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Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision 1993 : Association for the Blind annual report 1992/93, 1993
Articles in annual report include: President's Report: First in line. Profiles include "At Home on the Farm", "A New Day Dawns", "Two Little Maids from School", "Peer's Progress". Yearly update subjects include Volunteers, Blind members' report, Services updates, Executive Director's report: Progress Despite Recession, Treasurer's report: Costs Controlled, Financial statement, Donors, Office holders.1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, New beginnings '94 : Association for the Blind annual report 1993/94, 1994
Articles in annual report include: "President's Report: A Season of Celebrations", "A Future in their Fingers: 1894-1994", "Pride and Problems", "The Next 100 years", "Volunteer Report: Service Since Day 1", "Blind Member's Council: Keeping the focus Sharp", "Once in a Century Appeal, CEO's Report: New Beginnings", "Services: Vision and Hearing Assessment, Rehabilitation, Confident Living, Resident Care, Telephone Support Programs, Information Radio, Vision Information Line, Newsline, Training" "Treasurer's Report: Satisfying Results"32 printed pages with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1982-1983, 1982-1983
Activities in annual report include: retirement of Ralph Lightfoot, appointment of Frances Warren, opening of Wangaratta regional office, family group home in second year providing home environment for three children, establishment of self contained flat within residential services at Burwood, bushfires threatened but did not destroy Wahpeton at Romsey and ski lodge at Mt Baw Baw, and support from hotels through 80 Lucky Envelope machines.1 volume of printed material with imagesannual report, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1981-1982, 1981-1982
Articles in annual report include: the official opening of the educational camp at Romsey, introduction of a Hartley 3909 Mini Computer, increasing move away from residential services with 74% of school children supported in learn at their local school, hydrotherapy unit (spa) and Versa Brailler purchased for school, 2 week ski camp offered at RVIB ski lodge at Mt Baw Baw, employment continuing in packaging and assembly, plant nursery, maintenance of St Kilda Road and Raleigh Street sites, kiosks at RMIT, Melbourne University and the Institute, trial scheme launched with Alfred for work experience in various roles, introduction of 4 track tapes in library and reduction of Clarke & Smith tapettes, and development of 16mm film 'The Mediators' for use by Public Relations department.1 volume of printed materialroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1980-1981, 1980-1981
Articles in annual report include: the development of an educational camp at Romsey through the bequest of Mrs Cecelia Tye, a new Family Group home at Andrews Street, East Burwood, new program developed for Trans Australia Airlines providing mobility instruction to air hostesses when guiding blind passengers, three kiosks at RMIT, Melbourne University and RVIB providing employment and training for blind workers, a short term contract assembling motorcycles, introduction of paperless Brailler (Digicasette), beginning of Il Globo becoming available as an audio magazine and provision of up to $3000 interest home loan for blind people. 1 volume of printed materialroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1979-1980, 1979-1980
Articles in annual report include: Interest free loans up to $3000 per person were available. In 1979-1980 360 blind people and their families benefitted under this scheme and this means that $250 000 of institute funds are kept in circulation. The aids and equipment shop, introduced Kurzweil reading machine - one of the foremost organisations in the world to provide such equipment to blind people. Some years ago Mrs Cecelia Tye left her property at Romsey, now 6 buildings are used as an educational camp and two will be used for self-contained accommodation. The new building will start and finish by end 1980 and the new holiday house at Barwon Heads was opened.1 volume of text and illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1978-1979, 1978-1979
Articles in annual report include: a public educational program speaking to doctors, nurses, teachers, occupational therapists, service clubs and rotated displays through public libraries, RVIB stand won a prize in Community and welfare section at the Royal Melbourne show, difficulties with Mr and Mrs Tye's estates are resolved and plans to build an educational complex at Romsey, acknowledgement of volunteer involvement with Cubs, Guides, Ham Radio and Model Train clubs available to residential children, and the United Kingdom Hotel in Clifton Hill raised over $8000 to become the top hotel fundraiser again.1 volume of text and illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1977-1978, 1977-1978
Articles in annual report include: the retirement of Mrs Esme Dunell MBE - former matron (nurse) of the nursery worked since 1960, 1971 she was awarded Churchill fellowship to investigate work for blind child in other countries, supporting the Anti Rubella Crusade, Margaret Fialides staff member awarded Churchill Fellowship study tour of major libraries and production centres for talking books in Europe, UK and USA, occupational centre in Raleigh Street keeps 36 people employed, establishment of a Vocational Development department, purchase of high-speed duplicators for the library, and the RVIB stand at Royal Melbourne show won 1st prize in their section.1 volume of text and illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1975-1976, 1975-1976
Update on activities for the year including : retirement of Principal F.C. Douglas and upcoming retirement of Matron Dunell affording opportunity to align management of these services under a single person, annual camping trip to Goulburn, and the Railway Hotel in Windsor raised over $11,000 to again win first place amongst hotel fundraisers.1 volume of text and illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1976-1977, 1975-1976
Articles in annual report include: purchase of a ski lodge with RVIB Ski Club (an independent body) managing the lodge, appointment of new principal P.J. Evans and Matron H McLaren, Sri Lankan association for the blind received older TBMs that were still working but being replaced, National Association for the Blind in Bombay also received TBMs and 3000 tapettes and the Railway Hotel in Windsor topped the hotel fundraising list.1 volume of text and illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 109th 1974-1975, 1974-1975
Articles in annual report include: List of RVIB president, vice president, board of management, medical staff and officers of the institute, honorary officers and consultant medical staff, President's report, The children - independence and achievement, Our Christmas party, Multi handicapped blind children, Training and understanding at Burwood centre, Financial independence through employment, Training confidence and achievement, Expansion of welfare services, Other services, Carols by candlelight, Auxiliaries and other generous helpers, Public education, Finance, Services and facilities, When you make or amend your will. Events that occurred in 1974 : Two permanent welfare officers in the country at Wangaratta and Sale, Re-equipment programme for the library and enlarging the range of books and magazines available to readers, Burwood centre for multi handicapped blind children separate to school - accommodation for twenty-four, Training department started instruction in use of hand tools - two clients gained employment in wood assembly. 1 volume of text and black and white photographsroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 105th 1970-1971, 1970-1971
Articles in annual report include: List of RVIB president, vice president, board of management, medical staff and officers of the institute, honorary officers and consultant medical staff, President's report, Nursery and school, Industrial, Training and rehabilitation centre, Multi handicapped blind children, Sight restored after 35 years - article about John Crowe who went to New York where no other medical centre in the world offered a procedure to use a synthetic cornea. The cost of the trip was met by RVIB, after losing his sight which he lost in an industrial accident, when he returned to Melbourne he saw his wife for the first time, Carols by candlelight, Finance, Welfare and counselling services, Blindness in old age, Auxiliaries and other general helpers, Services and facilities, When you make or amend your will. Events that occurred in 1970 : Australia post supported work training program -offered a complete training centre for blind switchboard operators, the only one of its type in the world, established at the institute, 53 operators were successfully employed in Vic, some also operate as receptionists.1 printed volume with photographsroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind 104th annual report 1969-1970, 1969-1970
Articles in annual report include: List of RVIB president, vice president, board of management, medical staff and officers of the institute, honorary officers and consultant medical staff, The president's report, Nursery and school, Employment - the means of independence, Training and rehabilitation centre the rebirth of confidence and skills, Multi handicapped children, Our senior blind citizens the aged are not forgotten, Finance, Our auxiliaries and other helpers, Welfare -an increasing need, Melbourne traditional carols by candlelight, Services and facilities, When you make or amend your will. Events that occurred in 1969 : Alexander Mair died, he was a member of the board of management since 1952, RVIB faced a deficit, to date they did not have to restrict the scope of any of the services available to blind people and it was hoped with increasing support from all sections of the community that they would not have to do so, after 31 continuous years radio station 3KZ decided to discontinue its association with the Melbourne traditional Christmas festival carols by candlelight but in doing so offered the RVIB the rights to continue. It was the first time RVIB hosted and they offered thanks to television channel 0 and radio station 3AW.1 volume of printed text with photographsroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1968-1969, 1968-1969
Activities in annual report include: beginning to plan for centre for multi-handicapped children, expansion of home care program for deaf/blind children, continued to provide secretariat for the Australian National Council for the Blind, past President Dr Charles Bennett was awarded an OBE in June 1969, teacher George Findlay awarded an MBE in June 1968, formation of a ski club which conducted a ski camp, continuance of interest-free home purchase loans for blind workers, death of Bert Merrick who led the Blind People's Social Club for many years and the creation of the Bert Merrick Memorial Picnic and two prizes for Burwood School children to honour him.1 volume of print and illustrationsannual reports, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1967-1968, 1967-1968
Events that occurred in 1967 : Eight suburban craft centres for elderly blind people were established allowing a half day each week for people, the institute's secretary E.E. Petersen went on a study tour overseas, F.F. Knight senior Vice President and member of the board for more than seventeen years was honored for his work with a CBE, and the Insurance Institute of Victoria met the cost of a 16mm version of the film "A matter of independence".1 volume of printed and illustrated materialannual reports, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1966-1967, 1966-1967
Articles in annual report include: Office bearers of the institute/officers, President's report - 100 years, Residence nursery and school for blind children - in 1866 first nine blind children were accommodated in temporary premises in Commercial Road Prahran, the budget was $822 pounds, now the facility in Burwood can house 70 children and the, budget is $160,000, New found confidence after rehabilitation, Blind welfare work increases, Our factory now serves industry, Employ opportunities are widening, Our loyal auxiliaries and other supporters, What of the future, Income and expenditure, Where there's a will there's a way to help blind people. Events that occurred in 1966 : Millet broom making was discontinued and mat and industrial brush making and packing and assembly began, the Governor of Victoria and Lady Delacombe brought their dog to visit the children at the school, the Institute began two vital new projects - providing a residential geriatric facility and to establish the RVIB foundation for research and education.1 volume of print and illustrationsannual reports, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1964-1965, 1964-1965
Articles in annual report include: list of office bearers of the institute and officers of the institute, Introduction and summary, Residence nursery and school for blind children, Programme in rehabilitation, Blind welfare - Mr W Casey retired as welfare officer in December 1964 after a 40 year association, Institute busy factory - faced by serious competition from overseas the basket shop closed, No sugar packaging done since 1963, Employment of blind people, Splendid support from auxiliary, The future, Income and expenditure, Where there's a will there's a way. Events that occurred in 1964 : HRH Duchess of Gloucester visited residential nursery and school, four hundred members of auxiliary lined driveway to greet her, helped by nationwide drive of the Apex clubs this year more blind people are reading talking books, this year a specific department staffed full time was set to demonstrate aids and equipment for blind people.1 volume of text and illustrationsannual reports, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1962-1963, 1962-1963
Articles in annual report include: List of office bearers of the institute and officers of the institute, Confidence mobility, Annual report of the RVIB babies, Children and adults - 97 years of service and programmes - special appeal, Residence rehabilitation training centre, Conference mobility, Ten pin bowling, Deaf blind centre, Resident nursery and school, Worldwide literary competition, Higher education, Employment, Welfare, Recreation, Finance, Appreciation, Auxiliary, 3KZ Christmas appeal, Vice regal patronage, My friend the long cane - a new method of self-help for blind people, They're the workers, 36th annual report of the council of auxiliary. Events that occurred in 1962 : Hon. H.E. Bolte, Premier opened the appeal and announced a special grant of $20,000 pounds from the state government. Lieutenant General Sir Henry Wells accepted the board's invitation to become chairman of the appeal, at the Burwood school Cheng Ann Cheok a 15 year old Singaporean boy arrived to further his education and study music, he hopes to adopt music as his career. Through the kind offices of Dr Edward J. Waterhouse director of Perkins school for the blind of Boston and the generosity of its Board of Trustees a scholarship will be provided to the Institute for an Australian teacher to be trained as a specialist teacher within their school.1 volume of text and illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1960-1961, 1960-1961
Articles in annual report include: List of RVIB president, office bearers of the institute and officers of the institute, Programme and achievements - future programme is in your hands, Activities, Programme maintained - ninety six years of service, Recent years, Resident nursery and school, Other children's activities, Deaf blind children, Higher education, Employment, Finance, Rehabilitation, Recreation and social activities, Talking book library, Public appeal - Aug 1962, Appreciation, 3KZ Christmas day appeal, Concerts, Board of management, 35th annual report of council of auxiliary. Events that occurred in 1961 : School started a scented garden, library now has been consolidated and a new physical education block opened with an indoor heated pool, fully equipped gym, showers and dressing room.1 volumeroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Braille Book of the Year and Narrator of the Year awards 1990, 1990
Introduced in 1974, the Braille Book of the Year was created to both acknowledge excellence in writing as well as raise the profile of Braille books. In 1990, the award was won by Alex Miller for his book 'The Tivington Knot'. Presentations were made by Paul Karsten, Joyce Nichols, Fran Awcock, John Cockayne, Judith Stolls and the recipient Alex Miller. The narrator's award went to Bruce Kerr for audio version. 11 Black and White photographs and 3 proof sheetsawards, braille & talking book library, alex millar, paul karsten, joyce nichols, fran awcock, john cockayne, karl hughes, wilma bedford, bruce kerr, lindsay mcmillan -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Our 81st year in Braille and Talking Books: eighty-first annual report and statements of account for 1974-5, 1975
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: Matcham Skipper sculpture awarded to Book of the Year, the work undertaken by Lions Clubs in raising funds for the library, the 150th anniversary of Louis Braille, working closer with public libraries, distribution of the Fraser Twins Sound Magazine and the generous donation by Mr and Mrs Frank Currie who gave $104 as part of their 50th Wedding Anniversary.1 volume with text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Our 82nd year in Braille and Talking Book: eighty-second annual report and statements of account for 1975-6, 1976
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: Colvan Charity Cup Golf Day raffle winner receives car from Bib Stillwell, Frank Moorhouse wins Braille Book of the Year with Barrett Reid, Dr Stephen Murray-Smith and Lloyd O'Neil making up the judging panel, luncheon to celebrate Alice McClelland's 54th year of service to the library, rationalisation of Moon books with RBS NSW, popularity of Fraser Twins Sound magazine, retirement of published Lloyd O'Neil from judging panel and appoint of Joyce Nicholson, death of Joan Armytage, former auxiliary organiser then committee member and renovation of library and construction of talking book room and recording studios (in notes to accounts).1 volume of print and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Our 84th year in Braille and Talking Books: eighty-fourth annual report and statements of account for 1977-78, 1978
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: acknowledgement of the work on Thomas Luxton as foundation president, having a stand at the Royal Melbourne Show, acknowledgement of Joan Cunnington for working 50 years as a transcribing and producing the most volumes (789) of any transcriber, display of a thermoform map designed by 2nd year Architecture students of the Melbourne University campus, Sir Paul Hasluck winning the Braille Book of the Year award, first edition of Library Talk audio magazine, congratulations from the Federation of Blind Citizens on providing 2 track cassettes, retirement of Alice McClelland and Geoffrey Wilson, and a delegate attending the Australian and New Zealand Association of Teachers of the Visually Handicapped conference,1 volume of illustrations and textbraille and talking book library, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Our 85th year in Braille and Talking Books: eighty-five annual report and statements of account for 1978-79, 1979
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: the expansion of the library to new readers gained from Hear A Book and the range of books available on commercially produced cassettes, the decreased loans for Large print as other public libraries offer these for loan, the continued support for selecting the Braille Book of the Year by the committee of Barrett Reid, Dr Stephen Murray Smith and Joyce Nicholson, appointment of Maxene Hewitt, Ray Hannah and Jan Smark, and retirement of Joan Simmonds.1 volume of print and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 86th annual report 1894-1980 Braille and Talking Book Library, 1980
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: celebration of Alice McClelland's 88th birthday (and 58th year at the library), the first time a book of poetry has won the Braille Book of the Year award, movement of 30,000 Braille volumes into Braille Hall due to the need to expand the audio collection, increased government funding as restrictions on lending to visually impaired are extending to those with physical or perceptive inabilities to read standard print, report identifying the need for more audio production facilities and possibility of establishing more studios in Geelong, retirement of E. Webb, C. Griffin, Elizabeth Fraser, Ray Hannah, Dudley Sherlock and appointment of Norma Brumley, David Hume, Dr Simon Haskell and David Blyth.1 volume of text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual report -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 68th annual report 1961 - 1962 Braille Library of Victoria, 1962
This annual report covers both the AGM of 1962 and a special AGM held in 1961. Articles include: celebration of Alice McClelland's 40 years of service, resignation of A. Brahe and L. Dextor as Trustees and appointment of R Bigwood and E Webb to replace them, extension of membership so that blind readers could become voting members, overview of the decisions and affects of the decision to become an incorporated entity and the name from Victorian Association of Braille Writers to Braille Library of Victoria, the use of subcommittees to handle entertainments, building, publicity, library and braille textbooks, property owned at 4 Margaret Street, South Yarra was subdivided into 2 lots and sold, Braille Boat House has been redecorated and renovate and available for hire, appointment of Alan Woods to assist as a Reviser for music transcription and Ivan Molloy in the Home Teaching Service, resignation of Joyce Bolger, appointment of Doreen Ross, Mr and Mrs Hinchcliffe left as honorary caretakers and death of Mrs J Rowe, past Mayoress of Ballarat, who was a keen subscriber of the Ballarat branch.32 pages of text with drawingsbraille library of victoria, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 68th Annual Report 1963 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1964
Articles in annual report include: Brighton home annual report, Blind citizen's community centre annual report, Ballarat home annual report, Bendigo home annual report, Association for the blind balance sheet, welfare services, voluntary services, auxiliaries report, the limitations experienced by a lack of funds, Victorian Governor-General Sir Rohan Delacombe has agreed to become Patron, and his wife Lady Delacombe, Patroness of the Auxiliaries, the visit of Dr Richard Hoover and the delays to modernising the Blind Citizens Community Centre caused by the vagueness of the final siting of the Eastern Freeway,.15 pages of text with black and white illustrationsassociation for the blind, joan rundle, austin anderson, theresa spalazzi, h.m. lightfoot, mrs g rose, n. young, j.w. hutton, matron i bussell, e kelson, mrs gerlach, cr. c.e. brown, mr and mrs frank opie, mrs williams, gwen glenn, evelyn muirden, barbara glanville, mary roberts, mrs e jones, mrs h scott, mrs j cooper, mrs r floyd, mrs g leeson, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 69th Annual Report 1964 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1965
Articles in annual report include: The Association for the blind 69th annual report, Association for the blind balance sheet, gratifying scenes of the association's activities, Brighton home report, Blind citizens' community centre, Bendigo home report, Ballarat home report, welfare services, voluntary service, auxiliary report. The need for more government support is highlighted in the President's report, the formation of new Auxiliary in Geelong, Lady Delacombe agreeing to become Patroness of the Auxiliaries and fundraising to replace the existing Blind Citizens Community centre at Kooyong.1 volume of text and black and white illustrationsassociation for the blind, ann docherty, granny carson, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 70th Annual Report 1965 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1966
Articles in annual report includes: President's report, treasurer's report, Association for the blind balance sheet, life governors, Ballarat home report, Bendigo home report, Brighton home report, Blind citizens community centre, volunteers, auxiliaries, youth serves, facts about blindness. In this report, the three broad aims of the organisation (assist with readjustment, retain people in their own home, provide accommodation) is discussed with the need for more government support, the death of Hamish Mackenzie who was highly respected and represented Australia at the World Forum in August 1964, the visit by Sir Rohan and Lady Delacombe to the Ballarat home, opening of a hostel for 5 people at 25 New Street - at the rear of the Brighton Home, Granny Carson celebrated turning 102, approval for extension of Blind Citizens Community Centre is complete and building of the two storey building will finally progress at the end of the year, and the existing clubhouse modernised and painted.1 volume of text and black and white illustrationsassociation for the blind, h.m. lightfoot, hamish mackenzie, hubert opperman, sir rohan delacombe, granny carson, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 71st Annual Report 1966 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1967
Articles in annual report include: President's report, treasurer's report, Association for the blind balance sheet, life governors, Ballarat home report, Bendigo home report, Brighton home report, Blind citizens community centre, welfare report, auxiliaries, facts about blindness. Discussion includes the continuing deficit problem, establishment of a Volunteer Services Group, visit by Governor General Sir Rohan Delacombe to Bendigo (Mirridong) to launch the Lions Club appeal for funds, celebration of Granny Carson's 103rd birthday, the erection of a new wing at the Blind Citizens Community centre and hope that the second stage will be completed when additional funds are secured, the cessation of the North Fitzroy Good Companions Auxiliary and the success of the Children's Fair at Kooyong.1 volume of text and black and white photographsassociation for the blind, sir rohan delacombe, annual reports, katharine (kitty) rose