Showing 971 items
matching hand painted
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Aerial Photograph, Landata, Eltham; Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (Stokes Orchard Estate), Feb. 1979
Centred on present day Diosma Rd, Stokes Pl, Nyora Rd and Eucalyptus Rd Historic Aerial Imagery Source: Aerial Photo Details: Project No :1716 Project : WESTERN PORT FORESHORES Run : 15 Frame : 91 Date : 02/1979 Film Type : B/W Camera : RC8 Flying Height : 5500 Scale : 10000 Film Number : 3286 GDA2020 : 37°42'47"S, 145°09'57"E MGA2020 : 338339, 5824447 (55) Melways : 22 C4 (ed. 42) A History of the Development of Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik – Stokes Orchard Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) is a square allotment of 158 acres or approximately a quarter of a square mile. It lies just beyond the eastern end of Pitt Street, south of Nyora Road to the northern end of Eucalyptus Road and extends east from Eucalyptus Road to Reynolds Road. The topography of CA15 is generally steep, sloping up to a hill near the centre of the land, the ridgeline passing through the properties along the southern side of Diosma Road. Eucalyptus Road is a straight north-south road with its northern end at the north west corner of CA15. Until the end of the 1970s this road was an un-named Government Road and was largely not open to traffic. With residential development in the 1970s the road was constructed, and the council allocated the name obviously in recognition of the predominant species of the local bushland. CA15 was purchased from the Crown by George D’Arley Boursiquot, a prominent Melbourne printer, on 28th October 1852. On November 23, 1922, former Member for Gippsland and Melbourne Real Estate Agent, Hubert Patrick Keogh purchased the allotment then sold it March 13, 1925, to local farmer, Robert David Taylor, a former Shire of Eltham Councillor (1911-1920) and Shire President (1919). Taylor had extensive land holdings stretching west towards Bible Street and Main Road. The Taylor home was situated at the top of the hill in Bible Street at present day 82 Bible Street. At the time of Taylor’s purchase in 1925, CA15 was subdivided into 48 lots that could be described as small rural properties or large residential lots. A typical lot size was one hectare or 2.5 acres. The subdivision created two roads, Nyora Road, and Diosma Road, each following an irregular alignment between Eucalyptus and Reynolds Roads. However, the lots were not sold off separately nor were the roads constructed. The land effectively remained as one parcel for many further years. Robert David Taylor died November 30, 1934, and probate was granted to his son of the same name, Robert David Taylor of Bible Street, Salesman and William McLelland Vance Taylor of 73 Emmeline Street, Northcote, Clerk, with the transfer of the land into their names on July 8, 1935. Frank Stokes worked as a qualified accountant at Kennons leather factory in Burnley, while living at 1 Thomas Street, Mitcham. He suffered from migraines and wanted to return to working the land (he had previously worked on farms and orchards since coming to Australia from England in 1926, both in WA and Vic.). He first travelled to the district by train in July 1942 to find land with the intention to establish an orchard. By chance he met Arthur Bird of Bird Orchard (bounded by Pitt Street, Eucalyptus Road, and Wattle Grove) and they got talking over their common interest. Arthur put Frank up for the night and pointed out the land, 158 acres- part of the Taylor Estate- £900, Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) somewhat diagonally opposite Bird Orchard. Stokes applied through the Riverina Agency to purchase the land who in turn applied for permission from Canberra to sell as there was a new government regulation introduced during the Second World War banning land sales except for immediate production. Stokes obtained a loan on his Mitcham house of £600 @ 5% and paid £450 deposit with quarterly payments of £15 spread over 5 years. Stokes was assisted and advised by Arthur Bird who farmed the neighbouring orchard. In early 1943 Stokes took possession and would catch the train out to Eltham on Fridays after work and began building a hut on the corner of Nyora Road and the Government Road (Eucalyptus Road) for shelter and to lock up tools. He established an orchard on the central western part of the land through the centre of which ran a natural waterway (part of the present-day linear park) and was able to pay a neighbour (Hawkins) to help with clearing and fencing 25 acres, and with a horse and single furrowed plough, planted approximately 2,500 fruit trees - cherries, peaches, plums, almonds, pears, apricots and lemons as well as a few apples and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s through to the 1990s clearly show the orchard with most of the larger CA15 site remaining as natural bushland. A huge problem was hares and rabbits eating all the new buds off the tiny trees. As well as laying poison he painted the trees with a mixture of cow manure and lime, often working by moonlight. Procurement of wire and wire netting was difficult because of the war but after much effort he obtained a permit from the Agricultural Department for supplies in March 1944. In February 1945 Stokes applied for a permit to build a “packing shed” as no house building was allowed. It was to be 33 feet x 21 feet and cost £312. It was constructed mostly from second-hand materials, which were hard to obtain, especially iron for roofing. Stokes finished work at Kennons on October 31, 1945, and in March 1946 he sold the family home at Mitcham for £1,230 plus £170 for furniture. On May 15, 1946, title to the CA15 property was issued to Frank Howard Alfred Stokes, Orchardist and Gladys Ethel Stokes, Married Woman, both of Pitt Street, Eltham. The family of five then moved into the very unfinished “packing shed” at Eltham, which was a struggle to weatherproof. Eventually rooms were divided off and lined with hessian bags and whitewashed. Their income was firewood (cut and sold), selling rockery stones and cut Sweet Bursaria. (It was discovered during the 1940s that Sweet Bursaria contained the sunscreen compound Aesculin. The RAAF utilised this compound from Sweet Bursaria during WW2 for pilots and gunners.) The orchard’s first fruit sale was a half-case of Le Vanq peaches in December 1947 for the price of 8 shillings. In 1956 plans for house were drawn and Glen Iris bricks purchased (1956 Olympic Rings variant). The building of the house commenced in 1957 - 12 feet of original packing shed was removed – and was completed in 1959. Water was connected from newly built pressure storage on the property at the end of 1959 and the electricity connection for the first time at 3pm on April 29, 1960. The house remains to present day (somewhat modified) at 1 Nyora Road, home to Nyora Studio Gallery. On occasions, spare remnants of the 1956 bricks have been known to be unearthed in gardens on the estate as they were utilised by Frank Stokes to fill in rabbit holes. On May 26, 1950, a parcel of land was compulsorily acquired by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works on the hilltop to establish an easement for a high-level service reservoir to augment Eltham’s water supply. The project also included pipe tracks for the necessary water mains. The reservoir has now been superseded by higher level water tanks east of Reynolds Road and its former site is now a public reserve. On November 27, 1964, the State Electricity Commission served notice to compulsorily acquire a further parcel through the eastern part of the land for a major electricity transmission line that augmented supply from the La Trobe Valley to Melbourne. The easement was registered February 11, 1966. The easement was widened July 18, 1969 for a second transmission line to be constructed. In 1971 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme amendments adopted Nyora Road as the boundary between a residential zone to the north and a rural zone to the south. This determined the future development of the land. In the mid-1970s the Shire of Eltham divided the orchard into numerous rate-able parcel lots, the 48 lots having been established in 1925 and the subsequent rates assessment proved unsustainable for Stokes. He commenced selling lots outside the boundary of the orchard, north of Diosma and South of Nyora. However shortly later the land between Nyora and Diosma Roads and west of the electricity easement was sold and subdivided into residential lots, a housing development by Macquarie Builders and marketed as the Stokes Orchard Estate. New streets were created, and most were named after trees, although one, Stokes Place, commemorates the former owners. The development was undertaken in two stages; Stage 1 (1975) encompassing Scarlet Ash Court, Ironbark Close and Peppermint Grove bounded by Nyora and Eucalyptus roads and Stage 2 (1978) encompassing Stokes Place, Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout bound by Nyora and Diosma roads. The developer, Macquarie Builders went bankrupt shortly after the release of Stage 2 leaving many purchasers to fend for themselves and arrange for their own independent builders. There were also difficulties with sewerage for the land immediately south of Diosma Road and so the conventional residential lots were abandoned in favour of larger lots. The development of Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout did not proceed as planned and the proposed lots were incorporated into five-acre parcels instead. These included a low-density group housing development by the Graves family and the award winning Choong House (1983) with Gordon Ford developed garden immediately next door situated on the ridge of the hill nestled amongst the original bush, Eucalypt trees and Sweet Bursaria. In 1994, Nillumbik Shire Council applied Significant Environment and Significant Landscape overlays upon the properties on the south side of Diosma Road to ensure protection of this natural bush garden environment. With the arrival of the sewer along Diosma Road in the 1990s, most of these five-acre parcels have since been subdivided multiple times. The Choong house presently sits on a 2.7-acre property, which in 2022 Nillumbik Council nominated for Cultural Significance Heritage protection and is considered potentially significant at State level. The Stokes family were also associated with the Eltham Christian Church. In the 1970s this church had met in temporary premises in Eltham. Lots of the original 1925 subdivision remained south of Nyora Road and a number of these lots were utilized for the Eltham Christian School, which was established by the Eltham Christian Church in 1981. The school operated on this site until 2000. The premises are now used by The Vine Baptist Church. By the mid-1980s the whole of CA15 had been developed for residential and school purposes, except for the sections north of Diosma Road and between the transmission lines and Reynolds Road. Sewerage issues had been resolved for the section north of Diosma Road and in 1987 it was in the process of being subdivided into residential lots. The development coincided with the discovery of colonies of the rare and endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly on the site. This resulted in a community and political campaign to save the butterfly habitat. With the co-operation of the land developer the subdivision was altered to create two bushland reserves in the critical butterfly habitat areas. In the late 1980s the State Government was investigating options for establishing a metropolitan ring road link between Diamond Creek and Ringwood. The chosen route was adjacent to Reynolds Road and so this created a freeze on development of CA15 between Reynolds Road and the electricity easement. The ring road proposal was eventually abandoned, and this part of the land was subdivided into low density residential lots. Diosma Road has been discontinued at the electricity easement and the eastern part incorporated into View Mount Court with access from Reynolds Road. The whole of CA15 has now been developed for residential or associated purposes, ranging from conventional density to quite low density south of Nyora Road. Some remnants of the orchard remain, a few cherry trees on the Graves property and a lone apple tree in Stokes Place. The butterfly reserves comprise significant areas of remnant bushland. Linear reserves through the estate link with central Eltham via the Woodridge linear reserve and with Research along the electricity easement. CA15 as it exists today has a complicated history of rural use, Government acquisition, urban development, and community action. References: • “Stokes Orchard, an incomplete history”; Russell Yeoman with Doug Orford • Correspondence, Beryl Bradbury (nee Stokes) • Aerial Photographs, 1931-1991, Landata ( • Certificate of Title, Vol. 4930 Fol. 985900 • Plan Number LP 10859 aerial photo, diosma road, eltham copper butterfly, eucalyptus road, ironbark close, nyora road, peppermint grove, peter & elizabeth pidgeon collection, power transmission lines, reynolds road, scarlet ash court, stokes orchard estate, stokes place, woodridge estate, frank stokes -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Aerial Photograph, Landata, Eltham; Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (Stokes Orchard Estate), Jan. 1984
Centred on present day Diosma Rd, Stokes Pl, Nyora Rd and Eucalyptus Rd Historic Aerial Imagery Source: Aerial Photo Details: Project No :1716 Project : WESTERN PORT FORESHORES Run : 15 Frame : 70 Date : 01/1984 Film Type : B/W Camera : RC8 Flying Height : 5300 Scale : 10000 Film Number : 3833 GDA2020 : 37°42'38"S, 145°10'09"E MGA2020 : 338612, 5824719 (55) Melways : 22 D4 (ed. 42) A History of the Development of Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik – Stokes Orchard Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) is a square allotment of 158 acres or approximately a quarter of a square mile. It lies just beyond the eastern end of Pitt Street, south of Nyora Road to the northern end of Eucalyptus Road and extends east from Eucalyptus Road to Reynolds Road. The topography of CA15 is generally steep, sloping up to a hill near the centre of the land, the ridgeline passing through the properties along the southern side of Diosma Road. Eucalyptus Road is a straight north-south road with its northern end at the north west corner of CA15. Until the end of the 1970s this road was an un-named Government Road and was largely not open to traffic. With residential development in the 1970s the road was constructed, and the council allocated the name obviously in recognition of the predominant species of the local bushland. CA15 was purchased from the Crown by George D’Arley Boursiquot, a prominent Melbourne printer, on 28th October 1852. On November 23, 1922, former Member for Gippsland and Melbourne Real Estate Agent, Hubert Patrick Keogh purchased the allotment then sold it March 13, 1925, to local farmer, Robert David Taylor, a former Shire of Eltham Councillor (1911-1920) and Shire President (1919). Taylor had extensive land holdings stretching west towards Bible Street and Main Road. The Taylor home was situated at the top of the hill in Bible Street at present day 82 Bible Street. At the time of Taylor’s purchase in 1925, CA15 was subdivided into 48 lots that could be described as small rural properties or large residential lots. A typical lot size was one hectare or 2.5 acres. The subdivision created two roads, Nyora Road, and Diosma Road, each following an irregular alignment between Eucalyptus and Reynolds Roads. However, the lots were not sold off separately nor were the roads constructed. The land effectively remained as one parcel for many further years. Robert David Taylor died November 30, 1934, and probate was granted to his son of the same name, Robert David Taylor of Bible Street, Salesman and William McLelland Vance Taylor of 73 Emmeline Street, Northcote, Clerk, with the transfer of the land into their names on July 8, 1935. Frank Stokes worked as a qualified accountant at Kennons leather factory in Burnley, while living at 1 Thomas Street, Mitcham. He suffered from migraines and wanted to return to working the land (he had previously worked on farms and orchards since coming to Australia from England in 1926, both in WA and Vic.). He first travelled to the district by train in July 1942 to find land with the intention to establish an orchard. By chance he met Arthur Bird of Bird Orchard (bounded by Pitt Street, Eucalyptus Road, and Wattle Grove) and they got talking over their common interest. Arthur put Frank up for the night and pointed out the land, 158 acres- part of the Taylor Estate- £900, Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) somewhat diagonally opposite Bird Orchard. Stokes applied through the Riverina Agency to purchase the land who in turn applied for permission from Canberra to sell as there was a new government regulation introduced during the Second World War banning land sales except for immediate production. Stokes obtained a loan on his Mitcham house of £600 @ 5% and paid £450 deposit with quarterly payments of £15 spread over 5 years. Stokes was assisted and advised by Arthur Bird who farmed the neighbouring orchard. In early 1943 Stokes took possession and would catch the train out to Eltham on Fridays after work and began building a hut on the corner of Nyora Road and the Government Road (Eucalyptus Road) for shelter and to lock up tools. He established an orchard on the central western part of the land through the centre of which ran a natural waterway (part of the present-day linear park) and was able to pay a neighbour (Hawkins) to help with clearing and fencing 25 acres, and with a horse and single furrowed plough, planted approximately 2,500 fruit trees - cherries, peaches, plums, almonds, pears, apricots and lemons as well as a few apples and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s through to the 1990s clearly show the orchard with most of the larger CA15 site remaining as natural bushland. A huge problem was hares and rabbits eating all the new buds off the tiny trees. As well as laying poison he painted the trees with a mixture of cow manure and lime, often working by moonlight. Procurement of wire and wire netting was difficult because of the war but after much effort he obtained a permit from the Agricultural Department for supplies in March 1944. In February 1945 Stokes applied for a permit to build a “packing shed” as no house building was allowed. It was to be 33 feet x 21 feet and cost £312. It was constructed mostly from second-hand materials, which were hard to obtain, especially iron for roofing. Stokes finished work at Kennons on October 31, 1945, and in March 1946 he sold the family home at Mitcham for £1,230 plus £170 for furniture. On May 15, 1946, title to the CA15 property was issued to Frank Howard Alfred Stokes, Orchardist and Gladys Ethel Stokes, Married Woman, both of Pitt Street, Eltham. The family of five then moved into the very unfinished “packing shed” at Eltham, which was a struggle to weatherproof. Eventually rooms were divided off and lined with hessian bags and whitewashed. Their income was firewood (cut and sold), selling rockery stones and cut Sweet Bursaria. (It was discovered during the 1940s that Sweet Bursaria contained the sunscreen compound Aesculin. The RAAF utilised this compound from Sweet Bursaria during WW2 for pilots and gunners.) The orchard’s first fruit sale was a half-case of Le Vanq peaches in December 1947 for the price of 8 shillings. In 1956 plans for house were drawn and Glen Iris bricks purchased (1956 Olympic Rings variant). The building of the house commenced in 1957 - 12 feet of original packing shed was removed – and was completed in 1959. Water was connected from newly built pressure storage on the property at the end of 1959 and the electricity connection for the first time at 3pm on April 29, 1960. The house remains to present day (somewhat modified) at 1 Nyora Road, home to Nyora Studio Gallery. On occasions, spare remnants of the 1956 bricks have been known to be unearthed in gardens on the estate as they were utilised by Frank Stokes to fill in rabbit holes. On May 26, 1950, a parcel of land was compulsorily acquired by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works on the hilltop to establish an easement for a high-level service reservoir to augment Eltham’s water supply. The project also included pipe tracks for the necessary water mains. The reservoir has now been superseded by higher level water tanks east of Reynolds Road and its former site is now a public reserve. On November 27, 1964, the State Electricity Commission served notice to compulsorily acquire a further parcel through the eastern part of the land for a major electricity transmission line that augmented supply from the La Trobe Valley to Melbourne. The easement was registered February 11, 1966. The easement was widened July 18, 1969 for a second transmission line to be constructed. In 1971 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme amendments adopted Nyora Road as the boundary between a residential zone to the north and a rural zone to the south. This determined the future development of the land. In the mid-1970s the Shire of Eltham divided the orchard into numerous rate-able parcel lots, the 48 lots having been established in 1925 and the subsequent rates assessment proved unsustainable for Stokes. He commenced selling lots outside the boundary of the orchard, north of Diosma and South of Nyora. However shortly later the land between Nyora and Diosma Roads and west of the electricity easement was sold and subdivided into residential lots, a housing development by Macquarie Builders and marketed as the Stokes Orchard Estate. New streets were created, and most were named after trees, although one, Stokes Place, commemorates the former owners. The development was undertaken in two stages; Stage 1 (1975) encompassing Scarlet Ash Court, Ironbark Close and Peppermint Grove bounded by Nyora and Eucalyptus roads and Stage 2 (1978) encompassing Stokes Place, Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout bound by Nyora and Diosma roads. The developer, Macquarie Builders went bankrupt shortly after the release of Stage 2 leaving many purchasers to fend for themselves and arrange for their own independent builders. There were also difficulties with sewerage for the land immediately south of Diosma Road and so the conventional residential lots were abandoned in favour of larger lots. The development of Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout did not proceed as planned and the proposed lots were incorporated into five-acre parcels instead. These included a low-density group housing development by the Graves family and the award winning Choong House (1983) with Gordon Ford developed garden immediately next door situated on the ridge of the hill nestled amongst the original bush, Eucalypt trees and Sweet Bursaria. In 1994, Nillumbik Shire Council applied Significant Environment and Significant Landscape overlays upon the properties on the south side of Diosma Road to ensure protection of this natural bush garden environment. With the arrival of the sewer along Diosma Road in the 1990s, most of these five-acre parcels have since been subdivided multiple times. The Choong house presently sits on a 2.7-acre property, which in 2022 Nillumbik Council nominated for Cultural Significance Heritage protection and is considered potentially significant at State level. The Stokes family were also associated with the Eltham Christian Church. In the 1970s this church had met in temporary premises in Eltham. Lots of the original 1925 subdivision remained south of Nyora Road and a number of these lots were utilized for the Eltham Christian School, which was established by the Eltham Christian Church in 1981. The school operated on this site until 2000. The premises are now used by The Vine Baptist Church. By the mid-1980s the whole of CA15 had been developed for residential and school purposes, except for the sections north of Diosma Road and between the transmission lines and Reynolds Road. Sewerage issues had been resolved for the section north of Diosma Road and in 1987 it was in the process of being subdivided into residential lots. The development coincided with the discovery of colonies of the rare and endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly on the site. This resulted in a community and political campaign to save the butterfly habitat. With the co-operation of the land developer the subdivision was altered to create two bushland reserves in the critical butterfly habitat areas. In the late 1980s the State Government was investigating options for establishing a metropolitan ring road link between Diamond Creek and Ringwood. The chosen route was adjacent to Reynolds Road and so this created a freeze on development of CA15 between Reynolds Road and the electricity easement. The ring road proposal was eventually abandoned, and this part of the land was subdivided into low density residential lots. Diosma Road has been discontinued at the electricity easement and the eastern part incorporated into View Mount Court with access from Reynolds Road. The whole of CA15 has now been developed for residential or associated purposes, ranging from conventional density to quite low density south of Nyora Road. Some remnants of the orchard remain, a few cherry trees on the Graves property and a lone apple tree in Stokes Place. The butterfly reserves comprise significant areas of remnant bushland. Linear reserves through the estate link with central Eltham via the Woodridge linear reserve and with Research along the electricity easement. CA15 as it exists today has a complicated history of rural use, Government acquisition, urban development, and community action. References: • “Stokes Orchard, an incomplete history”; Russell Yeoman with Doug Orford • Correspondence, Beryl Bradbury (nee Stokes) • Aerial Photographs, 1931-1991, Landata ( • Certificate of Title, Vol. 4930 Fol. 985900 • Plan Number LP 10859 aerial photo, diosma road, eltham copper butterfly, eucalyptus road, ironbark close, nyora road, peppermint grove, peter & elizabeth pidgeon collection, power transmission lines, reynolds road, scarlet ash court, stokes orchard estate, stokes place, woodridge estate, frank stokes -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Aerial Photograph, Landata, Eltham; Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (Stokes Orchard Estate), Mar. 1987
Centred on present day Diosma Rd, Stokes Pl, Nyora Rd and Eucalyptus Rd Historic Aerial Imagery Source: Aerial Photo Details: Project No :1716 Project : WESTERN PORT FORESHORES Run : 15 Frame : 108 Date : 03/1987 Film Type : B/W Camera : RC10 Flying Height : 5600 Scale : 10000 Film Number : 4102 GDA2020 : 37°43'00"S, 145°10'13"E MGA2020 : 338725, 5824036 (55) Melways : 22 D5 (ed. 42)719 (55) Melways : 22 D4 (ed. 42) A History of the Development of Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik – Stokes Orchard Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) is a square allotment of 158 acres or approximately a quarter of a square mile. It lies just beyond the eastern end of Pitt Street, south of Nyora Road to the northern end of Eucalyptus Road and extends east from Eucalyptus Road to Reynolds Road. The topography of CA15 is generally steep, sloping up to a hill near the centre of the land, the ridgeline passing through the properties along the southern side of Diosma Road. Eucalyptus Road is a straight north-south road with its northern end at the north west corner of CA15. Until the end of the 1970s this road was an un-named Government Road and was largely not open to traffic. With residential development in the 1970s the road was constructed, and the council allocated the name obviously in recognition of the predominant species of the local bushland. CA15 was purchased from the Crown by George D’Arley Boursiquot, a prominent Melbourne printer, on 28th October 1852. On November 23, 1922, former Member for Gippsland and Melbourne Real Estate Agent, Hubert Patrick Keogh purchased the allotment then sold it March 13, 1925, to local farmer, Robert David Taylor, a former Shire of Eltham Councillor (1911-1920) and Shire President (1919). Taylor had extensive land holdings stretching west towards Bible Street and Main Road. The Taylor home was situated at the top of the hill in Bible Street at present day 82 Bible Street. At the time of Taylor’s purchase in 1925, CA15 was subdivided into 48 lots that could be described as small rural properties or large residential lots. A typical lot size was one hectare or 2.5 acres. The subdivision created two roads, Nyora Road, and Diosma Road, each following an irregular alignment between Eucalyptus and Reynolds Roads. However, the lots were not sold off separately nor were the roads constructed. The land effectively remained as one parcel for many further years. Robert David Taylor died November 30, 1934, and probate was granted to his son of the same name, Robert David Taylor of Bible Street, Salesman and William McLelland Vance Taylor of 73 Emmeline Street, Northcote, Clerk, with the transfer of the land into their names on July 8, 1935. Frank Stokes worked as a qualified accountant at Kennons leather factory in Burnley, while living at 1 Thomas Street, Mitcham. He suffered from migraines and wanted to return to working the land (he had previously worked on farms and orchards since coming to Australia from England in 1926, both in WA and Vic.). He first travelled to the district by train in July 1942 to find land with the intention to establish an orchard. By chance he met Arthur Bird of Bird Orchard (bounded by Pitt Street, Eucalyptus Road, and Wattle Grove) and they got talking over their common interest. Arthur put Frank up for the night and pointed out the land, 158 acres- part of the Taylor Estate- £900, Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) somewhat diagonally opposite Bird Orchard. Stokes applied through the Riverina Agency to purchase the land who in turn applied for permission from Canberra to sell as there was a new government regulation introduced during the Second World War banning land sales except for immediate production. Stokes obtained a loan on his Mitcham house of £600 @ 5% and paid £450 deposit with quarterly payments of £15 spread over 5 years. Stokes was assisted and advised by Arthur Bird who farmed the neighbouring orchard. In early 1943 Stokes took possession and would catch the train out to Eltham on Fridays after work and began building a hut on the corner of Nyora Road and the Government Road (Eucalyptus Road) for shelter and to lock up tools. He established an orchard on the central western part of the land through the centre of which ran a natural waterway (part of the present-day linear park) and was able to pay a neighbour (Hawkins) to help with clearing and fencing 25 acres, and with a horse and single furrowed plough, planted approximately 2,500 fruit trees - cherries, peaches, plums, almonds, pears, apricots and lemons as well as a few apples and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s through to the 1990s clearly show the orchard with most of the larger CA15 site remaining as natural bushland. A huge problem was hares and rabbits eating all the new buds off the tiny trees. As well as laying poison he painted the trees with a mixture of cow manure and lime, often working by moonlight. Procurement of wire and wire netting was difficult because of the war but after much effort he obtained a permit from the Agricultural Department for supplies in March 1944. In February 1945 Stokes applied for a permit to build a “packing shed” as no house building was allowed. It was to be 33 feet x 21 feet and cost £312. It was constructed mostly from second-hand materials, which were hard to obtain, especially iron for roofing. Stokes finished work at Kennons on October 31, 1945, and in March 1946 he sold the family home at Mitcham for £1,230 plus £170 for furniture. On May 15, 1946, title to the CA15 property was issued to Frank Howard Alfred Stokes, Orchardist and Gladys Ethel Stokes, Married Woman, both of Pitt Street, Eltham. The family of five then moved into the very unfinished “packing shed” at Eltham, which was a struggle to weatherproof. Eventually rooms were divided off and lined with hessian bags and whitewashed. Their income was firewood (cut and sold), selling rockery stones and cut Sweet Bursaria. (It was discovered during the 1940s that Sweet Bursaria contained the sunscreen compound Aesculin. The RAAF utilised this compound from Sweet Bursaria during WW2 for pilots and gunners.) The orchard’s first fruit sale was a half-case of Le Vanq peaches in December 1947 for the price of 8 shillings. In 1956 plans for house were drawn and Glen Iris bricks purchased (1956 Olympic Rings variant). The building of the house commenced in 1957 - 12 feet of original packing shed was removed – and was completed in 1959. Water was connected from newly built pressure storage on the property at the end of 1959 and the electricity connection for the first time at 3pm on April 29, 1960. The house remains to present day (somewhat modified) at 1 Nyora Road, home to Nyora Studio Gallery. On occasions, spare remnants of the 1956 bricks have been known to be unearthed in gardens on the estate as they were utilised by Frank Stokes to fill in rabbit holes. On May 26, 1950, a parcel of land was compulsorily acquired by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works on the hilltop to establish an easement for a high-level service reservoir to augment Eltham’s water supply. The project also included pipe tracks for the necessary water mains. The reservoir has now been superseded by higher level water tanks east of Reynolds Road and its former site is now a public reserve. On November 27, 1964, the State Electricity Commission served notice to compulsorily acquire a further parcel through the eastern part of the land for a major electricity transmission line that augmented supply from the La Trobe Valley to Melbourne. The easement was registered February 11, 1966. The easement was widened July 18, 1969 for a second transmission line to be constructed. In 1971 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme amendments adopted Nyora Road as the boundary between a residential zone to the north and a rural zone to the south. This determined the future development of the land. In the mid-1970s the Shire of Eltham divided the orchard into numerous rate-able parcel lots, the 48 lots having been established in 1925 and the subsequent rates assessment proved unsustainable for Stokes. He commenced selling lots outside the boundary of the orchard, north of Diosma and South of Nyora. However shortly later the land between Nyora and Diosma Roads and west of the electricity easement was sold and subdivided into residential lots, a housing development by Macquarie Builders and marketed as the Stokes Orchard Estate. New streets were created, and most were named after trees, although one, Stokes Place, commemorates the former owners. The development was undertaken in two stages; Stage 1 (1975) encompassing Scarlet Ash Court, Ironbark Close and Peppermint Grove bounded by Nyora and Eucalyptus roads and Stage 2 (1978) encompassing Stokes Place, Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout bound by Nyora and Diosma roads. The developer, Macquarie Builders went bankrupt shortly after the release of Stage 2 leaving many purchasers to fend for themselves and arrange for their own independent builders. There were also difficulties with sewerage for the land immediately south of Diosma Road and so the conventional residential lots were abandoned in favour of larger lots. The development of Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout did not proceed as planned and the proposed lots were incorporated into five-acre parcels instead. These included a low-density group housing development by the Graves family and the award winning Choong House (1983) with Gordon Ford developed garden immediately next door situated on the ridge of the hill nestled amongst the original bush, Eucalypt trees and Sweet Bursaria. In 1994, Nillumbik Shire Council applied Significant Environment and Significant Landscape overlays upon the properties on the south side of Diosma Road to ensure protection of this natural bush garden environment. With the arrival of the sewer along Diosma Road in the 1990s, most of these five-acre parcels have since been subdivided multiple times. The Choong house presently sits on a 2.7-acre property, which in 2022 Nillumbik Council nominated for Cultural Significance Heritage protection and is considered potentially significant at State level. The Stokes family were also associated with the Eltham Christian Church. In the 1970s this church had met in temporary premises in Eltham. Lots of the original 1925 subdivision remained south of Nyora Road and a number of these lots were utilized for the Eltham Christian School, which was established by the Eltham Christian Church in 1981. The school operated on this site until 2000. The premises are now used by The Vine Baptist Church. By the mid-1980s the whole of CA15 had been developed for residential and school purposes, except for the sections north of Diosma Road and between the transmission lines and Reynolds Road. Sewerage issues had been resolved for the section north of Diosma Road and in 1987 it was in the process of being subdivided into residential lots. The development coincided with the discovery of colonies of the rare and endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly on the site. This resulted in a community and political campaign to save the butterfly habitat. With the co-operation of the land developer the subdivision was altered to create two bushland reserves in the critical butterfly habitat areas. In the late 1980s the State Government was investigating options for establishing a metropolitan ring road link between Diamond Creek and Ringwood. The chosen route was adjacent to Reynolds Road and so this created a freeze on development of CA15 between Reynolds Road and the electricity easement. The ring road proposal was eventually abandoned, and this part of the land was subdivided into low density residential lots. Diosma Road has been discontinued at the electricity easement and the eastern part incorporated into View Mount Court with access from Reynolds Road. The whole of CA15 has now been developed for residential or associated purposes, ranging from conventional density to quite low density south of Nyora Road. Some remnants of the orchard remain, a few cherry trees on the Graves property and a lone apple tree in Stokes Place. The butterfly reserves comprise significant areas of remnant bushland. Linear reserves through the estate link with central Eltham via the Woodridge linear reserve and with Research along the electricity easement. CA15 as it exists today has a complicated history of rural use, Government acquisition, urban development, and community action. References: • “Stokes Orchard, an incomplete history”; Russell Yeoman with Doug Orford • Correspondence, Beryl Bradbury (nee Stokes) • Aerial Photographs, 1931-1991, Landata ( • Certificate of Title, Vol. 4930 Fol. 985900 • Plan Number LP 10859 aerial photo, diosma road, eltham copper butterfly, eucalyptus road, ironbark close, nyora road, peppermint grove, peter & elizabeth pidgeon collection, power transmission lines, reynolds road, scarlet ash court, stokes orchard estate, stokes place, woodridge estate, frank stokes -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Aerial Photograph, Landata, Eltham; Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (Stokes Orchard Estate), Sep. 1991
Centred on present day Diosma Rd, Stokes Pl, Nyora Rd and Eucalyptus Rd Historic Aerial Imagery Source: Aerial Photo Details: Project No :2072 Project : MELBOURNE PROJECT Run : 13 Frame : 119 Date : 09/1991 Film Type : COL Camera : RC10 Flying Height : 8300 Scale : 15000 Film Number : 4419 GDA2020 : 37°43'07"S, 145°09'35"E MGA2020 : 337812, 5823811 (55) Melways : 22 B6 (ed. 42) A History of the Development of Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik – Stokes Orchard Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) is a square allotment of 158 acres or approximately a quarter of a square mile. It lies just beyond the eastern end of Pitt Street, south of Nyora Road to the northern end of Eucalyptus Road and extends east from Eucalyptus Road to Reynolds Road. The topography of CA15 is generally steep, sloping up to a hill near the centre of the land, the ridgeline passing through the properties along the southern side of Diosma Road. Eucalyptus Road is a straight north-south road with its northern end at the north west corner of CA15. Until the end of the 1970s this road was an un-named Government Road and was largely not open to traffic. With residential development in the 1970s the road was constructed, and the council allocated the name obviously in recognition of the predominant species of the local bushland. CA15 was purchased from the Crown by George D’Arley Boursiquot, a prominent Melbourne printer, on 28th October 1852. On November 23, 1922, former Member for Gippsland and Melbourne Real Estate Agent, Hubert Patrick Keogh purchased the allotment then sold it March 13, 1925, to local farmer, Robert David Taylor, a former Shire of Eltham Councillor (1911-1920) and Shire President (1919). Taylor had extensive land holdings stretching west towards Bible Street and Main Road. The Taylor home was situated at the top of the hill in Bible Street at present day 82 Bible Street. At the time of Taylor’s purchase in 1925, CA15 was subdivided into 48 lots that could be described as small rural properties or large residential lots. A typical lot size was one hectare or 2.5 acres. The subdivision created two roads, Nyora Road, and Diosma Road, each following an irregular alignment between Eucalyptus and Reynolds Roads. However, the lots were not sold off separately nor were the roads constructed. The land effectively remained as one parcel for many further years. Robert David Taylor died November 30, 1934, and probate was granted to his son of the same name, Robert David Taylor of Bible Street, Salesman and William McLelland Vance Taylor of 73 Emmeline Street, Northcote, Clerk, with the transfer of the land into their names on July 8, 1935. Frank Stokes worked as a qualified accountant at Kennons leather factory in Burnley, while living at 1 Thomas Street, Mitcham. He suffered from migraines and wanted to return to working the land (he had previously worked on farms and orchards since coming to Australia from England in 1926, both in WA and Vic.). He first travelled to the district by train in July 1942 to find land with the intention to establish an orchard. By chance he met Arthur Bird of Bird Orchard (bounded by Pitt Street, Eucalyptus Road, and Wattle Grove) and they got talking over their common interest. Arthur put Frank up for the night and pointed out the land, 158 acres- part of the Taylor Estate- £900, Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) somewhat diagonally opposite Bird Orchard. Stokes applied through the Riverina Agency to purchase the land who in turn applied for permission from Canberra to sell as there was a new government regulation introduced during the Second World War banning land sales except for immediate production. Stokes obtained a loan on his Mitcham house of £600 @ 5% and paid £450 deposit with quarterly payments of £15 spread over 5 years. Stokes was assisted and advised by Arthur Bird who farmed the neighbouring orchard. In early 1943 Stokes took possession and would catch the train out to Eltham on Fridays after work and began building a hut on the corner of Nyora Road and the Government Road (Eucalyptus Road) for shelter and to lock up tools. He established an orchard on the central western part of the land through the centre of which ran a natural waterway (part of the present-day linear park) and was able to pay a neighbour (Hawkins) to help with clearing and fencing 25 acres, and with a horse and single furrowed plough, planted approximately 2,500 fruit trees - cherries, peaches, plums, almonds, pears, apricots and lemons as well as a few apples and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s through to the 1990s clearly show the orchard with most of the larger CA15 site remaining as natural bushland. A huge problem was hares and rabbits eating all the new buds off the tiny trees. As well as laying poison he painted the trees with a mixture of cow manure and lime, often working by moonlight. Procurement of wire and wire netting was difficult because of the war but after much effort he obtained a permit from the Agricultural Department for supplies in March 1944. In February 1945 Stokes applied for a permit to build a “packing shed” as no house building was allowed. It was to be 33 feet x 21 feet and cost £312. It was constructed mostly from second-hand materials, which were hard to obtain, especially iron for roofing. Stokes finished work at Kennons on October 31, 1945, and in March 1946 he sold the family home at Mitcham for £1,230 plus £170 for furniture. On May 15, 1946, title to the CA15 property was issued to Frank Howard Alfred Stokes, Orchardist and Gladys Ethel Stokes, Married Woman, both of Pitt Street, Eltham. The family of five then moved into the very unfinished “packing shed” at Eltham, which was a struggle to weatherproof. Eventually rooms were divided off and lined with hessian bags and whitewashed. Their income was firewood (cut and sold), selling rockery stones and cut Sweet Bursaria. (It was discovered during the 1940s that Sweet Bursaria contained the sunscreen compound Aesculin. The RAAF utilised this compound from Sweet Bursaria during WW2 for pilots and gunners.) The orchard’s first fruit sale was a half-case of Le Vanq peaches in December 1947 for the price of 8 shillings. In 1956 plans for house were drawn and Glen Iris bricks purchased (1956 Olympic Rings variant). The building of the house commenced in 1957 - 12 feet of original packing shed was removed – and was completed in 1959. Water was connected from newly built pressure storage on the property at the end of 1959 and the electricity connection for the first time at 3pm on April 29, 1960. The house remains to present day (somewhat modified) at 1 Nyora Road, home to Nyora Studio Gallery. On occasions, spare remnants of the 1956 bricks have been known to be unearthed in gardens on the estate as they were utilised by Frank Stokes to fill in rabbit holes. On May 26, 1950, a parcel of land was compulsorily acquired by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works on the hilltop to establish an easement for a high-level service reservoir to augment Eltham’s water supply. The project also included pipe tracks for the necessary water mains. The reservoir has now been superseded by higher level water tanks east of Reynolds Road and its former site is now a public reserve. On November 27, 1964, the State Electricity Commission served notice to compulsorily acquire a further parcel through the eastern part of the land for a major electricity transmission line that augmented supply from the La Trobe Valley to Melbourne. The easement was registered February 11, 1966. The easement was widened July 18, 1969 for a second transmission line to be constructed. In 1971 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme amendments adopted Nyora Road as the boundary between a residential zone to the north and a rural zone to the south. This determined the future development of the land. In the mid-1970s the Shire of Eltham divided the orchard into numerous rate-able parcel lots, the 48 lots having been established in 1925 and the subsequent rates assessment proved unsustainable for Stokes. He commenced selling lots outside the boundary of the orchard, north of Diosma and South of Nyora. However shortly later the land between Nyora and Diosma Roads and west of the electricity easement was sold and subdivided into residential lots, a housing development by Macquarie Builders and marketed as the Stokes Orchard Estate. New streets were created, and most were named after trees, although one, Stokes Place, commemorates the former owners. The development was undertaken in two stages; Stage 1 (1975) encompassing Scarlet Ash Court, Ironbark Close and Peppermint Grove bounded by Nyora and Eucalyptus roads and Stage 2 (1978) encompassing Stokes Place, Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout bound by Nyora and Diosma roads. The developer, Macquarie Builders went bankrupt shortly after the release of Stage 2 leaving many purchasers to fend for themselves and arrange for their own independent builders. There were also difficulties with sewerage for the land immediately south of Diosma Road and so the conventional residential lots were abandoned in favour of larger lots. The development of Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout did not proceed as planned and the proposed lots were incorporated into five-acre parcels instead. These included a low-density group housing development by the Graves family and the award winning Choong House (1983) with Gordon Ford developed garden immediately next door situated on the ridge of the hill nestled amongst the original bush, Eucalypt trees and Sweet Bursaria. In 1994, Nillumbik Shire Council applied Significant Environment and Significant Landscape overlays upon the properties on the south side of Diosma Road to ensure protection of this natural bush garden environment. With the arrival of the sewer along Diosma Road in the 1990s, most of these five-acre parcels have since been subdivided multiple times. The Choong house presently sits on a 2.7-acre property, which in 2022 Nillumbik Council nominated for Cultural Significance Heritage protection and is considered potentially significant at State level. The Stokes family were also associated with the Eltham Christian Church. In the 1970s this church had met in temporary premises in Eltham. Lots of the original 1925 subdivision remained south of Nyora Road and a number of these lots were utilized for the Eltham Christian School, which was established by the Eltham Christian Church in 1981. The school operated on this site until 2000. The premises are now used by The Vine Baptist Church. By the mid-1980s the whole of CA15 had been developed for residential and school purposes, except for the sections north of Diosma Road and between the transmission lines and Reynolds Road. Sewerage issues had been resolved for the section north of Diosma Road and in 1987 it was in the process of being subdivided into residential lots. The development coincided with the discovery of colonies of the rare and endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly on the site. This resulted in a community and political campaign to save the butterfly habitat. With the co-operation of the land developer the subdivision was altered to create two bushland reserves in the critical butterfly habitat areas. In the late 1980s the State Government was investigating options for establishing a metropolitan ring road link between Diamond Creek and Ringwood. The chosen route was adjacent to Reynolds Road and so this created a freeze on development of CA15 between Reynolds Road and the electricity easement. The ring road proposal was eventually abandoned, and this part of the land was subdivided into low density residential lots. Diosma Road has been discontinued at the electricity easement and the eastern part incorporated into View Mount Court with access from Reynolds Road. The whole of CA15 has now been developed for residential or associated purposes, ranging from conventional density to quite low density south of Nyora Road. Some remnants of the orchard remain, a few cherry trees on the Graves property and a lone apple tree in Stokes Place. The butterfly reserves comprise significant areas of remnant bushland. Linear reserves through the estate link with central Eltham via the Woodridge linear reserve and with Research along the electricity easement. CA15 as it exists today has a complicated history of rural use, Government acquisition, urban development, and community action. References: • “Stokes Orchard, an incomplete history”; Russell Yeoman with Doug Orford • Correspondence, Beryl Bradbury (nee Stokes) • Aerial Photographs, 1931-1991, Landata ( • Certificate of Title, Vol. 4930 Fol. 985900 • Plan Number LP 10859 aerial photo, diosma road, eltham copper butterfly, eucalyptus road, ironbark close, nyora road, peppermint grove, peter & elizabeth pidgeon collection, power transmission lines, reynolds road, scarlet ash court, stokes orchard estate, stokes place, woodridge estate, frank stokes -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Certificate of Title, Landata, Vol. 4930 Fol. 985900, Crown Portion 15 Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik, County of Evelyn, 1925
(Cancelled) Certificate of Title originally issued for Crown Portion 15, Section 5 to Robert David Taylor, of Eltham, County of Evelyn, Farmer, 13 March 1925. It is with this title that the land allotment was subdivided into 48 lots. The title shows the issuance to Robert David Taylor with encumbrance placed upon it by immediate former owner, Hugh Patrick Keogh, a former member for Gippsland and Melbourne Real Estate Agent. Following Taylor's death in 1934 the title passes to his Executors, sons Robert David Taylor of Bible Street, Eltham and William McLelland Vance Taylor of Northcote. The property is then sold to Frank Stokes who develops the Stokes Orchard. Compulsory acquisitions by the Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works and State Electricity Commission show provisions of easemenst for town water supply and high voltage power transmission lines. Subsequent lots are then sold off with the development of the Stokes Orchard Estate residential development in the mid to late 1970s. A History of the Development of Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik – Stokes Orchard Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) is a square allotment of 158 acres or approximately a quarter of a square mile. It lies just beyond the eastern end of Pitt Street, south of Nyora Road to the northern end of Eucalyptus Road and extends east from Eucalyptus Road to Reynolds Road. The topography of CA15 is generally steep, sloping up to a hill near the centre of the land, the ridgeline passing through the properties along the southern side of Diosma Road. Eucalyptus Road is a straight north-south road with its northern end at the north west corner of CA15. Until the end of the 1970s this road was an un-named Government Road and was largely not open to traffic. With residential development in the 1970s the road was constructed, and the council allocated the name obviously in recognition of the predominant species of the local bushland. CA15 was purchased from the Crown by George D’Arley Boursiquot, a prominent Melbourne printer, on 28th October 1852. On November 23, 1922, former Member for Gippsland and Melbourne Real Estate Agent, Hubert Patrick Keogh purchased the allotment then sold it March 13, 1925, to local farmer, Robert David Taylor, a former Shire of Eltham Councillor (1911-1920) and Shire President (1919). Taylor had extensive land holdings stretching west towards Bible Street and Main Road. The Taylor home was situated at the top of the hill in Bible Street at present day 82 Bible Street. At the time of Taylor’s purchase in 1925, CA15 was subdivided into 48 lots that could be described as small rural properties or large residential lots. A typical lot size was one hectare or 2.5 acres. The subdivision created two roads, Nyora Road, and Diosma Road, each following an irregular alignment between Eucalyptus and Reynolds Roads. However, the lots were not sold off separately nor were the roads constructed. The land effectively remained as one parcel for many further years. Robert David Taylor died November 30, 1934, and probate was granted to his son of the same name, Robert David Taylor of Bible Street, Salesman and William McLelland Vance Taylor of 73 Emmeline Street, Northcote, Clerk, with the transfer of the land into their names on July 8, 1935. Frank Stokes worked as a qualified accountant at Kennons leather factory in Burnley, while living at 1 Thomas Street, Mitcham. He suffered from migraines and wanted to return to working the land (he had previously worked on farms and orchards since coming to Australia from England in 1926, both in WA and Vic.). He first travelled to the district by train in July 1942 to find land with the intention to establish an orchard. By chance he met Arthur Bird of Bird Orchard (bounded by Pitt Street, Eucalyptus Road, and Wattle Grove) and they got talking over their common interest. Arthur put Frank up for the night and pointed out the land, 158 acres- part of the Taylor Estate- £900, Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) somewhat diagonally opposite Bird Orchard. Stokes applied through the Riverina Agency to purchase the land who in turn applied for permission from Canberra to sell as there was a new government regulation introduced during the Second World War banning land sales except for immediate production. Stokes obtained a loan on his Mitcham house of £600 @ 5% and paid £450 deposit with quarterly payments of £15 spread over 5 years. Stokes was assisted and advised by Arthur Bird who farmed the neighbouring orchard. In early 1943 Stokes took possession and would catch the train out to Eltham on Fridays after work and began building a hut on the corner of Nyora Road and the Government Road (Eucalyptus Road) for shelter and to lock up tools. He established an orchard on the central western part of the land through the centre of which ran a natural waterway (part of the present-day linear park) and was able to pay a neighbour (Hawkins) to help with clearing and fencing 25 acres, and with a horse and single furrowed plough, planted approximately 2,500 fruit trees - cherries, peaches, plums, almonds, pears, apricots and lemons as well as a few apples and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s through to the 1990s clearly show the orchard with most of the larger CA15 site remaining as natural bushland. A huge problem was hares and rabbits eating all the new buds off the tiny trees. As well as laying poison he painted the trees with a mixture of cow manure and lime, often working by moonlight. Procurement of wire and wire netting was difficult because of the war but after much effort he obtained a permit from the Agricultural Department for supplies in March 1944. In February 1945 Stokes applied for a permit to build a “packing shed” as no house building was allowed. It was to be 33 feet x 21 feet and cost £312. It was constructed mostly from second-hand materials, which were hard to obtain, especially iron for roofing. Stokes finished work at Kennons on October 31, 1945, and in March 1946 he sold the family home at Mitcham for £1,230 plus £170 for furniture. On May 15, 1946, title to the CA15 property was issued to Frank Howard Alfred Stokes, Orchardist and Gladys Ethel Stokes, Married Woman, both of Pitt Street, Eltham. The family of five then moved into the very unfinished “packing shed” at Eltham, which was a struggle to weatherproof. Eventually rooms were divided off and lined with hessian bags and whitewashed. Their income was firewood (cut and sold), selling rockery stones and cut Sweet Bursaria. (It was discovered during the 1940s that Sweet Bursaria contained the sunscreen compound Aesculin. The RAAF utilised this compound from Sweet Bursaria during WW2 for pilots and gunners.) The orchard’s first fruit sale was a half-case of Le Vanq peaches in December 1947 for the price of 8 shillings. In 1956 plans for house were drawn and Glen Iris bricks purchased (1956 Olympic Rings variant). The building of the house commenced in 1957 - 12 feet of original packing shed was removed – and was completed in 1959. Water was connected from newly built pressure storage on the property at the end of 1959 and the electricity connection for the first time at 3pm on April 29, 1960. The house remains to present day (somewhat modified) at 1 Nyora Road, home to Nyora Studio Gallery. On occasions, spare remnants of the 1956 bricks have been known to be unearthed in gardens on the estate as they were utilised by Frank Stokes to fill in rabbit holes. On May 26, 1950, a parcel of land was compulsorily acquired by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works on the hilltop to establish an easement for a high-level service reservoir to augment Eltham’s water supply. The project also included pipe tracks for the necessary water mains. The reservoir has now been superseded by higher level water tanks east of Reynolds Road and its former site is now a public reserve. On November 27, 1964, the State Electricity Commission served notice to compulsorily acquire a further parcel through the eastern part of the land for a major electricity transmission line that augmented supply from the La Trobe Valley to Melbourne. The easement was registered February 11, 1966. The easement was widened July 18, 1969 for a second transmission line to be constructed. In 1971 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme amendments adopted Nyora Road as the boundary between a residential zone to the north and a rural zone to the south. This determined the future development of the land. In the mid-1970s the Shire of Eltham divided the orchard into numerous rate-able parcel lots, the 48 lots having been established in 1925 and the subsequent rates assessment proved unsustainable for Stokes. He commenced selling lots outside the boundary of the orchard, north of Diosma and South of Nyora. However shortly later the land between Nyora and Diosma Roads and west of the electricity easement was sold and subdivided into residential lots, a housing development by Macquarie Builders and marketed as the Stokes Orchard Estate. New streets were created, and most were named after trees, although one, Stokes Place, commemorates the former owners. The development was undertaken in two stages; Stage 1 (1975) encompassing Scarlet Ash Court, Ironbark Close and Peppermint Grove bounded by Nyora and Eucalyptus roads and Stage 2 (1978) encompassing Stokes Place, Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout bound by Nyora and Diosma roads. The developer, Macquarie Builders went bankrupt shortly after the release of Stage 2 leaving many purchasers to fend for themselves and arrange for their own independent builders. There were also difficulties with sewerage for the land immediately south of Diosma Road and so the conventional residential lots were abandoned in favour of larger lots. The development of Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout did not proceed as planned and the proposed lots were incorporated into five-acre parcels instead. These included a low-density group housing development by the Graves family and the award winning Choong House (1983) with Gordon Ford developed garden immediately next door situated on the ridge of the hill nestled amongst the original bush, Eucalypt trees and Sweet Bursaria. In 1994, Nillumbik Shire Council applied Significant Environment and Significant Landscape overlays upon the properties on the south side of Diosma Road to ensure protection of this natural bush garden environment. With the arrival of the sewer along Diosma Road in the 1990s, most of these five-acre parcels have since been subdivided multiple times. The Choong house presently sits on a 2.7-acre property, which in 2022 Nillumbik Council nominated for Cultural Significance Heritage protection and is considered potentially significant at State level. The Stokes family were also associated with the Eltham Christian Church. In the 1970s this church had met in temporary premises in Eltham. Lots of the original 1925 subdivision remained south of Nyora Road and a number of these lots were utilized for the Eltham Christian School, which was established by the Eltham Christian Church in 1981. The school operated on this site until 2000. The premises are now used by The Vine Baptist Church. By the mid-1980s the whole of CA15 had been developed for residential and school purposes, except for the sections north of Diosma Road and between the transmission lines and Reynolds Road. Sewerage issues had been resolved for the section north of Diosma Road and in 1987 it was in the process of being subdivided into residential lots. The development coincided with the discovery of colonies of the rare and endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly on the site. This resulted in a community and political campaign to save the butterfly habitat. With the co-operation of the land developer the subdivision was altered to create two bushland reserves in the critical butterfly habitat areas. In the late 1980s the State Government was investigating options for establishing a metropolitan ring road link between Diamond Creek and Ringwood. The chosen route was adjacent to Reynolds Road and so this created a freeze on development of CA15 between Reynolds Road and the electricity easement. The ring road proposal was eventually abandoned, and this part of the land was subdivided into low density residential lots. Diosma Road has been discontinued at the electricity easement and the eastern part incorporated into View Mount Court with access from Reynolds Road. The whole of CA15 has now been developed for residential or associated purposes, ranging from conventional density to quite low density south of Nyora Road. Some remnants of the orchard remain, a few cherry trees on the Graves property and a lone apple tree in Stokes Place. The butterfly reserves comprise significant areas of remnant bushland. Linear reserves through the estate link with central Eltham via the Woodridge linear reserve and with Research along the electricity easement. CA15 as it exists today has a complicated history of rural use, Government acquisition, urban development, and community action. References: • “Stokes Orchard, an incomplete history”; Russell Yeoman with Doug Orford • Correspondence, Beryl Bradbury (nee Stokes) • Aerial Photographs, 1931-1991, Landata ( • Certificate of Title, Vol. 4930 Fol. 985900 • Plan Number LP 10859 neil webster collection, diosma road, eltham copper butterfly, eucalyptus road, ironbark close, nyora road, peppermint grove, power transmission lines, reynolds road, scarlet ash court, stokes orchard estate, stokes place, woodridge estate, frank stokes, certificate of title -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (DVD), Frank Stokes, Stokes Family, 1950-1977
Various family scenes taken from outside the family home on the southeast corner of the intersection of Nyora Road and Pitt Street with Eucalyptus Road. Also, scenes of the Stokes Orchard and equipment used, construction of water reservoir at the end of Nyora Road near Reynolds Road and Diosma Road as well as early stages of the Stokes Orchard housing development. Frank Stokes worked as a qualified accountant at Kennons leather factory in Burnley, while living at 1 Thomas Street, Mitcham. He suffered from migraines and wanted to go back to the land (he had previously worked on farms and orchards since coming to Australia in 1926 both in WA and Vic.). He first travelled to the district by train in July 1942 to find land with the intention to establish an orchard. By chance he met Arthur Bird of Bird Orchard (bounded by Pitt Street, Eucalyptus Road and Wattle Grove) and they got talking over their common interest. Arthur put Frank up for the night and pointed out the land, 158 acres- Taylor Estate- £900, part of Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) somewhat diagonally opposite Bird Orchard. He applied through the Riverina Agency to purchase the land who in turn had to get permission from Canberra to sell as there was a new government regulation banning land sales except for immediate production. He obtained a loan on his Mitcham house of £600 @ 5% and paid £450 deposit with quarterly payments of £15 over 5 years. The title to the property was issued May 15, 1946. He was helped and advised by Arthur Bird who farmed the neighbouring orchard. Early 1943 he took possession and would catch the train out to Eltham on Fridays after work and began building a hut for shelter and to lock up tools. He was able to pay a neighbour (Hawkins) to help with clearing and fencing 25 acres and with a horse and single furrowed plow, planted approximately 2,500 fruit trees - cherries, peaches, plums, almonds, pears, apricots and lemons as well as a few apples and oranges; a massive job. A huge problem was hares and rabbits eating all the new buds off the tiny trees. As well as laying poison he painted the trees with a mixture of cow manure and lime. Often working by moonlight. It was extremely difficult to get wire and wire netting because of the war but after much effort he obtained a permit from the Agricultural Department for supplies in March 1944. In February 1945 he applied for a permit to build a “packing shed” as no house building allowed. It was to be 33 feet x 21 feet and cost £312. Constructed mostly from second-hand materials, which was hard to obtain, especially iron for roofing. Frank finished work at Kennons October 31, 1945, and in March 1946 he sold the Mitcham house for £1230 plus £170 for furniture. The family of five then moved into a very unfinished at Eltham, which was a struggle to weatherproof. Eventually rooms were divided off and lined with hessian bags and whitewashed. Their income was firewood (cut and sold), selling rockery stones and cut sweet bursaria. (It was discovered during the 1940s that Bursaria contained the sunscreen compound Aesculin. The RAAF utilised this compound from Bursaria during WW2 for pilots and gunners.) The orchard’s first fruit sale was a 1/2 case of Le Vanq peaches in December 1947 - 8 shillings. In 1956 plans for house were drawn and Glen Iris bricks purchased (1956 Olympic Rings variant). The building of the house commenced in 1957 - 12 feet of original packing shed removed – and was completed in 1959. Water was connected from newly built pressure storage on the property at the end of 1959 and the electricity connection for the first time at 3pm on April 29, 1960. In the mid-1970s the Shire of Eltham divided the orchard up into numerous rate-able parcel lots, which became unaffordable for Frank. Consequently, Stokes Orchard was turned into a housing development by Macquarie Builders and marketed as the Stokes Orchard Estate in two stages; Stage 1 encompassing Scarlet Ash Court, Ironbark Close and Peppermint Grove bounded by Nyora and Eucalyptus roads c.1976 and Stage 2 encompassing Stokes Place, Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout bound by Nyora and Diosma roads c.1979. The development of Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout did not proceed as planned due to the lack of the sewer along Diosma Road and so many of the proposed lots were incorporated into five-acre parcels instead. With the arrival of the sewer along Diosma Road many years later, most of these five-acre parcels have since been subdivided many times.Representative of the orchard growing areas of ElthamMP4 00:24:39; 426MB Digital file only - Digitised by EDHS from a DVD copy on loan from Beryl Bradbury (nee Stokes), daughter of Frank Stokes. 24 min duration compilation of home movie Super 8mm film shot by Frank Stokes brother-in-law.beryl bradbury (nee stokes) collection, frank stokes, nyora road, stokes orchard, stokes orchard estate, stokes place, video recording -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Painting, C. Lillie Brown, Briar Hill Cottage by C. Lillie Brown
Painting by C. Lillie Brown (Caroline) of house at 25 Beaconsfield Road, Briar Hill, formnerly owned by Miss Humphries who ran a lolly shop in the left hand sode of the building. Frequented by children from the Briar Hill school which was opposite. House now demolished.29.2 x 39.1 cm Oil on (Fredrix USA) linen mounted paper board 12" x 16 " (30.5 x 40.6 cm) in standard frame Signed in brown paint lower left C Lillie Brown25 beaconsfield road, briar hill, miss humphries, lolly shop, briar hill school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Steam locomotive J-521 with the Royal Train at Echuca Railway Station during a visit by the new Governor of Victoria, His Excellency Sir Rohan Delacombe, c.May 1963
... spruced up with pot plants, fresh paint and repaired hand rails... spruced up with pot plants, fresh paint and repaired hand rails ...In this picture can be seen steam locomotive J-521 and tender to which is attached State Car No. 5. It is believed that the other support carriages have been de-attached and the train has pulled up at the front of the platform allowing room for other trains to pull in. Immediately behind on the same track at the platform is a Diesel Electric Rail Motor (DERM) and C-class bogey (luggage) then a small (articulated) rail car (articulated) then a cattle van. On the adjacent track is State Car No. 2 (Melville) and a C-van. State Car No. 2 (Melville) was used a power generation car for special trains and the Train of Knowledge. State Car No. 5 is in the design of the Spirit of Progress. George Coop advised that the occasion is the visit of the Governor of Victoria, Sir Rohan Delacombe to Echuca in 1963. Delacombe had replaced Sir Dallas Brooks in May 1963 who had departed for England on the liner Iberia,11 April 1963 (1963 'SIR DALLAS ON WAY TO U.K.', The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), 9 April, p. 9. , viewed 27 Jan 2020, George believes the Governor was doing a considerable formal train ride around the State and Echuca was on the schedule. The ‘platform’ was a special creation for such purposes, located on the wharf spur line that ran behind the Echuca Civic Centre. The large notice board commemorates the Queen’s visit on March 5th, 1954 for which the platform was initially built. From time to time it would get spruced up with pot plants, fresh paint and repaired hand rails for formal functions. George attended the Civic Reception held for the Governor. A picture of His Excellency Sir Rohan Delacombe, Governor of Victoria, and Lady Delacombe about to entrain at Spencer Street for a visit to western Victoria is available on page 4 of VICTORIAN RAILWAYS REPORT OF THE VICTORIAN RAILWAYS COMMISSIONERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th JUNE, 1963. ( More information about the Victorian Railways Royal Train State Car No. 5 State Car No. 2 (Melville) TIFF file Scan of 35mm Ilford FP3 black and white negative transparencycattle van, c-van, diesel electric rail motor (derm), echuca, echuca rail yard, echuca railway station, george coop collection, governor of victoria, j-521, rail car, royal train, power car, sir rohan delacombe, state car no. 2 (melville), state car no. 5, train of knowledge, victorian railways -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Steam locomotive J-521 with the Royal Train on the Wharf Spur line during a visit to Echuca by the new Governor of Victoria, His Excellency Sir Rohan Delacombe, c.May 1963
... , fresh paint and repaired hand rails for formal functions. George..., fresh paint and repaired hand rails for formal functions. George ...In this picture The Royal Train is passing through a railway crossing along the Wharf Spur line. The train has been shortened comprising steam locomotive J-521 and tender to which is attached the State car. The State car is in the design of the Spirit of Progress. George Coop advised that the occasion is the visit of the Governor of Victoria, Sir Rohan Delacombe to Echuca in 1963. Delacombe had replaced Sir Dallas Brooks in May 1963 who had departed for England on the liner Iberia,11 April 1963 (1963 'SIR DALLAS ON WAY TO U.K.', The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), 9 April, p. 9. , viewed 27 Jan 2020, George believes the Governor was doing a considerable formal train ride around the State and Echuca was on the schedule. The ‘platform’ was a special creation for such purposes, located on the wharf spur line that ran behind the Echuca Civic Centre. The large notice board commemorates the Queen’s visit on March 5th, 1954 for which the platform was initially built. From time to time it would get spruced up with pot plants, fresh paint and repaired hand rails for formal functions. George attended the Civic Reception held for the Governor. A picture of His Excellency Sir Rohan Delacombe, Governor of Victoria, and Lady Delacombe about to entrain at Spencer Street for a visit to western Victoria is available on page 4 of VICTORIAN RAILWAYS REPORT OF THE VICTORIAN RAILWAYS COMMISSIONERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th JUNE, 1963. ( More information about the Victorian Railways Royal Train State Car No. 5 Digital TIFF file Scan of 35mm Ilford FP3 black and white negative transparencyechuca, george coop collection, governor of victoria, j-521, railway crossing, royal train, sir rohan delacombe, state car no. 5, victorian railways, wharf spur line -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Steam locomotive J-521 with the Royal Train on the Wharf Spur line during a visit to Echuca by the new Governor of Victoria, His Excellency Sir Rohan Delacombe, c.May 1963
... , fresh paint and repaired hand rails for formal functions..., fresh paint and repaired hand rails for formal functions ...In this picture the Royal Train is pulled up with the State Car at the commemorative platform on the Wharf Spur line. The train has been shortened comprising steam locomotive J-521 and tender to which is attached the State car. The State car is in the design of the Spirit of Progress. The platform is lined with plants in planter boxes. Two men in suits standing to the right, one with a large camera – either press or official photographer. The sign on the platform commemortaes the visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and His Royal Highness Phillip Duke of Edinburg on March 5th, 1954. George Coop advised that the occasion is the visit of the Governor of Victoria, Sir Rohan Delacombe to Echuca in 1963. Delacombe had replaced Sir Dallas Brooks in May 1963 who had departed for England on the liner Iberia,11 April 1963 (1963 'SIR DALLAS ON WAY TO U.K.', The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), 9 April, p. 9. , viewed 27 Jan 2020, George believes the Governor was doing a considerable formal train ride around the State and Echuca was on the schedule. The ‘platform’ was a special creation for such purposes, located on the wharf spur line that ran behind the Echuca Civic Centre. The large notice board commemorates the Queen’s visit on March 5th, 1954 for which the platform was initially built. From time to time it would get spruced up with pot plants, fresh paint and repaired hand rails for formal functions. A picture of His Excellency Sir Rohan Delacombe, Governor of Victoria, and Lady Delacombe about to entrain at Spencer Street for a visit to western Victoria is available on page 4 of VICTORIAN RAILWAYS REPORT OF THE VICTORIAN RAILWAYS COMMISSIONERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th JUNE, 1963. ( More information about the Victorian Railways Royal Train State Car No. 5 TIFF file Scan of 35mm Ilford FP3 black and white negative transparencyechuca, george coop collection, governor of victoria, j-521, royal train, sir rohan delacombe, state car no. 5, victorian railways, wharf spur line -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Binder, Eltham Justice Precinct, 1969-2020
EDHS_04863 - Binder: Eltham Justice Precinct 1. Courthouse 1. Eltham Courthouse interesting facts 2. Plan and elevation drawings 3. Other courthouse plans and fittings 1880s – Brunswick, Maffra, Dunolly , Sunbury, Landsborough and Wodonga 4. Newspaper articles: i. ELTHAM POLICE COURT. (1892, April 1). Evelyn Observer, and South and East Bourke Record (Vic. : 1882 - 1902), p. 2 (MORNING.). Retrieved July 5, 2022, from ii. BREAKING A PUBLICAN'S LEG. (1900, July 13). Evelyn Observer, and South and East Bourke Record (Vic. : 1882 - 1902), p. 2 (MORNING.). Retrieved July 5, 2022, from iii. ELTHAM COURT. (1901, March 1). Mercury and Weekly Courier (Vic. : 1878 - 1903), p. 3. Retrieved July 5, 2022, from iv. ANNIE CHASES A TINKER. (1902, October 3). Evelyn Observer, and South and East Bourke Record (Vic. : 1882 - 1902), p. 2 (MORNING.). Retrieved July 5, 2022, from v. ELTHAM POLICE COURT. (1927, May 6). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 4 (AFTERNOON). Retrieved July 5, 2022, from vi. ELTHAM POLICE COURT. (1927, May 20). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 3 (AFTERNOON). Retrieved July 5, 2022, from vii. Eltham Police Court (1931, January 9). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 4. Retrieved July 5, 2022, from viii. Repairs to Eltham Police Station, The Advertiser (1929, May 24). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 2 (AFTERNOON.). Retrieved July 5, 2022, from ix. ELTHAM COURT. (1929, August 2). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 4 (AFTERNOON.). Retrieved July 5, 2022, from x. See also Trove list 5. Letter: Shire of Eltham Historical Society to Shire of Eltham, 1 July 1969 regarding potential replacement of Eltham Courthouse and the building’s historical significance and acknowledgement 10 July 1969 6. Letter: Shire of Eltham Historical Society to Law Department, 26 May 1972, re preservation of Eltham Courthouse and potential classification and acknowledgement 7 June 1972 7. Newspaper article: Strangers around, so Eltham sought protection by Marguerite Marshall, Diamond Valley News, Tuesday, April 6, 1982, p2 (On reverse side, Top job for our Pauline, p1) 8. Eltham Courthouse Colour Scheme, Public Works Department, 10 September 1983 9. Newspaper article: Eltham Courthouse under threat of closure by Helen Gillman, Diamond Valley News, October 16, 1984 10. Newspaper article: Courthouse to close by Helen Gillman, Diamond Valley News, Tuesday, November 20, 1984, p1 (also on p2 an article about Diamond Valley Shire festivities for the State’s 150th) 11. We will keep your court – Kennett, Diamond Valley News (probable), c.Dec. 1984 12. Letter: Shire of Eltham to Shire of Eltham Historical Society, 15 March 1985, regarding potential for use of building as a museum and reply dated 17 April 1985 regarding Society’s interest in use of the building 13. Letter: Department of Conservation Forests & Lands to Shire of Eltham, August 1987, regarding expressions of interest in the building and letter from Shire (18 August 1987) to Society advising of same 14. Letter: Department of Conservation Forests & Lands to Shire of Eltham, 30 March 1988, advising Courthouse to be used by Eltham Youth Resources Centre and the rear section by other community groups. Noted that the historical society was suggested by Council as a future user of the adjoining police residence when Council first sought management of the building and that should be investigated. Includes Schedule of Repair and Maintenance Work (4 pages), Existing Conditions Survey 30/7/1987 (6 pages) and 1 page plan view diagram 15. Memo: Historic Places Section to Eltham Youth Resource Centre re paint analysis of Courthouse, 17/5/1988, (6 pages) 16. Newspaper article: Courthouse renovation by Jodie Haythorne, Diamond Valley News, November 23, 1992 17. National Trust of Australia Registration (classified 20 Oct 1977), printed March 2000 18. Letter: Heritage Victoria 28 Feb 2002 regarding the replacement of the Courthouse Stand (Witness Box) 19. Article: There’s still order in this stately court house, Eltham Shire (magazine), date unk., p22-23 20. Eltham Court House, Statement of Significance, Heritage Victoria Register, printed Nov 2004 21. Eltham 1860 Former Court House 730 Main Road Eltham, collated by Eltham District Historical Society Incorporated 2005 (4 pages) 22. Book Extract: Eltham, Historical Court Houses of Victoria by Michael Challinger, Palisade Press, 2001 23. Newspaper article: Courthouse rich with history by Harry Gilham, Nillumbik Mail, c.2001 (see also EDHS_03333) 24. Notes on history of site from Crown Reserve File Rs 12128, Municipal Buildings (Local Community Welfare Reserve) at Eltham, Department of Sustainability and Environment, April 2005 (4 pages) 25. Newspaper article: Historic building upgrade, Diamond Valley Leader, August 3, 2005, p17 26. Newspaper article: Courthouse regeneration secures boost, Valley Weekly, August 10, 2005 with picture of Harry Gilham, Steve Herbert and Greg Johnson 27. Newspaper article: Poets are summonsed, Diamond Valley Leader February 22, 2006, p37 features picture of Helen Lucas at the Eltham Courthouse 28. Newspaper article: Sharing a love of legalities, Diamond Valley Leader, March 1, 2006, p7 features a picture of Rob Hulls and Steve Herbert talking to students in the courthouse 29. Newspaper advertisement: Nillumbik Tender No. 2021-33, Building Restoration Works, Old Eltham Courthouse, The Age, November 7, 2020 30. Form: Police Officer’s Return To A Warrant Of Distress 31. Handwritten notes: three pages listing all 48 of the pigeon hole form listings in the cabinet in the courthouse 2. Police Quarters 1. 1971 Surveyors Plan of 728 Main Road and the Adjoining Courthouse 2. Letter: Shire of Eltham to Shire of Eltham Historical Society, 5 June 1981, requesting the society give consideration to the suitability of the existing buildings (former Vermin and Noxious Weeds Office, Department of Crown Lands and Survey) for historical purposes such as a museum 3. Minutes: Shire of Eltham Historical Society Committee Meeting, 10 June 1981 (2 pages) includes reference to possible use of building as a museum (also reference to Bills Horse trough to be retained) 4. Extract from Victoria Police Gazette 1930 with details of building and site 5. Newspaper article: Cubby haven, Diamond Valley News, October 28, 1991 about replica Police Station with picture of replica along with Monika Roitinger and Garry Bartlett outside the Police Station 6. Environment office up for sale? Mountain Views, Monday, June 12, 1995 (Nillumbik Shire Council proposing to sell property. Did not proceed as ownership held by the State of Victoria) 7. Extract from National Trust February 1998 edition, “Police Rescue” which states Heidelberg and Eltham Police Residences are the oldest known Police Residences in the Melbourne Metropolitan district 8. Newspaper article: The first police office by Harry Gilham, Nillumbik Mail, December 13, 2000 (also photocopy with notations on picture identifying buildings and Harry’s typed draft) 9. Fax Memo: Victoria Police List of Officers in Charge, Eltham Police Station, 1857-1991 onward, 21 Jan 2003 10. Former Police Quarters, Statement of Significance, Heritage Victoria Register, printed Nov 2004 11. Eltham 1860 Former Police Quarters 728 Main Road Eltham, collated by Eltham District Historical Society Incorporated 2005 (5 pages) 12. Report: Eltham District Historical Society to Living and Learning Nillumbik, 14 April 2010 regarding the poor state of condition of the former Police Residence 13. Photocopy of three photos of the former Police Residence, former Police Station (relocated to rear of site) and Stables, October 18, 1991 3. Lockup 1. Newspaper article: Heritage permit bid, Diamond Valley News, January 17, 2001 (also article “Eltham library tops”) includes picture of lockup located in Youth Road 2. Newspaper article: Old lockup in new site, Diamond Valley Leader, March 21, 2001, p15. Includes picture of Harry Gilham with lockup at justice Precinct 3. Letter: Victoria Police to Eltham District Historical Society, 20 March 1991 including laser print photo of lockup in 1963 at 23 Pryor Street 4. Fax: Graham Clark, Associated Crane Trucks Pty Ltd, 833 Main Road Hurstbridge; Quote 26.2.99 for $1,080 to move lockup from Youth Road to 728 Main Road 4. Local History Centre 1. Victoria Government Gazette: Photocopy, No. 165, Tuesday, December 7, 1858, establishment of a Court of Petty Sessions at Eltham, 7 December 1858 2. Victoria Government Gazette: Photocopy, September 16, 1859, contract issued for Police buildings at Eltham to Langridge and Co., McCarter, Baillie, Nicol and Co, Chadley, Amos and Co., Cameron, Payne, £1,150.7.0 3. Victoria Government Gazette: Photocopy, October 2, 1860, contract issued for Court of Petty Sessions at Eltham to James Duncan, £600 4. President’s Report, Eltham District Historical Society, Annual General Meeting, Wednesday, March 11, 1998 – covers the establishment of the Local History Centre and new home for the Society 5. Extract for EDHS Newsletter July 1998 – Eltham Local History Centre – Official Opening 6. Unveiling of 728 Street Sign, Speech notes by Cr Dianne Bullen, December 2000, includes invoice from John Sharp Signs Pty Ltd, 24/10/2000 and planning approval drawing dated 24/3/1999 reproduced in Newsletter No. 135 November 2000 7. Letter: Eltham District Historical Society to Living and Learning Centre, undated draft regarding being a member of the committee reviewing the development of the site 8. Notes from Rod Grant re funding of site development under the Community Jobs Program 9. Letter: Eltham District Historical Society to Nillumbik Living and Learning, 28 October 2004 re inclusion of the Society in enhancing the site under the Community Jobs Program 10. Letter: Department of Sustainability and Environment to Eltham District Historical Society, 28 February 2005 re preparing draft Conservation Plan and copy of cover letter in response 2 April 2005 11. Levels and Layout Plan, Nillumbik Shire Council, September 2005, AO copy 12. Letter: Department of Sustainability and Environment to Eltham District Historical Society, 12 September 2005 re Eltham Justice Precinct Conservation Management Plan 13. Letter: Living and Learning Nillumbik, 2 February 2006 to Eltham District Historical Society re forming a Committee to advise on the use, maintenance, management and preservation of the Justice Precinct 14. Minutes: Meeting of a Task group to explore the establishment of a Committee to manage the Eltham Justice Precinct, 20 December 2005 (with hand written notes) 15. President’s notes (EDHS), General Meeting item, 11 May 2006 pertaining to use and condition of the Eltham Justice Precinct 16. Paint estimates, Old Eltham Court House, undated 17. Notes from meeting 26 September (2006), Eltham Justice Precinct Committee 18. Notes from meeting 27 November (2006), Eltham Justice Precinct Committee 19. Terms of Reference for the Eltham Justice Precinct Committee, Draft for Living and Learning Committee Meeting 24 Jan 2007 (4 pages) 20. Newspaper article: Panel set up, Diamond Valley Leader, 7 March 2007 21. Minutes: Meeting of Eltham Justice Precinct Subcommittee, 10 May 2007 22. Minutes: Meeting of Eltham Justice Precinct Subcommittee, 5 July 2007 23. Minutes: Meeting of Eltham Justice Precinct Subcommittee, 11 October 2007 24. Minutes: Meeting of Eltham Justice Precinct Subcommittee, 7 February 2008 25. Minutes: Meeting of Eltham Justice Precinct Subcommittee, 10 April 2008 26. Minutes: Meeting of Eltham Justice Precinct Subcommittee, 14 August 2008 27. Letter: EDHS (Sue Law) to Living and Learning, 6 September 2008 re proposed signage 28. Agenda: Meeting of Eltham Justice Precinct Subcommittee, 16 October 2008 29. Suggested guidelines for use of the Court House for exhibitions 30. Handwritten note re Ken Eckersal and Uniting Church of possible donation of church organ for sale, proceeds to be used for activities at the Justice precinct 31. One page typed notes on each of the buildings in the Eltham Justice Precinct 5. Miscellaneous 1. Photocopy from Pioneers & Painters (2 pages) covering the establishment of Police and Court of Petty Sessions at Eltham 2. Photocopy of photo looking northeast across Little Eltham buildings c.1910 with notes 3. Photocopy of J.H Clarke photo looking up Maria Street from near Dalton Street with notes identifying precinct buildings 4. Photocopy of photo of Court House and Police Quarters with cow outside from Heather Jenkins scrapbook with notes identifying buildings 5. Sketch and notes with dimensions for blue stone lockup including other miscellaneous handwritten notes 6. Unidentified heritage review details of Justice Precinct (c.2004) 7. Hand written notes of telephone conversation held with Dennis McKay (6 May 1997) re Council use of site 8. Flyer: Victoria Police Historical Unit 9. Photocopy of thumbnail images of various Justice Precincts (not identified) 10. Email correspondence, 4 and 10 January 2008; J. Connor to Council and Councillors pertaining to proposed new toilet facilities at rear of Courthouse annexe. Two ring lever arch binder, white with various photocopies, printouts, newspaper clippingsHG Folders 15/52/59 integratedharry gilham collection, eltham courthouse, eltham justice precinct, eltham police residence, lockup, eltham community festival, eltham festival, eltham, heritage assessment, police residence -
Bendigo Military Museum
Souvenir - SOUVENIR, WOODEN CAMEL, C. 1939 - 45
Item in the collection re Allan Frederick Goodall DFC, RAAF, refer Cat No 543.2 for his service details.Light brown colour hand carved wood Camel with it's load on painted in blue and red.camels, middle east, carved -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, FRAMED, Vincent Kelly
IAN ALFRED (Joe) LYONS MBE Born 16.2.1915 in Bendigo enlisted in the RAAF aged 25 years on 27.5.1940, No 400095. Starting in the ranks as an LAC, he rose to Flt/Sgt pre-embarkation. He embarked for the Middle East on 2.11.1941before dis-embarking to serve with No 3 Sqd RAAF. During heavy action on 8.1.1942, his plane was forced down due to engine damage. It landed in an enemy minefield and when it came to a halt, its wheels were straddling a mine. After being rescued by a British officer, dozens of mines were located and dug up. On return, some 15 miles from base, the vehicle Lyons was travelling in hit a mine (on 9.1.1942), resulting in 5 KIA or WIA. Lyons spent 2 weeks in hospital with severe concussion and deafness. Lyons the embarked for Australia on 11.3.1942 before disembarking on 18.4.1942. He was posted to Townsville with 82nd Sqd on 27.6.1944. Subsequently he was posted to Noemfoor Island on 21.9.1944 as Operational with 82nd Sqd and promoted to Flt/Lt (Temp.) on 3.1.1945. On 6.1.1945 he was posted to 77Sqd as Operational on Morotai. This deployment ended on 9.7.1945. Records show that he flew 26 Strike/Attack missions and 13 others with both squadrons. Post WW2, Lyons remained with the RAAF with a new service number (033072). On 2.2.1948 he was posted to Japan before returning to Australia on 28.8.1948, apparently for medical reasons. He was appointed Flt/Lt on 23.9.1948 before returning to JApan and Korea on 22.8.1950. He was awarded an MBE as Operations Officer with 77Sqd for 'Outstanding enthusiasm and energy at 3 Korean bases'. A US Bronze Star was awarded to Lyons for 'Distinguished and meritorious service as Operations Officer in Korea during the period 14.10.1950 to 17.2.1951'. After Korea, Lyons received a number of posting from Victoria to Western Australia. He was awarded the Air Efficiency Medal in 1964. At his own request, Flt/Lt Ian Alfred 'Joe' Lyons MBE, retired from the RAAF HQ OP COM on 15.12.1967. The photograph is part of the Ian A. 'Joe' Lyons MBE Collection.Framed hand tinted colour head and shoulders photograph of a man in an RAAF uniform. The photograph is bordered with a light brown matt. THe wooden frome is painted white and gold. A white printed label bearing the name of the man is located below the photograph. Clear perspex covers the photograph. The photographer's name also appears below the photograph. The rear of the frame is covered in brown paper secured with masking tape. Two eyes and white cord are attached for hanging purposes.Handwritten in black below the photograph: 'VINCENT KELLY, Bendigo'.raaf uniform, photograph, flight lieutenant ian a. lyons -
Bendigo Military Museum
Container - PERSONAL TRUNK, 1944
Metal trunk issued to F.G. Davey for his personal effects which were shipped home to Australia after WW2.Part of the Frederick Gardner Davey DFC collection. Refer Cat No 3536PRectangular metal hinged trunk painted black. A hinged metal handle in on each end and at the back. Each handle is secured with metal rivets. The lid is secured closed with two 'Closebind' catches A brass locking mechanism is located on the front of the body and is accessed through a keyhole. The interior is painted grey with a brown leather seal around the edges of the lid. Various markings in white paint appear on the lid, each end, the back and the front. Paper stickers are glued onto the lid, back and right hand end. Inside the lid is a manufacturers plaque and year of manufacture printed in black.On lid: 'J13/S, F.G. Davey, VIC, R/124, RAAF Central Repository, West Melbourne, Vic'. On front: 'J13/S'. On Left hand end: 'J13?S 90 VIC, P410533, Davey F.G.'. On right hand end: 'J13/S, Vic' plus paper labels 'Geelong' and 'Mr F.G. Davey, Bendigo'. On back: 'J13/S' and paper label 'Not wanted on voyage'. Inside lid; ' 1944'.f.g. davey, personal equipment, military equipment -
Bendigo Military Museum
See Cat 4575PSmall folded cardboard card, Inside i a smaller piece of paper with words written. The two pieces are held together with a piece of brown wool. The front cover is a pen and painted drawing of three flowers. The edges have been cut in such a way as to provide a crinkly effect.The inside leaf, left side, has written VX32652 Dvr. D Dean 2/10 Aust TPT Platoon. Right side has a printed Christmas greeting, with hand written: "To my Darling Wife with all my love, Doug xxx" xxxwar, christmas -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Aircraft, Model - Grumman F6F Hellcat, 2014
These model aeroplanes were handed to the RSL unbuilt when an unknown member passed away. Gordon Ball built and painted the models in 2014.Model aeroplane American Grumman F6F Hellcat. Painted blue-grey with American markings.model, aeroplane, lara, rsl, ww2, wwii -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, FRAMED, Post WW2
Possibly belonged to Mrs Lindorph of Nyah.Hand tinted colour head & shoulders photo of 4 unknown WWI soldiers in jackets & head gear. Mounted with light fawn border & cream painted wooden frame with glass front & cardboard backing.Written in pencil on back: “Mrs Lindorph”photograpy - photographs-frame accessories, military history - army -
Bendigo Military Museum
Weapon - GRENADES, ITALIAN, 1939. - 1945
These Italian grenades were developed near similtaniously during WW2, named “OTTO, BREDA SRCM”. They were nicknamed “Red Devils” by the British in the Desert campaigns and had an effective range of 10 - 15 metres..1) .2) .3) Three versions of the Italian Model 35 Hand Grenade, all cylinder shaped painted red with differant styles of black top/side workings.otto.breda.srcm, italian grenades -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, NAVY, Wally Evens & Members of Her Ships Company, HMAS Bendigo Corvette
A story of HMAS Bendigo, a literacy sketch comprised of contributions from some of the men who served in her; contributions that reflect the humour, frustration, tragedy and discomfort of life at in war time.Soft cardboard cover, purple print on front & spine, red & black print on back. Sepia colour photo on front of HMAS Bendigo in camouflage paint. Back cover has a coloured photo of HMAS Bendigo banner which includes The Bendigo City Crest of the places served during WWII. 126 pages, cut plain paper, illustrated with black & white photos & maps.Hand written in black ink on notepaper attached with clear sticky tape to front end paper: “WK, DAVID INGRAM BORN IN BENDIGO”books-military/history/navy, hmas, bendigo -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - FOLDER, 2) & .3) Geographical Section, General Staff, No 4080 War Office 1941 et al, Navigator's Log Book, 2) & .3) 1941
.1) Navigator's Log Book, hard cover, blue colour buckram with dark blue paint on front cover. Back end paper includes a pocket for maps & has a Conversion Table & Nautical Miles, Statute Miles, Kilometres, tables in black print on beige paper included. Stiff card divider. .2) Map folded, black printing on beige paper. Gibraltar Scale 1:1,000,000 at 56 degrees N. .3) Map folded, black printing on beige paper. Algeria Scale 1:1,000,000 at 56 degrees N. .4) Pencil grey lead, timber colour. Stamped into pencil: HB Commonwealth of Australia..1) Hand written in black ink on front end paper: Wreck at Cape Juby. In pencil: S2 / MZ / W2 / 1Z . 35N .2) Hand written in blue pencil: Atlantic. Blue & red ink & lead pencil notations over map. .3) Hand written in blue pencil: Mediterranean. Blue & red ink numerous notations over map.documents - maps/records, military history, passchendaele barracks trust -
Bendigo Military Museum
Memorabilia - MEMORIAL PLAQUES, Bickford Family, Plaques post WW1
Edward Bickford No 1519 enlisted in the AIF in the 1st reinforcements 21st Batt on 8.4.1915 age 25 years. Embarked for for Egypt 28.6.1915, embark for Gallipoli 29.8.1915, embark for France 19.3.1916, reported MIA 26.8.1916, a Court of inquiry dated 20.7.1917 found that he was KIA 26.8.1916 at Moquet Farm. Robert John Bickford No 1518 enlisted in the AIF in the 1st reinforcements 21st Batt on 8.4.1915 age 30 years 11 months. Embark for Egypt 8.4.1915, embark for Gallipoli 29.8.1915, hospital with Mumpa 20.1.1916, rejoin unit 7.3.1916, embark for France 19.3.1916, awarded the Military Medal (MM) as a Lewis Gunner and Gallantry under fire since March 1916, promoted CPL 1.9.1916, hospital with Odema of the feet 8.11.1916, rejoin unit 22.11.1916, WIA 12.1.1917 SW’s to Groin and Abdomen, DOW;s Flers 12.1.1917. William Bickmore No 815 enlisted in G Coy 14th Batt on 12.9.1914 age 21 years 11 months. Embark for Egypt 22.12.1914, embarked for Gallipoli, WIA 4.6.1915 shrapnel wound left arm, returned to Australia for discharge stating Stiffness of the Arm15.8.1915, return to Egypt in the 14th reinforcements and rejoin the 14th Batt 2.4.1916, embark for France 1.6.1916, promoted L/Cpl 1.9.1916, promoted Cpl 24.3.1917, reported MIA 11.4.1917, Court of Inquiry found he was KIA 11.4.1917 at Bullecourt. Refer 2949P, 2950P, 2991P for their photos.Bickford Family Set of WWI Commemorative Plaques: .1) Bronze Death Plaque, British pattern showing a helmeted female (Brittanica) in classic style dress holding a trident in right hand, wreath in the other & a lion at her side. In the rectangular box, embossed is the name Edward Bickford. .2) As above description though in the rectangular box is the name Robert John Bickford. .3) Descriptions as above though in the rectangular box is the name William Bickford. .4) Heavy wooden display case painted cream colour, 2 hinges on the side, no lock or catch. Inside are 3 recessed circular holes to hold the plaques.Written on rear of box is: “A.T.B. 94”military history, memorial, plaques -
Federation University Historical Collection
Article - Article - Women, Ballarat Technical Art School: Women of Note; Amalie Feild (later Colquhoun), (1894-1974)
Amalie Feild studied at the Ballarat Technical Art School, and was appointed Instructor in Stained Glass and Pottery. Amalie Feild was the first recipient of a scholarship to study stained glass and pottery design at the Sydney Technical School After marrying Archibald Colquhoun She became better known as Amalie Colquhoun. Upon returning to Ballarat she established a pottery school, and designed stained glass windows for churches in Ballarat. The Uniting Church in Lydiard Street Ballarat has four panels and the Ballarat High School has World War 1 memorial windows by Amalie. More than 100 old students, teachers and others associated with the Ballarat Technical Art School assembled at a gathering at the Alexandria on Saturday night in honor of Mr. H. H. Smith, who has retired from the school after 35 years as principal. Mr. D. Johnston, acting principal, and a former student, handed over a portrait in oils of Mr. Smith painted by Mrs. Amalie Colquhoun, of Melbourne, another former student, who was also among the visitors. The portrait will be hung in the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery. amalie colquhoun, amalie feild, ballarat technical art school, scholarship, stained glass, pottery design, sydney technical school, h h smith retirement, portrait by amalie, ballarat fine art gallery, student and teacher, pottery school, stained glass design, uniting church windows, ballarat high school, world war 1 memorial windows -
Federation University Historical Collection
Print - Artwork - Portrait, Professor Alfred Mica Smith
The original of this portrait was painted by Max Meldrum in 1926. In 1934 the Ballarat School of Mines sought donations to purchase the portrait for the Art Gallery of Ballarat, where it is held today. Donations were handed by the Balllarat School of Mines Registrar, John B. Robinson. Professor Alfred Mica Smith was a famed professor at the Ballarat School of MinesFramed reproduction of a painting of Alfred Mica Smith. available, alfred mica smith, max meldrum, john b. robinson -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, FRAMED, post 21.7.1998
Photo L to R/ John Howard Prime Minister of Australia shaking hands with John Henry Lockett, in the background is Mr Bruce Reid MHR and behind Jack is Kevin Lockett Jacks son. This photo was taken in the Billiard room of the Soldiers Memorial Institute Pall Mall Bendigo on 21 7.1998 when Jack was presented with the French Legion of Honour by the French Ambassador Dominique Giraud. Refer Cat No's 8143, 8144 & 8145.10PFramed photograph of Jack Lockett Aged 107 with the Australian Prime Minister Mr John Howard. Photograph: colour photograph of 2 persons shaking hands with 2 persons in background. Frame: timber with brushed gold coloured paint glass front. Mount: mid-grey colour cardboard. Label plate: gold colour metal bottom centre. Back of frame: Handwriting red ink.Label plate: engraved print. "PRESENTED BY THE / PMC AND MEMBERS/ VICTORIA BARRACKS SERGEANTS MESS" smi, smirsl, photograph, lockett -
Bendigo Military Museum
Weapon - HAND GRENADE, c.1941
... green & red paint over all. Weapon HAND GRENADE ...Metal hand grenade with pin, some green & red paint over all.Australian WW2 No 36 MK1 Grenade Bottom: “No 36 M MK1 F.L.S. 3.41”. On side: “F.L.H”arms - ordnance, military history - army, metalcraft, grenade, weapon -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - NAVY CERTIFICATE, FRAMED, Post 1944
Alan Keith GEIER No 24896 enlisted in the RAN on 24.6.41 aged 19 years. He was posted to HMAS Perth on 11.12.1942. The Perth was sunk in the Sundra Strait on 1.3.42. Alan as one of the survivors was taken POW. An initial Red Cross report stated he was a POW in a Java Camp. Alan died as a result of Cardiac Beri Beri on 30.1.1944. He was buried in Siam. The PERTH was sunk by a Japanese torpedo in the Battle of the Sundra Strait. Approximately half the crew lost their lives and about 2/3rds of the survivors returned home after captivity. Refer Cat No 599P for his photo.Commemorative Scroll, framed re A.K Geier. There is a small B & W photo of Geier in the right hand corner of the frame. The scroll has a large coat of arms at top of sheet with commemorative description under. The frame is a simple gold painted wooden frame."Wireman A. K. Geier, Royal Australian Navy"certificates, ran, hmas perth, scrolls -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - CERTIFICATE, FRAMED, c.1964
FRANK THOMAS DUNPHY No 4485 enlisted in the AIF on 12.7.1915 in 14th reinforcements to 6th Batt age 22 years. Embarked for Egypt 28.1.1916, embarked for France 29.3.1916, hospitalised 7.9.1916 with varicose veins, while recovering was hospitalised again with mumps. Returned to unit 19.2.1917, WIA 5.10.1917 with GSW’s chest & right arm - severe, returned to Australia and discharged medically unfit on 1.10.1918.Frame. Timber, cream painted with glass front. Certificate. Black, white, blue, red & yellow ink, hand written certificate on beige paper. Battalion colour patch at the top & RSL badge at bottom with printed blue ink: 28th Day of October 1964. "From 6th Battalion AIF Social Club Bendigo - To Frank Thomas Dunphy Esq" Signed in black ink bottom RH: "Les Bennetts- R C Wright - W Green"documents - certificates, frame accessories, military history -
Bendigo Military Museum
21st Anti Tank Regiment staff photograph WWII Queensland. Frame timber metallic paint decoration edge, black and white photograph on fawn cardboard backing, cream mount. Type written label lists 14 names of 21st Anti Tank Regiment WW2 Queensland.Hand written on cardboard backing faded blue ink "with love from Noel" "Queensland" - below accessories, military history, anti tank -
J. Ward Museum Complex
Tool - Measuring Scales
The traditional scale consists of two plates or bowls suspended at equal distances from a fulcrum. One plate holds an object of unknown mass (or weight), while known masses are added to the other plate until static equilibrium is achieved and the plates level off, which happens when the masses on the two plates are equal. Medication given to patients at both Aradale Mental Hospital and J Ward had their does measured using these weights and scales - and some evidence of residue remains.The scales are in excellent condition and a good example of medical equipment used in Aradale Mental Hospital and J Ward. Measuring scales for medications Timber construction with glass lid Small crack along the left hand side of scales Two drawers contain four weights in ounces Case painted in black lacquer Metal hinges and three brass knobs (one missing from right lower drawer) Small piece of folded butcher paper in left hand drawer No manufacturer markings or serial numberspsychiatric history, mental health, aradale mental hospital, j ward -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Sewing Machine, 1890s to 1911
This machine was made in Baden, Germany, for the Ward Brothers of Melbourne, who imported machines from various manufacturers and had them branded with their Ward Brothers decals. This machine is most likely dated before 1911, when the Ward Brothers became two separate businesses, as one of the decals appears to have been deliberately removed. The case is made in an attractive design and the machine itself has decorations that are pleasant to the eye. Even the metal cover of the folding handle has a swirling design on it. The machine has the added bonus of a ruler along the front base. Many sewing machine manufacturers in Germany produced their machines specifically for export. A company could mass-produce its machines and give the same product several different brand names, according to their overseas buyers. There was a huge market for domestic machines as it enabled tailored clothing to be made in households at a fraction of the retail prices. Ward Brothers began in Australia in the late 1890s and early sewing machines sold by them had the three brothers on their decals. In 1911 the brothers divided into two separate firms, one operating on his own, the other two remaining together, and all still operating in Melbourne and at first still using the name Ward Brothers.This sewing machine is one of two hand-operated Ward Brothers machines in our collection that were made in Baden, Germany, and the only one that has had the three Ward Brothers on its decal, and that has front and rear slide plates. This machine represents the early domestic market for sewing machines, making it possible for the everyday homemaker to produce fashionable garments and linen ware that was affordable. The owner of this machine could work at more than one location as it was portable and did not require a large space to set up. The machine is associated with the well-known Ward Brothers of Melbourne, who sold imported sewing machines that were branded with their own name. Sewing machine, hand operated, in wooden case. The machine is painted black with gold decals, and front and rear slide plates. The wooden base of the machine has an inlaid ruler. The case has curved sides and shaped ends, decorative woodwork on corners, an inlaid diamond pattern on top, and a folding metal handle. Accessories are included. The decals include doves, inscriptions and swirls, and there is a map of Australia with two portraits of men. The machine was made in Baden, Germany, for Ward Brothers, Melbourne. Images: Map of Australia with States marked, and with portraits of two men. [A portrait-sized area on the left of the men has had the image removed.] Text in printed script: "Specially / Made in Baden" "WARD BROTHERS / MELBOURNE" " with a Logo is a map of Australia,flagstaff hill, warrnambool, great ocean road, sewing machine, hand operated, pre-1911, domestic sewing, homemade clothing, fashion, ward brothers, made in germany, baden, front and rear slide plates, crank handle, hand crank sewing machine