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Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Berry Anderson & Co, The School of Mines and Industries, Calendar, 1914, 1913
Contents of the Booklet: Associateship, Calendar, Certificate Courses - Science, Certificate Courses - Art, Draughtsman's Courses, Discipline, Discipline Board, Examination Results, Fees, Full Certificates Issued, General Regulations, Introduction, Junior Technical School, Railway Fares, Teaching Staff, Technical Art and Craft School, Subjects of Instruction - Department of Chemistry and Metallurgy, Geological Department, Engineering Department, Electrical and Electrical Engineering Department, Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics, Electrical Wiring, Electrical Engineering for Post Office Mechanics, Turning, Fitting and Blacksmithing, Telegraphy, Art and Applied Art Subjects, Architecture and Building Construction, Engineering Drawing, Carpentry and Manual Training, Dressmaking and Dresscutting, House Decoration and Signwriting, Photography, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Working Blue covered 176 page booklet relating to the School of Mines and Industries in the year 1914. school of mines and industries, william poole, professor a. mica smith, daniel walker, hubert r. murphy, a. e. c. kerr, e. j. a. mcconnon, john m. sutherland, ralph williams, e. gutheil, t. wlliams, herbert h. smith, a. m. lilburne, m. c. young, h. j. hall, d. t. johnson, e. j. cannon, g. clegg, c. e. campbell, w. j. hall, w. h. steane, j. wright, s. h. hodder, w. j. patterson, h. w. malin, r. v. maddison, science department, associate courses, certificate courses, technical art and craft department, associated trade classes, sir redmond barry, judge rogers, r m. serjeant, thomas bath, e. ballhausen, dr stewart, james oddie, associateship and final certificates, mining engineering course, metallurgy course, applied chemistry course, irrigation engineering course, certificate courses, geology course, electrical engineering course, municipal and hydraulic engineering course, chemistry, agricultural chemistry, technical chemistry, engineering chemistry, physical chemistry, metallurgy, assaying, minerology, petrology, engineering and mining department, turning and fitting, mining, electricity, electrical technology, graphical algebra and analytical geometry, physics, mechanics and heat, sound and light, technical, art, craft and trade schools, teachers' certificates, drawing, modelling, ballarat junior technical school, full certificates issued, examination results - 1910, 1911, 1912 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Ledger, Ballarat School of Mines Trade Meetings?
.2) Timetable book of the Ballarat School of Mines, associated with H.H. Smith, and student fees.ballarat school of mines, trades, h.h.smith, sheet metalwork, plumbing, gasfitting, carpentry, joinery, cabinet making, manuel training, photography, architecture, engineering drawing, dressmaking, assaying, chemistry, electricty and magnetism, fitting and turning, electrical calculations, geology, geometrical drawing, hydraulics, applied mechanics, mining geology, metallurgy, mineralogy, printing, physics, petrology, surveying, steam and gas engineers, turning and fitting, trigonometry, telegraphy, telephone fitters, woolclassing -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - ledger, Ernest Pickering, Architectural Design by Ernest Pickering, 1941, 1941
Ernest Pickering was author of Architecture at the University of Cincinnati.Brown hard covered book. Contents include architectural influences, climate, topography, materials, social conditions, economic conditions, evolution of form, plan and volume, visible structure, materials, structure, creative principles, composition, design.architecture, decorative elements, principles of design, ernest pickering, ballarat scbool of mines library -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Decorative Art: The Studio Year Book 1956-1957, c1956
Formerly in the Ballarat School of Mines LibraryMaroon hard covered book of 148 pagesdecorative art, rathone holme, kathleen frost, ballarat school of mines library, architecture, furniture, ceramics -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Black and White, Ballarat School of Mines Amenities Building
Ballarat School of Mines building featuring oregon beamsballarat school of mines, amenities building, buildings, architectural features -
Federation University Historical Collection
Drawing - Artwork, Architectural Drawings by Alice Watson, c1930
Alice Watson completed a course of work at the Ballarat Technical Art School, a division of the Ballarat School of Mines. Her complete folio is held by Federation University Australia. Nine works were undertaken at the Ballarat Technical Art School by Edith Alice (Alice) Watson. Seven pencil sketches on paper. Two black ink drawings on paper .1 has sketches on both sides; .2 pen and ink table and chair design; .3 pencil sketch of a castle; .4 sketches on both sides - pen and ink doorway and on reverse pencil and water colour (partly coloured) wallpaper border design; .5 pencil sketch of a well and a church; .6 two pencil sketches of bridges; .7 three pencil sketches - two of partial rooves and one of a bridge drawn from a photo; .8 three pencil sketches - a window, a doorway and a thatched roof cottage; .9 pencil sketches on both sides - a village scene with gateway, church and cottages on one side and trees on the reverse. .3 lrs "A. Watson Pencil Sketch" .4 ink sketch tr "New Door" .5 lrs "Pencil Sketches A. Watson" .6 lrs "Pencil Sketches A. Watson" .7 rs" Pencil Sketch", under bridge drawing "Pencil Sketch from Photo", lrs "A. WATSON" .8 lrs "Pencil Sketches A. Watson .9 Village scene - lrs" A.Watson Pencil Sketch" ballarat technical art school, ballarat technical art school number 10, ballarat school of mines, alice watson, edith alice watson, artwork, architecture, alumni, pencil sketches, sketches of buildings -
Federation University Historical Collection
Posters, Jaimee, Ballarat School of Mines Interpretation Panels, 2010
Eight interpretive panels relating to the Ballarat School of Mines: 1. Beginnings 2. Mining 3. Architecture 4. Art 5. Engineering 6. Innovation 7. Trades 8. UBtecballarat school of mines, posters -
Federation University Historical Collection
Blueprint Technical Drawing, Maryborough State School Bicycle Shed Blueprint Plan, 1944
Blueprint of drawing of bicycle shed for 20 bicycles, Maryborough SS No 404blueprint copy, maryborough, architectural drawing, maryborough state school, maryborough -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plans, Wimmera College of Technical and Advanced Education, 1983
.1) 14 pages bound printed plans: Developed Sketch Plans for Horsham Technical School .2) Duplicate as above wimmera college of tafe, horsham technical school, plans, architectural plan -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plans, Ballarat School of Mines architectural plans, 1 - .2) 1984 .3) 1948
.1) Printed plan: Ground floor existing Ballarat East Free Library .2) As above .3) Copy of plan drawing: Additional room to plumbing shop[ plans, smb, g macgregor, percy everett, plumbing, ballarat east library, ballarat school of mines -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan, SMB New Workshops, 1944
Coloured ink on paper plan: Ballarat School of Mines New Workshops plans, smb workshops, percy everett, smb, ballarat school of mines, architectural plans -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan - Plans, Ballarat School of Mines Proposed Buildings for Horticultural Department, 1985
two ink on paper plans: .1) Proposed Buildings for Horticultural Department .2) as above plans, smb, horticultural department, ballarat school of mines, architectural plans, barkly street, horticulture -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan, Kong Extended Gold Mining Company Chimney Plans, not dated
Two plans for a brick chimney with hand colouring .1) plan for brick chimney .2) plan for interior of chimneykong extended gold mining company, w. watson, plans for chimney, mining, architectural plans -
Federation University Historical Collection
Posters, Architectural History, not dated
These posters were used at the Ballarat Technical Art School.Five printed teaching posters illustrating architectural design from the Ballarat Technical Art School Library: .1) English 15C Perpendicular Architecture .2) English late 17C Architecture .3) English mid 17C .4) English late 15C posters, architectural history, architectural design, ballarat techincal art school, art education, tudor, palladian, mediaeval, architecture, teaching aids -
Federation University Historical Collection
Painting - Artwork Plan, Birdseye View of the Ballarat School of Mines, 1915, 1915
Herbert Leslie (Les) COBURN (1891-1956) Australia This work was commissioned by the SMB Council to hang in its chambers. It envisions the new Junior Technical School building and was illustrated in the same year the Ballarat Technical Art School building officially opened. Les Coburn was a student at the Art School between 1908 and 1916. Coburn and his business partner, Percival Selwyn Richards (1865-1952), became joint instructors in architecture and building construction at the school from 1920, with Coburn continuing until 1948. Watercolour plan drawing on paper of Ballarat School of Mines showing the Museum, Administration building, Technical Art School, and proposed Junior Technical School, Ballarat School of Mines Botanical Gardens, and the Ballarat Gaol Governor's Residence. ballarat school of mines museum, ballarat technical art school, ballarat junior technical school, watercolour, cr. h. l. coburn, aerial, ballarat school of mines, birdseye view, h.l. coburn, herbert leslie coburn, les coburn -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan, Site Plan of Ballarat School of Mines Campus, Lydiard St Ballarat, 1976
Copy of site plan of SMB campus showing existing buildings, Stage 2 buildings, and future buildings.ewan jones, smb stage 2, b barbour, building plans, ballarat school of mines, buildings, ballarat school of mines, architectural plans -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan - Plans, Ballarat School of Mines Albert Street Buildings, 1979
The Trade Workshops became known as the M.B. John Building, and later housed Ballarat Tech.Eight printed plans with coloured shading of SMB Albert St buildings: .1) Locality Plan .2) Trade Workshop Site Plan .3) Trade Workshop Floor Plan Level A & B .4) Trade Workshop Floor Plan Level C .5) Trade Workshop Floor Plan Level D .6) Trade Workshop Floor Plan Level E .7) Trade Workshop West Elevation and Sections .8) Trade Workshop North Elevations and Sections building plans, smb trade workshops, ewan jones and associates pty ltd, architectural plan, m.b. john building, albert street -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan - Plans, Ballarat School of Mines Amenities Building, 1979
Built as the Ballarat School of Mines Amenities building it was designed by architect Ewan Jones and Associates. In the 2020s this building was transformed into a Ceramics studio.Three printed plans with coloured shading of SMB Student Centre (later called the Amenities Building, then Ceramics): .1) Ground Floor Plan .2) First Floor Plan .3) Elevations building plans, ewan jones and associates pty ltd, smb tafe college expansion, student centre, ballarat school of mines, architectural plans, amenities building, ceramics, ewan jones and associates -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plans, Six plans for the Central Highlands Regional Library Services Headquarters, and Ballarat City Library, 1993
Six printed architectural plans on paper: .1) .2) .3) Plan levels 1, 2, 3 .4) Sections aa-bb .5) North and south elevations .6) East and west elevationsarchitecture, central highlands, central highlands regional library, ballarat city library, plans -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan, Plan of Part of Section 9A City and Parish of Ballarat, 1933
Hand drawn ink plan with colouringsmb buildings, ballarat school of mines, buildings, model mine, mining laboratory, grant street, lydiard street south, dana street, albert street, old chemistry building, architectural plans -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plans, Preliminary Measured Drawings of the Former Gaol Governor's Residence Lydiard St, 1977
Four measured drawings on paper, with coloured shading: .1) Plan ground floor and first floor level .2) Proposed alterations and additions .3) as above .4) as abovegaol governor's residence, g. hewitt, smb, ballarat school of mines, architectural plans -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan, Ballarat School of Mines New Classrooms, 1918
Hand drawn plan with coloured shading on paperballarat school of mines new classrooms, buildings, architectural plans -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines, Prospectus, 1905-1906, 1905
The Ballarat Technical Art School was part of the Ballarat School of MinesTwo Ballarat School of Mines Prospectuses of 16 pages. Both are the same but have different colour covers Contents includes teaching staff, school hours and subjects. It also includes an advertisement for the practical treatment of Auriferous Ores in the Ballarat School of Mines Mining Laboratory. ballarat school of mines, ballarat technical art school, design, modelling, figure drawing, fashion plate drawing, black and white illustration, wood carving, lettering, art metal work, retouching, architecture, architectural diploma, draughtsmen's courses, art teachers' courses, outdoor sketching classes, photography, building construction, architectural drawing, ticketwriting, signwriting and decorating, dressmaking, needlework, art teachers' certificate., ballarat school of mines model mine -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines and Industries, Prospectus A, Science and Engineering, 1916-7, c1917
The Ballarat Technical Art School was part of the Ballarat School of MinesA soft covered book of 58 pages called the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries Prospectus A. Contents includes teaching staff, school hours, curriculum, fee list, Travelling concessions, school library, classification of subjects. scholarships, list of examiners, full science courses Includes images Staff of the Ballarat School of Mines and Students at work in Turning and Fittingballarat school of mines, ballarat technical art school, design, modelling, figure drawing, fashion plate drawing, black and white illustration, wood carving, lettering, art metal work, retouching, architecture, architectural diploma, draughtsmen's courses, art teachers' courses, outdoor sketching classes, photography, building construction, architectural drawing, ticketwriting, signwriting and decorating, dressmaking, needlework, art teachers' certificate., student activities -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Longman's, Green, and Co, A Select List of Books suitable for use in Science and Technical Schools, September 1904, 1904
Used at Ballarat School of Mines and Industries. The book was produced by Longmans, Green and Co. in 1904. The books are divided into sections: 1. Practical Elementary Science Series, 2. Elementary Science Manuals, 3. Advanced Science Manuals, 4. Text-books of Science, 5. Chemistry, 6. Physics, 7. Mechanics, Theoretical and Applied, 8. Optics and Photography, 9, Sound, Light and Heat, 10. Steam, 11. Building and Construction, 12. Magnetism and Electricity, 13. Engineering, Strength of Materials, 14. Machine Construction and Drawing, 15. Navigation, 16. Mineralogy, 17. Metallurgy, Astronomy, 18. Naval Architecture, 19. Principles of Mining, 20. Manufactures, Technology, 21. Geology, Physiography, 22.Hygiene, 23. Zoology, 24. Human Physiology, 25. General Biology, 26. Botany, 27. Principles of Agriculture, 28. Mathematics, 29. Geometry, 30. Trigonometry, Beige coloured soft covered book with 30 pages. Lists books suitable for use in technical and science schools.list of books, science and technical school, longmans, green and co., subject sections of books available -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Art Gallery Association Technical Art School (Opposite City Hall) Sturt Street, Ballarat. General Syllabus, 1893, c1893
Sixteen page soft cover booklet covering fees, general art course, technical art course, architectural course, modelling course, painters' and decorators' course, Art Needlework course, Bi-manual training course, and art teachers' course. art gallery association, art gallery association technical art school, art gallery of ballarat, ballarat fine art gallery, course, syllabus, wood carving, clay-modelling, painters and decorators, reposse, metalwork, art needlework, photography, photo-proces work, art teachers' course, life drawing - costume model, life drawing, drawing from ornament, drawing from antique, colour, architecture, clay, ceramics, coach painting, house painting, needlework, woodcarving -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Rebecca Biddulph, 10 Celebrating our first and future decades: University of the Sunshine Coast 1996-2006, c2005
Black, purple and pink soft covered book of 100 pagesuniversity of the sunshine coast, university, university history, paul thomas, ian kennedy, tony fitzgerald, architecture, sippy downs, ian lowe, marayke jonkers, karen woolley, graeme pearce, moroochy, caloundra, noosa, caboolture, kilcuy, cooloola, steve irwin, terri irwin -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Jennifer O'Donnell, Noorilim: from wook to wine, 2018, 2018
White soft covered book with a photograph of the building known as Noorilim.noorilim, jennifer o'donnell, goulburn aboriginal protectorate, king charles tattambo, ngurai-illum wurrung, frederick manton, plymouth company, joseph raleigh, james rae, william webster, andrew sinclair, john sinclair, hugh glass, william drayton taylor, james miller, william irving winter, architecture, wallpaper, sawmill, samuel atkin mcintosh, samuel augustus finlay, castle hill estate, james tweedle, maurice victor angliss, arthur fry, lawrence dugdale, robert michael cleary, gunvald froiland, bryan thomson, loel thomson, rodney menzies -
Federation University Historical Collection
Ephemera - Object, University of Ballarat Mouse Pad, c2012, c2012
Federation University Australia was established on 1 January 2014. Formerly known as the University of Ballarat, its enabling legislation was the University of Ballarat Amendment (Federation University Australia) Act 2013. Although formally created as a University in 1994, the University of Ballarat has a lineage back to 1870 with the establishment of the School of Mines Ballarat, making it the third institution of higher learning to be established in Australia and the first to be established in regional Australia. On 1 January 1994, Ballarat University College became the University of Ballarat and in 1998 the University merged with three TAFE Institutes to become a dual sector institution with multiple campuses. On 1 January 2014, the University of Ballarat amalgamated with the Monash University Gippsland Campus to form Federation University Australia. The Gippsland Campus also had a long lineage dating back to 1928 with the establishment of the Yallourn Technical School which became a predecessor institution to the Gippsland College of Advanced Education formed in 1968. In 1990, it was renamed the Monash University College and in 1993 became the Gippsland Campus of Monash University. In 2016, Federation University Australia announced plans to take possession, over a two-year period, of Monash’s Berwick Campus in the south-east corridor of Melbourne. Federation University Australia, or FedUni, is headquartered in Ballarat and offers programs in Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training to regional Victoria and beyond. The University’s commitment to educational and social equity, teaching excellence, research distinction, environmental sustainability and regional capacity building has enabled it to develop in a way that draws on its proud heritage to inform its future. Its regional character sets a framework for the University’s priorities but does not constrain it from serving wider community interests, nationally and internationally. The name Federation University Australia was chosen to convey the scope and capacity of an expanded regional university with a federated network of campuses.Foam mouse pad with scenes of buildings from University of Ballarat campuses. university of ballarat, architecture, computers -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Penny Greenslade, Windows and doors at Seymours Hotel, Ballarat, 2018, 09/2018
Seymours was previously known as the Soldiers' Hotel, and the North Grenville Hotel. It was built in the late 1850s, and is classified by the National Trust. The hotel closed suddenly on 27 July 2018. A number of photographs showing windows and doors at Seymours Hotel. soldiers' hotel, north grenville hotel, ballarat, soldiers' hill, hotels, windows, doors, architectural features