Showing 1662 items
matching murray family
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Family History, A Family History - Park and Lindsay families, 2004
... Tatura the-murray Compiled to record family trees and history ...Compiled to record family trees and history of the Park and Lindsay families. Chapters on local connections of Park families. Produced for a reunion of the Park and Lindsay families, 2004park and lindsay families, dr j park, family reunions -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Family History, Cross Connections, 1995
Written to record the life and times of Cross families, including wdding photos and family treesCream cover, green writing. Dual portraits of William and Helen Eliza Crosscross families, toolamba, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet, Poole Family Tree, 1970
As in brief descriptionHistory of Poole family gathered to celebrate family centenary 1870-1970. Photographic records of reunionbooks, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Family History, Our Pickering Heritage, 2003
... Tatura the-murray Written to trace family history from early ...Written to trace family history from early England. Reference to Tatura as Reverent C Pickering was Baptist minister in 1884.Black and white cover showing Reverent Charles Pickering 1851 Ely, Cambridge, England. Clear plastic on front. 1925 Hamilton, NSW Australia.early churches in tatura, reverent c pickering, baptist ministers, pickering family tree, pickering history -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder - family history, Malins, Warner, Lamb Family History, 2004
An answer to a request for information on family tree and history when compiler visited to research information pertaining to her interestsCollection of information re former residents of local area. 4 Pagesmalins, warner, lamb family history, h white -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book- Family History, Scotland and Beyond The Family of William Runciman, 2004
Written to record the history of William Runciman family, c1720 - 1730 June 2004 in Scotland and Australia and New Zealand. Containing comprehensive family trees and photographs.Cream cover, black writing, Scottish thistle emblem - Large on front, small on back. Synopsis of W Runciman c1720 life on back cover. 256 pages.runciman family, jelley j, middleton d, family history -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Family History, Hogan Family History, 2004
... Tatura the-murray Follows family of Thomas Hogan, Ireland 1788 ...Follows family of Thomas Hogan, Ireland 1788- ; Gisborne 1854- ; Tatura C 1876. Compiled for Hogan Family reunion, Gisborne, 2004.A4 size, clear plastic cover, green bound spine. 63 pages.hogan family history, hogan family, hogan family reunion -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Articles on History of Waranga Basin, 2000
Extract from Waranga News on early history of Waranga Basin. Maps. Other stories of families at Basin, Goulburn River and Goulburn WeirBlue cover. Black spiral spine. White label. Title in blue penhistory of waranga basin, knee l, tatura, irrigation, books, history, local, rural -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder - Family History, Burton, Black, Mitchell Families, 2008
... Tatura the-murray The family histories of Black-Burton-Mitchell ...The family histories of Black-Burton-Mitchell families from 1849 on. Some Mitchell and Colliver connections live in Tatura districtFolder with blue cover, metal clips containing 3 books of information. Burton Family title in blue and pink, Mitchell and black titles in black writingburton, mitchell families, newman m, tatura, burton hall, black family, colliver family -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Family History, With a Shillelagh at the Rook, 1998
... Tatura the-murray Stories of Flanagan Family History and reunions ...Stories of Flanagan Family History and reunions and family treesBook of family history of Patrick and Alice (Fitzgerald) Flanagan, early days at BullengarookThe Irish Shillelaghflanagan - fitzgerald, documents, biography -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Family History, Life History of Henning Rathjen, 1980
Tells the history of the Rathjen families in their passage from Germany to Australia and of their settlement here in the Goulburn Valley.Hard cover in green. Gold printingrathjen family, starritt family, family history -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folio, Log Buildings, 2004
Collection of reports about Love family and property at MoyolaClear plastic front cover with blue plastic back cover and blue spine. Details of establishment of Love families in the district and correspondence between Love families and "Board of Parks and Gardens" re purchase and payment for propertydocuments, biography -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - family history, Pretty and Anderson Families, 2004
Early photographs of Tatura, butcher's shop, houses in Hogan, Casey, and Kerford Streets. Copies of weddings and obituaries.Green A4 display book with 17 plastic sleeves containing photographs and newspaper clippings of Pretty and Anderson families.early tatura, pretty family, anderson family, tatura businesses, tatura streets -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Tatura Early Family Records
Allotments register of Public Highways. Bill Anderson's history of Tatura 1966. many articles on Tatura History and local families from 1870's. Rodney Shire history.Black and white mottled binder containing early records of Tatura families.rodney shire, bill anderson, public highways, tatura history, tatura families -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Looking To The River, 1991
Written to celebrate the centenary of Rio Vista, home of W B Chaffey, now a Museum.Green and pink cover, sketch looking out through front door of Rio Vista, Mildura, when fountain was there.chaffey families, rio vista mildura victoria, w b chaffey, mildura museum -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet, We Remember, 2001
Discovered in Kingaroy, giving the history of wartime conditions in relation to shortage of labourers and presence of POW'sBlack lettering and cream covered. Illustrations of POW and representatives of the families they worked for.books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder - family history, Crawford Family History, 1998
... Tatura the-murray Crawford family crest on cover of folder ...Crawford family crest on cover of folder of Crawford Family TreeFamily history of Crawford descendants from IrelandDescentants of Andrew Crawford of Newtown - Stewart. County Tyrone, Irelandcrawford, crawford jg, tatura, documents, biography -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Biblische Geschichte
Propery of internee at Camp 3, TaturaHard cover biblical story/history book/quotes from the bible/with B 7 W illustrations and maps. For schools and familiesGisela Wiedww2, camp 3, books, religion -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Artwork, other - Copy of Oil Painting
Copy of oil painting of Swabian village (steep roof) 3 houses. Painted by F Hordegg.painting - oil, horgegg f, hoefer family, camp 3, tatura, ww2 camp 3, illustrations, oil -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet, Family and Local History Sources in Victoria, 1985
Booklet published to help give information on where to find family records and gain access to them.Orange cover, black writing. Information from Custodians of Records 1985.public libraries, historical societies, church records etc, family history records, victorian family history records -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Illuminated address, 1892
An illuminated address presented to Mrs. Love, by Tatura and Goulburn Valley Agricultural, Horticultural and Pastoral Association on the death of her husband. Signed by President D Archibald, L Flanagan, Secretary, J Lilford VP, W Bray VP, others including T Hogan, W Craaven, CM Wilson, G robbins, D Heaphy, Lupton, H Lockwood.An address of sympathy to Mrs. Love on the death of her husband, Mr. JD Love. 1892To Mrs. JD Love, Tatura North, August 8, 1892john d love "moyola", love family, moyola, tatura, document, memorials, addresses -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Programme, Byrneside Gymkhana, 1922
Gymkhana held by Fenaughty and McNamara families. Proceeds of Gymhanas to Byrneside Hall and Mooroopna HospitalProgramme for Gymkhanas held at Byrneside 1922sporting events, documents, programmes -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, The Poole Family Tree, 1970
... Tatura the-murray Poole Family tree of Girgarre East. Reunion ...Poole Family tree of Girgarre East. Reunion program - Centenary celebrations 1870-1970 includes brief history of Poole FamilyPale green cover. Black writing.girgarre east, family histories, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Recollections of events in the life of the Girschik and Griffin families
Recollections of events in the life of the Girschik and Griffin families. Internment of the Girschik Family - Personal Diary by Rudolf Girschik. Letters (2) to Girschik Family and Annie Girschik in German and translated into English. New Homeland written by Helga Griffin. Copy of speeches to Goethe Society, Canberra 2006 and Tatura Probus Club 2007. Text in German and English. Birth Certificate Peter Girschik. Camp 3 TaturaWritten recollections of events in the life of the Girschik familyww2 camp 3, girschik, griffin, helga griffin, helga girschik, annie girschik, peter girschik, camp 3 tatura -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Funeral Programmes and Obituaries A - C, 2003
A series of newspaper cuttings and funeral programmes, collected to record the life history of many Tatura identitiesCollection of paper cuttings, mainly photocopied, relating to Tatura and district identities. 2 folders. Alphabetical orderlocal families, obituaries -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Waranga, 1965
Presentation of day-to-day happenings in Warange district by a member of Soldier-Settlement family. Research period 1865-1965Gold dust jacket. 1860 goldfields depicted thereon. Printing in white and red. 147 pagesRon Johnson Hunter. Xmas 1965waranga, forster hw, tatura, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Maskell Family History, 2007
Diary of Mary heriot, Info supplied by Mary Jamieson nee Maskell.|Re-union held 4th Nov. 2007, Shepparton. Vic|Family of Isaac and Emma Maskell from 1857Purple cover, white label. Handwritten title. Inside first page - Copy of photo of Anglican Church at Farnham, Essexmaskell family, maskell p, heriot, jamieson m, maskell i & e, tatura, makell families, documents, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder - family history, Williams Family, 2002
Collection of historical data with photographic illustrations 1880-1950'sCollection of information relating to Frank Williams, store keeper and early settlerwilliams, williams store in tatura, documents, reports -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, My Life, 2006
To record the history of James Crawford family, past and presentOff White coloured cover, black writing. Photo of author in life, crawford j, harper, woodlands, tatura, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Family History, My Life, 2006
To record the history of James Crawford family, past and present. Life at "Woodlands" contains many family photos and Toolamba historyWhite - Off white cover. Black writing, photo of author in colourmy life, crawford j, woodlands, tatura, crawford, harper, books, history, local