Showing 582 items
matching bentleigh early settlers
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Document, statement of fees 1950, c1950
... Brighton, now Bentleigh, in 1852 pioneers early settlers brighton ...Mr John Herron and his wife Isa Mary Herron purchased the house at 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh in 1950 from Miss M Marriott. He was a descendant of John James an early settler dairyman in Moorabbin Shire and Miss M Marriott was a descendant of the early settler market gardeners Marriott family. Mr Herron lived there until 1989 and the house was then demolished and turned into a carpark for the busy Shopping precinct of Centre Road, Bentleigh.The Marriott family were early settler market gardeners from 1878 in the area of Dendy’s 1841 Special Survey and John Herron was a descendant of Philip Jones , a chair-maker, who settled in the area of East Brighton, now Bentleigh, in 1852 An original, paper, Statement of Adjustments attached to previous item 00053.3 for purchase of the house at 4 Vickery Street, Bentleigh by Mr John Herron from Miss M Marriott in 1950 Heading - HERRON & ANOR. From MARRIOTT / Adjustment of Rates, Taxes, etc., as at 12th May 1950 / list of costs/ typed in left hand bottom corner – E. & O.E, / Melbourne, / 10th May 1950 pioneers, early settlers, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, dairyman, dairy farmer, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, jones elizabeth ann, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, elster creek, melbourne, jones ethel may, herron isa mary, herron john, tram conductor, marriott m, boothby b b, boothby n b, solicitors, land sales, house sales 1950, real estate -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Document, deposit receipt 1950, c1950
... Brighton, now Bentleigh, in 1852 pioneers early settlers brighton ...Mr John Herron and his wife Isa Mary Herron purchased the house at 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh in 1950 from Miss M Marriott. He was a descendant of John James an early settler dairyman in Moorabbin Shire and Miss M Marriott was a descendant of the early settler market gardeners Marriott family. Mr Herron lived there until 1989 and the house was then demolished and turned into a carpark for the busy Shopping precinct of Centre Road, Bentleigh.The Marriott family were early settler market gardeners from 1878 in the area of Dendy’s 1841 Special Survey and John Herron was a descendant of Philip Jones , a chair-maker, who settled in the area of East Brighton, now Bentleigh, in 1852An original paper statement of receipt issued by William Meldrum for £100 deposit paid on March 28th 1950 by Mr John Herron for purchase of the house at 4 Vickery Street BentleighBENTLEIGH ESTATE AGENCY TAXATION & INSURANCE / WILLIAM MELDRUM / ESTABLISHED / 1908 Incorporating W.H.Wood & Co., Next Railway Station,/ SWORN VALUER and GOVERNMENT / APPROVED VALUER 367 a Centre Road / Bentleigh / Telephone XU 1404 / Fellow of the Real Estate and Stock Institute of Victoria / Associate of the Commonwealth Institute of Accountants/ Fellow of the Commonwealth Institute of Valuers Stamp in left bottom VICTORIA STAMP DUTY 3d with signature initials / Letter dated 28th day of March 1950 and signed SP W Meldrum / C Raveand pioneers, early settlers, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, dairyman, dairy farmer, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, jones elizabeth ann, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, elster creek, melbourne, jones ethel may, herron isa mary, herron john, tram conductor, marriott m, solicitors, valuers, taxation, meldrum w, real estate -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Container - Toiletries, perfume bottle c1800, Mid 19th Century
This small, ruby glass, hand-painted lady's perfume bottle would have been one of a few small items, (such as small scissors, a pencil and note-pad, keys to the pantry) that Victorian women wore hanging from a Chatelaine attached to a belt around their waist..c1800s a small, ruby glass, hand-painted ladies perfume bottle with a brass hinged lid, small glass stopper and a brass chain attached to a Chatelaine ring. This would have been one of a few small items, (such as small scissors, a pencil and note-pad, keys to the pantry) that Victorian women wore hanging from a Chatelaine attached to a belt around their waist..Hand-painted decoration of a bird and flowers.glassware, toiletries, early settlers, chatelaine, pioneers, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, perfume, manufactured glass -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Craft - Craftwork, tape measure c 1880, c1880
c1880 This tiny tape measure, in Imperial measurements, was part of a Victorian era lady's sewing basket. The case is of polished timber, and the little winder, to retract the tape, is made of brass with a small ivory handleEarly settlers and market gardeners of Moorabbin Shire had to be self reliant producing their own food and making their farm equipment and clothing. The women of these families were skilful in all craftwork.c1880 this tiny, retractable, tape measure, in Imperial measure, is made of polished timber with a brass winder and ivory handle. Imperial ‘inch’ measurements on tape dressmaking, tape measure, sewing, craftwork, pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh cheltenham -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Accessory - Jewellery , lady's silver hatpins, Circa 1910
... . The Maggs family were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire jewellery ...Hat-pins were worn to anchor hats to the head and could be considered a functional piece of jewellery. Traditionally inserted into the crown of the hat and through the hair piled atop the head.Hat-pins were needed to secure the large, lady’s hats fashionable at the time. The Maggs family were early settlers in Moorabbin Shirec1910, 2 lady's silver hat-pins, with hollow circular silver surround, around a thistle flowerHallmark Birmingham Assay Office Englandjewellery, clothing, dressmaking, craftwork, silversmiths, maggs geoff, early settlers, market gardeners, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, brighton -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen Equipment, sad iron with lifter, c1900
Sad-irons or "solid" irons were made by blacksmiths and used to smooth out material by pressing the hot iron over it. A piece of sheet -iron was placed over the kitchen fire and the irons placed on it could be heated whilst remaining clean of ash.. The women used 2 irons - one heating while the other was used. Thick cloth or gloves protected their hands from the hot irons. The handle was removed from the cool iron and using the lifter the cool iron was replaced on the fire or stove to heat again. These irons were cleaned with steel wool to prevent them marking the material. If the iron was too hot the material would scorch. Most homes set aside one day for ironing and some large households had an ironing room with a special stove designed to heat irons. However, most women had to work with a heavy, hot iron close to the fireplace even in summer.These sad irons remind us of the difficult circumstances experienced in their daily routines by the pioneers and early settlers of Moorabbin Shire. The Curtis family were early settlers in Moorabbin ShireA) This heavy sad iron, made from cast iron, was heated over a fire or on a stove and used for pressing clothing and haberdashery. B) The separate tapered handle was used to lift the hot iron from the fire and when a "Potts" Handle was attached the ironing commenced. sad iron, kitchen equipment, fireplaces, stoves, pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, sewing, craftwork, clothing, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen Equipment, 'Smoothwell' electric flat iron c1935, c1935
... settlers moorabbin bentleigh cheltenham laundry sewing craftwork ...c1881 Henry W Seely, of New Jersey, USA, designed and patented an electric sad iron for pressing and smoothing material. He continued to modify and improve his designs, with his partner Richard Dyer, and other electrical appliance firms, e.g Hotpoint, began producing these flat irons that could provide continuous heat by connecting via an electrical flex to a light socket and hence without the need for hot fires, ash, or burning hot handles. Women with access to an electricity supply were delighted and their ironing chore became much less arduous No heat was felt at all from the iron as it is all concentrated on the bottom surface. By the early 20th century enthusiasm was building for the new electric smoothing irons: clean, powerful, adjustable, and labour-saving. This c1935 Premier System 'Smoothwell' flat iron was used by a resident of City of Moorabbin and is an example of the progress made from the sad irons used by the pioneers that are displayed beside it.A "Premier Smoothwell" electric flat iron with switched control lead and original box, c 1935 On plate of handle attached to Iron ' HARRODS Ltd. / LONDON On attached plate at rear of iron ' The "SMOOTHWELL" / "Premier System" /......... Plate on cord Plug " PREMIER/ FLAT IRON CONNECTOR/ THIS SIDE OUTWARDS/ (2 columns) 1) FOR 100-125 VOLTS/ USE THREE TERMINALS/ THUS ..... 2) FOR 200 - 240 VOLTS/ USE TWO RIGHT/ HAND TERMINALS/ ONLY/ THUS......seely henry w., sad irons, electric flat irons, dyer richard, edison thomas, hotpoint pty ltd., premier electric company birmingham england, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, laundry, sewing, craftwork, table ware, irons -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen Equipment, household soap, c1900
Common soap was made from mixing animal fat with potash a form of the potassium based alkali present in plant and wood material. Early settlers, made their own soap from the waste fats and ashes they saved from their daily work. They did not then have to rely on waiting for soap to be shipped from England and waste their goods or money in trade for soap. In making soap the first ingredient required was a liquid solution of potash commonly called lye. Animal fat, when removed from the animals during butchering, must be rendered to remove all meat tissues and cooking residue before soap of any satisfactory quality can be made from it. To render, fats and waste cooking grease were placed in a large kettle with an equal amount of water. Then the kettle was placed over the open fire outdoors, because the smell from rendering the fats was too strong to wish in anyone's house. The mixture of fats and water were boiled until all the fats had melted. After a longer period of boiling to insure completion of melting the fats, the fire was stopped and into the kettle was placed another amount of water about equal to the first amount of water. The solution was allowed to cool down and left over night. By the next day the fats had solidified and floated to the top forming a layer of clean fat. All the impurities being not as light as the fat remained in water underneath the fat. In another large kettle or pot the fat was placed with an amount of lye solution ( known by experience ). This mixture was boiled until the soap was formed - 6-8 hours - a thick frothy mass, and a small amount placed on the tongue caused no noticeable "bite". The next day a brown jelly like slippery substance was in the kettle and this was 'soft soap' . To make hard soap, common salt was thrown in at the end of the boiling and a hard cake of soap formed in a layer at the top of the pot. But as salt was expensive most settlers used 'soft soap',. The soap could be scented with oils such as lavender for personal use. These 3 cakes of home-made soap are examples of the self sufficiency of the early settlers as they had to be self reliant ,growing food and making and mending their own farm equipment, tools and clothes while establishing their market gardens in Moorabbin Shire3 cakes of home-made, white hard household soap. 1 cake of soap eaten by a brush tailed possum when he entered the Cottage via the chimney 27/4/2014soap making, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin, brighton, dendy's special survey 1841. kitchen equipment, laundry equipment, bentleigh -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Laundry Equipment, glass scrubbing board, c1900
... equipment washing scrubbing board pioneers early settlers moorabbin ...Grooved wooden washboards were used from the 18thC in England and Europe. Thick smooth, grooved glass did not rust, stain or wear down as the wooden variety and could be used for finer clothing. The washboard was place in the laundry trough or tub and using a clean brush collars, cuffs and corsets were scrubbed clean.This glass scrubbing board used by a Moorabbin Shire settler c 1900 is an example of the typical laundry equipment used in the area.A timber framed, scrubbing board with ridged clear glass.laundry equipment, washing, scrubbing board, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, washboards, clothing, craftwork -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Laundry Eqipment , 'ACME' clothes wringer, mid 20thC
This ACME portable clothes wringer could be attached to a wash trough or hand washing machine to remove excess water from the washing. It was much less cumbersome that the earlier Mangles used for this purposeMost homes of 20th C in City of Moorabbin would have had one of these ACME wringers . It greatly eased the washday burden of the women. The Exchange Hotel Nepean Highway Cheltenham was a well established meeting place for Moorabbin Shire settlers by 1915A metal clothes wringer with side hand crank and 2 rollers that could be attached by screw clamps to a wash trough or washing machine for removing excess water from washing. The pressure of 2 rollers was controlled by a screw on the top of machine that could be loosened or tightened according to the material being passed through.ACME 14 INCH / on hand crank is list of patents for Great Britain, USA, Aust. NZ, Germany, Belgium, Sweden moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, laundry equipment, washing, washing mangles, washing machines -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B/W East Bentleigh SS No.2083 1925, 1925
... farmers, early settlers, pioneers, tuck family bentleigh..., early settlers, pioneers, tuck family bentleigh, moorabbin shire ...The Common School No. 213 East Brighton 1864 - 1878 replaced the original St Stephen's Church of England School in Tucker Road. 1878-1908 the School was known as Education Department State School No. 2083 Brighton East. 1908 - 1936 the School changed it's name to Bentleigh and then from 1936 - 1993 was known as East Bentleigh. 1993 the school was closed due to low enrollments and the building was demolished and land sold . Charles J Coates, the father of Pam Thomas, attended this school.A school photograph of one of the original schools in the Bentleigh area showing a gathering of adults and children who had connection with this school either as teachers, pupils, parents or neighbours in 1925.A Black & White panoramic photograph of a group of adults and children in front of the classrooms of the East Bentleigh SS No. 2083 in 1925on back : handwritten 1925education, st stephens anglican school east brighton, education department state schools, state school number 2083, coates charles j, thomas pam, tucker road bentleigh, henry dendy special survey brighton 1841,market gardeners, dairy farmers, poultry farmers, early settlers, pioneers, tuck family bentleigh, moorabbin shire, moorabbin roads board, city of moorabbin, bent thomas, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - B/W Bentleigh SS No.2083 1930, c1930
The Common School No. 213 East Brighton 1864 - 1878 replaced the original St Stephen's Church of England School in Tucker Road. 1878-1908 the School was known as Education Department State School No. 2083 Brighton East. 1908 - 1936 the School changed it's name to Bentleigh and then from 1936 - 1993 was known as East Bentleigh. 1993 the school was closed due to low enrolments and the building was demolished and land sold. Eric Hutchinson, the uncle of Les Hutchinson attended this school. A school photograph of one of the original schools in the Bentleigh area showing a gathering of adults and children who had connection with this school either as teachers, pupils, parents or neighbours in 1930.A Photograph , black & white panoramic showing group of adults and children in front of Bentleigh State School No. 2083 c1930 (Reprint) moorabbin, bentleigh, education department state schools, st stephens anglican school east brighton, hutchinson les, hutchinson eric, market gardeners, early settlers, pioneers, henry dendyspecial survey brighton 1841, east bentleigh state school no. 2083, coates charles j, bent thomas -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - B/W Bentleigh SS No.2083, 1920
... poultry farmers early settlers pioneers tuck family bentleigh ...The Common School No. 213 East Brighton 1864 - 1878 replaced the original St Stephen's Church of England School in Tucker Road. 1878-1908 the School was known as Education Department State School No. 2083 Brighton East. 1908 - 1936 the School changed it's name to Bentleigh and then from 1936 - 1993 was known as East Bentleigh. 1993 the school was closed due to low enrollments and the building was demolished and land sold. Eric Hutchinson, the uncle of Les Hutchinson, attended this school. Eric is second row far left ' behind the boy with the white handkerchief '. The 1920 gathering may be for the unveiling of a World War 1 Honour Roll - for past students killed or injured - as can be seen at the back of the group A flag pole may be the central wood post as all the boys and men have removed their hats and caps. A school photograph of one of the original schools in the Bentleigh area showing a gathering of adults and children who had connection with this school either as teachers, pupils, parents or neighbours in 1920.A black & White photograph showing a group of adults and children in front of Education Department State School Bentleigh no. 2083 in 1920 (Reprint)education, st stephens anglican school east brighton, education department state schools, state school number 2083, coates charles j, hutchinson eric, hutchinson les, tucker road bentleigh, henry dendy special survey brighton 1841, market gardeners, dairy farmers, poultry farmers, early settlers, pioneers, tuck family bentleigh, moorabbin shire, moorabbin roads board, city of moorabbin, bent thomas -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Education, 2 wooden 2 seat school desks c1950, c1950
... education, schools, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of..., schools, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city ...Typical wooden school desks used c 1950 in Victoria Typical of school desks used by pupils in schools in Victoria c 19502 (two) wooden school desks with ink wells and lift up writing lids for 2 children A) Is on an iron frame with a bench seat b) is on an iron frame with 2 separate seats education, schools, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards, state schools victoria, marriott c, whelan k, cochrane a, east bentleigh state school 2083, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Manufactured Object, Rabbit trap, c1930
... rabbits, vermin, early settlers, farmers, moorabbin shire... rabbits, vermin, early settlers, farmers, moorabbin shire ...Rabbits were introduce to Australia by a settler in Geelong. Victoria. They spread widely and quickly and became a menace to farmers, graziers. Blacksmiths made various types of traps and various business were established to produce many different types of traps.typical rabbit trap made by a blacksmith in Moorabbin Shire c1930Steel rabbit trap c1930Defiance UK / C.Homes / GILPA / rabbits, vermin, early settlers, farmers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenham, traps, , -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photography, Camera Eastman c1916, c1916
... settlers, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham... settlers, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham Plate : MADE IN USA ...George Eastman (1854 – 1932) was an American entrepreneur who founded the Eastman Kodak Company with Henry A. Strong on September 4, 1888 in New York USA.and helped to bring the photographic use of roll film to the general population with an affordable box camera. During most of the 20th century, Kodak held a dominant position in photographic film. Kodak began to struggle financially in the late 1990s, as a result of the decline in sales of photographic film and its slowness in transitioning to digital photography, despite developing the first self-contained digital camera.and helped to bring the photographic use of roll film to the general population with an affordable box camera. This Eastman Box Camera is typical of the cameras used by amateur photographers c 1916 and some of the photographs in CMHS collection may have been taken with this cameraA small black Eastman Camera No.0 Model A Plate : MADE IN USA / BY / EASTMAN / KODAK COMPANY / ROCHESTER N.Y / USA/ ..... Circular stamp : USE FILM / NO. / 127 US Patents, 1903,08,16; Film 127 kodak ltd, eastman george, strong henry, photography. brownie box camera, digital photography, eastman camera, early settlers, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Manufactured Objects, Perambulator, c1914
JAMES JOSEPH HIGGINS, was born in Dublin in 1821 and, at age twenty, emigrated via Liverpool in 1841 with his wife Ellen and baby daughter Margarete, on board the 'Intrinsic'. They lived in Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, for some years, where their son James John Clarke Higgins was born in 1850. JAMES JOHN CLARKE HIGGINS moved to Brighton East when he married Ruth Simmonds in 1873. The couple lived on Jasper Rd near the corner of Centre Rd for the rest of their lives, and produced eight children HERBERT JOHN HIGGINS was the sixth child born in 1886, to James John Clarke Higgins and Ruth Simmonds, and grew up in Centre Rd, Brighton East, now Bentleigh. He was renting and working a property on Jasper Rd from the time he was married in 1913 to Victoria Matilda Long, daughter of Charles John Long and Annie Matilda Allnutt. Herbert John bought his property on Jasper Rd in 1921. [Metropolitan Board of works plan 3220, Municipality of Moorabbin, shows that in 1928, Higgins Rd was planned (and probably built soon after). Herbert was a dairyman and market gardener. He bred and milked cows and sold milk, cream, butter and eggs to the locals. He supplied hay/corn to be made into chaff to J L Smith’s produce store. He also leased land from other farmers in the area and helped work their land. c1950 he sold the property in lots, some privately, others to the Municipality. Some lots became part of Hodgson Reserve, Higgins Road, Bentleigh, and another lot, the Bentleigh Bowling Club. Herbert and Victoria, known as Queenie, had five children between 1914 and 1928. The youngest Dorothy, who remembered sitting in this pram and later using it to carry papers, wood, vegetable etc., lived on the property in Jasper Road until her passing in 2016. ( Ronald Alexander Higgins, descendant , Helen Stanley CMHS 2017) The family of Dorothy Higgins 1928-2016, were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire establishing a dairy farm c 1873 in East Brighton ( now Bentleigh)Wicker Perambulator, baby carriage, c. 1914, with a lined, painted wicker body, iron spring scrolled frame with leather straps and 4 steel wheels with rubber tyres. The push handle is broken and hood is missing. dairy farms, higgins james joseph, simmonds ruth, higgins dorothy, poultry farms, jasper road bentleigh, city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, ashley r, neville f, blackman n, moorabbin city council, moorabbin roads board toll gates, pioneers moorabin cheltenham, bentleigh, highett -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Education, Nests, Eggs in a Glass Case, c1900
... collectors, early settlers, pioneers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh.... This is a typical collection of natural objects of an early settler ...Egg and nest collecting was considered a hobby for the 19thC Victorian gentlemen and the handwritten notes that often accompany the eggs can be as valuable to curators as the eggs themselves. Details have helped scientists understand the changes in bird nesting behavior in the past century and some of these historical eggs have also played a role in major scientific discoveries. Early settlers in Moorabbin Shire were fascinated by the new flora and fauna they found in the local and wider countryside.This is a typical collection of natural objects of an early settler in Moorabbin Shire 19thC when Charles Darwin inspired a general interest in the evolution of speciesA collection of bird eggs, nests and a seahorse in a wooden display box with a glass lid .bird's eggs c1900, bird's nests c1900, victorian era collectors, early settlers, pioneers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenham, natural sciences, ornithology, darwin charles, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, green casserole dish with lid, early 20thC
Early settler market gardeners had a good source of nourishing food and casseroles and stews were common meals for the families in Moorabbin Shire. Typical of the crockery used in early 20thC homes to cook casseroles and stews for early settler families in Moorabbin ShireA green crockery casserole dish with a lidkitchen equipment, cooking, crockery, casserole, stewed meat, vegetables, early settlers , market gardeners, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenhsm, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, assorted metal pastry cutters 20thC, 20thC
... kitchen equipment, cooking, baking, early settlers... the family's clothes The early settler women of Moorabbin Shire had ...The early settler women of Moorabbin Shire managed the household while their market gardener husbands cultivated the produce to be sold at the market Normal daily life involved washing clothes, ironing, cooking meals and baking cakes, scones, bread, and pastries. whilst caring for the children and making and mending the family's clothes The early settler women of Moorabbin Shire had to be self sufficient and were skillful cooks providing meals for their familiesAn a assortment of metal pastry, biscuit and scone cutters and tartlet tins with straight and scalloped edges in original condition with no repairs. kitchen equipment, cooking, baking, early settlers, pioneers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenham, market gardeners, farmers, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equuipment, Teapot 20thC, 20thC
Teaspoons of Loose Leaf Tea are placed in the china or earrthenware teapot then boiling water is added with the lid replaced an infusion occurs. Holding the handle the hot drink is poured from the spout through a strainer into a cup, mug or pannekin and milk, sugar or lemon may be added This drink was very popular with early settlers in Moorabbin Shire. The Temperance Society built a Tea Palace in Mentone - now Kilbreda College. The tea leaf was imported from Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and stored in tall silos in Melbourne where it was packaged and delivered to grocery stores.The early settlers in Moorabbin Shire enjoyed a well brewed pot of tea several times during the day.An opaque white china teapottea leaf, teapot, china crockery, earthenware, tea palaces, mentone, bentleigh, moorabbin shire, cheltenham, ceylon, temperance society, billy tea, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, Silver serving bowl with lid c1900, c1900
... silverware, serving bowls, dinnerware, early settlers... early settlers achieved prosperity they purchased luxury items ...Market gardeners in Moorabbin Shire had many successful seasons and bought luxury items with their profitsAs market gardeners and other early settlers achieved prosperity they purchased luxury items.A silver embossed serving bowl with 4 curved legs and a lid with finial and embossed rim silverware, serving bowls, dinnerware, early settlers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, moorabbin shire, cheltenham, market gardeners, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clocks, August Shatz , Domed Standard No Name 400 Day Clock Ivory Shelf Clock, c1949
... clocks, early settlers, city of moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham,..., clocks, 400 day clocks, early settlers, city of moorabbin ...August Shatz founded his clock making company in the mid-1850s in the Black Forest region of Triburg, Germany. It was registered in 1881 as Shatz & Wintermantel, and was re-structured in 1884 as Jahresuhrenfabrik A.G. They produced cuckoo clocks, barometers, and 400- day clocks. This clock was purchased and used by a resident of City of Moorabbin c1949This clock was purchased and used by a resident of City of Moorabbin c1949An August Schatz (Jahresuhernfabrik) standard size, 400 day clock c 1949 with a glass dome, ivory, enamel and brass decoration and a porcelain dial Circular engraved : AUG.SHATZ. & SOHN / GERMANY Square engraved : 10 JEWELS / UNADJUSTEDshatz, august , germany, clock makers, clocks, 400 day clocks, early settlers, city of moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Furniture, Dressing table swing mirror c1900, c1900
This dressing table with swing mirror was used by the early settler families of Moorabbin Shire c1900. Accompanied by a wash stand , basin and water jug people cleansed, shaved and tidied their hair and themselves between their weekly bath. This Dressing table mirror was owned by a pioneer family of Moorabbin Shire c1900 c1900 Mahogany Toilet / Swing Dressing table mirror A shaped mirror, domed top with thick frame, turned side supports finished with small finials and a solid base on 4 round supportseraly settlers, pioneers, furniture , mirrors, dressing tables, mahogany wood, carpenters, cabinet makers, market gardeners, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenham -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing,Uniform Brownie Guide,yellow tie,brass badge, c1960
Lieutenant General Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell, OM, GCMG, GCVO, KCB, KStJ, DL, was a British Army officer, writer, founder and first Chief Scout of the world-wide Scout Movement, and founder, with his sister Agnes, of the world-wide Girl Guide / Girl Scout Movement Kingston H Pack was a group located in South East Melbourne The Scout and Guide movement was a very popular post war youth movement that taught children self confidence, reliability, outdoor survival skills, with companionship, adventure, fun and discipline.A brown cotton Brownie Guide Uniform with achievement badges sewn on sleeves, shoulder and chest and a yellow tie with buttons and a brass clover badge On Right Sleeve ; 8 Achievement Badges, Right Chest ; Highway, Vent Pack On Left Shoulder ; Kingston H Pack Sth Metro Region , Patch with Star 2 ; Left Sleeve: Venture Triangle , Pack Holiday; Left Chest: Brownie , 2 yellow stripes girl guides, brownies, general baden-powell, baden -powell agnes, kingston h pack brownie guides, scouting, clothing, underwear, petticoats, knitting, dressmaking, theatrical props, craftwork, sequins, beading, early settlers, moorabbin shire, mechanics institute cheltenham, ormond choral society, postworld war 11 settlers, housing estates moorabbin 1950, bentleigh, ormond, moorabbin, cheltenham, drama societies, musical society cheltenham, clark judy, reed gladys, reed george -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing, Lady's black evening shoulder cape, c1910
... blackburn nance, pioneers, market gardeners, early settlers..., early settlers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenham ...The women of the early settler families in Moorabbin Shire were accomplished dressmakers, craftworkers and made the clothing for their familiesA typical evening shoulder cape worn by early settler women in Moorabbin Shire c1910 The family of Nance Blackburn were pioneer market gardeners.A lady's evening shoulder cape made of black Guipure lace,satin and voile blackburn nance, pioneers, market gardeners, early settlers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenham, moorabbin, dressmaking, clothing, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing, Lady's black sateen 1/2 Petticoats x 2, c1910
... blackburn nance, early settlers, moorabbin, cheltenham... of the early settler families in Moorabbin Shire were skilled ...The women of the early settler families in Moorabbin Shire were skilled dressmakers, craftworkers and made the clothing for their families These satin full length half petticoats were worn under evening dressesThe family of Nance Blackburn were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire c19002 x Lady's Black sateen 1/2 Petticoats, with Drawstring waist and deep Frill around hem blackburn nance, early settlers, moorabbin, cheltenham, bentleigh clothing, dressmaking, moorabbin shire -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing, Lady's black long woollen skirt, c1910
... blackburn nance, early settlers, moorabbin, cheltenham..., early settlers, moorabbin, cheltenham, bentleigh clothing ...This is a plain black full length woollen skirt that women wore during winter in Moorabbin Shire when working around the house c1910. The early settler women were skilled dressmakers and made the clothing for their familiesA typical day skirt worn whilst doing housework by early settler women c1910. The family of Nance Blackburn were early settlers in Moorabbin ShireClothing, Lady's black long woollen skirt with a drawstring waist and a side inserted pocket blackburn nance, early settlers, moorabbin, cheltenham, bentleigh clothing, dressmaking, moorabbin shire -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing,Lady's black long crepe skirt, c1910
... blackburn nance, early settlers, moorabbin, cheltenham... nance, early settlers, moorabbin, cheltenham, bentleigh clothing ...Clothing,Lady's Black long crepe skirt with pleats, hook and eye fasteners and side inserted pocket blackburn nance, early settlers, moorabbin, cheltenham, bentleigh clothing, dressmaking, moorabbin shire -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing, Lady's black long crepe skirt with drawstring waist, c1910
... blackburn nance, early settlers, moorabbin, cheltenham... for their families Typical day wear skirt worn by women in the early settler ...A typical long black crepe skirt worn by women in Moorabbin Shire c1910 whilst doing housework during spring and summer. The early settler women were skilled dressmakers and made the clothing for their familiesTypical day wear skirt worn by women in the early settler families of Moorabbin Shire c1910 The family of Nance Blackburn were early settlers. Lady's black long crepe skirt with drawstring waist and inserted side pockets blackburn nance, early settlers, moorabbin, cheltenham, bentleigh clothing, dressmaking, moorabbin shire