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matching aboriginal languages
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Yilpanha wiya yamathi tjapirnku =? why the goanna and the lizard are no longer friends today : the Dreamtime story of the goanna and the lizard, 2005
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Creation story.word lists, colour illustrations, CD-ROMwangkatha, western australia, dreamtime, storytelling, animals -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aboriginal words of Australia, 1983
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A collection from other sources. State of origin of words identified, but not Languages. Includes some phrases and The Lord's Prayer (from the Darling River).language reference -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Mark Aronoff et al, What is morphology?, 2005
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...grammar, morphology -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, JM Arthur, Aboriginal English : a cultural study, 1996
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Aboriginal English is the first and most significant dialect of Australian English. The term ?Aboriginal English? refers to the form of English used by Aboriginal people. This English is popularly but inaccurately called a ?pidgin?. Rather than being a Pidgin it is a complete language.aboriginal english, sociolinguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Barry J Blake, Case marking in Australian languages, 1977
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Linguistic study using case markings. Glossary.Maps, tableslinguistics, case relations in languages, pama-nyungan languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Tim Bonyhady, Words for country : landscape &? language in Australia, 2002
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Landscape and Language -- Lubra Creek -- The River Runs Backwards -- These Blarsted Hills -- Scarcely Any Water on Its Surface -- Everyone Who Has Ever Done A Tree Sit Always Says That The Tree Talks To You -- The Spirit of the Plains Kangaroo -- The Graveyard of a Century -- So Much for a Name -- Blackfellow Oven Roads -- The Ends of the Earth -- Natural Beauty, Man-Made -- Uluru -- The Outside Country -- It's Only Words.Mapslanguage and landscape, language essays, writing, storytelling -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Bernard Comrie, SBS SBS atlas of languages : the origin and development of languages throughout the world, 2003
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Over 30 full-colour maps, over 40 of the world?s major languages, language family trees, over 100 stunning full-colour photographs. A full glossary of linguistic terms.Maps, colour illustrations, colour photographslinguistics, maps, atlases -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, H M Cooper, Australian Aboriginal words and their meanings, 1966
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Short book of approximately 3,000 words from South Australian languages. No specific indication of source languages given.word listssouth australia, glossaries -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Vicki Couzens, tyama-teeyt yookapa : interviews from the Meeting Point Project, 2014
... abuot Language revival in Australian Aboriginal communities...Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...This book is a collection of stories, reflections and hopes abuot Language revival in Australian Aboriginal communities, extracted from a series of interviews carried out during 2009-2010.B&w photographslanguage revival, interviews, indigenous language victoria, indigenous language nsw, parkes, gumbaynggirr, wiradjuri -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, David Crystal, Language death, 2002
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...David Crystal asks the question ?Why is language death so important??, reviews the reasons for the current crisis and investigates what is being done to reduce its impact.language obsolescence, language endangerment, language and globalisation -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Edward M Curr, The Australian race : its origin, languages, customs, place of landing in Australia, and the routes by which it spread itself over that continent : vol. 1, 1886
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...b&w illustrations, word listsedward m curr -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Edward M Curr, The Australian race : its origin, languages, customs, place of landing in Australia, and the routes by which it spread itself over that continent : vol. 2, 1886
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...b&w illustrations, word listsedward m curr -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Edward M Curr, The Australian race : its origin, languages, customs, place of landing in Australia, and the routes by which it spread itself over that continent : vol. 3, 1887
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...word listsedward m curr -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Edward M Curr, The Australian race : its origin, languages, customs, place of landing in Australia, and the routes by which it spread itself over that continent, Vol. 3.2, 2004
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...CD ROM - home made, contains scanned images of a few pages. CDROM located in CD ROM case.Word lists, CD-ROM -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, James Dawson, Australian Aborigines : the languages and customs of several tribes of Aborigines in the western district of Victoria, Australia, 1981
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Comprehensive collection of details from James Dawson and his daughter on the people they met when they first settled in the Western District of Victoria in 1840. Detailed notes were kept on language and customs. He involved himself with the local people and respected their rights and lifestyle. He recorded incidents of their first contact with white people.b&w photographs, word lists, document reproductionswestern district, chaap wuurong, djab wurrung, peek whuurong, peek woorong, kuurn kopan noot, dhauwurd wurrung, birds, reptiles, relationship terms -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, RMW Dixon et al, Australian Aboriginal words in English : their origin and meaning, 1990
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A detailed study and dictionary of English words that have been borrowed from Australian languages. Entries organised by category and include quotes from relevant sources. Etymologies and source languages given wherever possible.B&w illustrations, maps, word listswords and phrases, linguistics, sociolinguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, RMW Dixon, Australian languages: their nature and development, 2002
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Very comprehensive technical linguistic introduction to the Australian language family, a follow-up to Dixon?s ?The Languages of Australia? (1980). Numerous maps, isoglosses, tables, comparative grammar, phonology, semantics, etc. 1. The language situation in Australia 2. Modelling the language situation 3. Overview 4. Vocabulary 5. Case and other nominal suffixes 6. Verbs 7. Pronouns 8. Bound pronouns 9. Prefixing and fusion 10. Generic nouns, classifiers, genders and noun classes 11. Ergative/?accusative morphological and syntactic profiles 12. Phonology 13. Genetic subgroups and small linguistic areas 14. Summary and conclusion.Mapslinguistics, language surveys -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, RMW Dixon, Grammatical categories in Australian languages, 1976
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Various authors, technical linguistic studies of the encoding of particular syntactic functions across many Australian languages. Discussion of ?having? suffix, suffix -ku, syntactic ergativity, and verbal auxiliaries.Mapslinguistics, case relations in languages, pama-nyungan languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Diana Eades, Aboriginal ways of using English, 2013
... as their first main language. Includes overview of Aboriginal ways...Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Communication of Aboriginal people who speak English as their first main language. Includes overview of Aboriginal ways of speaking English and the implications for both education and the law. Discusses the term 'Aboriginal English'.Glossaryaboriginal english, sociolinguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Peter Muhlhausler et al, Ecological issues in Language revival, 2004
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Offers notes in language revival looking at interrelationships and connectedness in all area of language use.ecolinguistics, language and culture, language revival -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Peter K Austin, The Cambridge handbook of endangered languages, 2011
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...endangered languages, language revival, language research -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Sydney J Endacott, Australian Aboriginal words and place names and their meanings, 1985
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Word list with definitions. (Appear to be different printings)B&w photographs, word lists -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Sydney J Endacott, Australian Aboriginal native words and their meanings, 1944
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A short book of Aboriginal words with definitions intended as a source for naming places or properties. Aboriginal-English only and no indication of source languages.Word lists -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Peter K Austin, Endangered languages : beliefs and ideologies in language documentation and revitalisation, 2014
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...1.Introduction /? Julia Sallabank pt. 1 Case Studies: Beliefs and Ideologies in Endangered Language Communities 2.Paradoxes of Engagement with Irish Language Community Management, Practice, and Ideology /? Tadhg O. Hifearnain 3.Fluidity in Language Beliefs: The Beliefs of the Kormakiti Maronite Arabic Speakers of Cyprus towards their Language /? Chryso Hadjidemetriou 4.Reflections on the Promotion of an Endangered Language: The Case of Ladin Women in the Dolomites (Italy) /? Olimpia Rasom 5.Minority Language Use in Kven Communities: Language Shift or Revitalization? /? Anna-Kaisa Raisanen 6.Going, Going, Gone? The Ideologies and Politics of Gamilaraay-Yuwaalaraay Endangerment and Revitalization /? Peter K. Austin 7.Language Shift in an `Importing Culture': The Cultural Logic of the Arapesh Roads /? Lise M. Dobrin pt. 2 Language Documentation and Revitalization: What and Why? Contents note continued: 8.Ideologies, Beliefs, and Revitalization of Guernesiais (Guernsey) /? Julia Sallabank 9.Local Language Ideologies and Their Implications for Language Revitalization among the Sumu-Mayangna Indians of Nicaragua's Multilingual Caribbean Coast Region /? Eloy Frank Gomez 10.Must "We Save the Language? Children's Discourse on Language and Community in Provencal and Scottish Language Revitalization Movements /? James Costa 11.Revitalizing the Maori Language? /? Jeanette King 12.What Are We Trying to Preserve? Diversity, Change, and Ideology at the Edge of the Cameroonian Grassfields /? Jeff Good 13.The Cost of Language Mobilization: Wangkatha Language Ideologies and Native Title /? Jessica Boynton 14.Finding the Languages We Go Looking For /? Tonya N. Stebbins 15.Meeting Point: Parameters for the Study of Revival Languages /? Christina Eira pt. 3 From Local to International: Interdisciplinary and International Views Contents note continued: 16.Conflicting Goals, Ideologies, and Beliefs in the Field /? Simone S. Whitecloud 17.Whose Ideology, Where, and When? Rama (Nicaragua) and Francoprovencal (France) Experiences /? Michel Bert 18.UN Discourse on Linguistic Diversity and Multilingual ism in the 2000s: Actor Analysis, Ideological Foundations, and Instrumental Functions /? Anahit Minasyan 19.Language Beliefs and the Management of Endangered Languages /? Bernard Spolsky.maps, b&w photographs, tables, graphsendangered languages, language revival, education, language research -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Sydney J Endacott, Australian Aboriginal native words and their meanings, 1925
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A short book of Aboriginal words with definitions intended as a source for naming places or properties. Aboriginal-English only and no indication of source languages.word lists, b&w photographslanguage glossaries -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Sydney J Endacott, Australian Aboriginal words and place names and their meanings, 1985
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Cover has subtitle: A choice of 3,000 pleasant-sounding words from which to choose an appropriate Australian name.word listsglossaries, vocabularies -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Joshua A Fishman, Can threatened languages be saved? reversing language shift, revisited : a 21st century perspective, 2001
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Investigates 13 languages under threat. Two most improtant questions asked 1) what is the current demographic and functional status of each of the threatened languages 2) what is the best way to understand its future prospects?B&w illustrations, tablesendangered languages, language revival, language research, sociolinguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Robert Foster et al, Early forms of Aboriginal English in South Australia, 1840s-1920s, 2003
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A dictionary of South Australian Pidgin English, spoken primarily between Aboriginals and Europeans in South Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. It is a valuable resource for those engaged with historical and literary texts that in the past have often proved difficult to those not trained in pidgin linguistics.Word listssouth australian languages, nunga, kaurna, pidgin english -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Robert Lane Greene, You are what you speak : grammar grouches, language laws &? the power of words, 2011
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Why does language move some of us to anxiety or even rage? For centuries, sticklers have donned the cloak of authority to control how people use words. In this sensational new book, Robert Lane Greene strikes back to defend the fascinating, real-life diversity of this most basic human faculty. Chapters: 1 Babel and the Damage Done 2 A Brief History of Sticklers 3 Another Way to Love Language 4 More Equal than Others 5 Welcome to X. Now Speak Xish 6 Insubordinate Clauses 7 The Microsoft and Apple of Languages 8 Clouds, Not Boxes.sociolinguistics, linguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Jean Harkins, Bridging two worlds : Aboriginal English and crosscultural understanding, 1994
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Jean Harkins describes the interdependence of language forms and meanings in their cultural context. A full and varied dialect of English, Aboriginal English with its distinctive Aboriginal world view offers a rich perspective.yipirinya school, aboriginal english, pidgin english, bilingual education