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matching new south building
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Manuscript, Robin Boyd, Under Tension, 1963
Boyd argues that modern architecture has triggered a necessity for greater harmony between architects and engineers. Boyd describes the architectural qualities of tension structures through an analysis of several case studies including projects by Frei Otto and Boyd's own house at Walsh St. Being a relatively new concept, Boyd criticises the neglect towards smaller buildings in this structural system, and also highlights some of its shortcomings. A 2-page letter from 'Arthur' (surname unknown) at the University of Melbourne's Department of Civil Engineering provides feedback to Boyd on his analyses of the chosen case studies.Original manuscript of article published in The Architectural Review Vol.134, No.801, November 1963, pp. 324 - 334. This draft was returned with covering letter from: ‘Arthur’ (AJF) Melbourne Uni. Dept Civil Engineering. Typewritten (c copy), foolscap, 14 (+2 quarto letter) pagesMinor handwritten editsengineering, tensile structure, master-designer, bernard lafaille, zagreb french pavilion, matthew nowicki, livestock pavilion, frei otto, paul rudolph, florida house, bill irwin, kevin borland, peter mcintyre, john and phyllis murphy, yuncken freeman, sidney myer music bowl, eero saarinen, yale hockey rink, edward d. stone, brussels u.s. fair pavilion, boston arts centre, walsh street, robin boyd, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Manuscript, Robin Boyd, The Value of Expos
Primarily using the Osaka 70 World Expo, Boyd criticises the lack of depth of information of the event and the illusion each country provides for their audience. Boyd makes suggestions for improving audience engagement with the exhibitions and also for a new type of pavilion architecture which utilises the temporary nature of the buildings.Typewritten (c copy), pencil edits /notes, quarto, 6 pages. (Two copies)One copy annotated markers for slides for a talk or lectureosaka expo 70, japan, melbourne, robin boyd, manuscript, ohm2022, ohm2022_31 -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Manuscript, Robin Boyd, Living and Partly Living. The Neighbourhood, 1971
A discussion of Australia's bland suburbs, and the rise in brick home-building, and the alternative of urban high-rise living. Alternative leisure lifestyles associated with each are outlined. Multi-storey flats, European migration, the unplanned ghettoisation of different groups are discussed. What are the needs for a new era of Australian housing? New initiatives are outlined.Original manuscript of the chapter titled 'The Neighbourhood' (pp32-43) by Robin Boyd in the book "Living and Partly Living", by Ian McKay, Robin Boyd, Hugh Stretton and John Mant, published by Nelson, Sydney 1971.Typewritten (c copy), pencil, quarto, 29 pagesChapter in a book.neighbourhood, neighborhood, suburbia, planning, conformity, brick home, timber home, flathouses, housing commission, european immigration, swinger hill, ian mackay, merchant builders, landscaping, robin boyd, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Manuscript, Robin Boyd, Australian Design Loses Again, 1964
Boyd bemoans the fact that Australia looks to overseas engineers, architects and other creative people to design new infrastructure projects.Original manuscript published as 'We're building monuments to the cultural cringe' in 'The Australian' on 10.10.1964.Typewritten (c copy), pencil edits, quarto, 4 pagesaustralian design, imported design, gladesville bridge, robin boyd, manuscript -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Notes, Robin Boyd
In what appear to be working notes for his commissioned book ‘New Directions in Japanese Architecture’, Boyd is sourcing journal articles (journal, page numbers and dates) covering the key recent buildings of contemporary Japanese architects.Working notes for his commissioned book ‘New Directions in Japanese Architecture’.Quarto, 1 page, double-sided page of handwritten (pencil) notes.Deletions and notes throughoutnoriaki kurokawa, kenzo tange, kiyonori kikutake, kazuo shinohara, yoshinobu ashihara, koshi kawashima, takeo sato, daiichi kobo, sachio otani, masato otaka, arata isozaki, k. maekawa, tatsuhiko nakajima, hiroshi oe, fumihiko maki, junichiro ishikawa, hiroyuki iwamoto, murano & mori, junzo sakakura, robin boyd -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Newspaper - Clipping, Age, Hall will be restored as memorial to Boyd, 19.10.1971
Article stating that The Royal Australian Institute of Architects will launch an appeal to restore a church hall in South Melbourne to Robin Boyd's memory. Several months before, Robin Boyd was president of the Victorian chapter and arranged for the purchase of the hall plus other buildings for its new headquarters.walsh st library -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Newspaper - Clipping, The Sun, Robin Boyd 'of the world', 19.10.1971
Reports on the speech given by Mr WW Shugg, Federal President of RAIA as a memorial tribute to Robin Boyd at the RAIA building. A photograph of the three building in Howe Cres South Melbourne, the new headquarters of Victorian Chapter of RAIA, which are to be restored by a public appeal, a a memorial to Robin Boyd.p 11walsh st library -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Article - Letters, Jorn Utzon and Serge Chermayeff, Utzon's position' and 'Urban Playboys', Apr-66
The Letter pages contain two letter - one by Jorn Utzon and the second by Serge Chermayeff architect in New Haven). Robin Boyd’s desk cupboard contained two exercise books (item D482.1-D482.2) and assorted articles, essays and other material regarding the building of the Sydney Opera House, inserted inside the front cover of Walkabout magazine, July 1966 (item P1377). This publication is one of those inserts. Many of these were collected by Boyd’s eldest daughter, Mandie, who recalls that her father was writing a book, but was very disillusioned with the way the entire Opera House saga unfolded. A reprint from The Architectural Forum letters pp opera house, utzon, sydney opera house project, walsh st library -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Newspaper - Clipping, Gary Souter, The new men at the Opera House.... and some jobs they have done
Robin Boyd’s desk cupboard contained two exercise books (item D482.1-D482.2) and assorted articles, essays and other material regarding the building of the Sydney Opera House, inserted inside the front cover of Walkabout magazine, July 1966 (item P1377). This publication is one of those inserts. Many of these were collected by Boyd’s eldest daughter, Mandie, who recalls that her father was writing a book, but was very disillusioned with the way the entire Opera House saga unfolded.Newspaper clippingsydney opera house, utzon, sydney opera house project, walsh st library -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Newspaper - Clipping, The Australian, The right rebuke for fumbling, 27.05.1967
This editorial compares the difference in Victorian and NSW attitudes to their new cultural centres - the fulfillment of Roy Ground's designs for Melbourne Arts centre compared with the smashing of Jorn Utzon's design of Sydney Opera House. Robin Boyd’s desk cupboard contained two exercise books (item D482.1-D482.2) and assorted articles, essays and other material regarding the building of the Sydney Opera House, inserted inside the front cover of Walkabout magazine, July 1966 (item P1377). This publication is one of those inserts. Many of these were collected by Boyd’s eldest daughter, Mandie, who recalls that her father was writing a book, but was very disillusioned with the way the entire Opera House saga unfolded.Page 4sydney opera house, utzon, sydney opera house project, walsh st library -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Newspaper - Clipping, Age (Melbourne), Hall will be restored as memorial to Boyd, 19.10.1971
Article stating that The Royal Australian Institute of Architects will launch an appeal to restore a church hall in South Melbourne to Robin Boyd's memory. Several months before, Robin Boyd was president of the Victorian chapter and arranged for the purchase of the hall plus other buildings for its new headquarters.walsh st library -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Booklet, Museum of Modern Art (New York, USA), Buildings for Business and Government, 1957
Catalogue of an exhibition on show at MOMA (25 Feb - 28 April 1957) during Robin Boyd's time of America. Includes articles on 6 American buildings of the 1950s, architects including Edward D Stone, Skidmore Owings and Merrill, Mies van der Rohe, Philip Johnson, Eero Saarinen and Minoru Yamasaki.buildings, architecture, edward d stone, skidmore owings and merrill, mies van der rohe, philip johnson, eero saarinen, minoru yamasaki, museum of modern art, walsh st library -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Magazine, The New Yorker (facsimile), Oct 2, 1948
This is a facsimile copy, produced by Masters of Architecture Students at the Melbourne School of Design University of Melbourne, 2017. The original magazine was exhibited on the coffee table in the 'House of Tomorrow' designed by Robin Boyd for the Modern Home Exhibition 20 October to 1 November 1949, the Royal Exhibition Building in yorker, walsh st library -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Conference proceedings, Joan Argenter, Endangered languages and linguistic rights on the margins of nations : proceedings of the Eighth FEL Conference : Barcelona (Catalonia) Spain 1-3 October 2004, 2005
Section 1: Grass-roots Efforts and Top-down Institutions Keynote Address: Leanne Hinton The Death and Rebirth of Native American Languages Patrick Marlow Bilingual Education, Legislative Intent, and Language Maintenance in Alaska Galina Dyrkheeva New Language Policy and Small Languages in Russia: the Buryat Example Zelealem Leyew The Fate of Endangered Languages in Ethiopia Gregory Hankoni Kamwendo Language Planning from Below: Chitumbuka as a Marginalised Language in Malawi John Hobson Learning to Speak Again: Towards the Provision of Appropriate Training for the Revitalization of Australian Languages in New South Wales Shelley Tulloch Grassroots Desires for Language Planning in Nunavut Amandina C�rdenas Demay Hacia la definici�n de una pol�tica del lenguaje & Alejandra Arellano Mart�nez expl�cita en M�xico Elena Benedicto, G. McLean, Linguistic Rights in the Nicaraguan Atlantic Coast: Grupo de Ling�istas Ind�genas Mayangna Actions on the Ground within the Legislative Framework of the Estatuto de Autonom�a Bartomeu Meli� Las lenguas ind�genas en el Paraguay. Una visi�n desde el Censo 2002 Monica Ward Building from the Bottom-up: Linguistic Rights for Extremely Endangered Languages Marta Moskal Language Policy and Protection of Endangered Languages in Poland Sue Wright What is a language? Some difficulties inherent in language rights Joan Ramon Sol� Obstacles in the Way of the Recovery of Catalan Section 2: The Global vs. the Local in Linguistic Rights Keynote Address: Patxi Goenaga Fronteras que dividen y fronteras que separan. Una mirada a Europa desde el Euskara Yun-Hsuan Kuo Languages, Identity, and Linguistic Rights in Taiwan Estibaliz Amorrortu, Andoni Barre�a, What Do Linguistic Communities Think about the Esti Izagirre, Itziar Idiazabal, Bel�n Uranga Official Recognition of their Languages? Alok Kumar Das Linguistic Practices and Not Just Linguistic Rights: Endangered Languages in New Europe Section 3: Languages crossing the Borders Keynote Address: Tjeerd de Graaf The Status of Endangered Languages in the Border Areas of Japan and Russia Mariana Bara Arm�n endangered language Ver�nica Grondona Language Policy, Linguistic Rights and Language Maintenance in Argentina Grup d?Estudi de Lleng�es Amena�ades Linguistic diversity in Catalonia: towards a model of linguistic revitalization Nataliya Belitser Endangered Languages in Crimea/Ukraine: The Cases of Crimean Tatar, Karait, and Krymchak Ivelina Kazakova & Maria Miteva The Future of Bulgarian: The Road to Extinction or Paradise Regained Luke O?Callaghan War of Words: Language Policy in Post Independence Kazakhstan Eden Naby From Lingua Franca to Endangered Language: The Legal Aspects of the Preservation of Aramaic in Iraq Poster presentations Akim Elnazarov Endangered languages and Education. A Case of Badakhshan Province of Tajikistan Arnfinn Muruvik Vonen & Oddvar Hjulstad Linguistic Rights Paving the Way Towards Language Endangerment? The Case of Norwegian Sign Language Eva Savelsberg Kurdish (Kurmanc�) as Minority Language in the Federal Republic of Germany Jos� Antonio Flores Farf�n Cultural and Linguistic Revitalization, Maintenance and Development in Mexico Mary Jane Norris Assessing the Status, Use and Accessibility of Canada?s Aboriginal Languages within Communities and Cities: Some Proposed Indicators Michael Prosser van der Riet Promotion of Minority Language Scripts in Southwest China. A Relative Success or Complete Failure? Mikael Grut The Endangered Celtic Languages: A Wake-up Call Nariyo Kono Developing Partnerships Between Universities and Language Communities: Top-down and Bottom-up Integration Richard J. Hawkins Probit Modeling Language Attrition Rudy Osiel Camposeco El idioma maya Popti? y la Declaraci�n Universal de los Derechos Ling��sticos Victorio N. Sugbo The literary Response: Claiming Rights in Three Philippin Languages Ya-ling Chang Language Policies in an Aboriginal Primary School in Taiwanmaps, tables, graphsnsw, endangered languages, linguistic rights -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1964
In 1964, Robin and Patricia Boyd spent several weeks on a world tour - Boyd took a leading role at the International Design Conference in Aspen and he also visited Chicago, Yale University, and New York’s World Fair. The Boyds then travelled on to England, Finland (especially to see Tapiola), Russia and India to see Le Corbusier's Chandigarh, and also Hong Kong and Thailand.Colour slide in a mount. Magazine image of Art and Architecture Building, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1958-64 (see also S0650). (Architect: Paul Rudolph.)Made in Australia / 10 / OCT 64M / 46 (Handwritten)slide, robin boyd -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1964
In 1964, Robin and Patricia Boyd spent several weeks on a world tour - Boyd took a leading role at the International Design Conference in Aspen and he also visited Chicago, Yale University, and New York’s World Fair. The Boyds then travelled on to England, Finland (especially to see Tapiola), Russia and India to see Le Corbusier's Chandigarh, and also Hong Kong and Thailand.Colour slide in a mount. Rooftop, Secretariat Building, Chandigarh, India, 1953. (Architect: Le Corbusier.)Made in Australia / 35 / AUG 64Mindia, slide -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1969
Robin Boyd travelled to the USA and Britain for several weeks. He attended the opening of the new Australian Chancery in Washington DC, where he had designed an innovative exhibition with cylindrical display cases and sound recordings.Colour slide in a mount. NYC streetscape showing Ford Foundation (S0990) foreground and Chrysler Building (S0522) backgroundMade in Australia / 8 / JUL 69M2slide, robin boyd -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1969
Robin Boyd travelled to the USA and Britain for several weeks. He attended the opening of the new Australian Chancery in Washington DC, where he had designed an innovative exhibition with cylindrical display cases and sound recordings.Colour slide in a mount. General Motors Building (1968), New York, New York, USA. (Architects: Edward Durell Stone and Emery Roth.)Made in Australia / 27 / JUL 69M2slide, robin boyd -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1969
Robin Boyd travelled to the USA and Britain for several weeks. He attended the opening of the new Australian Chancery in Washington DC, where he had designed an innovative exhibition with cylindrical display cases and sound recordings.Colour slide in a mount. General Motors Building (1968), New York, New York, USA. (Architects: Edward Durell Stone and Emery Roth.)Made in Australia / 26 / JUL 69M2slide, robin boyd -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Manuscript, Robin Boyd, The Contemporary Situation in Architecture
Boyd quickly surveys the first generation of modern architecture. The talk then concentrates on where modern architecture turned next: "the search for new richness on the surface and a search for new excitement in form". Boyd focuses on the second generation of modern architects: Edward Stone (surface search) and Eero Saarinen (excitiement search). Several of their influential buildings are critiqued by Boyd. This document includes the whole of the typed manuscript titled "The Crisis in Architecture" (item D522, with edits), and includes two handwritten pages at the start and ends with a handwritten statement about "architectural poetry". The text and annotations indicate this was a lecture with slides.Typewritten and handwritten sections, an amalgamation of documents, quarto, 18 pagesUnderlinings, pencil additions, indications for slidesinternational style, mies van der rohe, frank lloyd wright, edward stone, eero saarinen, le courbuier, felix candela, matthew novicki, eduardo catalano, hugh stubbins, raymond and rado, jorn utzon, toro-ferrer -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Manuscript, Robin Boyd, The Crisis in Architecture
Boyd quickly surveys the first generation of modern architecture. The talk then concentrates on where modern architecture turned next: the "search for new richness on the surface and a search for new excitement in form". He focuses on the second generation of modern architects: Edward Stone (surface search) and Eero Saarinen (excitiement search). Several of their influential buildings are critiqued by Boyd. This document was the basis for a lecture titled "The Contemporary Situation in Architecture" (item D521, with edits).Typewritten, quarto, 16 pagesinternational style, mies van der rohe, frank lloyd wright, edward stone, eero saarinen, le courbuier, felix candela, matthew novicki, eduardo catalano, hugh stubbins, raymond and rado, jorn utzon, toro-ferrer -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1967
Colour slide in a mount. Building, unknown location. Given its creation date, it is either Montreal, Canada or New ZealandMade in Australia / 31 / APR 67M7slide, robin boyd -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1964
In 1964, Robin and Patricia Boyd spent several weeks on a world tour - Boyd took a leading role at the International Design Conference in Aspen and he also visited Chicago, Yale University, and New York’s World Fair. The Boyds then travelled on to England, Finland (especially to see Tapiola), Russia and India to see Le Corbusier's Chandigarh, and also Hong Kong and Thailand.Colour slide in a mount. The Economist Buildings (1964), London, England. (Architect: Alison and Peter Smithson.)Made in Australia / 2 / AUG 64M / London (Handwritten) / SLB 7/1 (Handwritten)london, robin boyd, slide -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1964
In 1964, Robin and Patricia Boyd spent several weeks on a world tour - Boyd took a leading role at the International Design Conference in Aspen and he also visited Chicago, Yale University, and New York’s World Fair. The Boyds then travelled on to England, Finland (especially to see Tapiola), Russia and India to see Le Corbusier's Chandigarh, and also Hong Kong and Thailand.Colour slide in a mount. The Economist Buildings (1964), London, England. (Architects: Alison and Peter Smithson.)Made in Australia / 4 / AUG 64Mlondon, robin boyd, slide -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1964
In 1964, Robin and Patricia Boyd spent several weeks on a world tour - Boyd took a leading role at the International Design Conference in Aspen and he also visited Chicago, Yale University, and New York’s World Fair. The Boyds then travelled on to England, Finland (especially to see Tapiola), Russia and India to see Le Corbusier's Chandigarh, and also Hong Kong and Thailand.Colour slide in a mount. The Economist Buildings (1964), London, England. (Architects: Alison and Peter Smithson.)Made in Australia / 3 / AUG 64M / Encircled 52 (Handwritten)london, robin boyd, slide -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1961
Robin Boyd wrote two books on Japanese architects and architecture - “Kenzo Tange” published by George Braziller in 1962 and “New Directions in Japanese Architecture” published by Studio Vista in 1968. During the 1960s he travelled several times to Japan to research these books and as part of his role as Exhibits Architect for the Australian Pavilion at Expo ‘70 in Osaka. Colour slide in a mount. Okayama Prefectural Government Building, Okayama, Japan, 1957 (Architect: Kunio Maekawa.)Made in Australia / 3 (Handwritten) robin boyd, slide, japan -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1969
Robin Boyd travelled to the USA and Britain for several weeks. He attended the opening of the new Australian Chancery in Washington DC, where he had designed an innovative exhibition with cylindrical display cases and sound recordings.Colour slide in a mount. CBS Building (left) (1961-4), New York, New York, USA. (Architect: Eero Saarinen.)Made in Australia / 12 / JUL 69M2 / Encircled 41 (Handwritten)new york, slide -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1961
Robin Boyd wrote two books on Japanese architects and architecture - “Kenzo Tange” published by George Braziller in 1962 and “New Directions in Japanese Architecture” published by Studio Vista in 1968. During the 1960s he travelled several times to Japan to research these books and as part of his role as Exhibits Architect for the Australian Pavilion at Expo ‘70 in Osaka. Colour slide in a mount. Interior, Okayama Prefectural Government Building, Okayama, Japan, 1957 (Architect: Kunio Maekawa.)Made in Australia / 7slide, robin boyd, japan -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1964
In 1964, Robin and Patricia Boyd spent several weeks on a world tour - Boyd took a leading role at the International Design Conference in Aspen and he also visited Chicago, Yale University, and New York’s World Fair. The Boyds then travelled on to England, Finland (especially to see Tapiola), Russia and India to see Le Corbusier's Chandigarh, and also Hong Kong and Thailand.Colour slide in a mount. Yale Art & Architecture Building (Rudolph Hall), New Haven, Connecticut, USA. (Architect: Paul Rudolph.)Made in Australia / 18 / OCT 64M / 49 (Handwritten)usa, slide -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Slide, Robin Boyd, 1964
In 1964, Robin and Patricia Boyd spent several weeks on a world tour - Boyd took a leading role at the International Design Conference in Aspen and he also visited Chicago, Yale University, and New York’s World Fair. The Boyds then travelled on to England, Finland (especially to see Tapiola), Russia and India to see Le Corbusier's Chandigarh, and also Hong Kong and Thailand.Colour slide in a mount. Magazine image of Art and Architecture Building (1958-64), Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. (Architect: Paul Rudolph.)Made in Australia / 13 / OCT 64M / 43 (Handwritten)usa, slide