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matching school celebration
Tarnagulla History Archive
News clipping: Had Fun When They Went Back To Tarnagulla, Had Fun When They Went Back To Tarnagulla, April 1st, 1964
... murphys creek people reunions school state school education ...Don Clark Collection A page from The Weekly Times newspaper, of April 1st, 1964 with article titled 'Had Fun When They Went Back To Tarnagulla'. Images of past and present Tarnagulla & district residents returning to visit the Tarnagulla State School including Syd Goltz, Elsie Ramm, Betty Radnell, Jack Bock, Herman Bock, Jane Treganowan, Glenice Evans, Barbara Allen, Mrs A. Mc Donell (wife of the Victorian Director of Education), Dick McGowan, Les Williams, E.J. Lewis, Mrs M. Harwood, Graham Radnell, Kath Duggan and Ian Fotheringham. Images of Tarnagulla State School also. tarnagulla, murphys creek, people, reunions, school, state school, education, community celebrations, back to tarnagulla -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Poster: Back To Tarnagulla 1985, Back To Tarnagulla Easter, 1985, 1985
Donald Clark Collection. A poster advertising activities for the Back To Tarnagulla 1985 celebration. back to tarnagulla, reunions, fire brigade, school, golf club, public hall, commemoration tree, community celebrations -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, George Tinkler, Edna Barrie and Pearl Walker at First Hundred Years Celebration Melton State School 430, 1970
... Hundred Years Celebration Melton State School 430... Hundred Years Celebration Melton State School 430. This event... Celebration Melton State School 430 Photograph Barrie Collection ...Edna attended Melton State School 430 from 1924 – 1933. Her father Fred had also attended the same school. Edna was also the co-author with Mabel Rogers “The First 100 Years, 1870 – 1970”, and assembled a collection of School Class Photograph and identified and compiled lists of names for future school history. George Tinkler, Edna Barrie and Pearl Walker at First Hundred Years Celebration Melton State School 430. This event was held at Mechanics Hall,, local identities, local significant events -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Mrs Knox and Beryl Gillespie at the First Hundred Years Celebration of Melton State School 430, 1970
... Celebration of Melton State School 430... Hundred Years Celebration of Melton State School 430. The event... Celebration of Melton State School 430. The event was held ...Beryl Knox speaking about early life in Melton. Page 1 1949 – 64 years ago. We began our married life at Melton Sth. The house on the corner of the Exford Rd and Staughton St-- dusty gravel roads, box thorns and noxious weeds everywhere and a sprinkling of houses and vacant land. It was a friendly community consisting of old family names. McDonalds, Blacks, Dodemaide, Cahill, Coopers, Minns, Tinklers, Nesbitts, Cochranes, Wickhams, Exells. Mavis Butler. The home owned by Mr. Robinson and Miss Robinson had been shifted in two parts transported from Diggers Rest and it is still standing 2013. Bruce’s father purchased the house and two adjoining blocks, the Conways built on one and the Rawlinson family on the other block. Eileen still resides there, she was only a baby in a pram and the family had not long arrived from England. The railway line was close to the house and the contents would rattle when heavy steams trains went through, and on a clear frosty night the 1am paper train would echo roar through very loudly when labouring towards the Exford Bridge. Then the two carriage motor train was introduced, this was great for the workers and schoolies who travelled to Melbourne. The train pulled up at the crossing or riding to pick up or drop off. Melva Gillespie (nee Hirt) Bill Cahill delivered the milk by the billy and then in bottles. Len Kennedy (Paul Kennedy’s father, Norma Murrays son) delivered Jongebloeds bread, he always had a sweep going for the Melbourne Cup and raffles for the footy club. Mr. Woodgate owned an old bus and pick up point was the Post Office when there was a Saturday film on a Melton. There were no doctors or dentists in the district. If we need a Doctor we had to travel to Bacchus Marsh or discuss problems over the phone. In later years a Bacchus Marsh Doctor rented the Bluestone building in McKenzie St a couple of days a week. If we needed the Dentist we had to travel to West Footscray or Footscray. We did our banking at “State Savings” then the Miss Minns had the agency and then Bardsleys Store. We travelled to Bacchus Marsh to the National and Commercial banks. Station Rd to Western Highway, now (High Street) was a narrow stretch of bitumen and gravel farmland either side and a couple of farm houses and large gum trees on the properties. Page 2 North of the Railway line Mrs Bessie Jones, mother of Chas and Betty Jones managed the Post Office, next door to her Chas and Betty had the Shell Centre, and later moved the business to Melton. Hughie Nesbitt and mother owned the grocery and hardware store, and I bought my first set of saucepans there. On the opposite side of Station road Mr Coombe owned the fruit shop, and also provided soft drinks and lollies for children. The Chaff Mill was on the corner of Station Rd and Brooklyn Rd. Mr Lumsden was manager and later years Bernie Trethowan and Jack Butler were partners. It finally burnt down and is a Service Station now. Along Brooklyn Rd there were a few houses and Victoria Hall, not a very big hall, but catered for lots of functions, Balls, Fancy Dress, Bazaars, Square Dancing and meetings. The Bacchus Marsh Baptists held Sunday School in the hall. A group of shops were built south of the railway line Molly and Len Skinner managed the Post Office and handled a few essential groceries. Tom McDonald and Ron Lunsberg were the butchers. Mary and Syd Cooper lived next door to us and often in turn would run out of something when we had a baking spree we would borrow or exchange, sugar flour etc over the fence. Mavis and Jack Butler lived there before the Coopers. Bernie and Iris Trethowan lived two doors up. Neighbours were invited into their home to view the first black and white television in Melton Sth. Bill Exell was one of the first Melton Sth farmers to sell his land to developers, the land was idle for years before housing developed. I joined the Melton Valley Golf Club in 1960. The Gun Club as our Club House, an old tin shed consisting a water tank, trestle table and forms and dirt floor. It was a 9 hole course with sand scraps and landscape putting before greens. The Common or parkland was part of the Golf Course. It was open for every ones recreation. Roy Norton an old identity trained his trotters on the Common and wouldn’t clear the track for the golfers. The golfers had to avoid him to continue to play. We had to keep clear when the young youths came in their paddock cars and motorbikes. Over the years the Toolern Creek flooded its banks, water and debri covered the course on one year our first Club house was flooded out. It took several working bees to clean it up. We lived at Melton Sth for 15 years and moved to Melton on the farm “Croxton Park.” The Nixon family farm “Mowbray” adjoined the farm. Bruce worked the land cropping the farm when Mrs Nixon died. Page 3 (page 4 on the handwritten script) Bruce had the first offer to buy, in those days it wasn’t easy to get good bank loans. Part of the land is the Golf Course now and Mr O’Shea purchased the bulk. Moving to Melton was totally different – I became involved with Committees, Scouts, Guides, Mothers Clubs, CWA, Church Op shop (8 years). Melton Amateurs players produced and tutored by Mabel Rogers exerts from Pyjama Game, South Pacific, Carousel - later years a group of ladies did gentle water exercise at Essendon and Station Road swimming pool. I was 20 or so years in Probus. The local followed the football, there was always a Gymkhana on the long weekend in June. The tennis always created a lot of interest during the finals. It didn’t matter which team played the supporters were treated to a cup of tea and leftovers from their afternoon tea. In 1978 were the first residents to move into the Jennings Estate Kurunjang and lived there 31 years and retired 4 years ago into Unit. The amazing changes I have experienced. Merrimu supplied our water, after depending on tanks. The landscape changed completely when developers came in, no more dusty plains \ typed web Sept 2013 McFarlane, Mrs Knox and Beryl Gillespie at the First Hundred Years Celebration of Melton State School 430. The event was held at Mechanics Hall, Melton.local identities, local significant events, education -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Bill Collins at the First Hundred Years Celebration of Melton State School 430, 1970
... Bill Collins at the First Hundred Years Celebration of... talking to guests at the First Hundred Years Celebration . Bill ...Bill Collins talking to guests at the First Hundred Years Celebration . local identities, local significant events, education -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Edgar Barrie at the First Hundred Years Celebration of Melton State School 430, 1970
... Edgar Barrie at the First Hundred Years Celebration of... Celebration of Melton State School 430.... School 430. Edgar Barrie at the First Hundred Years Celebration ...Edgar Barrie and guest at the First Hundred Years Celebration of Melton State School 430.local identities, local significant events, education -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Country Women's Association Choir Victoria, Unknown
Information from research by Mabel Rogers from the first meeting in August 1939 – 1969 Notable Events of the CWA The document contains information about meetings and events and numbers of members who attended. December 2013 – a selection of some of the items of interest have been extracted by Wendy Barrie NOTABLE EVENTS Page 1 1938 August 10th 1938 Minutes of inaugural meeting of Melton Branch Country Women’s Association. Cr Coburn introduced Mrs Toose, Ballarat G.P. [Group President] 42 ladies were present, including visitors from Bacchus Marsh and Smeaton Branches. September – Miss A Raleigh was elected Magazine Secretary October- 26 members present. Penny Collection for Million Members Fund November December – Mrs Swan gave demonstration of basketry, using stringy bark, Eucalyptus bark and reeds 1939 February 1939 – 18 members present. Branch total 50. Donation towards Pedal Transmitting Set. Inquiries made of Shire Council re permission to fence War Memorial March April – cost of fence material beyond Branch Funds May- 24 members present June, July, August – birthday celebrations. September 25 members present October – Meeting hled at Toolern Vale Bird Sanctuary 36 members present November – 1st Annual Meeting December – Owing to harvest operations, only 11 members present. 1940 February electric kettle and urn to be purchased for Mechanics Institute. Also to install a power point. [Electricity was connected to Melton in December 1939] April end of page 1 Page 2 May – Council Permission to be sought, to plant trees on oval below Shire Hall P.M.G. to be asked to supply a seat outside telephone booth for convenience of callers after P.O. was closed. June- Wives of A.I.F. soldiers be made honorary members. “1d per week drive” for gift for the Empire. July, September, October November – Group President stressed the importance of keeping Branches together during time of war. Collection of sheep skins to be made into vests for fighting forces worthy of consideration. Group President, Mrs Morgan-Paylor. December 1941 February 30 members present March – Eight members attend Ballarat Group Conference. Approach Council re fencing and preparation of land for tree plantation May – Mrs Swan demonstrated making of slippers from pieces of sheepskin June – Empire Gift Scheme of 1d per week to be continued for another year or duration of the war. July – Demonstration on making camouflage nets August, September Group Conference at Smeaton, October, November meetings held 1942 February- Enquiries to be made as how to help with A.R.P. work March, April, May, June,- Headquarters busy on war work. July end of page 2 Page 3 August, September. October – 15 Camouflage Nets forwarded to Headquarters November- Mrs Glasson Group President presided at Annual Meeting. Meetings to be held at 3 monthly intervals. Overseas link, enquiries be made of Melton Mowbray had a C.W.A. Branch 1943 February- Overseas link to be Lampeter, Cardiganshire, Wales May- 7 Camouflage Nets to Headquarters. American overseas link Nov 5th Annual Meeting, letters received from Wales and America 1944 May – Approach to be made to Council re formation of Baby Health Centre July – Ball held for Baby Health Centre effort. Admission 3/- 1945 February- Mrs Lemke present at meeting May August- Miss Strahan of Womens Hospital gave a talk on “Work of Almoner Departments in Public Hospitals” November Annual meeting. eight food parcels sent to Britain, 2 to Lampeter 1946 meetings held every two months May- Congratulations to Mrs Swan, Group President Elect June – 20 members present. August- 8th Birthday celebrated with a Social Evening Music was supplied by Mrs E.W. Barrie September - Scone competition 1. Mrs Beaty, 2. Miss Robinson 3. Mrs Exell November- Eggs sent to Somers House 1947 February – Demonstration of Glove-making March – revert to monthly meetings April - decided to have an auto tray made for the Branch May – Branch decided to plant a tree for Princess Elizabeth’s 21st Birthday.. Council to be asked if agreeable to continue arrangements in 1940, to fence C.W.A. Plantation end of page 3 Page 4 June - Food parcels sent to Overseas Link July – Invitations to birthday celebrations sent to Bacchus Marsh, Ballan, Sunbury, Mt Egerton August September - Collection of silver coin taken a donation from Branch towards wedding gift to Princess Elizabeth … forwarded to H.Q. November – C.W.A. together with Red Cross and Bacchus Marsh C.W.A. to provide afternoon tea and luncheon at Eynesbury sale. 1948 February – Food parcels sent to ex-Prisoner-of-war. Publicity agent appointed April – Decided to apply for trees to be planted in area already chosen a beauty spot May – Additional listeners to Broadcast Session were appointed June July – Gift of books received from Overseas Link. I was decided to stat a Library . Miss Raleigh to at a Librarian. August – 5 pound donation from Branch funds to “Save the Children” Appeal. September, October, November 1949 January – At Group Conference, delegates to vote in favour of resolution that State School children be allowed to sit for exams in own school March – Decided to contact Council for permission to fence off Water Reserve April, May – Another parcel to be sent to Ret. British P.O.W. Association June July – Fancy Dress Children’s Ball to be held for Annual Effort August – 11th Birthday September – Bank Balance November – 11th annual Meeting. Members agree to supply small gifts to Ballarat Mental Hospital 1950 February – Five books were received from Lampeter March – Branch to support idea of holding a Music Drama Festival in Group April – Miss Smith elected Group President May – C.W.A. Science Van visited Melton June – Demonstration of Macrame work - July August – 12th Birthday Celebration end page 4 Page 5 September, October November 12th Annual Meeting, Miss Smith Group President. Melton's Country Women's Association Choirlocal special interest groups, local identities -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Melton State School 430, 1870
Edna Barrie received this photo from Margaret nee McCoy Robinson c 1980. In 2011 the original photograph was scanned and digitised and restored by Morrie Forte. Norma ( Mothers’ Club Representative 1970) and Morrie Forte of Melton have been associated and supported the Melton State School No 430 and contributed to the 100 years celebrations. In December 2011 when viewing the enlarged restored print Mary Tolhurst identified brothers Andrew and Edward Byrns.[Burns] she is a descendent of this family. The brothers were enrolled at the Melton Common School in 1864 aged about 8 ½ and 5 years and left in 1870 and 1871. Head Teacher J H Murphy 1869-71Students in front of the bluestone buildinglocal architecture, education -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Cast of Cinderella Operetta, 1925
Cinderella 1924 cast: Back Row Second Back Row Second Front Front Standing Harry Radford 1. Billy Mentha Bonnie Mentha Eleanor Crosier (Jester) (Witch) Crozier Maud Dunmore 2. Ameli Russell Elvie Lethbridge Kath Whitehouse Marie Jongebloed 3. Lizzie Nixon Marjorie Myers Evelyn Brunton 4. Valma Wilson Greta Jongebloed Marjorie Peterson (Housemaides) Maisie Shearwood 5. Olive Crosier Mary Kilpatrick Edna Myers Crozier 6----------- Gwen Shelley 7. Elsie McCorkell Aileen Whitehouse 8. Mary Coburn Lynda Cameron (Cinderella) 9. Silvia Dunmore Rosie Shearwood (Prince charming) 10. Vera Shearwood 11. Elaine Lethbridge 12. Malcolm Cameron Front Row – sitting Edith Keys, Florence Mentha (Mushrooms) Names compiled by Edna Barrie at the time of the 100 years celebrations of the Melton State School No. 430 in October 1970. Original Photo scanned and restored by Morrie Forte 2011 The cast of Cinderella in front of the Melton Mechanics Institute Hall local identities, education -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Book - Table Top 1824 - 1984, Merrick L Webb
This publication was compiled for the Centenary celebrations of the Table Top school in 1984. Known by the Aborigines as Mullyan-argina, or breeding place of eagles, the flat topped hill attracted the attention of Hume and Hovell's expedition in November 1824 and Hamilton Hume named Battery Mount. Later on, when the Mitchell family acquired the run they named it Table Top. The book contains detailed information about the district and pioneer families who contributed to its development.A paperback publication of 80 pages including photographs and maps compiled by the Table Top History Committee.This publication was compiled for the Centenary celebrations of the Table Top school in 1984. Known by the Aborigines as Mullyan-argina, or breeding place of eagles, the flat topped hill attracted the attention of Hume and Hovell's expedition in November 1824 and Hamilton Hume named Battery Mount. Later on, when the Mitchell family acquired the run they named it Table Top. The book contains detailed information about the district and pioneer families who contributed to its development.table top nsw, hume & hovell, the mitchell family, table top pioneers -
Korowa Anglican Girls' School
Textile (Item) - Blazer Pocket, Crested Blazer Pocket worn since 2006
Features School crest in use since 1920. Motto 'Palma Non Sine Pulvere' from the Latin 'No Palms Without Dust' meaning No Reward Without Effort. Features the Archbishop's Mitre for our Anglican connection and palm leaves of celebration. Since 2006 in cherry and silver colours. -
St Kilda Historical Society
Ephemera - Invitation, Golden Jubilee Celebrations, St Columba's Church, Elwood, 1979
Invitation to a Mass of Thanksgiving in connection with the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of St Columba's Church, Elwood, on 9 December 1979. The St Columba Church and school is on the corner of Glenhuntly Road and Normandy Road, Elwood. The land was purchased in 1914. The school was built and opened first in 1918 and the church was completed and opened in 1929. The church is now part of the Catholic Parish of Sacred Heart and St Columba, serving St Kilda and Elwood communities.White card, discoloured with age, printed in blue on one side. Handwriting on both sides, in blue and blackHandwriting on back in black: Dearest Joan, This is our warm invitation, do hope you can come Mary. Handwriting on back in blue: Please come to the "Back to" in Parish Hall after Mass.churches, st columba's church, elwood -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, F.C. Mc C. Crisp, Bacchus Marsh Centenary Celebrations, 10/1936
Bacchus Marsh celebrated 100 years of white settlement in 1936. The centenary celebrations committee comprised of L.M. Dugdale (President), A.W. Bond (Hon. Secretary), Charles Dickie, W. Grant Morton, W.R. Vigor, C.J. McFarlane, G.H. Anderson, T.J. Shea, F.C. McC Crisp, Dr E. McDonald, Robert Elliott (treasurer), R.H. Lambert (Decorations manager)Brown covered book of 28 pages. The book includes an historical essay, official centenary programme, Electric Light Plant, Patriotic Bacchus Marsh, milk industry, Pioneer Women's Memorial Avenue, Bacchus Marsh Gas Works . The book includes numerous advertisement, some illustrated. Images include: * Bacchus Marsh Flats from Anthony's Cutting; * Manor house; * Scene in Maddingley Park * Werribee Valley; * Werribee Gorge * Maddingley Park lake; * ANA Hall and Post Office * Shire Hall and Soldiers' Memorial Hall, * State School No 28 * At Werribee Gorge ** The Gas Supply Co, Bacchus Marsh * Bacchus Marsh Shire Council, 1935-6 (named) Images depicted in the book were supplied by H.J.M. Vallancebacchus marsh, merrimu guest house, anthony's cutting, captain bacchus, manor house, maddingley, maddingley park, werribee gorge, bacchus marsh shire, bacchus marsh shire council -
Buninyong Visitor Information Centre
Document - Programme, Primary School No. 1270 Buninyong Centenary Celebrations 1873 - 1973, 1973
... the school centenary including a Debutante Ball, Procession, School ...Printed programme of events celebrating the school centenary including a Debutante Ball, Procession, School Roll Call, School Dinner, Concert, Church Service, Luncheon and Bus Tour. White single folded card with photograph of Buninyong Primary School, No. 1270 and the programme of activities from 31 August to 2 September, 1973buninyong state school, buninyong primary school, education, community, celebrations -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newspaper clipping, A humble beginning, Diamond Valley Leader, July 26, 2006, p35, 2006
50th anniversary celebrations of the Eltham Pre-school.newsprinteltham pre-school, eltham war memorial, anniversary -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Book - Glen Huntly State School No.3703 Grange Road
A 190 page book called The Story So Far 1914-2009 – The History of Glen Huntly Primary School No.3703, by Shirley A. Mriams. The book gives a very detailed history of the school’s early history. It includes head teachers/principals and the school’s progress through each decade to 2009. The remaining chapters give 2009 student roll call, citizenship awards, house competition awards, music awards, sporting awards, encouragement, swimming and musical productions, notable past students and teachers, bibliography and sponsors. There are many photos and school plans as well.glen huntly, glen huntly primary school, glenhuntly primary school, mirams shirley a., glenhuntly printing works, printing industry, from the earth fruit and veg., glenhuntly state school, greengrocers, king stephen, king design, alessi libby, principals, mcgowan keith, radio broadcasting, hunt sydney, forbes c., ramsay m., primary schools, glenhuntly state school, jenkin william, bryant a., orames mr, morrison r., christensen t., doggett j., rogers a., fink r., terrill f., mitchell j., cravine e., mcrae w., cooper l., chernside c., silva a.j., dolphin w., crampton colin, wilson wendy mrs, glenhuntly road, glen huntly, clerk's estate, subdivisions, glen huntly clerk's settlement, carnegie school no. 2897, world war 1914-1918, gardens, mothers clubs, world war 1939-1945, poliomylitis, rural training school, traffic signals, films, 'slow bike race', parents and friends association, after school program, fires, 'links' magazine, choirs, disadvantaged schools program, school plays, 'germs', 'garden folk', festivals and celebrations, japanese internship program, 'kids in space', 'dragon girl', 'fish 'n' ships', murals, wendy wilson music award, fetes, lord reserve, carnegie, australian natives association, congregational chuch sunday school hall, martell e miss, garden avenue, grange road, salvation army halls, halls, glenhuntly road, wanalta road, williamson alex, williamson jean, williamson gordon mccrae, school rolls, le brocq john, cockfield douglas r., grogan allen, mathiesson edward, johnston ronald frank, harris george, money neil robert, fraser eric, munro john, hyland hector thos., gibson wilfred john, eliason francis, scarles john robert, wallace andrew, henning george frederick, maryson sydney, petherbridge c., whitfield j., edward lee, queen alexander, carnegie state school, madden frank sir, parliamentary representatives, bank of new south wales, charles ernest, wallace andrew james, hunt chas. hogarth, williams stanley f., tester thomas george, henstridge john, henstridge reginald, johnston travis andrew, nixon alexander, lewis victor, dalton john, arthurs violet grace, browning leslie george, carroll eric harry, dobson keith george, evans george w.m., eyres annie may, hogg lillian, hunt alfred w.m., johnson henry, jones dorothy minnie, love helvic agnes, lyons gordon, lyons vera, parsons eric robert, dickens gordon percy, smith elva beatrice, harry david, westcott harold norton, westcott ormond chs., bremner marie, entertainers, williamson alex mccrae, ransay albert, caulfield town hall, green ethel, hawthorn alice, reynolds emma a., potter thelma, potter phyllis, anderson elsie m., girdwood stella, bastin may, murphy dorothy g., southern mary, mcleod gwen, ezard gladys m., hood emily vera, thorne eileen isobel, robinson noel, monckton marjorie, mrs hannigan's tuckshop, foley children, lord mr., bladin francis, tomlinson jean, jenkins vern, williamson jean, forty alan, rhinefield mr, bennett mary, brabham laurel, swain george, reynolds mille, gill harry, williamson g., cockfield winifred, baird beth, king elsie, challman miss, glen huntly 'drum and file' school band, larkin aircraft supply company, sugarworks swamp, lemans swamp, lyons streets, morgan streets, miller street, lizars linda, brown allan sir, hurie gladys, simpson peggy, royal ave., garden ave., tennis courts, lander h.j., castledine f.r., henning a.s., glen huntly progress association, harboard joan, mullins mr, pountney dorothy, daley beryl, marching clubs, findlay joyce, green lionel, charles ern, bennett mary, shelter sheds, blanchfield mr bakers, donoald mr grocers, walburn rhoda, harris shirley, treyvaud mr, hale maxwell, painter ken, allan mr ('fatty'), proven mr, ross mrs, nye margaret, nally ware beaker, monuments and memorials, graham bruce, 'bulldog drummond', learmonth mary, bullock margaret, o'shea annie, tattersall dawn, jenkins betty, lighton robert, bruce peter, love grace, love family, judd margery, gardiner elsie, gardiner sadie, glen eira dairy, vanston dorothy, barton cynthia, tipping mr, drummond mr, hambly chrissy, shrives kathleen, hutton beverly, miller kenneth deering, callender mr bakers, cook miss, nunn john athlete, andrews ailsa (nee mcgregor), fraser wally, vickers madeline, vickers john, scanlon mr, malcolm miss, brown barbara (nee holland), pepper miss, burns miss, mclaren miss, beadman jim athletics, robinson noel, crompton neal sportsperson, wilkinson graham, neilson ray, byers barry, bryant tony referee, murray bob, burton pam, pappas george, burke b. mrs, neville street, smith harvey, o'donnell mrs, kivlighon mr, grierson wendy, evans yvonne, squires doreen, squires kathy, jenvey stewart, baxter john, coenen eddie maintenance workers, byrne carol, williams pamela, zari austin (nee coenen), furney janet, dodds mrs, mitchell j., bell r., forsyth e. miss, mitchell neil, radio broadcasting, burke m., boatman r., garfield d., harris e. mrs, sherman m. mrs, carolan e., gunthorp b., barnes john, barnes joan, ellis christine, kossatz mr, black miss, lader mrs, franghis peter, parnell dennis, revens ester, young vivian, mclean bernice, tattersal lorna, geddes rae, hocking malcolm, cusworth peter, christie glenn, watt richard, conway gred, hand graham, mcgowan e., parnell j., mcguire n, hare john, prest margaret, forrester david, mitchell eric, cordingley mrs, waterworth mr, cohen mr, rankin fiona, christiansen mr, boatman mr, dougan mrs milkbars, dougan barry, suttie richard, parnell bruce, silverman judy, king jenny, saxon sally, king nicolette, maxwell heather, saxon jill, vincent russell, saxon rosemary, murray bob, saxon david, miller bill, hill sally-ann, hesline sandra, raspberger cynthia, nightingale mrs district remedial centre, smith mrs, district language consultant, robertson gabrielle, mclennan matthew, goloub kin lyn, jarrett mavis, schafer dianne, commerford pip, mcdougall carlene, anderson jack, hawthorne russell, callahan evelyn, zagami maria, bremner elizabeth, braun tiki, berman claudine, briggs margaret, brady sue, shaw melissa, henham ravena, cooper tania, de abrev connie, brodie joanne, macdonald leighan, mccallum margaret, beddoe john, mcdonald mr council employee, clift andrew, ash steven, lowndes nerida, wysocki b., drough h., grossbard j., locke j., cox l., morey l., clifton p., short b., herszberg n., clift debbie, fuk michael, theodosopoulos haria, shrives jean (nee tomlison), forty alan, geiger irit, roach sally, hillis rachael, roache donna, dixon wendy, bayliss curtis, pregnall joy mrs, slocum mrs, nelson glenda, rubinstein morrie, lurkey dianne, mcminn michael, arneil barbara, mick rose, mell and alice, brayton andrea, moorhead k. rev, brownhill e., lolas heather mrs, regan bernie cleaner, hopkins a. mrs, dewar leon, school crossings, darak diana, eddey diana, pregnall max, eppinger rosy, stacy paul, douvitsas chris, maycock kelly, bunyan liza, johansen eva, siaosi jackie, don kerrie, smyth ruth, bruce julie, mcgregor lorraine, mcallister peter, nelson g., knight sue, mackey s., mackinnon julie, mccallum margaret, johannsen j., herzberg n., hall k, jarrett m., johns w., beddoe john, wilson w., dayble l., thomas helen, ogura etsuko, coxon diane, guttman emmy, garg sangeeto, kennedy robyn, coleman heidi, thompson vic, currie sioux, arnold eve mrs, beddoe mr, mckay sara, skilney tamara, zent mandy, sassos eugenia, manvel bill, lewis pam, rothstadt kaye, clerehan jane, watson simon, daw josie, strong helen, craig caroline, devasagayam kenny, bell peter, palanarezuk fiona, suttie mitchell, mirians shirley, prest marg, condon gabrielle, pitkin sigrid, wilson heather, don paul, thursfield william, footballers, ormond junior football club, rothstadt david, bruce julie, fallu jackie, patterson denise, trantor debbie, nakamura nozomi, christensen tanya, james-clark spencer, eppinger rosy, matsumoto minako, osborne cheryle, john beddoe meritorious sporting student award, sunderland pippa, schleiger emma, paulusz chris, hollingworth kyle, griffiths david, cooper cameron, jewel andrew, nannegaril (nick) abhishek, marshall joel, hodden leigh, meyer tony, te hennepe michael, zimbachs trent, chavili praveen, listmangof mark, sampson tim, sayfer daniel, mest jack, crampton colin, crampton andrew, hemming beth, dean deirdre, wong melissa, arneil christopher, friedman adam, sonnberger leonie, mackey suzanne, clarke heather, fernando gyan, horvath eva, horvath melissa, horvath natalie, rowe rebecca, taylor yani, robinson tess, nolan rebecca, hollingworth mamie, trigellis-smith anna, zhou cindy, jenvey olivia, smith yasminka, hemming caitlin, gale elke, johnson christopher, dalton lyndsay, perish james, seddon anna, webster teagan, stratford sachi, zhuang yvette, taylor katherine, tettennepe simon, hu kevin, thursfield oliver, beycher sonny, gavland angelene, fotopoulos daisy, mcclelland letty, king sierra, sargeant kolly, hodden melissa, picking kate, brasic lisa, mcclelland cassie, cummins alexandra, jamieson laura, cashen lanaya, rowe angela, georgiou jonathon, pejovic maja, luv aileen, hoskin yumika, bishop amy, tweed jacqueline, corrales mariana, williams kendall, jewell bethany, friedman sara, golden phoebe, mellios lauren, sayfer charlene, bell daniel, glagovski anton, ring hannah, aldred jasmin, sisson laura, king janine, allen robbie, taylor xavier, trigellis-smith colin, italia paula, tamura naoko, eddy diane, paterson denise, clarke heather, hemming beth, wilson wendy, wallace gaye, moore denis, plumb rochellee, schmauder debra, taylor kathrine, gale elke, taylor yani, sisson laura, fotopoulos daisy, zuccala lyn, smith phyllis, katz lily, sonnberger leonie, quail janine, prest margaret, zhang karen, indukuri gita, prest duncan, prest julieann, dureau sally, hopkins anna, baligod imelda, fallon kerry, bjelanovic danijela, james-clark laura, magnani lisa, phillips kathy, bell hilary, bakshi jasmeet, james-clark spencer, james-clark mason, james-clark stella, fitzgerald kerrie, krawze kamila, czech jon, lee maria, boell jacqueline, schmauder debra, georgiou martha, randles yvonne, smyth ruth, florrimell sean, ryan patrick, rossjohn sian, eppinger rosy, melenhurst bradley, melenhurst ashley, melenhurst christopher, silva katie, richards michael, garner jenny, bucher peter, gleitzman morris author, zhou jun, cook andrew, memorial services, funerals, wendy wilson hall, rossjohn jamie, earls tom, nicholls stephanie, vagner natasha, anderson pam, hall aileen, grose jenny, dalton sue, bejers maya, paterson denise, witte david, lath natalie, dalmau jessica, darras irene, miljus max, moritmitsu ran, zhou yida, barns sue, varbaro bianco, howell alan, lath miss, jacobs john, tinetti amy, maloney matthew, petrovic vida, bruce julie, bonner angie, porter ros, hill andrea, hocking hazel, jozsa zara, wishart jan, guyer noeline, powell bruce, hopkinson judy, mccrae glenys, mccrae beverly, james margot, barns tony, barns joan, ryan ann artist, jenek alex, jozsa olivia, woods caitlin, ledda daniel, cook andrew, rossjohn bevan, aunavarapu ashray, loveas paul, beiers mariel, allan gemma, squires rhoda, squires garry, squires terry, squires lesley, squires rhonda, squires doreen, squires peter, squires kathy, king sierra, king tynan, king mackenzie, king harrison, king shuyler, allen robbie, allen jessica, allen samantha, dale sheridan, dale caroline, dale elliot, dale taylor, dale clark, woodards carnegie auctioneers, roberts ruth, mckenzie's ward, glenhuntly fruit supply, ceudet and kubeyde, subway glenhuntly, alessi libby mrs, manuel bill mr, bruce julie ms, jacobs john mr, paterson denise mrs, thompson vic mr, sonnberger leonie mrs, sassos eugenia mrs, witte david mr, krauze maila ms, tinetti amy ms, bower jessica mrs, fitzgerald kerrie mrs, eppinger rosie mrs, vagner natasha mrs, zent mandy mrs, james-clark laura mrs, fallon kerry mrs, grose jenny mrs, bonner angie mrs, miriams shirley mrs, petrovic vida mrs, maloney matthew mr, bakshi jameet mr, smyth-kinyua ruth mrs, fitzpatrick tom mr, watson scott mr, theodore kate ms, porter ros ms, hill andrea ms, howell alan mr, schauder emma mrs, jozsa george mr, bitmead claire mrs, bader linda ms, jacobs john mr, bhuteja raza, rossjohn bevan, christensen lara, dale clark, chong aldwin, barns-dunne genevieve, guy cleo, georgiou demetrius, allen gemma, arunachalam elanthendral thiruavani, chau samantha, foldvari miro, gade saathvika, ghafari mohid, jones alvin, korres johnny, margaritis evan, pickering finley, schauder daniel, shah hisha, shermis-fox dalvin, thorat sahil, zhong emma, arunkumar mitali, baxi vaasu, bhadra rushil, chevalier stefanie, bitmead rose, cooper brittany, jozsa zara, croes sonny, gil harnoor, koika akito, gitein iris, matthews benjamin, moses lior, gupta anushka, nematy keanu, jaiswal sanjana, makwana yash max milius, o'donoghue romy, patel vishesh, nalamati anushka, paul aaron, obsioma jarred, pavlich nicola, rizk taran, schauder ben, shah vansh, stuart isobel, yadavalli sriprada, sharma shreya, tut nyajania, zhao max, abeyesekerea gail, attanayake nikeesha, behl shaurya, desai noopur ankoor, espinosa daphne, kansara kesha, kantheti sai rithvik, malakar ishan, manion freya, mohammed zoheb, morimitsu ran, moshe sarit, peri varsha, reutskiy yael, ryan harrison, shah jahanvi, wallis hannah, woods liam, bhuteja raza, belyuga lachlan, chen linda, bikovsky alexander, das sanchali, bitmead william, ghafari malaika, cherukuihota ritish, jenek alex, chintala aditi, lvovsky jeremy, dumnounkan nicky, mazzocchi ashleigh, el shorbagy hanna, mohammed zeeshan, foldvari phoebe, nekkadapu prava, gill armann, obsioma joseph, harper tyler, pickering jasper, kanapathippillai noah, pronina anja, kat jemma, pudikova veronika, king schuyler, reutskiy nicole, nikitin daniel, rossjohn bevan, o'connor finnian, schauder hannah, parsons zoe, shaked natalie, shang alexander, sharmila ajit aaditya arya, shulz david, siah sunny, singh gab, woods caitlin, wallis eliza, yang jee, zhong michelle, zhang alan, zhou stella, zhang betty, arjuna vicknan, arunachalam thirumagal, bahambhani yog, christensen lara, dale clark, hoenig tess, jozsa olivia, knelle louise, kwon minchol, lin angelina, milyus sophie, modi dhriti, morimitsu rin, moses nikol, noh yuhan, raghav devrath, rule darcy, tran cindy, trivedi namit, vayenas christina, vaz adonis, vortman david, allan liam, annavarapu ashrey, attanayake akeshi, capicchiano rose, chilakamarri nikhil, davis oliver, forti kate, guo maggie, guy cleo, james zoe, jenek ada, kalra pravav, king harrison, lin angelo, lin anita, melenhorst bradley, melenhorst christopher, metzler jessica, moses tomer, perelman michael, ryan patrick, wheatley nathaniel, allen gemma, bailey crystal-lee, gan tina, georgiou demetrius, ghafari kainat, grigorian nick, hackshaw chris, howell benjamin, kuznetsov ilya, luo eileen, luo elaine, margaritis mary-anne, melenhorst ashley, morimitsu rui, omer-cooper james, ozgur batuhan, salathiel matthew, vayenas paulina, wang qi wei, ward monica, arabena. brittany, bader-mcdowell alexander, barns-dunne genevieve, beiers mariel, chilcott rose, chong aldwin, cook andrew, dale taylor, dalton eamon, durant demeke, horn jade, iker korkhan, kat mariana, kwon so hyun, ledda daniel, loucas paul, panchal rajvi, ragozin vadim, reyer emma, song alex, varbara sovan, zhou james, robertson angela, henkul roland, hannagan cassie, rice elizabeth, ryan tammy, stacey paul, mason rebecca, ammendola marcella, moore m., copey n., priesner m., cotterell d., cohn adam, don paul, don kerrie, hanley alison, mckechnie brian, gowland rebecca, te hennepe daniel, schleiger emma, zimbachs trent, rowe rebecca, taylor katherine, beycher sonny, halliburton andrew, dureau thomas, dureau nicole, thursfield alexandra, allen courtney, willis isabelle, zhou jun, james-clark stella, melky michelle, willis ruby, earls tom, srinivasan lakshmi, zhou yida, te hennepe daniel, meyer tony, leiken nikita, thompson alex, te hennepe simon, johnson christopher, vassilopoulos michael, irwin christopher, asaturov gary, rossjohn sian, sangangum watsana, varbaro bianca, mitchell, hume, batman, brown robyn, maxwell jennifer, mclean jill, culpin howard, jones dennis, archer ?, lester phillip, taylor jennifer, anderson judith, ? bronwyn, hall robyn, powlett john, clark ross, taylor christine, booth peter, turner ian, porter larry, turner diane, anderson diane, scott megan, mclean david, christie donald, wishart philip, mottrim joan, christie coleen, travis bicki, watt elizabeth, richards michael, peet marily, sutherland fiona, ziegenbien kay, lester judith, kostamarkis con, yeoman keith, hastings ronald, ? mark, coenen zari, young vivian, young carolyn, weber elizabeth, child gary, cooper stephen, robertson james, ross dean, ? eve, cooper anne, saunders bruce, yeaman peter, wilkinson dawn, armstrong jeffrey, hill gregory, morris steven, suttie richard, silverman judy, king jenny, silverman sharon, broadmore janine, martin dean, smith robert, frommer ruth, saxon rosemary, justus heidi, o'keefe sue-ellen, robertson angela, young natalia, pigounis anthony, brodie anthony, henkul roland, duncan neil, cooper tania, brodie joanne, meerkin naomi, henham rowena, moulds adam, butterworth richard, kellis nick, tapai michael, goodwin sonia, clift debbie, hannagan shannon, marley kara, ceki tibor, ellis shaun, charleworth stewart, can bergeijk richard, schroor briony, leticq jeanette, davidson angela, kakos vicki, collins darren, mcfarlane matthew, adley hassan, agar james, rakonjac mileva, lowndes nereida, grimster jane, ? laurenne, mcdonell terry, clift andrew, perry timothy, rice martin, weir lisa, devasagayam briony, chatila nancy, melland alice, rakonjac nik, mcdonald brett, collins michael, rose darren, ryan tammy, rice elizabeth, hannagan cassie, mason rebecca, douvitasa chris, chivers scott, siaosi jack, stacey paul, moore matthew, coles lisa, diggins sebastian, barboussas costa, moulds johanna, brett travis, mcminn johanna, soloma tim, copey nicole, kakos peter, rontoyannis evan, mcdonald scott, pregnell ian, lowndes jared, kapetanos diane, ivkov srdjan, palamarczuk rosemary, cotterell diane, tonta amelia, craig caroline, yeun joseph, yusuf alham, quon kane, fiek peter, pitkin meryl, yarovsky julie, mckay sara, koger saskia, slocum tom, meyer sean, dunn nathan, vickers anthony, don paul, mason lulu, stanton bronwyn, hanley alison, don kerrie, kennedy chad, callaghan matthew, ghosh suvro, teteira jay, sargent kelly, hollingworth marnie, lack orry, wheeler ashley, trigellis-smith anna, hoskin tim, barda david, nolan rebecca, kulikov simon, kirkpatrick ryan, schleiger rudi, becker thomas, de lisle justin, taylor katherine, gale elke, te hennepe simon, ring hannah, stratford sachi, taylor yani, parish james, aldred jasmin, sisson laura, thursfield oliver, fotopoulos daisy, hoskin yumika, trigellis-smith colin, corrales mariana, soyfer charlene, moore vanessa, halliburton andrew, glagovski anton, johnson christopher, wheeler joel, taylor xavier, chapman jessica, ledda alexander, rowe angela, jewell bethany, goluguri pradeepthi, bell daniel, golightly callum, graham emily, mckechnie ellen, james-cark spencer, byrne david, parker natalie-lee, loucas david, pappas michael, gamble laurence, dureau thomas, loriot christina, drinozcky chloe, ring caitlin, robertson mitchell, pleysier yvonne, boghikian emie, sisson matthew, sanchez zanetta, rowe daniel, saunders john, cox josh, barda nick, dureau nicole, lenkiewicz justine, jamieson emily, mclaughlan kate, carpenter tess, vassilopoulos michael, jewell clare, gavnoudias james, matthews laura, georgiou costa, dale caroline, gamble kate, beiers hannah, james-clark mason, richardson zoe, thursfield alexandra, hosking kenta-neville, dounias theodore, annavaparu ramya, sinclair chloe, nolan megan, king tynan, tomlinson michael, allen courtnay, florrimell sean, ong kenny, foley patrick, gale emily, saunders alice, rowe michelle, willis isabelle, vassilopoulos alexandra, johnson bradley, borley genevieve, irwin christopher, earls thomas, matthews jessica, mudumbi venkatesh, lenkiewicz alice, king mackenzie, dounias christopher, beiers maya, dick alastair, levy matthew, srinivasan lakshmi, adams joshua, singh mia, borley natalie, varbaro bianca, christensen jade, willis ruby, sinclair emma, allen samantha, rossjohn sian, borley morgan, bader-mcdowell jeremy, chettimadda gopala kr yashas, anguswamy manoj, nekkadapu sankeerth, dalton kieran, allan tristan, gandham anoohya, arabena brittany, melenhorst ashley, vayenas paulina, dale taylor, bader-mcdowell alexander, omer-cooper james, reyer emma, kuznetsov ilya, metzler jessica, beiers mariel, forti kate, james zoe, annavarapu ashrey, ryan patrick, davis oliver, ilker korkhan, mcgowan keith, thursfield william, gribbin andrew, walsh-howling damien, scanlon alan, mitchell neil, brown allan, bruce peter, murray robert (bob), christensen tanya, de kretser jan, bremner marie, bayliss curtis, wheeler reece, symons red, de zilwa nick, byers gary, crompton neil, wilkinson graham, nilsson ray, bryant tony -
Canterbury History Group
Book, Surrey Hills History Nook, Surrey Hills: In Celebration of the Centennial 1883-1983, November 1983
Collection of recollections and photographs of early history of Surrey Hills58 pages, includes b & w photos, appendices, plus separate index documentnon-fictionCollection of recollections and photographs of early history of Surrey Hillssurrey hills, transport, empire day, churches, schools, recreation, reminiscences -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Magazine, Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), "Met Lines", October 1985 - December 1985
Magazine, published by the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Victoria "Met Lines" (Metlines) - A4, printed on white gloss paper, with the MTA logo or symbol. Issued under the name of L. A. Strouse as Chairman. Continues from Reg Item 1058 "Met Lines" - printed in an A3 version, Now a monthly version printed in an A4 size. Major tram and bus items listed. Tramway and bus names only listed, not railway. .1 - Vol 1 No. 5 - August 1985 - 20 pages - announcement of trams for Hong Kong, Minister Tom Roper, tram posters, an article on the work of the TMSV with photos. Retired tramway employees association, Minister visiting Brunswick depot, Melbourne Brighton Bus Lines joins the Met - has photos of staff. .2 - Vol 1 No. 6 - September 1985 - 20 pages - tram emergency crew - derailment of 34 at Russell and Burke and Emergency crew at work and in front of truck, Joe Saccasan foreman at South Melbourne and artist, Doncaster Bus depot, The Met Transporter at the Royal Melbourne show. .3 - Vol 1 No. 7 - October 1985- 20 pages - front page Emery Worldwide courier Elizabeth Sciberra with driver John Edwards, competition to detail a photo of cable tram conductor with very large safety pins (for the bell punch tickets), Hong Kong Kowloon-Canton KCRC inspection tour of Preston Workshops, new tram track construction, Essendon depot Soccer Club premiers winners, Malvern Depot photos and story, Norm Cross and making of Malcolm, Conductor training at Hawthorn depot, photo of enthusiast Paul Jordan, Bus and Coach Society of Victoria article with photos of MMTB Double Decker 244 and a Thornycroft bus No. 14. Article on MMTB uniforms - cable trams, PMTT with photos. .4 - Vol 1 No. 8 - November 1985 - 20 pages - front page cable sketches of cable trams - Met Annual Report, Personnel management, 100 years of Melbourne's tram - many photographs, history timeline for trams, Marketing new posters (See Reg Item 585), tram tours, the Outer Circle Railway - bike path, Essendon depot to be redeveloped, lunch at Hawthorn Training School, tram wheel grinding - James Hajjar. .5 - Vol No. 9 - December 1985 - 20 pages - MTCO Conductor competition - Ray Marsh, Met Posters, Footscray Bus Depot, Scrubber trams, calendar, tram centenary celebrations a success, old Bourke St head office plaque unveiling by Tom Roper and Keith Kings of TMSV, Eric Hobday MMTB Relieving Depot Master remembers the cable trams last day, Alan Jennings retirement, lists personnel movements within The Met. For next year 1986 - see Reg Item 1086trams, tramways, mta, the met, cable trams, conductors, bell punch, hong kong, tram track, malcolm, training, hawthorn, bscv, buses, uniforms, pmtt, mmtb, annual reports, personnel, 100 years of electric trams, posters, outer circle railway, footscray depot, scrubber tram, tmsv, posters, melbourne brighton bus, brunswick depot, r10 vehicle, emergency, derailments, tram 8w, tram 11w, tram 34 -
Ballarat and Queen's Anglican Grammar School
Badge, Noopsi Badges celebrating 100 years of Anglican education
... cegs 2011 bgs noopsi century-celebration grammar-school qceggs ...Ballarat Grammar’s 23 acre site facing Forest and Howitt Streets, Wendouree was chosen carefully by the Committee set up by the Church Assembly (Synod) in November 1908. Classes began for the 38 boys enrolled on 14 February 1911. The first building accommodated 90 day boys and 25 boarders. It comprised the Headmaster’s residence, three classrooms, one large dormitory, a small bathroom, two cubicles for assistant masters and the matron’s room. During the first year the property was fenced, trees and cypress hedges were planted, a carriage drive was constructed and work commenced for the School Cricket Oval. Three Noopsi Badges celebrating 100 years of Anglican education at Ballarat & Queens Anglican Grammar School. These are beaded badges in blue, yellow and brown with "100" in yellow, mounted on a safety pin. "100" in worked in yellow beadsballarat, badge, queens, 100, cegs, 2011, bgs, noopsi, century-celebration, grammar-school, qceggs -
Ballarat and Queen's Anglican Grammar School
Badge, Noopsi Badges celebrating 100 years of Anglican education
... cegs 2011 bgs noopsi century-celebration grammar-school qceggs ...Ballarat Grammar’s 23 acre site facing Forest and Howitt Streets, Wendouree was chosen carefully by the Committee set up by the Church Assembly (Synod) in November 1908. Classes began for the 38 boys enrolled on 14 February 1911. The first building accommodated 90 day boys and 25 boarders. It comprised the Headmaster’s residence, three classrooms, one large dormitory, a small bathroom, two cubicles for assistant masters and the matron’s room. During the first year the property was fenced, trees and cypress hedges were planted, a carriage drive was constructed and work commenced for the School Cricket Oval. Three Noopsi Badges celebrating 100 years of Anglican education at Ballarat & Queens Anglican Grammar School. These are beaded badges in blue, yellow and brown with "100" in yellow, mounted on a safety pin. "100" in worked in yellow beadsballarat, badge, queens, 100, cegs, 2011, bgs, noopsi, century-celebration, grammar-school, qceggs -
Ballarat and Queen's Anglican Grammar School
Badge, Noopsi Badges celebrating 100 years of Anglican education
... cegs 2011 bgs noopsi century-celebration grammar-school qceggs ...Ballarat Grammar’s 23 acre site facing Forest and Howitt Streets, Wendouree was chosen carefully by the Committee set up by the Church Assembly (Synod) in November 1908. Classes began for the 38 boys enrolled on 14 February 1911. The first building accommodated 90 day boys and 25 boarders. It comprised the Headmaster’s residence, three classrooms, one large dormitory, a small bathroom, two cubicles for assistant masters and the matron’s room. During the first year the property was fenced, trees and cypress hedges were planted, a carriage drive was constructed and work commenced for the School Cricket Oval. Three Noopsi Badges celebrating 100 years of Anglican education at Ballarat & Queens Anglican Grammar School. These are beaded badges in blue, yellow and brown with "100" in yellow, mounted on a safety pin. "100" in worked in yellow beadsballarat, badge, queens, 100, cegs, 2011, bgs, noopsi, century-celebration, grammar-school, qceggs -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Calendar 2025, Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society members, Historic Port Melbourne -Growing Up in Port Melbourne, October 2024
Researched, written and designed by PMHPS members.The cover of the 2025 "Historic Port Melbourne -Growing up in Port Melbourne " shows a group of children in 1957, on and in a car at the Presbyterian Church Kindergarten, Bridge Street Port Melbourne. The calendar was produced by members of the Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society and focuses on children's experiences growing up in Port Melbourne in the 1920's to the 1950' - kindergartens, education - primary schools, sport - football, sport - cricket, frank vincent, george langley, entertainment - celebrations -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, 1868 Time Capsule at St Kilda Road, 1985
In 1868, with the laying of the foundation stone, a time capsule was placed containing four newspapers of the day (Saturday 25 January, 1868 - The Age, The Argus, The Sun and The Telegraph: St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian), the first Annual report of the Victorian Asylum and School for the Blind (1867), 11 coins from the Victorian regency and an illustration of the proposed building at St Kilda Road. An undated note also describes a piece of parchment in the time capsule, which contained a list of names of committee members and relevant people involved in the construction of the building, such as Crouch & Wilson; however no image of this has been located. In 1991, this time capsule was opened as part of 125 year celebrations and the contents were put on display. The capsule was the size of a house brick and buried underneath the foundation stone. It was made of metal and had to be sawn open to reveal the contents. These images are of the items found inside the time capsule. Additionally there are low res images of these items plus some photographs taken on the day: Brian Howe, Minister for Health, holds the time capsule whilst Trent Willard and Janice Johns, current RVIB students, stand by during the raising ceremony; Miss Molly Miller, the oldest surviving student, and Mr Percy Raufer, great grand nephew of Mary-Ann Raufer who was pupil number 6 and enrolled in the school in January 29th, 1866 look at the items found in the time capsule. In 2005 a new time capsule was buried, including an electronic copy of the 1867 report and drawing of St Kilda Road from the 1868 time capsule.Photographs and scans of items found inside the time capsuleroyal victorian institute for the blind, brian howe, trent willard, janice johns, molly miller, percy raufer, time capsule -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Vermont State School, 1932
Black and white photo of members of Mother's Club and School Committee at Vermont State School's Diamond Jubilee 1932vermont state school no. 1022, festivals and celebrations -
Hymettus Cottage & Garden Ballarat
Work on paper - Bookmarks, Empire Day bookmarks
The celebration of Queen Victoria's birthday on May 24 was renamed Empire Day in 1903 after her death in 1901. It was celebrated throughout the British Empire, including in Australia. Ballarat schools marched in procession with a salute at the Town Hall before attending church services at their respective churches. By the late 1950s the celebration became Commonwealth Empire Day the reference to Empire being dropped by the 1960s.These form part of a large family collection of bookmarks and local & family history items at Hymettus Cottage, home to the same family for the past 125 years in 2024. They have a well documented provenance and a known owner forming part of a significant and representative historical collection that reflects Ballarat's local history from a family perspective. They contribute to our understanding of social and family life in twentieth century Ballarat and providing interpretative capacity for family, local, and social history themes.Three Empire Day cardboard bookmarks each featuring an illustrated crown, with crossed Australian and British flags, each bookmark trimmed in gold. The first is simply for Empire Day and two commemorate the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II and the 1953 Royal Visit respectively.nil,empire day, royal visit, bookmarks, empire day movement, melbourne, coronation year 1953 -
Bialik College
Mixed media (Item) - 2012 Primary Concerts Years 2-5, 2012
2012 Student work, multi-grade performances Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record. Bialik College, 70th Anniversary Celebrations, DVD Video, 2012 Primary Concerts Victor Smorgan Hall, Bialik College, Year 2 7 August, Year 3 9 August, Year 4 7 August, Year 5 9 August. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this, performance, drama, secondary school, jewish school, student work -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Former Methodist Church, Plenty, 5 August 2008
In 1924, the Methodist Church opened at the corner of River Ave and Yan Yean Road, Plenty. It was a simple weatherboard gabled building. The church developed a strong community life with celebrations as well as worships, Sundays Schools and social events. It closed in 1979. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p113 In 1924, the Methodist Church, (which closed in 1976), opened at the corner of River Avenue and Yan Yean Road. Church members including George Starling and Ernest Osmond, built the simple weatherboard gabled building.3 The church developed a strong community life, with celebrations as well as worship through Sunday School anniversaries, picnics, harvest festivals and youth groups. Many volunteers worked hard for the church - teaching Sunday School and ferrying young people to events, sometimes in the backs of trucks and furniture vans. Children from the Sutherland Homes were brought to church by their Matron – a ‘grim martinet’! Members included the Ashton, Reid, Harris, McLachlan, Hopkin, Rose and Stuchbery families. The first wedding was for Vida McLachlan and Ray Stuchbery.4This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, methodist church, plenty -
Bialik College
Education kit (Item) - Sports Presentation 2004
Recorded in 2004 to capture the sports presentations of Bialik students. Beach, snowfields, riverside, sports tracks and ovals locations. Primary and secondary school levels. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record. Sports Presentation DVD Bialik College 2004 from aniceguy productions2000s, 2004, sport, celebration, bialik college -
Clunes Museum
Book, WESLEY COLLEGE, All of Us are One - Voices and Images of Wesley College Melbourne, 2016
Merbein District Historical Society
Journal - Quarterly, Merbein Historian - Quarterly Journal of MDHS - No 45 (2 copies), Sept.2011
... Merbein Primary School Centenary Celebrations 2011 Merbein State ...rita appleby, nola (worthington) braidie, jennifer (wood) wood, margaret (bannister) bennett, merbein state school memories, david cross, richard wells, jack cross, merbein primary school centenary, daniel nemtsas, fred curtis, gwen jenner, merbein primary school students 2011, merbein primary school centenary celebrations 2011, merbein state school 1928, joan cutts, merbein mothers club 1926, mrs bradford, leslie jenner, merbein higher elementary form 2b 1957, leslie jenner, wesley laws, kath (andrews) daly, merbein state school 1939, mr & mrs findlay, mdhs trip to cobdogla 2011, bert curtis, flo gardam., jill thomson, max whiting, merbein higher elementary grade 6 1957, robert (jim) mcphee, patricia fleetwood