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matching murray family
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - original, D. Clark, Sacred Heart Church, 1986
Photograph of Parishioners receiving communion from Father P. Collins, Sacred Heart Church, Tatura. Also showing upstairs gallery, statue, windows, pictures showing stations of the cross. Some members pictured are Dean family, Bourke family, Mr Moar, Mrs Pascall, Mrs V. Deane and Mr and Mrs P. Kerrins.Black and white photograph of interior of Sacred Heart Church, Hogan Street, Tatura. 1986on back: 1986 Sacred Heart Church Taturasacred heart church tatura -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - original, Kodak, May Connors, 1920's original
Former resident of Tatura, member of well known Connors family. May Connors later married Martin Ransom and moved to Melbourne.Original sepia photograph of May Connors outdoors. Hedge, trees in background. Beautiful dress. c 1920's.on back: Mayconnors family, may connors, martin ransom -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - original, Connor Sisters, 1920's original
Original photograph of Misses Annie, May and Mary Connors. Annie married W. Groom; May married M. Ransom and Mary married H. Beckwith.Original black and white photograph of three Connor sisters, Annie, May and Mary. c 1920's. Note hats and costumes.on back: Annie, May and Maryconnors family, may connors, annie connors, mary connors, w. groom, m. ransom, h. beckwith -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, D. Clark, Connor Sisters, 1920's original
Copy of Original photograph of Misses Annie, May and Mary Connors. Annie married W. Groom; May married M. Ransom and Mary married H. Beckwith.Copy of Original black and white photograph of three Connor sisters, Annie, May and Mary. c 1920's. Note hats and costumes. Original L0347on back: Annie, May and Maryconnors family, may connors, annie connors, mary connors, w. groom, m. ransom, h. beckwith -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, Kodak, Pat Beckwith, 1930 original; 1989 copy
Copy of Original black and white photograph of Pat Beckwith on pony beside Beckwith's House, Alexandra Avenue, Tatura. c 1930's. Original L0349Copy of Original black and white photograph of a boy and girl on a pony. on back: Pat Beckwith (front) Alexandra Avenue Taturapat beckwith, beckwith family -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - original, William Connors, 1989 copy; c 1920's original
original photograph presented by Mrs M. Beckwith.Black and white original photograph of W. Connors family, old car and old houses. Copy L0352on back; Williams Connors, mum's son, M. Connorswilliam connors -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Stapled leaflets, Kathy and Conn Prestegar, The Winter Family, 1990
History of the Winter family as they settled the area.Photo copies of history of the Winter family with map of land selected and owned by the Winters. Leaflets in plastic cover. ( 9 pages). "From Kathy and Conn Prestegar." on front cover. -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Dolls furniture made by Max Frank, in Palestine, for his daughter Else. The Frank family were interned at Camp 3, Tatura. The original furniture is on display at Tatura Museum. Coloured photo of dolls furnitureww2 artists, camp 13 tatura, temple society, max frank -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Camp 3 from water tower, 1947
Picture of Camp 3, B and C compounds, taken from the water tower by Vollmer family, 1947, prior to repatriation to Germany. Several other copies in file.Black and white photographs of huts surrounded by perimeter fences with guard tower in foreground.internment camps, pow's, camp 3, water tower camp 3 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Karl Duldig, 1941
Top left - Karl Duldig, 8th Employment, with daughter Eva in front of him; Top right: The Duldig family in front of their hut in Camp 3. Slawa, Eva and Karl Bottom left: Army nurse and children: back row (left to right): Italian, Italian, Harry Bader 2nd back row: Italian, Dolly Seefeld, Dora Seefeld, Indonesian 3rd back row: ? Eva Jacoby, Mariesa ?, Indonesian 2nd front row: Ruth Gottlieb, Lisa Bader, Gracie Kouner, George Fink Front row: Lilliana Dellanoll, George Huppert, Eva Duldig and Gerald Seefeld Bottom right: bronze sculpture of Captain Edward Renata Broughton (NZ) O.C. 8th Employment Co. Refugees from Singapore. Slawa and Karl Duldig, Bauhaus artists from Vienna, Austria, fled to Singapore 1938, arrested in 1939 by British officials. Sent to Australia on Queen Mary to Tatura Group Internment Camp 3 compound D. Released with other families in 1942. Karl served in the 8th Employment Company. He and his wife taught in Melbourne schools (Mentone Grammar and St Catherine's Girls School). Daughter Eva (photo) donated the photos.4 black and white photographs of the Duldig family. One is father and daughter; one is mum, dad and daughter in front of hut; third is a group photograph of a nurse and a group of children and the third is of a bust of Captain Edward Renata Broughton. Photographs are mounted and in a fawn coloured frame. singapore refugee, captain edward kenate broughton, karl duldig, eva duldig, harry bader, dolly seefeld, dora seefelt, eva jacoby, mariesa ?, ruth gottlieb, lisa bader, gracie kouner, george fink, lilliana dellanol, george huppert, george seefeld -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Singapore group - Jewish refugees from Vienna, Austria, fled the Nazi occupation in 1938. Settled in Straits Settlements Singapore and Malaya (then British Territory) but arrested in 1939 when WW2 broke out between Germany and Britain. C:\Camp3\Singaporegroup02.JPG. 1940 sent on "Queen Mary" ocean liner converted to troopship to Sydney then by train to Albury, Seymour, Rushworth to nearby constructed Camp 3D compound. a. this photo was taken in the gardens of Raffles Hotel, in Singapore prior to WW2, when the refugee families enjoyed life in safety. b. Ludwig and Olga Meilich, two of the above, photos donated by their nephew Walter Smiley in 1990.Top half. Approximately 6 rows of people of all ages, about 80 in all. A shed on left side of photo, about 4 trees behind and 2 palm fronds top right hand corner. Bottom half is a lady on left, man (dark shirt, white buttons and jacket) on right.singapore refugee, ludwig meilich, olga meilich, queen mary ocean liner -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
The boiler made instant historyBlack and white photograph of the graphic explosion/demolition in the aftermath of the boiler explosion at the shower block. A mother had a broken leg and her small son, burns to back and chest. Both treated at Camp hospital. The family had come from Taiwan (Formosa).camp 4 incidents -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Hoefer Family
... Tatura the-murray Photograph of Hoefer family with Anna Sawatsky ...Photograph of Hoefer family with Anna Sawatsky. Left to right at back: Rudolf and Helene Hoefer; front: Karl Heinz, Traude and Uli Hoefer and Anna Sawatsky. Camp 3 internees.Black and white photograph of 3 adults and 3 children. Two adults are standing. Tree in background with hut behind that.791 on sign in front centrerudolf hoefer, helene hoefer, karl heinz hoefer, traude hoefer, uli hoefer, anna sawatsky, camp 3 internees -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Kazenwadel and Decker Families, 1942
... Tatura the-murray Kazenwadel and Decker family groups, Templer ...Kazenwadel and Decker family groups, Templer Society members and internees in Camp 3 during WW2.Black and white photograph of 6 adults and one youngster held by her father (probably) and in the front seated 4 youngsters and a mother. The group are in front of a Army hut with a path and huts in the background. Each person is identified and include the Kazenwadel and Decker families.on the left hand side the number 205kazenwadel family, decker family, templer society, internees -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Camp and Kitchen staff, 1942
The Beilharz and Decker families of the 9 families represented. They were internees in Camp 3.Black and white photograph of the 16 kitchen staff at Camp 3 with a back drop of Army huts. The number 839 is on the ground centre front.the number 839internee children, camp 3 children, beilharz family, decker family -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Haering Children, 1942
... Tatura the-murray Haering family were interned in Camp 3 ...Haering family were interned in Camp 3.Black and white photograph of three Haering children, Erick, Manfred and sister Rezi, in Camp 3 in front of a hut with verandah mostly covered with foliage.internee children, camp 3, haering family, manfred haering, erick haering, rezi haering, templers -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Froschle, Ehnis, Beilharz and Bulach families, 1947
... Tatura the-murray A family group of the three families. Templer ...A family group of the three families. Templer Society. Back row (left to right): Fritz Bulach, Annelise Bulach, Eleonore Ehnis, Hermann Beilharz, Friedhelm Bulach, Irene Beilharz, Friedrich Froschle. Front row: Gunda Froschle, Ernstine Beilharz, Rudiger Froschle, Heinz Bulach and Anne Bulach.Black and white photograph of the Froschle, Beilharz and Bulach family. 3 men in suits and hats, 3 teenage girls and young boy standing, 3 wives seated and one young boy and youngest seated on mothers lap in front of washing line and hut.the number 213 on stand left hand front internee children, camp 3, froschle family, bulach family, templer society, fritz bulach, annelise bulach, eleonore ehnis, hermann beilharz, fridhelm bulach, irene beilharz, friedrich froschle, gunda froschle, ernstine beilharz, rudiger froschle, heinz bulach, anne bulach -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Koop, Lederle and Kazenwadel Families March 1945, 1945
... Tatura the-murray The families are: Back row (left to right ...The families are: Back row (left to right): Karl Koop, Maria Koop, Ursula and Dr Kurt Lederle. Front row (sitting): Kurt Kazenwadel, Hildegard with baby Heinz, Anneliese and Fritz Kazenwadel.Black and white photograph of 4 people standing, 5 seated including 3 young (one very young) toddler in front of a floral bordered path in front of a hut. the number 754 centre front on the lawn.the number 754 internee children, camp 3, templer society, karl koop, maria koop, ursula lederle, dr kurt lederle, kurt kazenwadel, hildegard kazenwadel, heinz kazenwadel, fritz kazenwadel, anneliese kazenwadel -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - German Internee Camp 3, 1945
The Steller, Froeschle and Haering families.Black and white photograph of 3 families in hut group. 1 lady, 3 men standing back row; Front row: 1 boy, mother nursing baby, 2 young boys, 1 standing 1 seated the elderly lady seated, 1 mother and son.the number 769 centre frontinternee children, camp 3, froeschle family, haering family, steller family -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Art behind the wire, 2014
The untold story of refugee families interned in Australia during the second world warrectangular, white cover, with a black pen and ink sketch of two horses. behind barbed wire with a tree in the forground. B/W photos, colourful picturesart -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folio, Murchison Memoirs. A Trevaskis, May, 1990
... Tatura the-murray Family History of A. Trevaskis documents ...Family History of A. Trevaskis32 pages of recollections by A. Trevaskis of his Family and Murchison families and Township 187 - 01990My Memories of Murchison by Arthur Trevaskisdocuments, biography -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Taming the Wilderness, 1985
Irrigation - History of John Herbert Davies and familySoft cover. Dark blue. Pale blue printing, brown toned picture of excavation. One family's contribution to irrigation in AustraliaWith Best Wishes, AE Lawrencetaming the wilderness, irrigation, davies family history, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Closer Settlement Days
Story of three Scottish imigrant families - Geals, Stark, Forbes. Arrived in Australia 1924White plastic front cover. Black spine and backcover. Black letters title CS Days in the Goulburn Valley by Agnes Mary Brown (Nessie)closer settlement days, geals, stark, forbes, brown a, brown n, undera, tatura, closer settlement gv, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet, Mother Seigel's Almanac, 1917
Mother Seigel's almanac and home companion 1917. Useful hints and instructions - contains advertising for Seigel's syrup. Used by Mrs. Ann Mitchell, Tatura. Medical facts & information. Small booklet, green front cover, a couple in period costume in oval frame, white and red writing, burgandy colour on back, green writing. Sketch of gentleman walking and one in a red armchair.mitchell family, books, almanac, medical, a mitchell, mother seigel -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Family History, Collie, 1992
Data gathered by Alex and Elsie Collie after extensive research in both Australia and Scotland. Also visited New Zealand and Canada in their search.Burgandy hard covered book. lettering, crest and date in gold.collie family history, alex collie, elsie collie, family tree -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, The Pennyweight Kids, 1988
Written to try to discover why more than 200 children died at Forest Creek, Victoria. Stories of their families.Yellow cover, sketch of scales 1852-1857. Gold mining scene and grieving mother. On back cover sketch of excavation of old burial site. London 1852. Gentleman's Magazine.forest creek victoria, deaths at forest creek victoria -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Tracing Your Family Tree, 1981
Cardboard covers. Light tan with tan and brown design on front. Oval group photograph on front cover, photograph of author on back. 114 pages.research and recording, genealogy, family history research, a g puttock -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Clothing - Ladies Cardigan, 1940's
Babette Kirsch was a member of a New Guinea Lutheran Missionary family and knitted the cardigan Green long sleeved ladies button up woollen cardigan. 2 pockets, 12 brown wooden buttons, double moss stitch pattern on body, garter stitch collarladies cardigan, babette kirsch, woollen clothing, lutheran missionaries, new guinea missionaries, hedwig schulz, internment camp hand craft -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folio - Family History, Life History Rebecca Crawford, 1994
Compiled by Bev Clement. Includes family history, certificates covering all aspects of nursing career, record of appreciation shown by local mothers for her dedication as child welfare nurse.1952-1969Folder containing information on life of Rebecca Crawfordchild welfare, rodney council, documents, reports -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Life in Byrneside to 1994, 1994
Published to mark the Centenary of Byrneside HallGreen and cream cover with sketch of hall by Janet Allan and "photo" of wheat, horse and dray on back coverbyrneside, byrneside hall committee, history of byrneside, tatura, local families, books, history, local