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Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Opening of Kitty Rose wing, March 5, 1971
Katharine Rose with Mrs Delacombe and Sir Rohan Delacombe, Governor of Victoria, at the opening of the new wing at Mirridong, named in her honour.1 x black and white photograph of four peopleMrs Katharine Rose meets Lady Delacombe & Gov. of Victoria Sir Rohan Delacombe prior to opening of K. Rose Wing.association for the blind, mirridong home (bendigo), katharine (kitty) rose, sir rohan delacombe -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Opening of new wing at Mirridong, March 5, 1971
Sir Rohan Delacombe opens the new wing of Mirridong Nursing home, named in honour of long-time and tireless worker, Katharine Rose. Pictures show Sir Rohan meeting residents, addressing the crowd, unveiling the plaque, walking through the wing and signing the visitors book, accompanied by his wife, Mrs Delacombe, Katharine Rose and a man in military dress. The last image is of Katharine Rose addressing the crowd under the 'Mirridong Home for the Blind' sign.10 x Black and White photographs of people at the openingE.P Cameronassociation for the blind, mirridong home (bendigo), katharine (kitty) rose, sir rohan delacombe -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, March 5, 1971?
Street view of 1 ceremony held at Mirridong. No individuals are identified, however decorations and the large crowd indicate that it could be the opening of the centre or later extensions.1 x Black and White photograph of crowd outside MirridongBendigo 5123association for the blind, mirridong home (bendigo) -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Opening of the Katharine Rose wing at Mirridong, March 5, 1971
Images of bedrooms, dinning table and unnamed individuals on the day of the opening ceremony for the Katharine Rose wing.8 x black and white photographs of people at openingassociation for the blind, mirridong home (bendigo) -
Vision Australia
Work on paper - Image, 1978 Opening of Mirridong Day Craft, Recreation and Activities Centre, September 30, 1978
Katharine Rose and John Wilson look on as John Wicking officially opens the day centre at Mirridong.1 B/W photograph and 1 clipping of Annual Report of the same image6131 Mrs Kitty Rose & watch on as Mr M.J. Wicking officialy open day centre 30.9.78association for the blind, john wilson, john wicking, katharine (kitty) rose -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Ella Vicars-Foote, John Wilson and Kitty Rose at the opening of the Ella Vicars Foote Day Room at Mirridong, 1986
Ella Vicars-Foote, John Wilson and Kitty Rose at the opening of the Ella Vicars Foote Day Room at Mirridong.1 x B/W photograph and 1 x colour photographB/W - 62,57, 0755, 6, Page 3 Colour - Ella Vicars Foote & John Wilson & Kitty Rose at opening of Ella Vicars Foote Day Room, 1986association for the blind, ella vicars-foote, john wilson, mirridong home (bendigo), katharine (kitty) rose -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, James Thompson and Rachel Beer look at a display in the Katharine Rose wing at Mirridong, 2002
James Thompson and Rachel Beer look at a display in the Katharine Rose wing at Mirridong Nursing home.4 x colour photographs of man and woman Rose (2)james thompson, rachel beer, vision australia foundation, mirridong home (bendigo) -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Residents outside at Mirridong
Residents sit under sun umbrellas in the grounds of Mirridong. Date unknown, but possibly they are waiting for a parade as they face outwards, and flags of the world (with an Australian flag most predominant) are up as decorations on the building.1 x B/W photograph of Mirridong residentsassociation for the blind, mirridong home (bendigo) -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Vision Victoria week at Mirridong, 1989?
Images of people celebrating Vision Victoria week during May 1-7, 1989 at various events, or taking part in publicity shots to promote the week. School children receive Vision Victoria balloons from clowns at a carnival, a volunteer reads the Bendigo Advertiser to two Mirridong residents, a baby is held by a Mirridong resident whilst others look on, a game of chess is played, staff and residents enjoy a laugh in the gardens, plants are displayed and presentations are made.10 x black and white photographsassociation for the blind, mirridong home (bendigo) -
Vision Australia
Pamphlet - Text, White Cane Day information pamphlet
The Organising Committee for White Cane Day created a pamphlet (or booklet) of information on each of the organisations involved. These two versions represent the original and final versions of this document.2 x White Cane Day Organising Committee information leafletswhite cane day, advertising -
Vision Australia
Machine - Object, Matrix Braille writer, circa 1968
Black box containing a Matrix Braille writing machine, with a 24mm-wide paper spool attached to the feeding mechanism. Corner of box is hinged and lifts up to reveal keyboard. Top half of box lifts to reveal Braille writer which is bolted to a wooden base that can be lifted out. The base is secured with a metal latch. Machine has black Bakelite keys with rubber pads beneath make this a "silent" machine; wooden case has black leather-like covering, hinged lid, metal clasps, and leather handle on the side. "Model G, Matrix, Coventry Gauge & Tool Company, Ltd., No. 1183, For The Royal National Institute for the Blind, London W.I." is stamped on the front,Black vinyl-covered case containing black metal writer and paper spool"Model G, Matrix, Coventry Gauge & Tool Company, Ltd., No. 1183, For The Royal National Institute for the Blind, London W.I." is stamped on the front.braille equipment, royal national institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Machine - Object, Telesensory Systems, Versabraille PC2 brailler
Versabraille system is a self-contained braille information system for use with audio cassettes for reading and writing braille. The controls include an eject button, variable audio speed and volume sliders, braille control keys for writing, editing, and audio record/playback, a 20-character braille display with text advance bar, text backup key, text access keys for chapters, pages, paragraphs or words, a place indicator, an "add new chapter" key, and a pair of buttons with unknown function. The unit takes ordinary audio cassette tapes. On the back is a 24-contact IB/P connector, a pair of connectors of unknown function, and a power connector for the included 120V power adapter. Light brown coloured plastic square object with brown covering box and transformer with cord Versa Braille system Tele Sensory Systemsbraille equipment, equipment -
Vision Australia
Machine - Object, Epson, Epson portable computer, 1980-1989
The Epson HX-20 (also known as the HC-20) is generally regarded as the first laptop computer, announced in November 1981, although first sold widely in 1983. Hailed by Business Week magazine as the fourth revolution in personal computing, it is generally considered both the first notebook and handheld computer. The typist could hear the message and check that it was correct. Used by visually impaired people who could not read Braille. Talking typewriter with brown keys in brown plastic case'Keynote" on left hand equipment, assistive devices -
Vision Australia
Machine - Object, Grimme, Natalis & Co, Brunsviga adding machine, circa 1900
A 'Brunsviga' adding Machine used to educate people who were blind or vision impaired in arithmetic during in the early 1900s. The firm Grimme, Natalis & Co (GNC) was established in 1871 to build sewing machines and domestic appliances at Braunschweig (Brunswick) in Germany. In 1892 engineer Franz Trinks was instrumental in securing the manufacturing rights to the Odhner calculator patents. The first machines were built according to W.T. Odhner's 1890 design, and were distributed under the brand name "Brunsviga". Trinks continued to develop and refine the Brunsviga calculator over a period of almost 30 years. The brass rotor disks are 71mm in diameter, with the nine setting levers spaced on 9mm centres. The moving carriage has 10 places in the counter register and 18 in the accumulator, but the tens-carry mechanism only covers 10 of the 18 places. The carriage is positioned manually by releasing a latch and moving the assembly by hand to the required position. The registers are cleared by a full turn of the large wing nuts on either end. The mechanism is very basic, with no safety interlocks and no added features.Metal machine on wooden base.Brunsviga Patent Braunschweigoffice equipment and supplies, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Sidney Riley, Isaac Dickson
Isaac Dickson worked and guided the Queensland Blind, Deaf and Dumb Institution for 44 years, starting as a secretary in 1889 and rising to manager three years later in 1892.1 x torn out page from report (unnamed)Isaac Dickson Copy Sidney Riley Brisbaneisaac dickson, queensland blind, deaf and dumb institution -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, John Puttick accepts cheque from Brian Richards, September 1998
Queensland State Manager of AMP, Brian Richards, presents a cheque for the purchase of two woodworking machines to John Puttick, Chairman of the Board for Vision Queensland.3 x colour photographs of cheque presentationLeft AMP presenter with (right) Board Chairman John Puttick 9/98 "Insights Nov. 1998"vision qld, john puttick, brian richards -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Australian Organisation for Quality Award 2000 presented to Vision Queensland, November 2000
Managing Director of Vision Queensland, Peter Lynam (left) accepting the silver award for Quality presented by the Governor of Queensland, Major General Peter Arnison A.O.1 x colour photograph of men in suits holding an awardvision qld, peter lynam, peter arnison -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, QBIC workers on the Annerley Campus of Yeronga TAFE
A group of QBIC workers and administrative staff. This image was used in the book "Vision Queensland, QBIC and Queensland Industrial Institution: a history 1883-1998" by Basil Shaw. Left to Right: Back row: Lionel Hubon, John Reed, Alan Nemeth, Lindsay Arndt, Kevin Watts, Tom Chawner. Third row: Sam McCord, Colin Ingram, Diane King, Jenny Scown, Andrew Brown, Lloyd Miles, Michael Thorn. Second row: Kenny Rogers, Yvonne Lord, Joe Seeto, Duncan Collard, Richard Howell, Greg Bond, Mark Pelgrave, May Brown. Front row: Tom Rowe, Michael Bor, Vicki Waugh, Anne Van Bekkum, Cathie Dendrik, Barbara Harding, Anne Maree O'Connell.1 x col. photograph of peopleProperty of Sam McCord - please return 20 Enlarge to 2 col wideemployment, qbic industries, lionel hubon, john reed, alan nemeth, lindsay arndt, kevin watts, tom chawner, sam mccord, colin ingram, diane king, jenny scown, andrew brown, lloyd miles, michael thorn, kenny rogers, yvonne lord, joe seeto, duncan collard, richard howell, greg bond, mark pelgrave, may brown, tom rowe, michael bor, vicki waugh, anne van bekkum, cathie dendrik, barbara harding, anne-marie o'connell -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Man polishing dust off a car
A man wipes dust from a car under repair, somewhere in Queensland.1 x faded B/W photograph3 (circled)vision qld, employment -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Group of people holding flowers at function
A group of people hold flowers, possibly given as tokens of appreciation, at the end of a banquet in a function room. Photograph was found with other Vision Queensland images.1 x col. photograph of group, some holding flowersvision qld, volunteers -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, John Puttick and unidentified male outside stock exchange, 1996?
John Puttick stands in front of the Queensland Stock Exchange with another male.1 x B/W photograph of two men standing with hands claspedN96727 (11.11A)vision qld, john puttick -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Portraits of Peter Lynam and John Puttick, November 1996
Peter Lynam (Cheif Executive Officer) and John Puttick (Chairman of the Board) are two office bearers of the newly formed organisation Vision Queensland.3 x B/W photographs of John Puttick and Peter Lynamvision qld, peter lynam, john puttick -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Santo Santoro and John Puttick, 1 November, 1996
Queensland Minister for Employment, Training and Industrial Relations, Santo Santoro hands the keys of Vision Queensland to the first Chairman of the Board, John Puttick on November 1, 1996.1 x B/W photograph of two men shaking hands1. 2 col widthvision qld, john puttick, santo santoro -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Anna Blight visits Vision QLD
Anna Bligh, Queensland Minister for Disability Services, with a Vision Queensland client.1 x col. photograph of Anna Bligh and a Vision QLD personvision qld, anna bligh -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Portraits of men involved with Queensland Industrial Institute for the Blind
Four historical images of men important to the history of the Queensland Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution or the subsequent organisations it became.4 rows of B/W negativesqueensland industrial institute for the blind, queensland blind, deaf and dumb institution -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Broom making machine, July 1965?
Broom making machine at the Queensland Institute for the Blind. Image is also located at Queensland State Archives with creation attribute to Lands Dept.2 x black and white photographsqueensland institute for the blind, employment -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Queensland Blind Institution display at exhibition, 1962?
Part of a display by the Queensland Blind Institution (?) as part of a exhibition. Neither the full name of the organisation nor the exhibition are known, however a sign on the opposite wall reads "Government Exhibit 1962". Cane chairs, an ironing board cover, coat hangers, a cane cot and a cane screen are viewable to the far right of the image. The remaining view is of an empty space awaiting exhibitors.1 x B/W photograph of exhibition spaceC2-4138 Reproduced by Photo Section, Survey Office, Dept. Public Lands, QLD.queensland industrial institute for the blind, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Possible Queensland Institute for the Blind building
Side view of brick building, possibly a workshop for the Queensland Institute for the Blind. A 1920's car stands to the rear of the building, possibly loading or unloading people or items.1 x black and white photographqueensland institute for the blind, buildings -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Queensland Industrial Institute for the Blind cane workshop
Interior view of a building owned by Queensland Industrial Institute for the Blind, and used to store cane and make cane baskets. Several examples of partially finished product sit in each of the work areas used by individuals.1 x B/W photograph of cane area at QIIBqueensland industrial institute for the blind, employment -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Queensland Industrial Institute for the Blind workshop, May 1970?
Two images taken of two possibly different buildings. The first appears to be the workshop owned by Queensland Industrial Institute for the Blind, after restoration; and the other, given similar images at State Archives Queensland, a new dormitory/kitchen/laundry block.2 x B/W photographs of a brick double storey buildingqueensland industrial institute for the blind, buildings