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Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Journal (item) - Periodicals-Annual, Shiplovers' Society of Victoria, The Annual Dog Watch
This journal provides the reader with glimpses of the adventures and hardships of a seaman's life. Many of the stories are of sailing ships.Contributes to our knowledge of the importance of shipping and places on record those stories of the sea which would otherwise be lost.Contents Foreword - Sir John Holland - 5 Editorial - - 8 The "Lock Ard" J. M. MacKenzie - 13 "Moana" Interlude - Captain J. Gaby - 21 From Deckboy to Lord Chief Justice - R. Osmond - 32 Week-end at La Bera - I. L. Barton - 39 The Anchor on Mangalum Island - Commander H. E. Turner R.N. (Ret) - 41 "Dennis" - Commander G. McKee R.D. R.N.R. - 44 The Hey-day of Passenger Services between the U.K. and Australia - N. E. Shannon - 46 The Drift of the Schooner "Tyulen" - Y. A. Shemanskij - 49 "Pamir" is well remembered - J. Hopton - 59 Plymouth's Heritage of Houses - E. Harper - 62 The Sinking of the "Ballarat" - A. F. Reid, O.B.E. - 64 The Boarding House - R. N. Thiele - 68 The "Aurora" - K. Broberg - 75 First Voyage - L. Adams - 82 The Salvage of the "Tango Maru" 1928 - Captain W. J. Cowling - 92 Dismasted - Captain J. Aage. Wilson - 96 Pranks in the "Lauriston" - R. W. Rudd - 105 The Wreck of the "Hydrabad" Then and Now - D. McLennan - 107 Shipwrecks - C. E. Bonwick - 110 Oh, those English - Dr. Stanislaw Bernatt - 111 Diary of a Matelot, Part 3 - P. Watson - 112 Book Reviews - 121sailing ships, steamships, shipping, seafaring life, shiplovers' society of victoria, dog watch -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Journal (item) - Periodicals-Annual, Shiplovers' Society of Victoria, The Annual Dog Watch
This journal provides the reader with glimpses of the adventures and hardships of a seaman's life. Many of the stories are of sailing ships.Contributes to our knowledge of the importance of shipping and places on record those stories of the sea which would otherwise be lost.Contents Indonesian Sailing Harbour - Michael Treacy Errata Dog Watch 50 - Cerberus Crumbles - - The Carola Story - R. N. Thiele Left Behind - W.S. McUtchen Circumnavigation of Tasmania - Alex Algie HMS/HMAS Kanimbla — An Afterthought. Farewell Captain George Molyneux - Keith Nichols Eight Bells - Capt.G. S. Dooley Blue Water Sailing - Valerie Watts Little Man, Big Ship - Capt. J. Ferrell Colton Fire At Sea - Capt. Ron Hart Case of the Missing Sandal - W. P. Shemmeld Frankston-On-Sea- G. M. Naug Voyage - A. Roland Jones Registration, Surveys and Tonnage of Ships 1786-1992 - J. Mills and K. Shewan Cruising Western Port - Harrow Morgan Letters From a Deck Hand on S.S. Thistleford - F. A. Bishop A Sheer Fanatic - Capt. Eric I. Messer The Final Voyage of R.R.S. John Briscoe - T. J. Boult Of Luggers, Pearls and Men - Lawrence Whyte A Sailor’s Life - G. A. Alcock Book Reviews - sailing ships, steamships, shipping, seafaring life, shiplovers' society of victoria, dog watch -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Journal (item) - Periodicals-Annual, Shiplovers' Society of Victoria, The Annual Dog Watch
This journal provides the reader with glimpses of the adventures and hardships of a seaman's life. Many of the stories are of sailing ships.Contributes to our knowledge of the importance of shipping and places on record those stories of the sea which would otherwise be lost.Contents Editorial - - 4 Australia -- 200 years - J. Myers - 7 A Very Short Passage - Lloyd Holmes - 14 Trinity House -- And its Working Yesterday, Today and Perhaps Tomorrow - G.M. Naug - 23 Scratching Won't Help - Ron Thiele - 29 The Voyage of Stracathro from Plymouth to Brisbane, 1882 - (Courtesy of Peter Browne) - 36 Visit of H.M.A. Neptune to Kiel - - 51 Lloyd's Register of Shipping - E.J. Fletcher B.Sc.MIE Aust. 53 Maritime Memories 1937 - Late Lartley R. Watson - 59 "Buckos" Were a Sorry Lot - W.P. Shemmeld - 61 The Sage of the Patria - Captain F. Serafini - 65 The Voyage of the Cornish Lugger Mystery - Mr. J. Mills - 68 We Came in a Freighter - Late Mrs. C.E. Bonwick - 73 I Wrote to you from the Titanic - G. Hogben - 75 Strathdon Apprenticeship - Late Captain C.D. Matheson R.D.RNR - 79 The Marine Society London - Lt. Cdr. R.M. Frampton, RN MNI FRSA - 85 Cruise of the Valkyrie - F. Wavell Urry - 93 Rotomahana - George Hogben - 103 Disturbing the Low Forms of Life - K. Shewan - 108 Book Reviews - - 110sailing ships, steamships, shipping, seafaring life, shiplovers' society of victoria, dog watch -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Print - Reproduction, Petition, The Photography Department (Jeremy Dillon), Captains' Petition, 2016
This is a reproduction of the original 1897 Captains' petition to build a Central Institute on the Yarra river. "To the Executive Committee of the Victorian Seamen's Mission, Melbourne. "Ladies and Gentleman, "We, the undersigned captains of several ships now lying at the Melbourne wharves think it most desirable that the Victorian Seamen's Mission, being the mission that has for so many years shown a most part their interest in the spiritual, moral, and social well-being of the seamen of all nationalities, shall him on the banks of the Yarra an institute such as that at Port Melbourne, where sailors of every grade could profitably and pleasantly spend their evenings. At almost every other seaport in the world such institutions are being provided for seamen, and we are satisfied from our opinion of the Melbourne public that the matter needs only to be prominently brought under their notice to be accomplished. We are confident that the good work of the mission is being hampered by its not having such a place near the shipping at the Melbourne wharves. Our crews are at present placed at a great dis advantage through not having an institute more convenient to the scene of their labours than that at Port Melbourne, which, on a very wet or a very hot, is not easily reached. If a site could be obtained immediately above the Gasworks but on the other side of Flinders street extension, that is to say, on the lower part of the land on which the Harbour Trust offices are built, it would be most convenient for the shipping on both the north and south side of the river. Trusting that it may be possible to do some thing to meet this long felt want, We suscribe ourselves, Yours respectfully, Geo.H Steven, master ship Dharwar; Thos. Curd, master ship Narcissus; James Horne, master ship Loch Garry; T.Tait, master ship Loch Ryan; T. Nilsen, master ship Hebe; G. Ch Christian, master ship Anna; R.E. Peasley, master ship Seminole; Wm. Martin, master ship Loch Ness; T.C. Martin, master ship Loch Tay; W.H. Bennett, master ship Loch Vennachar; J. Raglan Brodie, master s.s. Warrnambool; James E. Coles, master ship Mermerus; J. H. Walker, master ship Hinemoa; R.J. Johns, master ship Ariel; D. Gorchem (sic. Gerckens), master ship Matador; H. Petersen, master ship Nesaia; Wm. J. Reid, master s.s. Star of New Zealand; A. F. Svhanstrom, master ship Hermes; Alex. Smith, master ship Sophocles; W. Y. Bunn, master ship Carmanian; William Anderson, master ship Loch Katrine."Framed and mounted reproduction of Captains' petitionpetition, seamen's mission, yarra river, captains, victoria, melbourne, ships, australia-wharf, signatures, 717-flinders-street-docklands, maritime welfare services, mission to seafarers, mission to seamen, mermerus, captain coles, sir john coode, loch line, loch ness, loch gary, loch ryan, ss warrnambool, loch tay, loch vennachar, matador, nesaia, d. gerckens, h. petersen, a.f. svhanstrom, hermes, ariel, loch katrine, william anderson, dharwar, narcissus, hebe, anna, hinemoa, sophocles, carmanian, early origins, 2016, exhibitions -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1919
One of a collection of over 400 photographs in an album commenced in 1960 and presented to the Phillip Island & Westernport Historical Society by the Shire of Phillip IslandPhotograph of the Cowes Premiership Football Team of 1919. Back row: Dad Pretty, H T West, J Anderson, N McLardy, A McLardy, A P Smith, W McLardy, E Jenner, G Jenner, C Leeson. Middle row: Arthur Leeson, Harmon West, H Gulliver, A Brown, F Hatfield, W McFee, C Campbell. Front row: Fred Jenner, Leo Turnlivan, Bill Smith, Norman Leeson, Bert Smith, Fred Richardson.local history, photography, photographs, cowes football team 1919, black & white photograph, cowes football club, cowes football team premiers 1919, john jenner, bryant west -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1913
One of a collection of over 400 photographs in an album commenced in 1960 and presented to the Phillip Island & Westernport Historical Society by the Shire of Phillip IslandPhotograph of the members of the Cowes Gun Club in 1913 Back row: H Jenner, A Findlay, W Jenner, L McFee, P McFee, F Jenner, W. Wilson. Front row: D McKenzie, H Gulliver, G Jenner.local history, photography, cowes gun club members, black & white photograph, cowes gun club, john jenner, bryant west -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
One of a collection of over 400 photographs in an album commenced in 1960 and presented to the Phillip Island & Westernport Historical Society by the Shire of Phillip IslandPhotograph of the Ventnor Football Team Back row: E Jenner, ???, Clyde Jones, Rex Dixon, Allan Jenner, N McLardy, R Martin, Noel Cleeland, R Harris Front row: R Jenner, K McKindlay, R Grayden, F Dixon, Les Jones, Ray Jenner, G West, W Dixon, boy standing W Jones.local history, photography, ventnor football team, black & white photograph, sport, football, ventnor football club, john jenner, bryant west -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1920
One of a collection of over 400 photographs in an album commenced in 1960 and presented to the Phillip Island & Westernport Historical Society by the Shire of Phillip IslandPhotograph of a working bee on the Esplanade at Cowes - taken about 1920. Men in photograph are: A McLardy, Mr Collins, S Kennon, J Walton, S. Matthews, R Forrest, J Grayden, E Jenner, D Robb, H Jenner, W Walton, F Jenner, W McFee, T Leeson, W Ewen, B Smith, R Devall, A Brown, G Smith, H West and J Forrest.local history, photography, working bee at cowes, black & white photograph, the esplanade cowes, coastline., john jenner, bryant west -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Letter - Petition, October November 1897
This document reveals the way in which Mission to Seafarers grew in response to demand. With increased shipping to Australia for all purposes, the need for the then existing Mission to grow to be conveniently located and to accommodate seafarers became increasingly evident. This document also shows the formal nature of documents and petitions in the 1890s and documents the names of twenty-two contemporaneous ships and their respective captains. The Anna, Dharwar and Mermerus arrived in port at the end of July 1897. The Carmanina arrived on the 21 October 1897. The Loch Katrine, at the end of the list, arrived on 5 November 1897. The letter was published in the Argus, 22 December 1897: "APPEAL FOR SEAMEN. TO THE EDITOR OF THE ARGUS. Sir, I beg that in the interests of the Victorian Seamen's Mission you will be kind enough to publish the appended testimony of the ship masters who for many years have been trading to this port, and therefore have had many opportunities of judging the effects of his work. The mission has much need of monetary assistance, and, should any of your numenous leaders deem it worthy of support, the committee would feel most grateful for any help that may be given in this direction. It has been the pleasure of the committee as far as possible to supply the crews of all outward bound steamers and sailing vessels with literature for their use on the voyage. My former appeals through your columns for leading matter have always been liberally responded to, and I trust that should any of our booksellers have any surplus stock of periodicals, religious and secular, illustrated or otherwise, at the end of the year, they will kindly remember the Victorian Seamen's Mission and the sailors. Private individuals also who may have stacks of literature by them, if they would kindly send some to the Seamen's Institute, Beach street, Port Melbourne, would cause the cheering of many a dark and lonely hour in the seamen's life. From 900 to 1.200 parcels have hitherto been given to the sailors and firemen annually by this mission, and we should be extremely grateful to those who would place us in a position to continue such donations in the future. Yours, &c. , E. JAMES, Chaplain to the Mission. Seamen's Institute, Beach street, Port Melbourne, Dec. 10." -------------------------------------------------- "To the Executive Committee of the Victorian Seamen's Mission, Melbourne. "Ladies and Gentleman, "We, the undersigned captains of several ships now lying at the Melbourne wharves think it most desirable that the Victorian Seamen's Mission, being the mission that has for so many years shown a most part their interest in the spiritual, moral, and social well-being of the seamen of all nationalities, shall him on the banks of the Yarra an institute such as that at Port Melbourne, where sailors of every grade could profitably and pleasantly spend their evenings. At almost every other seaport in the world such institutions are being provided for seamen, and we are satisfied from our opinion of the Melbourne public that the matter needs only to be prominently brought under their notice to be accomplished. We are confident that the good work of the mission is being hampered by its not having such a place near the shipping at the Melbourne wharves. Our crews are at present placed at a great dis advantage through not having an institute more convenient to the scene of their labours than that at Port Melbourne, which, on a very wet or a very hot, is not easily reached. If a site could be obtained immediately above the Gasworks but on the other side of Flinders street extension, that is to say, on the lower part of the land on which the Harbour Trust offices are built, it would be most convenient for the shipping on both the north and south side of the river. Trusting that it may be possible to do some thing to meet this long felt want, We suscribe ourselves, Yours respectfully, Geo.H Steven, master ship Dharwar; Thos. Curd, master ship Narcissus; James Horne, master ship Loch Garry; T.Tait, master ship Loch Ryan; T. Nilsen, master ship Hebe; G. Ch Christian, master ship Anna; R.E. Peasley, master ship Seminole; Wm. Martin, master ship Loch Ness; T.C. Martin, master ship Loch Tay; W.H. Bennett, master ship Loch Vennachar; J. Raglan Brodie, master s.s. Warrnambool; James E. Coles, master ship Mermerus; J. H. Walker, master ship Hinemoa; R.J. Johns, master ship Ariel; D. Gorchem (sic. Gerckens), master ship Matador; H. Petersen, master ship Nesaia; Wm. J. Reid, master s.s. Star of New Zealand; A. F. Svhanstrom, master ship Hermes; Alex. Smith, master ship Sophocles; W. Y. Bunn, master ship Carmanian; William Anderson, master ship Loch Katrine."This petition is historically significant as it is documentary evidence of the need for a new facility for seafarers signed and presented by the captains of 21 ships, including several of the sister ships of the Loch Ard. The need for a new facility was a result of changes in shipping and the use of the Melbourne ports in the 1890's and this document supported the pressure on the Harbour offices to finally release land for an appropriate building in the early 20th C.Mounted hand-written petition to the Executive Committee of the Victorian Seaman's Mission Melbourne. The letter petitions the Executive Committee to create a facility on the wharves, "where sailors of every grade could profitably and pleasantly spend their evenings." This portion of the letter takes up three quarters of the document. The remainder has two lists, one of twelve captain's signatures and the other of the names of their ships. The list is continued on the reverse side with an additional nine signatures and corresponding ship names.In cursive handwriting: To The Executive Committee of the Victorian Seamans Mission', / Melbourne / Ladies and Gentlemen / we the undersigned captains....... We subscribe / ourselves respectfully, Captain signatures and names of ships ( NB Ship names in upper case for this entry ): Geo H. Stevens - DHARWAR / Thomas Curd - NARCISSUS; / James Horn - LOCH GARRY / T.Tait - LOCH RYAN ; / T.NIlsen - Hebe ; / G.C. Christians - ANNA ;/ R E Peasley - SEMIOLE ; / William Martin - LOCH NESS ; / T C Martin - LOCH TAY;/ W H Bennett - LOCH VENNUACHAR; / RJ Raglan Brodie - SS WARRNAMBOOL; ; / James E. Coles - MERMERUS; / ( signatures continue overleaf) J H Walker - HINEMORA ; / R J Johns - ARIEL; / D Gorchem - MATADOR; / H Petersen - NESAIA;/ William J Reid - STAR of N. ZELAND [sic] ; / TJ Sohanstrom - HERMES;/ Alex Smith - SOPHOCLES; / W Y Bunn - CARMANIAN;./ William Anderson - LOCH KATRINE;/ Handwritten in red ink on the front of the parchment: "8182" NB The second digit in the number sequence appears to have been written over and could also be a "9", an "8" or a "3". paper Watermark "HERCULES". Prior to conservation and taped to the glass on the reverse side of the parchment was a small piece of paper reading: "Letter written in 1897 and signed between the last week of October and the first week of November." T and C probably stands for Trade and Customs and 8382 is the file no." (H8.4 x W11.8)victoria, melbourne, ships, petition, australia-wharf, captains, signatures, 717-flinders-street-docklands, maritime welfare services, mission to seafarers, seamen's mission, mission to seamen, mermerus, captain coles, sir john coode, loch line, loch ness, loch gary, loch ryan, ss warrnambool, loch tay, loch vennachar, matador, nesaia, d. gerckens, h. petersen, a.f. svhanstrom, hermes, ariel, loch katrine, william anderson, dharwar, narcissus, hebe, anna, hinemoa, sophocles, carmanian, captains' petition -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph, Greensborough Football Club Premiers 1952, 1952_
... . P. Cordner (President) F. LeGassick G. Coventry G. Driver...) F. LeGassick G. Coventry G. Driver Front Row: D. Hall E ...A team photograph of the 1952 Australian Rules Football team from the Greensborough Football Club. Includes players and support staff. This photograph is a record of those involved with the club in a Premiership year 1952.Black and White photograph of the Greensborough Football Team 1952. Includes name of players and support team. Mounted on brown card. Greensborough Football Club. Premiers 1952. Team names: Standing at rear: H. Cockbill (Committee) J. Richards (Committee) E. Elliott (Vice President) J. Lawrence (Vice President) K. White (Committee) R. Tooth (Treasurer). Back row: L. Hall (Trainer) C. Cook (Trainer) R. Ormsby D. Wickes R. Sondemeyer D. Franklin G. Hughes A. Montfort W. Dodds H. Wasley(Goal umpire) Centre Row: W. Cecil (Secretary) R. Towler D. McDowell P. Adamson (Captain and Coach) Dr E. P. Cordner (President) F. LeGassick G. Coventry G. Driver Front Row: D. Hall E. White N. Brooks R. Sherriff E. McDowell J. Elygreensborough football club, premiers 1952 -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph, Greensborough Football Club et al, Greensborough Football Club. Under 17 Finalists 1964, 1964_
Team photograph, Greensborough Football Club Under 17 Finalists 1964. Caption on photo: Back row: F. West (team manager), M. Tobin (boundary); Third row: G. Ballard, W. Magalas, G. Henderson, D. Cotter, A. O'Neil, G .Lacey, T. Ellis; Second row: B. Moore, A. Burgan (vice capt.), F.Clark (coach), G. Carter (capt.), M. Davies, R. King, L. Browning, R. De Sauty; Front row: C. Montfort, A. Maurer, L. West, D. Dobie, P. Jamieson.This photograph is a record of the team - players and support staff - involved in the Under 17s in the 1964 season.Copy of group photograph of football team, players and support staff. Names in caption. greensborough football club, diamond valley football league -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph, Greensborough Football Club et al, Greensborough Football Club. Second Eighteen. Premiers 1961, 1961_
... .),J. Murphy (coach), F. Clarke (vice-capt.), G. Partington, N.... LeGassick (capt.),J. Murphy (coach), F. Clarke (vice-capt.), G ...Team photograph, Greensborough Football Club Second Eighteen, Premiers1961. Diamond Valley League. Caption: Front (L-R) G. Featherstone, L. Hughes, J. Hall, W. Connell, A. Cunningham; 2nd row (L-R) J. Richards, R. Dixon, F. LeGassick (capt.),J. Murphy (coach), F. Clarke (vice-capt.), G. Partington, N. Hyde, T. Tobin (timekeeper); 3rd row (L-R) R. LeGassick (boundary ump.), A. Gough (goal ump.), D. Ward (pres.), T. Elliott, M. Kimberley, B. Wasley, I. Foard, E. Poulter, I. Williams, G. Stoneham, J. McConchie, J. Mauer (trainer), R. LeGassick (manager), A. Cattach (trainer),; back row (L-R) G. Watson, K. Piert, G. Anthony, K. Frye, K. McGough, R. Thomas.This photograph is a record of the team - players and support staff - involved in the 1961 premiership season.Group photograph of football team, players and support staff. Photograph mounted on cardboard. greensborough football club, diamond valley football league -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photographs, Whittingham family Photos, 2014_
Photographs sourced by Rosie Bray from a descendant of the Whittingham family. a: Walter S Whittingham and wife Elsie (called Lily); b: Elsie and Eric Whittingham on wedding day; c: Whittingham family, not identified; d: Trinnie Di Giacomo (nee Whittingham) May 2014; e and f: Irene Taylor (Whittingham descendant); g: Ship "Ivanhoe" owned by Whittingham family (painting held by family member).Envelope containing 9 col. photographs of members of the Whittingham familywhittingham family -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Portland Social Amusement Club, n.d
The Portland Social Amusement Club was founded in 1897. Taken from Trove. Portland Guardian Monday May 26 1913: Portland Social Amusement Club. The members of the above Club celebrated the 16th anniversary of its foundation on Tuesday evening last, when the usual banquet. and social gathering was held. During the afternoon, a numerous band of the lady members attended at the, Free Library Hall and made the necessary arrangements, so that on arrival at the scene at 8 p.m. those attending were very pleasurably surprised to find most taste fully decorated tables actually groaning with the weight of all those good things which appeal so strongly, it is said, to the average man, and perhaps we may also add, woman also. At any rate, he would indeed be hard to please, who was not fully satisfied with all that was placed before him on that eventful evening. The attendance this year overtopped that of previous years, as over 80 ladies and gentlemen took part in what must be considered as one of the most successful of the many 'successful gatherings that have taken place. This 16th anniversary was the 431st ordinary gathering that had occurred, and, as the President (Mr. F. A.Row) justly said, it would appear that the Club, which many years ago was given but six months live, had proved the falsity of the attempted prophecy. After the principal business of the gathering had been transacted, the usual Club dinner speeches were made. The President gave "The King," which after being duly honored, was followed by the principal toast of the evening, "The day we celebrate." To Mr D. McDonald the toast of the Absent and Foundation members was entrusted, and as usual, that veteran discharged his duty well. II i cferred to the fact that of the 34 foundation members who started the Club in 1897,only five were present that evening. Mr W. T. Bennett, as one of the five referred to, responded, and hoped that in the glorious future that appeared before Portland, the Club, which had been started in the days of its adversity, would flourish in a like manner. Mr Grant proposed the toast of "Our Visitors." and in the name of the Club welcomed them to this the most important gathering of the year. Mr J. R. Woods responded in his usual happy way, and acknowledged that, until he had been the Club's guest during the years of his mayoralty of the town, he had no idea that it had enrolled among its members the number of ladies and gentlemen that it had or that its functions were upon the scale that he had since found to be the case. Mr G. H. .ennett upheld the claims of the ladies, especially those belonging to the Club. He evidently spoke with much feeling, and. waxed more than usually poetical in his eulogy of the graces and skill of the gentler sex. He rather upset the equilibrium of three of the younger portion of the gentlemen present by asking them to respond, but they all managed to "upstand" and make their acknowledgments. Mr T. F. Cruse was particularly happy in proposing the toast of. "The President and Members of Committee," who, he claimed, had done so much towards the success of the Club, and were deserving of the best that the members could give. Mr T. E. C. Henry, upon the invitation of the .President, responded,-end pointed out that [whilst it might appear that the work of the committee was light, it was not so in reality, as any member who desired a seat upon the Board would soon find out after.his or her election. The singing of Auld Lang Syne brought this portion of the entertainment to a close. In the dance which followed, some opportunity to view the ladies' dresses was afforded, and it could then be easily seen that the anniversary gathering of the Club was considered by the lady members at least, if not .by others, to be important enough to demand special treatment in the matter of dress. Many elaborate and beautiful costumes graced the scene, and everyone appeared to thoroughly enjoy themselves. The function was kept going merrily until about 2 a.m.; when the break up occurred. During the gathering telegrams of con gratulation were received from Mr W. B. Shevill and also from Mr Jno. Homers, both old members, the former a foundation one. Mr O'Donnell apologised for his own and Mrs O'Donnell's absence.Photograph of Portland Social Amusement Club -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - contact sheet of 12 local Portland prints, 1970s
... of E (d) Portland from Observatory Hill (e) Julia Street (f...) Julia Street (f) Gaol - Plans (g) Annie Clark's ladies school (h ...Sheet of 12 contact prints of rephotographed photographs: (a) Pioneers of Portland (b) The Thistle - story of (c) St. Stephens C of E (d) Portland from Observatory Hill (e) Julia Street (f) Gaol - Plans (g) Annie Clark's ladies school (h) View from Cape Bridgewater (i) Maretimo (j) Cape Bridgewater (k) Julia Street (l) Tasmanian InnFront: 3 x 5 each print Back: 3.5 x 5.5 -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph, Greensborough Primary School Gr2062 1952 Grade 1B, 1952_
A class photograph from 1952. This is Grade 1B, Greensborough State School. Caption on back lists children in photo as: Top row: (R-L) Hall, - , Fry, McKay, Mare, -, Adamson, - , Stubley, Resum, Anders, Spencer, - , -. 2nd row: Heather Kerrison, - , C Evans, - , - , Me (R Isaacs), J Molyneaux, L Johnston, J Hutchinson, G Watkins, B Black, A MacPherson, H Lancaster, F Sedgewick, B Windsor, - , - , J Kerrison, - , B Wittaker. 3rd row: L Allen, - , - , L Welsh, N Gibson, S Sharp, Barnes, Canute, B Hutchinson, K Monfort, G O'Conner, Edwards, - , R Bryant, K Macleod. [Please forward any corrections or additions to the Greensborough Historical Society via the website.]A named photo from Greensborough Primary School.Black and white school photograph.Caption on back of photo names some of the children.greensborough primary school, 1952, rosemary isaacs -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Functional object - Sinkers, n.d
... teardrop shaped, flat one side, curved the other f - torpedo shaped..., curved the other f - torpedo shaped g - round h - thimble shaped ...Eight various sized handmade lead fishing sinkers a - e teardrop shaped, flat one side, curved the other f - torpedo shaped g - round h - thimble shaped Some have metal hooks for threading on fishing line, others have hole drill through them -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photographs - Hand Coloured, various Portland landmarks, c. 1940
... Portland Lifeboat of 1859 f) Edward Henty memorial g) Panorama... 9200 a-g Folder containing Valentine's Snapshots - 8 hand ...Identification numbers 9200 a-g Folder containing Valentine's Snapshots - 8 hand-coloured photographs of Portland 9200 - folder grey green card, black print 9200 a-g a) Path in gardens, Portland b) Looking towards lighthouse, Portland c) View along beach, Portland d) Post office and Mac's Hotel e) The famous Portland Lifeboat of 1859 f) Edward Henty memorial g) Panorama of Portland -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Pamphlet - Pamphlets - Portland and surrounds, Victoria, n.d
Collection of pamphlets, information and maps for seven tourist tours of Portland and district. a. green Tour No. 1 Town of Portland b. pale yellow Tour No.2 Portland Harbour c. blue Tour No. 3 Scenic Drive d. gold Tour No. 4 Cobboboonee Forest e. yellow Tour No.5 Nelson, Glenelg River and caves f. pink Tour No. 6 Bridgewater Bay, Lakes, Blowholes g. orange Tour No. 7 Yambuk Lakes, Mt. ClayFront: 'VIVIAN' -handwritten, blue biro, top right -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photographs - Various Portland Landmarks Victoria, c. 1940
... Beach f) Botanic gardens g) The Harbour h) 'Burswood' the old... c) Henty beach d) Bentinck St e) Dutton Beach f) Botanic ...Identification numbers 9202 and 9203 a - h Valentine's snapshots - eight real photographs, Portland No. 1 a0 Julia St. b) Historic Lifeboat of 1854 c) Henty beach d) Bentinck St e) Dutton Beach f) Botanic gardens g) The Harbour h) 'Burswood' the old Henty Home -
Geelong RSL Sub Branch
Pay Book 119804 H G Humble, Mid 20th Century
This Pay Book belongs to 119804 Hubert G Humble who served with the RAAF? during WW2, as a Medical Orderly. This Pay Book (Continuation) was commenced 23 Oct 45 and ceased 02 July 1947.This is the original Pay Book (Continuation) of 119804 Hubert G Humble. A Thick Green Cover Pay Book (M/F 2(A) (continuation) with 24 paper pages of Pay History relating to 119804 Hubert G Humble.119804 Hubert G Humble served as a Medical Orderly with ? book, raaf, medical orderly, 119804 h g humble, ww2 -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - foreshore development, n.d
Port of Portland Authority ArchivesBack: P G 5 top right, blue biro. F Doog, top left, pencil.port of portland archives, k s anderson wharf, railway pier -
Geelong RSL Sub Branch
Documents - VX111423 Pte R G Fitz, Mid 20 Century
These three Books, AAB 83, AAb 87 and AAF F 204 have belonged to Pte R G Fitz. Pte Fitz is a Victorian, he enlisted on 02 August 1941, interestingly his discharge was from 153 Aust Port Craft Coy, RAE.VX111423 Pte R G Fitz enlisted in the AIF on 02 August 1941, the books are originals that belonged to Pte Fitz.AAB 83 Record of Service Book, AAB 87 Demolization Procedure Book, AAF F 204 Members Personal Equipment CardAll books - VX111423 Pte R G Fitzvx111423 r g fitz, aab 83, aab 87, aaf f 204 -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Packet of 11 photographs (originally 12, 1 missing) of Portland and surrounds - 'Beauty Spots in Australia' - Portland Vic, c. 1930
Packet of 11 photographs (originally 12, 1 missing) of Portland and surrounds. Identification numbers 5838 a-k a. Panorama of harbour b. Whalers Point c. Portland from Battery Point d. Piers and Battery Point e. The Harbour f. Looking to Whalers Point g. Blowholes, Cape Bridgewater h. Henty Beach j. 'Burswood' k. Bentinck StreetFront: 5838; 'Henty Homestead' - black biro -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Contact Print - Scenes of Portland, Victoria, 1970s
... Whalers Bluff (f) Fawthrop Lagoon (g) sailors (h) Post Office (i...) Railway line and Duttons (Nuns) Beach towards Whalers Bluff (f ...Sheet of 12 contact prints of rephotographed photographs: (a) 5 young women on dam wall (b) sailors (c) Bentinck Street, looking north from Post Office (d) Julia Street looking east from Percy Street (e) Railway line and Duttons (Nuns) Beach towards Whalers Bluff (f) Fawthrop Lagoon (g) sailors (h) Post Office (i) River, bush close to banks both sides (j) Botanic Gardens (k) Town and Port of Portland reproduced from III London News (l) North side, Julia Street looking west, Bank AustralasiaFront: (c) Bentinck Street approx. 1900 (d) Julia Street, portland Nicholls (h) Portland Post Officeportland scene, street scene, photography, portland harbour, portland seafront, julia street -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Contact Print - Portland, Victoria, 1970s
Sheet of 12 contact prints of rephotographed photographs: (a) Victoria Hotel, Percy Street (b) Horse-drawn dray, full of people (c) The 'Spit' from Observatory Hill (d) Builders Inn (e) C. Day Furniture warehouse (f) Steam train with 3 open carriages full of dignitaries (g) Percy Street, view from Henty Street (h) Lamb Inn, Percy Street (i) Bridgewater (j) Remains of Bridgewater Hotel (k) Richmond Hotel (l) Tasmanian Hotelportland, street scenes, contact prints -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Sheet of 12 contact prints - Various historic Portland buildings and Landmarks, c. 1970
... ) Construction of railway pier (d) Jackass Fern Gully (e) 'Kingsley' (f... 1900 (b) 'S.S. Eumeralla' (c) Construction of Railway Pier (f ...Sheet of 12 contact prints of rephotographed photographs. Measurements (a) (e)-(h) (j-i)(b) 3.7 x 55 x 3.7 Framed 5.2 x 44.5 x 4 (a) Looking south across beach at Dutton Way (b) S.S. 'Eumeralla' (c) Construction of railway pier (d) Jackass Fern Gully (e) 'Kingsley' (f) Portland Show (g) North side Julia Street looking west Bank of Australiasia (h) Henty Street looking east from Percy Street (i) Old Post Office (j) All Saints Catholic Church (k) View from Henty Street - old Town Hall (l) Opening 3rd BathsFront: (a) 'Dutton Way 1900 (b) 'S.S. Eumeralla' (c) Construction of Railway Pier (f) Portland Show (h) Henty Street, Portland (i) (B) -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Domestic object - Silver Candelabra, 1 Stem, NLT 1968
... Weedon S/Sgt H Ross Sgt R Arnott Sgt F Coucher Sgt G Camenzuli... Arnott Sgt F Coucher Sgt G Camenzuli, Sgt J Kinton Sgt J D ...Small, silver plated, single candle candelabra Presented to 4/19 PWLH Sgts Mess by the 1968 Mess Committee. WO2 K Alder WO2 R Jacobson WO2 H Leader WO2 V Smith WO2 D Weedon S/Sgt H Ross Sgt R Arnott Sgt F Coucher Sgt G Camenzuli, Sgt J Kinton Sgt J D Phillips BEM candelabra, mess property -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Domestic object - Silver Goblets
Set of 61 silver port goblets, straight bowl design, 38 nominally engravedJ Purcell R Veale J O'Connor J Shepherd A McNeilage C O'Dell P Lucas C Robinson P Fernleigh R Hermon C Brown D Castelow D Rivers A Jones A Krucers G K Smith J Alexander D Crane N Hunter J O'Reilly D Holloway J Leicester D Taylor D Nicholas F Lewis P Martin D Jones M Phillips J McFarlane D McAnintey A Filer L Evans S Gallagher M Stevenson P Wella C Stoylesmess silver, port goblet -
Ararat & District Historical Society (operating the Langi Morgala Museum)
Photograph, 1920s
This appears to be a photo of all or most of the Pupils and Staff of Ararat Church of England School, ca1920s. The names of all or most are written on the back of the photo.This is an early photo of the Ararat Church of England School. The date, and the names attached to or written on the back of the photo add to the signficance of the photo, making it of local significance.Black and white photograph mounted on cardboard. The photograph shows a group of 39 students in four rows and a man and woman standing to their left. They are in front of a brick building.Inscription: on back, both written in ink, and repeated on an affixed cardboard label. Church of England Grammar School 1920's./ Back row left to right L. Wright, H. Banfield, T. Butt, N. Gamson, R. Hodgetts,/ T. Webb, Mr T. C. Cochrane, Miss K. Webb, First row M. Webb, L. Robertson,/ J. McKay, T. Brown, E. Brown, B. Edwards, D. Hayman, I. Edwards/ Second Row - G. Foster, J.H. Webb, B. Hayman, E. Noltenius, Temple/ B. Richardson, I. Gibletr/ Front Row: F. Ramage, W. Owen, J. Dunn, J. Foster/ M. Hayman, L. Ford, B. Nolteniuseducation, 1920, school, teacher, church-of-england, pupil, ararat-church-of-england-school, ararat-school, ararat-education