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matching historic buildings -- victoria -- melbourne.
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c.February 1997
This angle is no longer possible due to the QV Melbourne buildings that were erected in 2000Colour photograph. Eastern side of the QVWC building's eastern side after restoration works has been completed. building construction, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c.February 1997
Colour photograph. From level five atrium after completion of renovation works. Taken from the north of the Atrium facing south over Lonsdale street. historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c. February 1997
Colour photograph. Ground floor of QVWC building, facing north west towards the reception desk and down the corridor towards the northern foyer, stairwell and lifts. Two people in background in north foyer. Taken after restoration works had been completed. historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c. February 1997
Colour photograph. Level four west balcony of the QVWC building. Facing south towards the south west towards the women's bathroom. cultural structures and establishments, historic buildings -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c. February 1996
Colour photograph. Taken on level 3 eastern balcony of the QVWC building facing south towards where in 2015 CASA house has their offices. historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c. February 1997
Colour photograph. Interior view of the cafe after annex had been completed and before the cafe had been furnished. Facing south west towards foyer and Lonsdale street. historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 15th or 16th February 1997
Colour photograph. Jan Wade, Minister for Women's Affairs, standing behind a lectern on front steps of the QVWC building at the grand opening weekend. Several people stand around including Marion Lau, Trust member and camera/sound crew. official events, fundraising events, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Slide, c. 1995
Colour slide. An artist or architects impression of the fully restored QVWC building. Was used for promotional material including being used on the real estate board at the front of the QVWC building advertising for prospective tenants. etched ontop of slide '300% B+W"historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments, architectural models -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 15th or 16th February 1997
Colour photograph. Janet England, Chair of Trust, standing behind a lectern on the front steps of the QVWC building during the grand opening weekend. Several people are sanding behind J.E. Marion Lau left of frame. Jane Wade Right of frame. official events, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 15th or 16th February 1997
Colour photograph. Janet England, Chair of Trust, standing behind a lectern on the front steps of the QVWC building during the grand opening weekend. Taken from Lonsdale street over the crowd. A group of people stand behind J.E towards the street. historic buildings, official events, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c. February 1997
Colour photograph. In front of the entrance steps of the QVWC building. Dallas Ambry, fundraising administrative assistant is on a ladder putting up purple bows on the front fence for the grand opening weekend. official events, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 15th or 16th February 1997
Colour photograph. Official opening weekend 'The Young Lions' young female members of the Chinese youth society of Melbourne (17-20 years old) The dance is to frighten away evil spirits with noise, provided by drums and to bring good luck. Taken from south balcony on level 1 looking down to the front steps. official events, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments, chinese community -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 15th or 16th February 1997
Colour photograph. Jan Wade, Minister for Women's Affairs, stand on the front steps o the QVWC during the Grand Opening Weekend. Taken from Lonsdale street over the heads of the gathered crowd. A group o women stand behind JW. All faces are unclear. official events, historic buildings, parliamentary representatives, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 15th or 16th February 1997
Colour photograph. Jan Wade, Minister for Women's Affairs, stands behind a lectern on the front steps of the QVWC building during the Grand Opening Weekend. A group of women, including Marion Lau Trust member and Fleur Spitzer OAM, stands behind JW. parliamentary representatives, official events, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 15th or 16th February
Colour photograph. Grand opening weekend of the QVWC building. Taken from the front steps towards the gathered crowd on Lonsdale street. People all unidentified. official events, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 15th or 16th February 1997
Colour photograph. Janet England, Chair of Trust, standing in the ground floor foyer beside the reception desk, addressing the attendees of the official opening weekend. Pink signs behind JE direct to Art sale and free seminars. Lady in black stands behind JE, unidentified. official events, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 15th or 16th February 1997
Colour photograph. Group of four people, three women and one man, representatives of The Body Shop, official sponsors of the QVWC grand opening weekend. All unidentified. official events, historic buildings, the body shop, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 15th or 16th February 1997
Colour photograph. Mini expo in level four Victoria room of the QVWC during the official opening weekend. People walking between tables and chairs, all unidentified. shows and exhibitions, historic buildings, official events, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 15th or 16th February 1997
Colour photograph believed to be an information desk. Taken on ground floor foyer during the official opening weekend. Possibly shilling fund donation point. Five people in frame all unidentified. official events, fundraising events, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c. early 1997
Colour photograph. Shilling Fund launch. Janet England, Chair of Trust, addressing the audience. Level four Victoria room QVWC building. Candles in foreground.fundraising events, official events, historic buildings, charitable organisations -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c.1997-1998
Colour photograph. Example of an event in Victoria room level four of the QVWC building. Taken from the north o the room looking towards an unidentified speaker. 'FES' on two banners at the front of the room.official events, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c.1997
Colour photograph. Two women behind od display cabinet in the cafe. Possibly the owner/manager on the right and the owner/chef on the left. Both looking at the camera. cafe, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, C.1997
Colour photograph. In the dining area in the annex on the ground level of the QVWC building. Three unidentified women in frame sitting down. Taken facing south east. Black and white artwork on the wall. cafe, historic buildings, art exhibitions -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c.1997
Colour photograph. Taken in the dinning area of the cafe, annex ground floor of the QVWC building. Groups of unidentified women in frame. Black and white artwork hang from the wall. Taken facing north east. cafe, historic buildings, art exhibitions, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c.1997
Colour photograph. Ind the dining area of the cafe ground floor of the QVWC building. Groups of unidentified women in frame. Black and white artwork on the wall. Taken from the building looking east into the annex. art exhibitions, cafe, historic buildings -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c.1997
Colour photograph. In the annex on ground floor in the dining area of the cafe. Groups of unidentified women in frame. Facing south east towards Lonsdale street towards Lonsdale street. Photographic artwork on wall. Sky light in frame. cafe, historic buildings, art exhibitions -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 10 July 1998
Colour photograph. Exterior view of QVWC building. Taken from Lonsdale street on the south east corner of QVWC facing towards the building. Depicts the cafe signage and fencing around the buildingcafe, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments, architectural features, fences, entrances -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 10 July 1998
Colour photograph. Reception area on ground floor southern entrance. Desk has an assortment of flyers and brochures. Behind reception area is a building guide. Unidentified woman appears to the right o frame in front of the reception desk. Taken from the entrance facing northentrances, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, 10 July 1998
Colour photograph. Gallery space on ground floor corridor. Art is coloured abstract paintings from an unidentified artist. Two women appear right of frame. Taken from the corridor towards the south of the QVWC building towards the entrance and Lonsdale exhibitions, historic buildings, cultural structures and establishments -
Queen Victoria Women's Centre
Photograph, c.1998
Colour photograph. In QVWC building in level one locker room. Red metal locker taking up most of the rame. A sign on the wall in the background. This is a styled photo and was probably for Qmag newsletter.historic buildings