Showing 3984 items
matching milling
National Wool Museum
G Kidman ROBERT POCKLEY/ PHOTOGRAPHERwoollen mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, kidman, mr g. l., woollen mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Margaret Keown
Photograph of Margaret Keown, Mr E J Fairnie's SecretaryMargaret Keown/ E J Fairnie's Secretary G Kidmantextile mills - staff textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, keown, margaret - returned soldiers and sailors mill fairnie, mr edward john - returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, [Sue Fairnie]
Photograph of Sue FairnieSue Fairnie Horsted G Kidmantextile mills - staff textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, fairnie, ms sue - returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Sue Fairnie
Photograph of Sue Fairnie's weddingLindsay Fairnie/ Sue Fairnietextile mills - staff textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, fairnie, ms sue - returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph of Sue Fairnie's weddingSue Fairnietextile mills - staff textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, fairnie, ms sue - returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Intermediate section of the carding process in the R S & S carding room
Intermediate section of the carding process in the R S & S carding roomCarding / R S & Stextile machinery textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, carding, kidman, mr g. l., textile machinery, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, [Isobel Pratt]
Mrs Roy Deller[?]/ nee Isobel Pratt office staff GKtextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, the spirit of anzac, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, [Pat Doyle]
Mrs Morris/ nee Pat Doyle GKtextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Office staff
Office Stafftextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, the spirit of anzac, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Thelma Murray
Mrs Owen Cruickshank/ nee Thelma/ Murraytextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Kath Blaut [?]
Kath Blaut [?]textile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Doris Fairnie
Mrs Cotton/ nee/ Doris Fairnietextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Elizabeth McDonald
Mrs Doug Baldwin/nee Elizabeth Mcdonaldtextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Meg and Ken Wilson
Meg and Ken Wilsontextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Marion Frewin
Mrs Alec McDonald/ nee Marion Frewintextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Mrs Meg Wilson
Mrs Ken Wilson/ nee Meg Cuttler GKtextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Lorna Katchen [?]
Mrs Alex Fraser/ nee Lorna Katchen GKtextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, the spirit of anzac, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Ruth Thomson
Mrs Stan/ nee (Ruth Thompson)textile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, kidman, mr g. l. thomson, ruth - returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, [Cath Blant]
Mrs Duncan McLennan/(nee Cath Blant) GK Robert Hockley/ Geelongtextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, kidman, mr g. l. blaut, kath - returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, [Miss Joan Shields]
Roger/Mrs Joan Stratton/(nee Shields)textile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, kidman, mr g. l. stratton, mrs joan, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, [Miss Dorothy Lucas]
Miss Dorothy Lucas married Don Millard GKtextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, kidman, mr g. l., textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, [Mill nursing sister]
full time/ nursing sister AUSTRALIAN OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH/ DEPT OF INFORMATIONtextile mills - staff textile mills - history occupational health and safety textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, kidman, mr g. l., textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, occupational health and safety, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
L19920sheep - australian wool growing, returned soldiers and sailors mill, kidman, mr g. l., sheep - australian, wool growing -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, [Midday lunch break]
employees after lunch / at R S & S (midday break) USTRALIAN OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH/ DEPT OF INFORMATIONtextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, kidman, mr g. l., textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, [R S & S exhibition stand]
wool marketing textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, kidman, mr g. l., dennys lascelles concrete building, wool marketing, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Crowning of Queen of Textiles, at Mayoral Ball, 1951
At Mayoral Ball, Crowning of Queen of Textiles, 1951 To Mr Fairnie/ with best wishes/ from ADA Carmel Lourey/ or/ Elsie Bonetextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, kidman, mr g. l., textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Indian Industrial Mission to Australia
Indian Industrial Mission......wool marketing textile mills - history textile mills - staff textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, kidman, mr g. l., wool marketing, textile mills - history, textile mills - staff, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Johnny Broughton, organiser of Annual Christmas Party
Johnny Broughton, organiser of Annual Christmas Party made toys all year/ all children under 12 received presentstextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, kidman, mr g. l. broughton, mr john - returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
G Kidmantextile mills - staff textile mills - history textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, kidman, mr g. l., textile mills - staff, textile mills - history, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Annual Report, Geelong R S & S Woollen & Worsted Co-operative Manufacturing Coy: 40th Annual Report, 1960
"Geelong R S & S Woollen & Worsted Co-operative Manufacturing Coy: 40th Annual Report, 1960."woollen mills - history textile mills - history, returned soldiers and sailors mill, lau, mr alexander - alexander lau pty ltd, woollen mills - history, textile mills - history