Showing 1662 items
matching murray family
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Mrs Georg Hoffman, children and toys
... Tatura the-murray Georg Hoffman and family were internees in Camp ...Georg Hoffman and family were internees in Camp 3 Rushworth during WW2. One of a number of Lutheran Missionary families interned.Black and white photograph of a a lady and 3 children (2 girls and a boy) sitting on the floor with toys. georg hoffman, camp 3 rushworth -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Ella Grozinger and children
... Tatura the-murray The Grozinger family were internees in Camp 3 ...The Grozinger family were internees in Camp 3 Rushworth during WW2. Photograph taken 13 December 1941.Black and white photograph of a lady and two children standing, a flower bed behind them and a hut in the background. Arandora Star memorial between garden and hut.ella grozinger, bruni grozinger, ilse grozinger, camp 3 rushworth -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Bruni and Ilse Grozinger
... Tatura the-murray The Grozinger family were internees in Camp 3 ...The Grozinger family were internees in Camp 3 Rushworth during WW2. Photograph taken 13 December 1941.Black and white photograph of two children, one standing, a flower bed behind them and a hut in the background.bruni grozinger, ilse grozinger, camp 3 rushworth -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Bruni Grozinger
... Tatura the-murray The Grozinger family were internees in Camp 3 ...The Grozinger family were internees in Camp 3 Rushworth during WW2. Photograph taken 13 December 1941.Black and white photograph of a child sitting on a stool, flower bed behind them and a hut in the background.bruni grozinger, ilse grozinger, camp 3 rushworth -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Fortuna Children 1941
... Tatura the-murray Fortuna family were internees in Camp 3A during ...Fortuna family were internees in Camp 3A during WW2. Photograph is of (left to right) Mafalda, John and Con Fortuna and taken in 1941. Second copy of picture in file.Black and white photograph of three children standing in the middle of the photograph. One child of to the right. A woman and child to the left. Wall of hut directly behind the 3 children and hut of to the right.john fortuna, con fortuna, camp 3a rushworth, mafalda fortuna -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Fortuna and Cassati Family 1942
... Tatura the-murray Fortuna and Cassati families were internees ...Fortuna and Cassati families were internees in Camp 3A during WW2. Back row (l to r): Domenico Fortuna, Elpi Fortuna, Mrs Cassati and Judge Cassati. Front row: Miss Cassati, Mafalda, John and Con Fortuna and governess. Photograph taken in 1942. Black and white photograph of 4 adults standing, 4 children and a lady sitting. Fence and huts behind them.232 to the left and being held by first girl.john fortuna, con fortuna, camp 3a rushworth, mafalda fortuna, mrs cassati, judge cassati, miss cassati, domenico fortuna, elpi fortuna -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Fortuna Family 1941/2
... Tatura the-murray Fortuna family were internees in Camp 3A during ...Fortuna family were internees in Camp 3A during WW2. Photograph is of the Fortuna family outside their hut. Photograph taken in 1942. Second copy of picture in file.Black and white photograph of 2 adults and 3 children standing in a garden in front of a hut. john fortuna, con fortuna, camp 3a rushworth, mafalda fortuna -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Fortuna Family 1943
... Tatura the-murray Fortuna family were internees in camp 3A during ...Fortuna family were internees in camp 3A during WW2. Photograph is of Domenic Fortuna with Mario, Con and John. Photograph taken in 1943. Second copy of picture in file.Black and white photograph of a man and 3 children in front of some shrubs and a hut behind the shrubs..john fortuna, con fortuna, camp 3a rushworth, mario fortuna, domenic fortuna -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Guntram Gohl Funeral
Guntram Gohl was an internee with his family in Camp 3 Rushworth. He died on the 28 September 1945 and was buried in Tatura Cemetery.Sepia photograph of a group of people (to the left of picture) walking along a dirt track with pine trees either side of the track. A hearse is following the people. The right side of the picture shows graves. Photograph is blurry.guntram gohl, camp 3 rushworth, tatura cemetery, internee deaths -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Guntram Gohl Funeral
Guntram Gohl was an internee with his family in Camp 3 Rushworth. He died on the 28 September 1945 and was buried in Tatura Cemetery.Sepia photograph of a group of people removing a coffin from a hearse. People to the right of the picture and graves behind them. Photograph is blurry on right hand side.guntram gohl, camp 3 rushworth, tatura cemetery, internee deaths -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Guntram Gohl Funeral
Guntram Gohl was an internee with his family in Camp 3 Rushworth. He died on the 28 September 1945 and was buried in Tatura Cemetery.Sepia photograph of a hearse behind a row of graves. Pine trees in the background. Photograph is blurry on right hand side.guntram gohl, camp 3 rushworth, tatura cemetery, internee deaths -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Guntram Gohl Grave site
Guntram Gohl was an internee with his family in Camp 3 Rushworth. He died on the 28 September 1945 and was buried in Tatura Cemetery.Sepia photograph of a the cross and flowers at a grave site. Weeds and pine trees in background.G H Gohlguntram gohl, camp 3 rushworth, tatura cemetery, internee deaths -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Guntram Gohl Grave site
Guntram Gohl was an internee with his family in Camp 3 Rushworth. He died on the 28 September 1945 and was buried in Tatura Cemetery.Sepia photograph of a grave covered with flowers. A couple of women to the left and a man and child to the right. Pine trees in back ground.guntram gohl, camp 3 rushworth, tatura cemetery, internee deaths -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Schnerring and Grozinger Families
Gotthold Schnerring, his wife, Matron Schnerring and family were internees in Camp 3 Rushworth during WW2. Matron Schnerring was in charge of the camp hospital. Photograph depicts Gotthold Schnerring and Willy Grozinger standing behind Helga and Guenther Schnerring and Brunhild and Ilse Grozinger. Photograph taken 7 March 1945.Sepia photograph of 2 men standing behind 4 children (3 girls and a boy). Behind is a garden and behind that is a hut.796gotthold schnerring, matron schnerring, willy grozinger, guenther schnerring, brunhild grozinger, ilse grozinger, helga schnerring -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Girschik and Streker families
Photograph was taken on the 10 March 1945 of two family groups of German internees at no 3 camp Tatura Victoria. Back row (left to right): Helga Girschik, Rudolf Girschik, Lothar Streker and Daniel Streker. Front row (left to right): Peter Girschik (standing), Elfriede Girschik holding baby Herbert, Elisabeth Streker and Liselotte Streker. AWM number 030245/04Black and white photograph 3 men and a girl standing behind a boy standing and 3 ladies sitting. Lady on left is holding a baby. Tree stump to right of photograph with a tree behind the men and barracks behind that. 818 in front of ladiescamp 3 tatura, helga girschik, rudolf girschik, lothar streker, daniel streker, peter girschik, elfriede girschik, herbert girschik, elisabeth streker, liselotte streker, german internees ww2, 030245/04 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Waranga 1865 1965 A Shire History, 1965
Presentation of day-to-day happenings in Warange district by a member of Soldier-Settlement family. Research period 1865-1965Gold dust jacket. 1860 goldfields depicted thereon. Printing in white and red. 147 pagesRon Johnson Hunter. Xmas 1965waranga, forster hw, tatura, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Waranga 1865 1965 A Shire History, 1965
Presentation of day-to-day happenings in Warange district by a member of Soldier-Settlement family. Research period 1865-1965Gold dust jacket. 1860 goldfields depicted thereon. Printing in white and red. 147 pagesRon Johnson Hunter. Xmas 1965waranga, forster hw, tatura, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet, History of the Waranga Basin, 1989 (reprint)
Includes details of construction of Waranga systemBuff soft covered book with map of Waranga Basin and text in brown Written by Joyce Hammond giving historical information from aboriginal presence to the situation in 1977 with reference to members of the Gunn and Hammond familiesirrigation, boat club, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Domestic object, Glass salt dish with spoon
Item used in the home of the Glover family in Tatura in the early days. Used for salt or other condiment.Pink well crafted glass dish with tiny silver spoon with "Tatura" and 2 boats on itTaturaglover family, salt dish, condiment holder -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Paperback Book, The Bootmaker of Berlin
Berlin, 2010: A deathbed promise launches Kathy Giuliano on a quest for the truth about her family during World War II. Alone, she travels to Berlin in search of an enigmatic octogenarian who holds the keys to the past. The only clues to his identity and whereabouts and are a black-and-white photograph and an outdated address in Reinickendorf. England, 1938: After fleeing Nazi Germany for the safety of England, a teenage boy is captured when Churchill gives the order to 'collar the lot'. One of 2,000 prisoners on the hell-ship Dunera, he is sent to Australia. At the 'family camp', he makes footwear and forms life-long friendships. Eight years later, what does he find when he returns to Berlin? Victoria, 1943: With the Japanese at Australia's doorstep, a mother and daughter are arrested at their cane farm in far north Queensland and sent 'down south'. Their crime? Teaching the Italian language to school-children. The internment camp at Tatura changes everything. The secrets they share must be kept for the rest of their lives.Mauve and Pink cover with a painting of a large brown lace up boot. The book title is depicted on a wrought iron sign. non-fictionBerlin, 2010: A deathbed promise launches Kathy Giuliano on a quest for the truth about her family during World War II. Alone, she travels to Berlin in search of an enigmatic octogenarian who holds the keys to the past. The only clues to his identity and whereabouts and are a black-and-white photograph and an outdated address in Reinickendorf. England, 1938: After fleeing Nazi Germany for the safety of England, a teenage boy is captured when Churchill gives the order to 'collar the lot'. One of 2,000 prisoners on the hell-ship Dunera, he is sent to Australia. At the 'family camp', he makes footwear and forms life-long friendships. Eight years later, what does he find when he returns to Berlin? Victoria, 1943: With the Japanese at Australia's doorstep, a mother and daughter are arrested at their cane farm in far north Queensland and sent 'down south'. Their crime? Teaching the Italian language to school-children. The internment camp at Tatura changes everything. The secrets they share must be kept for the rest of their lives.ww2 italians, internment, tatura, queensland, debbie terranova, berlin -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Family Tree, Clarke Rees Family
Folder containing photographs and information regarding the Clarke Rees family. Grey archives folder containing family tree information.young, rees, clarke, pullbrook -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Taming the Wilderness, 1985
Irrigation history of John Herbet Davies and familySoft cardboard cover, dark blue, pale blue printing. Brown toned picture of excavatin. One families contribution to irrigation in Australia. Pages 94.books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Memorabilia - Folio, Robert Mactier. V.C, 1998
Collection of material relating to both families assembled by L. Knee. Robert Mactier awarded VC, buried in the Hem Farm Cemetery in France.Collection of Private Robert Mactier VC memorabilia and the Glover family connection.robert mactier vc, ww1 vc recipients, tatura locals -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Taming the Wilderness, 1985
Written as a memoir of one family's contribution to the development of australia. A Lawrence is son in law of J.H.Davies who farmed Hill Top.Blue cardboard cover. Illustrated with photo. Construction of Waranga Mallee channel. Back cover - Contributing membersTom, with best wishes for a very Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year love Pearl Shields (Davies "Hill Top") 3/33 Gleeden St Brighton 3187.|also signed - with best wishes A E Lawrencebooks, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, The Story of the Beilharz Family, 1988
The story of a family of Black Forest farmers and trades people, from the 15th to the 20th Century in Germany, Palestine and AustraliaBeige hard cover book. Gold text front cover and along the spine. Yellow dust cover with map of Germany on the front cover and Palestine on the back coverPresented to this Museum by Mr. HW Beilharz, Bellvue Hill, NSW 1989beilharz, sauer p, camp 3, tatura, ww2 camp 3, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Swiss Family Robinson, 1902
Awarded as school prize to James Reilly.Hard cover, blue gold lettering. Blue embossing on the front.State School, Tatura no. 1441. Prize awarded to James A Reilly, Class 1V, Exercise. Teacher S Hill, 27th Feb. 1902. 381 family robinson, shipwrecked family, reilly j, tatura primary school, s hill, tatura state school, school prizes -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Bridging the Gap, 1971
To record events as they happened and the way early settlers and families lived in the are known as "The Shire of Goulburn".Orange dust cover, white strip and writing. Sketches, in black, of Cobb & Co, mining, bridges, wineries, Nagambiemajor mitchell, nagambie, graytown, whroo, joyce hammond -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Beyond the Bitumen, 1971
Story of Winter-Irving family. Description of life on country properties in Victoria and cattle stations in Queensland.Grey dust jacket. Stockmen and cattle scene. Title in red. Authors name in black. Photography dust cover illustration - Bronco branding at Rocklands Station by Sir Daryl Lindsaybeyond the bitumen, winter-irving family, bradbury t, rocklands station, evans w -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, A Family Who's Who Vol. 1V. More about the East Family, 1988
... Tatura the-murray Family history of the East Family and related ...Family history of the East Family and related pioneers. Photos and family trees. Copy No. 117 of 150 copies printed for private distribution in memory of Constance EastGreen hard cover with green dust cover stuck on. Covered with plasticeast family, a family who's who vol 1v, east r, eildon dam, irrigation, tatura, books, history, local -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Merrigum Frank, 1990
The photo essay was made by Lillian Pitts around 1915. In a string bound album with the pictures hand pasted and lettered. Photographs n the book are part of the biggest family album in AustraliaHard cover white, blue, purple, blue lines, gold, dark blue writing. Photo of boy on front and back coversstephenson f, pitts ll 1872-1947, mcgillivray e, nickson m, pitts family, tatura, merrigum, books, children