Showing 596 items
matching skipper
Bronze Sculpture, Wyn Roberts
Bronze sculpture of a male head and torso mounted upon a marble base. Nonematcham skipper, sculpture, bronze, male, head -
Terracotta Sculpture/ Iron Column, Untitled (Female Nude)
Terracotta Sculpture of a seated female nude mounted upon an iron column.Nonematcham skipper, sculpture, terracotta, woman, nude, column -
Chandelier, Untitled
Iron chandelier with central cross and decorative design and eight radiating spokes containing light bulbs. Nonematcham skipper, metal work, chandelier -
Metal Mandala, Untitled
Round metal mandala with pentagon design and centre circle with decorative design. Nonematcham skipper, metal work, mandala -
Metal Mandala, Untitled
A circular metal mandala containing a central decorative circle with seven radiating spokes and seven individual circles with unique decorative designs. Nonematcham skipper, metal work, mandala -
Bronze Medallion, Untitled (Two Lovers)
Oval bronze medallion depicting a male and female nude embracing.Nonematcham skipper, medallion, bronze, jewellery, male nude, female nude, lovers -
Bronze Plaque, Leda and the Swan
Bronze plaque depicting a female nude with a swan.Nonematcham skipper, plaque, bronze, female nude, leda and the swan -
Bronze Plaque, Untitled (Indigenous Dancers)
Bronze plaque depicting a trio of male indigenous dancers. Nonematcham skipper, plaque, bronze, indigenous, dancer -
Resin Relief, Untitled (Chimera)
Hexagonal resin relief depicting a chimera.Nonematcham skipper, relief, resin, chimera -
Brass Belt Buckle, Diana and the Hounds
Brass belt buckle depicting a nude female with two dogs contained within a circleNonematcham skipper, belt buckle, bronze, jewellery, diana and the hounds -
Bronze Medallion, Untitled (Stallion)
Bronze medallion depicting a rearing stallion. None -
Bronze Medallion/Plaque, I am Still Learning
Rectangular wood plaque with bronze medallion depicting a pair of hands and crest with the Latin inscription 'Ancora Imparo' or 'I am still learning'.Inscribed 'Praemium Annorum XXV' and 'Alec Ewen'matcham skipper, plaque, bronze, hands, crest -
Wood Relief, Tyger, Tiger, Burning Bright
Wood relief depicting a tiger's head emerging from the rushes.Nonematcham skipper, relief, wood, tiger -
Plaster Mould, Untitled (Decorative Design)
Oblong plaster relief of a scrolling decorative design. Nonematcham skipper, relief, plaster, decorative design -
Rubber Mould, Untitled (Decorative Design)
Round rubber mould of a decorative floral design. Nonematcham skipper, mould, rubber, decorative design -
Silicon Mould, Untitled (Head of a Woman)
Round silicon relief depicting the profile of a woman's head. Nonematcham skipper, mould, silicon, female, head -
Rubber Mould, Untitled
Round rubber mould depicting a kneeling male nude holding an orb.Nonematcham skipper, mould, rubber, male nude, orb -
Rubber Mould, Animal
Round rubber mould containing an oval design depicting a monkey with long tail. Inscribed on reverse 'Animal' along with two sketches; a decorative design and oval.matcham skipper, mould, rubber, animal -
Photograph, These were my Tribesmen
Black and white photograph of a misty landscape with trees. Inscribed on reverse in pencil 'These were my Tribesmen'. Inscribed on Matt front 35 circled and 5/5. matcham skipper, photograph, landscape -
Metalwork Mandala, Untitled
Metalwork mandala of a decorative design with eight spokes. Nonematcham skipper, metalwork, mandala, decorative design -
Metalwork Mandala, Untitled
Metalwork mandala of a decorative design with central flower with seven petals. Nonematcham skipper, metalwork, mandala, decorative design -
Plaster Sculpture, Untitled (Baby)
Plaster sculpture of the head of a baby boy. Nonematcham skipper, sculpture, plaster, baby, boy -
Terracotta Sculpture, Untitled (Head of a Woman)
Plaster sculpture of the head of a smiling woman. Relates to S.164 Bronze Sculpture (Head of a Woman). Nonematcham skipper, sculpture, plaster, female head -
Bronze/Stone Sculpture, Untitled (The Hand)
Bronze sculpture of a male arm with fingers clenched mounted on stone. Relates to the bronze sculpture S.163 Death of James Whitaker. Nonematcham skipper, sculpture, bronze, stone, arm, death of james whitaker -
Stone Sculpture /Bronze Plaque, Untitled (Lizard)
Stone sculpture with bronze plaque depicting a lizard mounted upon a bronze base. Nonematcham skipper, sculpture, stone, plaque, bronze, lizard -
Onyx Plaque/Bronze Medallion, Untitled (Hands)
Onyx plaque with bronze medallion depicting a pair of hands. Nonematcham skipper, plaque, onyx, bronze, medallion, hands -
Stone/ Bronze Plaque, Untitled (Mazda-Montsalvat Jazz Festival), 1993
Precious stone with bronze medallion depicting a pair of hands mounted upon a wood base. Inscribed on plate: 'Mazda-Montsalvat Jazz Festival/ Roll of Honour/ David Dallwitz/ 1993'matcham skipper, plaque, stone, bronze, medallion, mazda-montsalvat jazz festival -
Metalwork Mandala, Untitled
Metalwork mandala with textured outer disc and centre quatrefoil. Nonematcham skipper, metalwork, mandala, decorative design -
Drawing, Untitled (Goblet)
Drawing of a design for a goblet. Nonematcham skipper, drawing, goblet -
Bronze Sculpture, Nude Torso
Bronze sculpture of a female nude torso. Nonematcham skipper, sculpture, bronze, female nude, torso