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Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, Victorian Government, "Public Transport community consultative Committee - First Annual Report 1993/94", 1997 Annual Report", 1994
... , meetings, Consultation, major issues, public transport safety..., meetings, Consultation, major issues, public transport safety ....1 Full colour, A4 report printed on gloss paper, 16 pages, centre stapled titled "Public Transport community consultative Committee - First Annual Report 1993/94", reporting on the Victorian Public Transport Forum, Accessible Transport Consultative Council and the "W class tram implementation monitoring committee". Has a foreword by Alan Brown, provides membership of each Committee, meetings, Consultation, major issues, public transport safety, Upfield railway line, sponsorship of tram shelters and signage, Metcard, fares, public relations, on-train refreshment, First class fares, accessible travel, driver-only trains and trams. The W class committee look at the major issues, tram livery, advertising on the trams, deployment, storage and alternative uses for stored trams. .2 - Full colour, A4 report printed on gloss paper, 16 pages, centre stapled titled "Public Transport community consultative Committee - Annual Report 1997", reporting on the Victorian Public Transport Forum, Accessible Transport Consultative Council, City Circle tram promotion committee and public transport heritage advisory committee. Has forward from Robin Cooper, lists membership of every committee and gives detail of their work and project outcomes.trams, tramways, minister for transport, accessible transport, w class, advertisements, city circle, heritage -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Public Health, Lakes Post Newspaper, 1992
Black and white photograph of John Lawrence, Judy Clarke, Rhonda Galbally and Julie King at skillshare meeting Lakes Entrance Victoriapublic health -
Greensborough Historical Society
Programme - Leaflet, DVLC Semester 1 2010 Program, 2010_
... . Includes advertisement for initial public meeting for the formation ...Records the courses offered in early 2010.Record of training available at Diamond Valley Learning Centre in 2010. Includes advertisement for initial public meeting for the formation of the Greensborough Historical Society, Friday 19th March 2010A4, green, black and white brochure, 3 pages, doubled side printingBlue biro marks on last pagediamond valley learning centre, greensborough historical society, dvlc, lobbs kiosk, adult training, greensborough -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Audio - Audio Compact Cassette Tape, Harry Gilham, Audio Recording; Eltham Library History presented by Harry Gilham, 1994
The new Eltham Library was opened 22 May 1994 and celebrates its 30th anniversay in 2024. This audio recording, presented by Harry Gilham, President of Eltham District Historical Society at the time of the opening is a summarised history of the Eltham Library service to 1994. Eltham Library Service 1930s - 1994 Originally collated by Harry Gilham, President, Eltham District Historical Society Inc (1993-2009) (edited 2022) In the Eltham township area, in the early 1930s, library books for adults were available from E J Andrew's newsagency in Main Road. In the newsagency come haberdashery, some shelves were set aside for a lending library of adults' books. In 1935, Mr & Mrs JC Rains purchased the newsagency and continued the lending service until the late 1940s. At this time the business was extended from haberdashery to sell ladies' and men's clothing. The library section was discontinued. In the 1930s a mobile book library was also run by a Mr Foster of Bible Street, Eltham. In the 1950s adult books were available from racks in the foyer of the Eltham Shire Offices which was then located beside the Eltham Hall on the comer of Arthur Street and Main Road. In the early 1950s a referendum of ratepayers was called to seek public opinion on the issue of raising money for a public library for which the rates would have to be increased - the motion was defeated. On 11 November 1965 Eltham Shire Council, in conjunction with the City of Heidelberg and the Shire of Diamond Valley, met to form the Heidelberg Regional Library Service. Eltham was represented by Councillors Charis Pelling and John Lewis. The first library service for the Shire of Eltham from this group came in the shape of a bookmobile van which had, amongst others, a central stopover near the Shillinglaw trees outside the newly opened Shire offices at 895 Main Road, the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage and the former Shillinglaw farm. Present-day Wingrove Park was another stopover and the many recorded requests for this service can be read as denoting the areas of population or gathering points at that period throughout the Shire. 1968 saw the Shire convert the ‘Brinkkotter’ house in Dudley Street to house both adult and children's books. This library was originally staffed from the City of Heidelberg Library and records of committee meetings range from borrowing Heidelberg's old library shelving to trying to increase the Government's subsidy to a dollar for dollar basis. Book loans in the period 1966-67 totalled 30,400 and the following year ran to 52,113. With 2 books plus 1 paperback the limit per person, it was overcrowded and unable to house the range of other services which had become common library stock. Planning to extend the Shire Offices by the addition of the south wing was an opportunity to re-house the Shire's Library. The opening of the library in the extension was carried out on 17th August 1971 by the Hon R J Hamer ED, MP, Chief Secretary of Victoria. Cr Geoffrey Dreverman officiated as the Shire President. The Heidelberg Regional Library Service continued until September 1985 when it disbanded. On 21 November 1985 the Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service was established. At that time Eltham was represented by Councillors Mary Grant and Robert Manuell. By 1987, over-crowding of the Eltham Library and an inability to house the range of other services yet again rose to prominence. At a Council meeting held on 1 June 1987, the Councillors supported a resolution which threatened to close the library on 30 September 1987. Council's frustration arose from yet another re-run of the annual State Government versus Council Library funding and records show first arose in Eltham Council in 1967 with the Government of 1he day. After prolonged public anger and petitions the motion to close the library was rescinded in August 1987. Council, considering the community's concern, set up a ‘Library Review Working Party’ which a year later became the Library Occasional Committee with direct access to Council. This Committee investigated the workings of the 386 square metre library and found inadequate space for storage and display, lack of equipment, out-of-date furniture together with an increasing patronage which resulted in queues of borrowers becoming longer no matter when the library was open. Community consultation took the form of 1,000 questionnaires sent to users and non-users along with noticeboard reminders of what was planned. Council developed a strategy to set aside capital funds from 1988 on an annual basis so that preliminary planning and consultative expenses could be met, and construction could be completed early 1997. The Committee visited metropolitan libraries which were catering for a similar population as was projected for Eltham. Australia-wide Federal Government funding grants under the Local Capital Works Program became available from October 1992 for community projects endorsed by local Councils. The Eltham Council submitted a proposal, based on library findings and requirements accumulated by the Library Occasional Committee, to the Federal Grants Committee to build a new Eltham Library. The Federal Grants Committee supported the funding request allowing commencement of the library project three years earlier than planned. With finance finalised, the Council set up its Eltham Library Re-development Special Committee which was given the task of overseeing what could be the last major expansion of the Shire's Library Service as Eltham's population nears its projected maximum. The new library was designed by Gregory Burgess and Peter Ryan of Gregory Burgess Pty Ltd. Construction of the library commenced in 1993 and was officially opened May 22nd, 1994. The library building was designed to reflect its parkland setting. External features include: the roof which includes interesting aspects when viewed from Main Road; verandahs which provide ramp access and give a sheltered entrance to the building; walls which feature locally made mudbricks, conventional bricks and copper panels; and space for an outdoor courtyard/reading area which will be developed later. Internally there are several features. The building includes a foyer with a fireplace suitable for displays including artwork, a community multi-purpose room suitable for meetings or functions and an outdoor cafeteria. The ceilings are lined with Victorian Ash. The shapes for the ceiling give a free-flowing form to the building. Brush Box has been used for the circulation and information desks. The tree trunk columns are Grey lronbark from New South Wales. Arches and various-shaped windows add interest to the internal structure. The carpet design reflects the Eltham environment and compliments the natural colours and timbers used in the building. Tiles by artist Felix Bosari feature in the building and additional art by local artists added externally and internally to the building. Since 1994 the library has undergone a major extension to cater for children’s services and others. See also EDHS_02111Digital file only recorded from Audio Cassette tape on loan Converted to MP3 file; 11.1MB, 0:08:49eltham library, opening, harry gilham, harry gilham collection, 1994, audio cassette, audio recording -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Research Notes, Warren Doubleday, "Hawthorn Tramways Trust - minutes of meeting", Dec. 2015
... Trams tramways HTT Hawthorn Public Records Office Minutes ...Set of research notes of the Minute books of the Hawthorn Tramways Trust held in the Public Records Office of Victoria. Prepared by Warren Doubleday September to December 2015. Summarises the various meeting minutes in the two journals, hand written, inspection, finance and works committees of the HTT. Photocopied 33 A4 pages.trams, tramways, htt, hawthorn, public records office, minutes, meetings -
Vision Australia
Painting - Artwork, Portrait of Tilly Aston, 1990
Framed portrait of Tilly Aston who began the Association for the Advancement of the Blind, a forerunner to the Association for the Blind. It is part of a series of paintings commissioned by the AFB Board to commemorate the work of past presidents of the organisation. Tilly sits with one hand resting against a table, and the other in her lap. She is wearing a black collared dress with a white lace neck ruff held with an opal pin. Two medals (the Jubilee medal and Coronation medal) are pinned to the chest, each consisting of a red and white bowtie with a brass medallion. Tilly Aston was born in Carisbrook, Victoria, in 1873. When she was very young her parents noticed she was having problems with her vision. They took her to a doctor who diagnosed her with no sight in her right eye and the prognosis of loss of vision in the left eye. As a result of this she was totally blind by the age of 7. Despite this her parents endeavoured to give Tilly as many of life’s advantages that their limited means could supply. From an early age she was taught singing, music, poetry, arithmetic, encouraged to read and observe the natural world around her and be independent. At the age of 8 she was sent to the Asylum and School for the Blind (later called the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind). She excelled in a wide range of subjects and matriculated in 1889. With the help of a public fund was able to attend Melbourne University, being the first blind Australian to do so. Unfortunately the lack of Braille text books made it impossible for Tilly to continue her studies and she left in second year. Tilly was determined that other blind people would not have the same negative experience she had had. In 1894 she organised a meeting to form the Victorian Association of Braille Writers with the aim of producing and supplying Braille to blind Victorians. Braille was produced by trained volunteers with ? recruited in the first six month. Other rights and services for blind people remained very limited. In 1895 Tilly organised a meeting, which formed the Association for the Advancement of the Blind (now Vision Australia). The Association was instrumental in obtaining many benefits for blind people including a blind pension, voting rights and transport concessions. It also established the first nursing homes for blind people, at a time when many blind people were homeless and destitute. Tilly went on to be Australia’s first blind teacher. She was also a very talented musician, author of seven books and was very gifted at arts and crafts. She knew Esperanto and corresponded with people all around the world including Helen Keller. Tilly passed away on November 1st 1947. Her legacy continues through the work Vision Australia which provides services for thousands of blind Australians. A memorial bell dedicated to her is also situated in the King Domain Gardens. 1 art original in gold frameThe plaque at the base of the painting reads 'Miss Matilda (Tilly) A. Aston / President 1904, 1910, 1943 to 1947/ Association for Advancement of the Blind'. association for the advancement of the blind, association for the blind, tilly aston