that squadron.korean war - aerial combat, korean war 1950-1953 - australian involvement -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book - All guts and no glory : the story of a Long Tan warrior, Allen & Unwin, 2000
The climax of this book is an account of the Battle of Long Tan, which is told here by the most senior ranking Australian soldier to survive the battle.Index, ill, maps, p.251.non-fictionThe climax of this book is an account of the Battle of Long Tan, which is told here by the most senior ranking Australian soldier to survive the battle. vietnam conflict 1961-1975 - history, vietnam conflict - australian involvement, battle of long tan -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, Jack Davenport : beaufighter leader, 2009
Revealing biography of an Australian airforce hero of the Second World War who displayed great courage and integrity - both under fire and in civilian life.Index, bib, ill, maps, p.306.non-fictionRevealing biography of an Australian airforce hero of the Second World War who displayed great courage and integrity - both under fire and in civilian war 1939-1945 - personal narratives - australia, world war ii - air warfare -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
W.H. Allen, H.M. U-Boat, 1958
The amazing story of U 570 - captured by the British and used against the GermansIndex, ill, p.220.non-fictionThe amazing story of U 570 - captured by the British and used against the Germansworld war 1939-1945 - naval operations, submarine warfare - world war ii -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, U-boat far from home : the epic voyage of U862 to Australia and New Zealand /, 1997
The operations of U 862 in Australian and New Zealand waters in World War TwoIndex, bib, ill, maps, p.282.non-fictionThe operations of U 862 in Australian and New Zealand waters in World War Two submarine warfare - world war ii, world war 1939-1945 - naval operations - germany -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, Railroad to Burma, 1990
A 25 year old Australian, James Boyle, was one of thousands of prisoners of war who worked in inhuman conditions to build the Thailand/Burma railway. He was determined to record his experiences and thos of his mates - at the limits of human endurance.Index, ill, maps, p.198.A 25 year old Australian, James Boyle, was one of thousands of prisoners of war who worked in inhuman conditions to build the Thailand/Burma railway. He was determined to record his experiences and thos of his mates - at the limits of human endurance.japan - prisons and prisoners of war, burma - thailand railway -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, Gull Force : Survival and Leadership in Captivity 1941-1945, 1988
The captivity experiences of Gull Force taken prisoner by the Japanese in Ambon in 1942Index, bib, ill, map, p.220.non-fictionThe captivity experiences of Gull Force taken prisoner by the Japanese in Ambon in 1942world war 1939 – 1945 - prisons and prisoners - japanese, prison camp - ambon -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Hugh V. Clarke and Colin Burgess, Barbed wire and bamboo : Australian POWs in Europe, North Africa, Singapore, Thailand and Japan, 1993
A collection of stories of capture, imprisonment and escape in World War I and II. Covering experiences in Europe and in South East Asia, the book presents contrasting PoW experiences - of daring escapes from Colditz Castle, and of endurance and slow suffering in Japanese camps.Ill, maps, p.159A collection of stories of capture, imprisonment and escape in World War I and II. Covering experiences in Europe and in South East Asia, the book presents contrasting PoW experiences - of daring escapes from Colditz Castle, and of endurance and slow suffering in Japanese war 1939 – 1945 - prisons and prisoners - japanese, world war 1939 – 1945 - prisons and prisoners – germany -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, George Allen & Unwin, Twilight liberation : Australian prisoners of war between Hiroshima and home, 1985
Australian prisoners of war in Japan in the aftermath of The Japanese surrenderIll, p.165non-fictionAustralian prisoners of war in Japan in the aftermath of The Japanese surrenderworld war 1939 – 1945 - prisons and prisoners – japanese, world war 1939-1945 - personal narratives - australia -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, The guns of Muschu, 2006
During the night of 11 April 1945, eight Australian Z Special commandos landed on Japanese-held Muschu Island, off the coast of New Guinea. Their mission was to reconnoitre the island's defences and confirm the location of two concealed naval guns that commanded the approaches to Wewak Harbour. But the secret mission went horribly wrong. Unknown to them, their presence had been discovered within hours of their landing. With no means of escape, the island became a killing ground. Nine days later, on the New Guinea mainland, the only survivor staggered back through the Japanese lines to safety... This is the remarkable true story of that survivor.Maps, p.255.non-fictionDuring the night of 11 April 1945, eight Australian Z Special commandos landed on Japanese-held Muschu Island, off the coast of New Guinea. Their mission was to reconnoitre the island's defences and confirm the location of two concealed naval guns that commanded the approaches to Wewak Harbour. But the secret mission went horribly wrong. Unknown to them, their presence had been discovered within hours of their landing. With no means of escape, the island became a killing ground. Nine days later, on the New Guinea mainland, the only survivor staggered back through the Japanese lines to safety... This is the remarkable true story of that survivor. world war 1939 – 1945 – campaigns – papua new guinea, world war 1939 – 1945 – personal narratives – australia -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen & Unwin, The path of infinite sorrow : the Japanese on the Kokoda Track, 2009
The Australian story of Kokoda has been told often and told well. Now for the first time, the full Japanese story of Kokoda is told, a poignant tale of comradeship and heart-wrenching suffering. This is a very human story of the other side, told through the eyes of Japanese who were there.Index, bib, ill, maps, p.324.non-fictionThe Australian story of Kokoda has been told often and told well. Now for the first time, the full Japanese story of Kokoda is told, a poignant tale of comradeship and heart-wrenching suffering. This is a very human story of the other side, told through the eyes of Japanese who were there. kokoda track 1942, world war 1939 – 1945 – campaigns – new guinea -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Allen and Unwin, Horrie the War Dog, 2013
In the harsh Libyan desert in the middle of the second world war, Private Jim Moody, a signaller with the First Australian Machine Gun Battalion, found a starving puppy on a sand dune. Moody called the dog Horrie. Much more than a mascot, Horrie's exceptional hearing picked up the whine of enemy aircraft two minutes before his human counterparts and repeatedly saved the lives of the thousand-strong contingent. The little Egyptian Terrier's ritual of sitting, barking, then dashing for the trenches, had the gunners running for cover before their camp was strafed and bombed. Where Moody went, Horrie went too, through the battle zones of the Middle East and far beyond. As the Japanese forces began their assault in Asia Moody and his soldier mates joined the fight, but not before they had smuggled Horrie onto a troop ship and a harrowing journey back to Australia where they thought their little friend would be safe. The war over, Moody brought Horrie out of hiding to raise money for the Red Cross, and the brave little dog's story became widely known. When quarantine officers pounced and demanded that the dog be put down there was a huge public outcry. Horrie had saved a thousand lives. How could a cruel bureaucracy heartlessly kill him? But defying the authorities would mean gaol for Moody and certain death for Horrie. Was Horrie, the gunner's hero, condemned to die or could Moody devise a scheme to save him?Ill, p.336.non-fictionIn the harsh Libyan desert in the middle of the second world war, Private Jim Moody, a signaller with the First Australian Machine Gun Battalion, found a starving puppy on a sand dune. Moody called the dog Horrie. Much more than a mascot, Horrie's exceptional hearing picked up the whine of enemy aircraft two minutes before his human counterparts and repeatedly saved the lives of the thousand-strong contingent. The little Egyptian Terrier's ritual of sitting, barking, then dashing for the trenches, had the gunners running for cover before their camp was strafed and bombed. Where Moody went, Horrie went too, through the battle zones of the Middle East and far beyond. As the Japanese forces began their assault in Asia Moody and his soldier mates joined the fight, but not before they had smuggled Horrie onto a troop ship and a harrowing journey back to Australia where they thought their little friend would be safe. The war over, Moody brought Horrie out of hiding to raise money for the Red Cross, and the brave little dog's story became widely known. When quarantine officers pounced and demanded that the dog be put down there was a huge public outcry. Horrie had saved a thousand lives. How could a cruel bureaucracy heartlessly kill him? But defying the authorities would mean gaol for Moody and certain death for Horrie. Was Horrie, the gunner's hero, condemned to die or could Moody devise a scheme to save him? animals - war use, australia - armed forces - mascots